Meta thread drama with a pinch of salt:
You dare print this laughable libel, staining the good name of the Lord Protector? What's next, giving a platform to religious persecution and claiming that Claumngor isn't a 'real' deity? I remember when we could expect hard-hitting and insightful journalism from the New AST Times, but this rag isn't worth the paper it isn't printed on!

But for real, good stuff, these articles are solid sodium supplements. Though Augustine's twenty and no longer a teenager, which definitely makes all the difference the world. Wonder if she'll write an autobiography if she survives to be imprisoned? The Woman in the Iron Mask has a nice ring to it. Doubly fitting, if she's incarcerated in a Bastille-equivalent.
But for real, good stuff, these articles are solid sodium supplements. Though Augustine's twenty and no longer a teenager, which definitely makes all the difference the world. Wonder if she'll write an autobiography if she survives to be imprisoned? The Woman in the Iron Mask has a nice ring to it. Doubly fitting, if she's incarcerated in a Bastille-equivalent.
She conquered the morons when she was eight and ruled for 12 years (we don't know if it has been full 12 years). She could still theoretically be 19 years old and thus teenager.

EDIT: Also the twelve years come when she said she felt the possibility of defeat. She could have conquered the Wall of Morons when she was eight but she probably needed some time before that and I doubt she felt fear after the subjugation.
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She conquered the morons when she was eight and ruled for 12 years (we don't know if it has been full 12 years). She could still theoretically be 19 years old and thus teenager.
Fair point, though this leads to the depressing thought that Hunger doesn't remember his birthday. He might've turned thirty without even realizing it; trivial facts like that would've been fed to the fire long before his name. I suppose he can celebrate his rebirth day? Counting from the Accursed's selection makes more sense then venerating any arbitrary milestone.
Fair point, though this leads to the depressing thought that Hunger doesn't remember his birthday. He might've turned thirty without even realizing it; trivial facts like that would've been fed to the fire long before his name. I suppose he can celebrate his rebirth day? Counting from the Accursed's selection makes more sense then venerating any arbitrary milestone.
Clearly, the memories of anime and video games were more important to him.
The reason why Hunger's 30th birthday wasn't celebrated was because we all know he's not gonna turn into a Wizard.

Couldn't say the same for Seram though.
The reason why Hunger's 30th birthday wasn't celebrated was because we all know he's not gonna turn into a Wizard.

Couldn't say the same for Seram though.
Much more likely to turn into a Sorcerer, if he ever gets around to crafting Graces. But hey, casting from Charisma's good for Hunger, it's one of his strongest stats.

...what would've happened in another decade when Augustine turned thirty, though? She's already an archmage. Nilfel should be thanking its lucky stars Hunger happened upon them.
Spells to strengthen her Legions in case his strength was not truly insurmountable. Spells to conjure attendants to observe and ambush any companions undefended. Spells of layered protection, to shield her from all manner of power and displace her beyond his reach. Spells of illusion and concealment. Spells of destruction and disjunction. Spells of influence and contamination targeting vectors beyond the spirit and mind. Spells to stretch the moment, thread of time spun clean from the aether. Spells of noxious poison. Spells of virulent flame. Spells of impossible color. Spells of malice undying.

This really does seem like the sort of thing you've expect out of a Diagram mage or some other Vancian-esque caster. Conjuration, Abjuration, Illusion, Evocation, Enchantment, Transmutation etc. We already know that our other potential Remittance companions have a level of relevance beyond their powers, would it be so odd for the same to hold for Prosselarch to be the same? Could that be where he comes in, a latent connection to the powers of the Builders?

Hmm. If we manage to spare her, could we potentially have her also research the signs in addition to Adorie? If she's only doing the imperialism to kill the Shard, I don't think she'd bother to contest Adorie's rule. And of course, she'd need to work off her debt to society somehow, probably through magical community service. And what greater service could there be than advancing our personal power?
The power of her father's blood was the abatement of all waning. The power of her mother's, was the very sorcery that once had raised the Walls of Myth. She was no trueblood, her awakened strength but a fraction of Adorie's potential, but some part of her was Foremost still, and no Interloper would stand against her vendetta, no matter how conveniently placed-

This is particularly worth noting. Just how great is Adorie's potential for even the powers of Augustine to be a mere fraction? Could having her as a companion be the true benefit of Tears? Considering Rihaku highlighted her EFB as one of particular strength, I think we should do our utmost to boost her social link until we unlock it, if only to see the accompanying sick blurb. If it's a Praxis buff of significant power, I'd be especially on board with it. While we haven't done much investing, what we have done benefits enormously from increased stamina. Seriously, imagine using the Refinement of Quickness to hit our enemy with an Artful Thorn or ten. What would even survive that?

Note: that was not a request for enemies capable of surviving that. Simmer down, Apocryphal.
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Honestly, I'm very glad we got this interlude, purely for the memes it's produced. Imagine if we'd killed the Lord Protector in such a way that we never learned about the 8-year-old girl that solo'd the entire kingdom of Nilfel. That would be a tragedy. Now, I've decided: I want Hunger to know about this too. No one should be unaware of this critical (and hilarious) information.

[X] Glimpse
[X] Shelter

The way I see it the con is not entirely a con, it might take us away from our companions, but it most assuredly grants a decent fight at our level. Plus Apocryphal is centered on us so we won't have to worry about Apocryphal sending things at our party.