safely converting one's self into a seal, thereby to reside halfway into the Realm of Forms!
On the other hand, Adorie might also become one of the people we delegate to in the future, since we are taking Tears(Adorie), wouldn't it be nice to get + relationship to get her on our side further![X] Hide Behind Gisena
This has the highest chance of improving the QOL of our polity and healing the scars left from our assault on the temple sets a precedent of doing well for the people when we can (When We/Our Party/The World aren't consequently suffering for them) along with + Mental Stability, which is a God Stat long term makes this a no-brainer for me!
Also, delegating responsibilities to trusted subordinates regularly is the most important skill/quality among among leaders of any field(from middle management to ruling) so doing it well is very important!
And the idea of gisena getting humbled makes me cackle, so even if it somehow fails it'll feel good!
[X] Priority Two
Not at all sure about the second part of the vote, and What Rains May Come makes sticking around Aobaru a very tempting prospect....
Choosing this for now, because while Letrizia's uneasiness with returning home most likely has to do with her (possible) betrayal, i want to know wtf is happening in the human realm.
It'll be much easier to conquer the Human Sphere with the systems of the Foremost at Aobaru's beck and call. Even limited access could yield overwhelming advantages; what if there's some way to control or disable enemy Armaments?
True, but losing our future freedoms (and therefore our ability to adapt our plans, a quality our Rulership Philosophy highlighted, and just enhanced by build vote choices) just does not appeal to me the same way as an almost Xanatos Gambit of;On the other hand, Adorie might also become one of the people we delegate to in the future, since we are taking Tears(Adorie), wouldn't it be nice to get + relationship to earn her loyalty?
Emperor is such an outdated title! Why not go for something like The Great and Eternal Helmsmen of the People's Democratic Republic of Human Sphere....It's worth considering the potential capabilities this might offer in the event of a war. While the Sovereignty seceded from the Empire and Aobaru actually believes in those ideals to an extent, I imagine reunification would be entirely possible if the new Emperor in question was his beloved and respected mentor, who did so much for him. Between a level of personal power capable of defeating Armaments and Adorie's ability to shelter our realms from the Apocryphal, we'd be able to focus entirely on whatever ludicrously powerful True Omega Finalised Secret Bonus Boss is lurking in the shadows. If there is none to be had, then we could instead focus entirely on exploring the secrets of the Foremost. If they ascended, the remnants of their ladder to heaven could be invaluable. If they were destroyed, that's a threat we should be seeking immediate intel on.
Are we really giving up our freedom though? We were already planning to do what she wants from us!True, but losing our future freedoms (and therefore our ability to adapt our plans, a quality our Rulership Philosophy highlighted, and just enhanced by build vote choices) just does not appeal to me the same way as an almost Xanatos Gambit of;
Gisena completely loses negotiations -> freedoms shackled but + Gisena Relation and Gisena humbled
Gisena has middeling results negotiating -> freedoms mostly shackled but polities improved + Gisena Relation and Gisena partially humbled.
Gisena wins negotiations -> Polities improved, freedoms mostly retained and + Gisena Relation.
We get something no matter what happens!
Cutting Through here is the only option that (at least partially) gives up negotiating. Into the Breach at least has (the chance)picks to compensate for a lower success chance!
What is the worth of a future ally's goodwill, that we would blindly agree to yet undefined terms and chain our future?
Not spending time negotiating so Decimator does less, depends on things we have no information about currently (how far away our targets could be, and how long it takes to scry a spot and get familiar it for our teleportation) So picking Cut Through for that is reasonable!
it's less our freedom, and more the terms like 'who get's what when the tyrant is dead?' and 'does the Realm owe us more for our services?' etc. which we give up on if we blindly give our word now!Are we really giving up our freedom though? We were already planning to do what she wants from us! are ultimately placing yourself at the mercy of their interpretation of your circumstances.
*The matter of trade, even if procrastinated upon, may still rear its head in the future...
Took awhile to notice, thanks for the correction!Edit: Hide behind Gisena also doesn't come with +mental stability and I don't think it's anymore healthy than Cut Through. Wouldn't it be nice to finally take an Cut Through option? It's been neglected for so long!
I don't like it. Among other things, we already have an empowering Pickless purchase option: All-Defeating Stance.[ ] Into the Breach - Some things are a King's responsibility alone. If he would shirk this negotiation, how well could those below him rely on his leadership when he administers not merely one Kingdom, but the entire Human Sphere? Undoubtedly the Princess is a formidable opponent in the social arena, but Hunger is no slouch himself. Note that due to the timing of this contest it will occur before Hunger has access to the Opalescent Tower or Tears of Winter EFBs, for obvious reasons. He is still guaranteed to acquire both Artifacts even if he 'loses' the negotiation. [+1 Arete for taking on the challenge]
*Unlike the other options, can generate picks and thus opens up an opportunity to purchase Once and Future, in theory.
*Adorie is a challenging opponent; though your interests are mutually aligned, Hunger would prefer maximum latitude of action and favorable trade terms for the Sovereignty while she would prefer to bind you strongly to her cause in exchange for her artifacts of legend.
I honestly do like this. Hunger requires conflict and adversity, but that doesn't mean literally all conflicts at all times. Also, taking cover behind Gisena is a nice change of pace when it happens.[ ] Hide Behind Gisena - It's entirely the purpose of a Princess Regent to handle negotiations that are below the attention of a figurehead King! Hunger is merely the mouthpiece for Gisena's policy implementations so it's only fair that she handles this matter as well. Besides, it'll give her a chance to crush her rival Princess beneath her heel... or perhaps give her a much-needed comeuppance. Whoever wins, Hunger can't lose! [+Gisena]
*Higher chances of victory. Success here could bring great wealth and quality of life improvements to the Sovereignty, and potentially open up ways for Sten's civ to regain their extended lifespans. Though Hunger does not always act it, he is still responsible for the lives of all these people. Can improve Government quality beyond Adequate, improve the effectiveness and Elite-production rate of Throne Agents, and overall make life much better for Hunger's subordinate polities.
*Having Gisena do the negotiations means Hunger will be less stressed out and/or mentally compromised and is thus free to regale Aobaru & co with tales of his adventures
*Takes the outcome out of your hands; defeat is still possible and mid-battle power-ups are unlikely (?)
*Is it wise to yield this matter to an adjutant, no matter how trusted, when the nature of Hunger's progression requires conflict and adversity for him to grow?
Tempting also. It's a good "cut through" option. And we can still take cover behind Gisena if trade negotiations happen.[ ] Cut Through - Just give Adorie what she wants - a binding commitment to liberate her nation and oppose the Lord Protector - in exchange for her Artifacts. Table the matter of trade negotiations until after victory has been achieved. While this will significantly reduce Hunger's potential scope of action in the future (as he will give his word), in some ways it can be considered only fair to match House Mirellyian's commitment with one of equal scope. They are giving you their ancestral fortress and crown jewels essentially for work you haven't yet done... [+Adorie]
*Saves time, but Hunger will have to give his word. He considers this an absolute commitment.
*Goodwill can lead to a more amenable ally than any amount of formal strictures, but some would say it's power built upon a foundation of sand. When you base your strength on the kindliness of allies rather than strictly articulated obligations, you are ultimately placing yourself at the mercy of their interpretation of your circumstances.
*The matter of trade, even if procrastinated upon, may still rear its head in the future...
What's Hunger's attitude towards Aobaru's mission?
NOT DYING gang approves![ ] Impart, then Depart - The role of a mentor comes with occupational hazards because the story must remove the mentor's protective influence. But a teacher that simply transmits wisdom and is not present for the hazards of one's journey is at much less narrative risk for death. Hunger will train Aobaru intensely so that he may fight his own battles. The boy is welcome to accompany him until his first major threats are dealt with, but then their paths must split. ++Aobaru Power
*Hunger will keep Aobaru with him long enough to deal with the Chains of Fate-summoned enemy
*You'll eventually lose access to Aobaru's buff, though you may regain it after Aobaru finishes his mission
*Low, if any, risk from Fate intervening to kill Hunger
*Though you'd still have to worry about the Apocryphal Curse regardless
*At least you'd minimize Aobaru's exposure to it
*After he succeeds, Aobaru would be a powerful ally and potentially in control (?) of the Voyaging Realm or large segments thereof. Maybe he could turn off the mage extraction filter, or introduce some exceptions?
That... is a fair point, but I'm not sure I like this one?[ ] Priority Two - Aobaru should be kept close to maintain his safety, but Hunger intends to return Letrizia to the Human Sphere ASAP, and it's almost certain that events in the Human Sphere will conspire to keep Hunger & Gisena there. Thus it is of utmost importance that some means of extracting magi from the Voyaging Realm be found... +Aobaru Power
*As he intends to defend Aobaru directly, Hunger will not spend as much time training him
*You'll retain access to Aobaru's buff for the foreseeable future
*Aobaru won't be able to complete his destiny without enormous degrees of power and skill anyway, something that's likely in the far future
*Not long ago he was still a child. He'll be happy to see the Human Sphere and the Empire from which his predecessors departed.
Yeah. Interesting issues here, not sure it's worth gambling against the Apocryphal Curse.[ ] The Long Voyage - Letrizia doesn't even want to return to the Human Sphere, so you might as well see this through ASAP. It'll be much easier to conquer the Human Sphere with the systems of the Foremost at Aobaru's beck and call. Even limited access could yield overwhelming advantages; what if there's some way to control or disable enemy Armaments? +Aobaru Power, +Aobaru Progression
*Committing to Aobaru's mentorship means Hunger will have a chance to confront and overcome the mistakes of his past, and his own feelings of resentment against Fate. +Mental Stability
*Those who were meant to protect him, failed, their promises unkept, the apellation of Chosen more curse than succor. It will not be so for this lad; for it is not capricious Fate that watches over him, but the scion of the Forebear himself, and he will see his charge defended no matter what rains may come. +What Rains May Come Advancement.
*Should you really neglect the Human Sphere this greatly?
*Fifty years is a long time for the Apocryphal Curse to wrest one province or another from Hunger's control. Maybe it would be wiser to deal with the Human Sphere as soon as possible, who knows how many technical violations the Curse could potentially force upon him, mandating a reset of the timer and future complications?
No. More. Recklessness.[ ] Procrastination - Just don't think about it right now. You've got more important matters to consider. [+3 Arete]
*It's free Arete, what could possibly be wrong with that?
*Even if it's a trap, you could use the power from that Arete to overcome it!
*Somewhat reckless, but eh
it's less our freedom, and more the terms like 'who get's what when the tyrant is dead?' and 'does the Realm owe us more for our services?' etc. which we give up on if we blindly give our word now!
And as seen under Cut Through, there could even be additional burdens placed:
We could even end up owing them for taking all their precious heirlooms (and their tower lol)! in that case, we could even be indentured to their service as her ally!
And wouldn't that be tragic...
Letrizia is a magi now too. Won't the Voyaging realm put up a fight to keep her too?Thus it is of utmost importance that some means of extracting magi from the Voyaging Realm be found