Arete can be exchanged for spells and artifacts.

Fanwork#2724 Words of Reaction

Nothing obscure about such a title for an update about how to rule. It is a bit of a shame that there were two updates between "Sovereign Jewel" and "On the Crown," though. Clearly a metaphor for how messages can get garbled over time. /s
Public opinion had shifted enormously in the wake of the Rotbeast's defeat. The powerlessness and apparent incompetence of the government stood in stark contrast with the single-handed valor of 'Lord Hunger,' who had ventured alone into the depths of the Rotbeast and put down that primeval monster for good. Many called for a re-organization of the Sovereignty at the highest levels, and the renunciation of such policies as the mandatory conscription of Elementalists.
As I've written before, I'm struggling to decide if this is an unfortunate degree of fickleness or not. Yes, Hunger is very cool. But the government didn't stand by and let their people get slaughtered, it was their army (+the party) who held the line and died for it, it was the government that presumably had some hand in their survival to this point, and it's a bit of a contradiction (well, not exactly, but the messages get mixed) to blame the Sovereignty leadership for not doing enough on one hand and having conscription on the other.

Not that I even disagree with the public; Hunger is amazing, and the upper class doesn't need my pity, so why should I complain? Perhaps it's unrealistic to hold other people to Hunger's standards, but isn't that an argument for making him king?

Aside from that, it's cool to see the +50% Rank bonus we got from being awesome reflected in the narrative. I'm sure that has something to do with the fervor.
"The people are effectively unanimous," Aobaru said quietly, eyes wide. "They sincerely want you to be their king."

Though there had certainly been misrule and corruption, Hunger empathized slightly with the current government. They had simply lacked the power to address their people's troubles, and Hunger had not. That was no accident of circumstance - they had strived relentlessly to reach their current heights - but neither was it some great moral or intellectual victory for himself and his party.
The people would be less pleased if they had any reason to believe Hunger was the slightest bit responsible for the attack, but not even Hunger can be sure of that. Even when Apo-chan is as blatant as this, she doesn't exactly leave proof mortals can follow.

But while Hunger and I agree that the former government has it rough, I think he's not giving himself and his friends enough credit either. It's not like they got strong for the Sovereignty or anything, idiot- but sticking your head into a robot and pulling Artful Thorn out as a desperate last-minute powerup to save as many lives as possible is a pretty fantastic moral victory.

The "insert head" was the opposite of an intellectual victory, though. If it's stupid and it works, it's still stupid and you were lucky. Except it was a nat 1, so not even that.
Hunger sighed and rubbed his eyes, while Letrizia gave him a commiserating back massage. "It's okay, Lord Hunger! As we say in the Empire, noblesse oblige! Elevating nobility to the position of sovereign occasionally is merely what's done around these parts."

"Oh really?" He scoffed. "And when was the last time that occurred?"

Letrizia hummed and paused the massage to tick off her fingers. "Hm... I suppose it was a couple minutes ago!"

"I'm glad you find this so amusing."
Hunger's so tired that he's hallucinating that his eye is back. Or he could be rubbing his eye socket, I guess there's no need to be that pedantic. :>

A peculiar use of noblesse oblige- sometimes the nobles must, out of the goodness of their own heart, take up the burden of royalty! That'd be the most rancid bullshit in the history of bulls, except it does in fact apply to Hunger's tsunpower in this situation.

Plus, Letrizia's sidestepping the fact that Hunger wasn't any kind of Sovereignty noble in the first place. Nobility may be remarkably polity-independent in the Human Sphere, but even then "former city lord (ceremonial) in another universe" is a heck of a stretch. Though, as a duchess's bodyguard- dammit, no wonder Aobaru was calling himself a squire. I don't normally consider Letrizia's title, but it's the first (or second, with the robot) thing anyone in the Sovereignty would notice about her. Yeah, if Hunger isn't a knight she could make him one whenever they felt like, probably.

The actual answer to her question was more likely centuries ago, I'm sure. At least for any major state- which this isn't, so fair enough. To say nothing of that dashingly handsome Ring-lord that overthrew that government just a few days- wait, no, wasn't that literally yesterday? Hunger moves fast, it's ridiculous.
Aeira tentatively gripped a stack of paper held against her chest. "Um- sir- If I may, I have a few suggestions as to the administration of this province, once you undergo your accession..."

"Don't I get a say in this?" Hunger grumbled.

"It's not like you want to be their king or anything, stupid!" Gisena sang cheerfully, sweeping by with, of all things, a duster in her hand.

"You did say you'd go with what the people want," Letrizia pointed out. "And this is what they want. Hail to the king!"
Aobaru got the most points for his job interview with is brashness, because Aeira was visibly nervous despite all her preparation, but with this display she's ahead in terms of displayed boldness. "Hey, I'm right here, why don't I change how this whole country is run?" Maybe my Queen Aeira jokes aren't quite so ridiculous, after all. I regret not making her a business major, we could probably dump this whole thing on her if she wasn't wasting her talent being a teenage assassin (lol).

Everyone is bullying Hunger, Aobaru is the only one who doesn't know how much of a pushover he is outside of srsbsns. And Gisena is "sweeping" by with a duster, didn't catch that on first read.

Hunger's all about that democracy, then they democratically decide that he's the king. Wait, that's illegal. "You're all individuals!" "Yes, we're all individuals!" "I'm not!"
"It's impossible for me to stay here and rule."

"They're well aware of that," Letrizia rejoined. "That's part of what makes them so willing to elevate you to that position! Vacant yet uncontested at the same time - who could challenge such a throne?"

"The dangers of supernatural charisma," Gisena tittered, laying a hand on Hunger's shoulder. "What'll it be, my Lord? Learn to say no or take up this burden upon yourself?"

"If they really only desire an absentee monarch," Hunger sighed, "I suppose it's an opportunity to do some actual good with the power we've gained."
Ah, now it comes out. The best king is one who isn't breathing down your neck- but they seem to want an "absolute" monarch when he isn't "absentee" to a degree, which is still odd for me. It'll definitely be useful as a deterrent to be able to wave the Hunger stick around. Do you really want to pick a fight with this guy? He stabbed a mountain range and it died.

Gisena continues to be good for Hunger's mental health. It's good for him to know that he doesn't have to do any of this, even if that knowledge doesn't actually change his behavior. Plus, it makes him look more heroic than it would otherwise, which is a benefit for the readers! I think Gisena might be getting a bit concerned about Hunger's work ethic, but that's alright. He needs the concern, especially with the implication that killing the Rotbeast wasn't enough "actual good" use of his power.
Letrizia cheered, pounding him enthusiastically on the back. "The seat of our sub-Empire rises! I'll make sure you have favorable trade terms with my fiefdoms. There are a couple of planets that would really benefit from even a few Elementalists!"
Letrizia, you're going to give me whiplash. Weren't you deliberately shoving away thoughts of home a short while ago? I suppose this kind of strategizing isn't emotionally the same at all. But even so, I haven't seen her in duchess mode. She's always so enthusiastic about whatever she's doing at the exact moment that all her other priorities seem to fade away. Is that what it means to be Sharpbright? Brightly focusing on a sharp area?

And still, like before, she's mostly joking but that means she's partially serious. Letrizia's scary, and if she wasn't playing with cool magic and in reliable company and relatively directionless I'm sure she'd be much more so. I want to see her rampage some time; I'm sure there's some significance to her compatibility with the Devouring Armament in that regard.
"We'll have to be careful that our reforms don't end up doing more harm than good," Hunger continued, "Especially with the populace so zealous. If we were to emigrate Elementalists on top of that, provoking the Voyaging Realm... Aeira, you've mentioned that your family are not the biggest fans of the current government. I trust you to give an objective evaluation. Is this mostly a matter of factional strife or is there truly considerable abuse of power in the current regime?"

Aeira considered carefully. "Certainly there is a great deal of corruption in the system, though I do not know if it rises to malfeasance on the level of, say, the Republic. But our education on the matter has likely been skewed. Our sources are mostly Imperial, and the Republic has long been embroiled in a rivalrous contention with their border Houses."
Aeira impresses me again- she didn't really answer the question, but that's because she couldn't. "Give objectivity pls." "Nah, I don't actually have any, ask again later." Rather than trusting her to be objective, it's more like trusting her to know when she isn't, and I appreciate that so much. Might have been a test on Hunger's part, come to think of it, because "not a fan" doesn't lead to "objectivity" as smoothly as he's implying.

But even with her lack of knowledge, a "great deal of corruption" is damning. King Hunger's gonna have to do some cleaning, it'll be a whirlwind of justice!

Juicy hints at Human Sphere politics too. That the Republic is fighting with "border Houses" and not the Empire fits with Letrizia's own scheming in this chapter- the Empire seems terribly disunited. All the better for us to conquer it, I say. And the Republic gets trashed as usual, but of course we haven't seen a single unbiased source yet. Surely the "Republic" can't be worse than the "Empire," my preconceptions say, no one could possibly lie in a name. Still, the level of disdain for the Republic seems almost farcical.
Nothing for it but to decide. He contemplated deeply for a moment.

"A constitutional monarchy," Hunger finally said. "With technical sovereignty in theory, but limited powers of appointment in practice. The main objective will be an overhaul of the current government structure emphasizing the elevation of officials that are both capable and well-meaning. We can skimp somewhat on the former as long as we prioritize the latter; at my current Rank I can permanently augment them with Blood enhancements. All of you will pitch in and assist with both the design and execution. We've only got a week and a half before the Decimator's Affliction returns, so we can budget no more than five days here."

"F-five days," Letrizia blanched. "To overhaul their entire apparatus of state? That's-"

"What the people want," Hunger said, eyebrows raised. "And we're going with what they want. Isn't that right, duchess?"
"Noooo you can't just reform an entire government in a week"

"Haha Hunger go brrrr"

Letrizia had all the pieces to figure out the timeline, meaning that she brought this on herself. Alternatively, she thought Hunger would take this slowly, with lots of breaks- but that's even more naive, she's been with him too long to think that! Go Beyond, plus ultra! :s

The people, most with relatively low political expertise, want this done now- nevermind that it isn't possible. It isn't the ideal that is wrong, it's reality! King Hunger is good at many things, especially giving people skewed expectations.

Hunger's basic plan is nothing new. Ennoble people, ennoble better people for better results. There's nothing about the specifics of making a constitution in this section, just that there is one. I wonder how much I should read in to that.
Afterwards, as Hunger retired to his room, Gisena dropped by with her newly completed Artifact. "This will make hunting for Decimator's mitigation much easier! You may praise me now."

"Truly you are a genius among geniuses," Hunger said dryly. "A star of grace come to earth and enlightening us by your presence. I simply don't know what we'd do without you."

"Ah~ wonderful!" Gisena fanned herself. "Praise me more!"

He took the Artifact from her to examine, a lens comprised of red quartz that could be placed before the eye. Already two figures were apparent on the display, potential targets with a high probability of replicating the phenomenon he'd tapped into against the pirate captain. Gisena had indicated that the first was most promising, a faraway tower woven from ancient magics that held some connection to his cloak of sky.
Having chosen to stay behind to constitutionalize and also travel to the more distant mitigation target, Gisena deserves every ounce of praise Hunger can give her. Congratulations, you just prevented megedeaths! I would like to repeat everything Hunger said, but without the sarcasm.

The completed Decimation Lens is- a lens. After all the autopsies she's been doing on guns and phones, its not what I'd expect. Where are the moving parts? Artifice is, of course, magic, but Plerion's Star Forges were- Ah. Of course Gisena made it blatantly magical in aesthetic, after being denied for so long. Who's the real Sorceress now, huh?

So the vote to go after the tower was Gisena's decision IC. Well, it's certainly possible that Hunger would've just rejected the advice in favor of fishing memes had the other vote won, but it's fun to see how the thread's decisions translate in the story. Apo-chan procing and killing a lot of people isn't the same as Hunger letting people die, since I care more about his behavior than the faceless masses per se.

And there's that "woven" word again. Or not again, for the first time. I'm from the future, you see, it gets confusing. But it implies that there's a way to "unweave" it that would waste less effort than bashing it. Pity that we're Cut Through man, heh.

I'm super keen to know what we can pilfer from the tower for our mantle, if anything. I might feel foolish if the connection is just "yeah, it's all under the same sky lol," but on the other hand that's the point of Triumphal Gleam. Sky powers are OP, really.
"How does it work?" He mused. That the Artifact was capable of interfacing with his Curse was no surprise - Gisena had always demonstrated keen insight into the nature of his afflictions - but he hadn't expected it to be capable of pulling such volumes of data from the world itself.

"It's connected to our Rings," Gisena explained brightly. "Among the lesser domains of my Ring is the Domain of Truth! Gathering a limited subset of data from our semi-immediate vicinity weighs against its ontological budget, but removing the Decimation's Affliction is absolutely a worthy cause!"

He smirked at the Azure. "Trying to escape our accusations of slacking? It's an ingenious design. I expected nothing less."
And now we see where the "moving parts" of this solid gem are hidden. It's just a monitor, and she googled 'where huntress moon target.' Some genius. :s

Seriously, though, it's good work. The Ring isn't as user-friendly as google. And rather than her Ring interfacing with the Curse directly, it seems like it'd be easier to interface with what's already hooked up to it; she presumably had to connect Azure to Crimson for them to know what qualities would satisfy Decimation. Or emphasize the connection, I guess, since it's already there, especially after the Call and the Response. I'm sure such a genius is already plotting to use that to further seduce Hunger; don't fall for her tricks!

And going back to the "monitor" joke, it's actually incredibly appropriate that her first project is largely just putting the pieces we already have available together with a small addition. It's not as ambitious as her later projects will be, but it's eminently practical. Not like her at all, some might say, but such restraint just means she deserves more praise.

I think it came up that the Lens didn't have upkeep when I was talking about possibly trading it away, but on reread it appears like it does. Sort of. But also that trading it away would have to be a scam, 'cause it'd be a waste of Azure's processing power. "Ontological budget," that is. Bit of a wooly phrase, especially here. I think it's a "how much stuff can I look at" budget rather than a "how much can I be," one, in the way that Praxis is. We didn't want to work it maximally hard.

The domains listed for Gisena were Artifice, Mind, and Time. Truth wasn't on the list. And we'd been assuming she still had access to Truth powers (or at least, that the Ring itself would), but it's good to see that bear out. It's the Ring's domain, Gisena says, so perhaps she doesn't have access to any Truth powers except indirectly? I'm especially curious because Hunger only has War, Passion, and Blood/Life in comparison to the wider spread of Azure's dominions. Is Azure an older, more experienced Ring? We did have the opportunity to pick up the dominion of Rule (from the other Ring, admittedly), so there's precedent for Rings growing just as their meaty counterparts more skillfully wield them.

Technobabble (well, it's actually comprehensible, so technotalk?) aside, I like how Hunger spoke directly to the Ring here. His human body and his Ring are occupied by the same personality, but it isn't the same for Gisena and Azure, and that deserves acknowledgement. Not that Azure would get lonely, but it's the principle of the matter.
"Naturally," Gisena feigned demureness. "But let's talk politics. Are you sure about this, hun? You've got a mission to follow and it doesn't involve this Sovereignty, charming as it may be!"

He nodded seriously. "If we can make things better for these people, then we should at least make the attempt. Their society has been structured around Rotspawn defense for nearly two decades now. I don't want to see this place collapse into a military junta when their armed forces try to reclaim political relevance. Imperial culture places a fairly high regard on martial valour, from what Letrizia has told me. Edifying in times of war, but in peacetime..."
Hunger is pure of heart, unlike us tainted voters who were more captivated by .5 Rank than morality. That aside, even with the disappointing roll for the constitution, getting some practice with setting up a government in a soft-conquered area should be beneficial for the longer mission! If our boss gets on us for slacking with the Geas task, that'll be the excuse we give him. Assuming he wouldn't be totally alright with "meh, I'll deal with it in a few centuries while I grind."

Is there ever real "peacetime" in the Voyaging Realm? The military shouldn't have to worry about their job security overmuch, but they might not know that. Hunger's prediction is plausible, but they could also rise above their issues without your help. Is an absentee king really more likely to be an improvement? Well, yes, because it's exactly what they were looking for- sometimes things are incredibly convenient like that, even without the winds of Fate behind him.
"This has been an odd turn of events," Gisena mused. "I'm surprised the powers that be allowed their official organs to broadcast such results! It's all but tantamount to treason."

"The groundswell of organic support put too much pressure on them," he said, "According to Aeira. I wonder if her family pulled some strings. They were previously discredited... but now their daughter is one of the only Elementalists confirmed to associate with our party. It wouldn't surprise me if some of their old contacts suddenly rediscovered their affection for her dynasty. Aeira herself seems earnest enough, but I don't know far to extend that trust..."
Gisena notices how suspiciously convenient everything is, too. It's always nice when the smartest kid in class has the same answer you do. But we have friends in high places, meme power, Rank, and a cool sword! Not everything is an Apocryphal proc.

And Hunger agrees with me that dropping Aeira's mysterious family in charge would be hasty! He only thinks that because we voted to make him think that, but shh, let me pretend.
"Always trying your hardest," Gisena said fondly, resting her head against his shoulder. "Cursebearers deserve vacations too!"

"If only we all got what we deserved," he deadpanned.

"Exactly!" She rejoined, eyes wide. "So much acclaim would come my way! Perhaps I should be Queen instead?"

"Aren't Sorceress queens the very stereotype of jealous evil? But if you want the job, I wouldn't be opposed. My strengths trend more towards matters military. Not everyone can be a truly all-encompassing genius."
It is becoming increasingly apparent that Hunger giving Gisena the Ring was in fact an engagement proposal and was accepted as such, they're sickeningly sweet together. It'll be a biiiiit awkward when we revive Catherine and the person in training, but we can't let awkwardness get in the way of doing it eventually- plus that's future Hunger's problem.

Because I went to math class, and I know that 1+1=2. If Hunger is the King, and Gisena is the Queen... somebody help me out here, I think there might be an implication. Nope, thought's gone now. It'd be nice to have a Gisena in charge of our new Kingdom, but we only have one of those and there are better uses for her talents. Plus she'd start cursing people apparently, as stereotypes demand, and we want less of those rather than more.

I suppose a Cursebearer should be in favor of people getting what they deserve, at least where effort is concerned. But depending on how you interpret that, I'm a little leery of the idea. Luckily, this interpretation seems to be "everyone deserves vacation," which is 100% okay.

But reality and the relentless drive for power disagree. Hunger can only take a vacation when we get Pillars and not a second before! And even then, it'll have to be a Hungercation to satisfy our insatiable need for picks, so Gisena will have to suffer for a while longer. Praise the Accursed that Hunger's hardcore and has +Will and the Blade and doesn't have to spend Will to get up every day like Seram, our playstyle would crash and burn and we'd get eaten by the Curse. Very gruesomely.
"Sorry!" Gisena chirped. "Flattering as the position would be, a genius knows never to take direct responsibility when she can instead deflect it onto others."

"How cruel, baiting me with false hope like that."

"Aren't you a master fisherman? For shame."

"I'm but an enthusiastic amateur. For a genius of your calibre to bully me is truly reprehensible."

She giggled. "My apologies! Let me make it up to you."

"Sure thing, I'll make you regent in my stead. You can do the hard work of vetting and selecting all our appointments."

"So long as it isn't Queen Regent. I'd hate to be a stereotype!"

"Princess Regent, then."

She batted her eyelashes at him. "How about Princess Consort?"

"How about another three Artifacts? We've Curses to be mitigating."

"Yes, your Majesty!"
Wait, it's all banter? Always has been.

Immediately after disavowing all responsibility, she totally accepts all the responsibility without the title, smh, how can you call yourself a genius? The keyword must be "can," she knows there's no escape from the Tyrant! Genius restored, you can see it by how she only implies that her boss is a wanker.

And Hunger is demanding as usual, demanding three artifacts worthy of his panoply as a dowry? Way to play hard to get.

You know the more I think about it... do you guys think Hunger and Gisena might be flirting? It's a bit out there, I know. Nevermind, it must just be that my shipping goggles were on.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Projectile on Aug 5, 2020 at 12:29 AM, finished with 25 posts and 8 votes.
[ ] A Compact of Kings - It's only natural that one Royal would support the claims of another! Seek out the Royalist Faction and see if they would be willing to part with the Opalescent Tower in exchange for their Princess' liberation. Outnumbered, outgunned, the majority of the population deceived and turned against them - reduced now to a fringe minority - but if the cliches of fable are truly the levers of history here, that simply means their eventual triumph is all but guaranteed!

*Starts the Royalist route. You may change routes when presented with data of sufficient import.
*Should not the House that first shepherded Miren to glory, and reigned in peace for centuries without number, rule rightfully in the city they founded?
*You may need to overcome certain trials in order to be accepted within the counsel of the Royalists. They have been largely driven into the shadows by the Lord Protector's power, and open support is rare even if rebellious sentiment festers in certain provinces.
*+Letrizia Relationship, +Aeira Power
This will probably end up being a lot more complicated and dangerous than the alternative, but I certainly would rather support the faction that is against military expansion... Plus, it gives a Relationship + with Letrizia which is really important given that we still need two more before we can get SJUC, which is super powerful and synergistic with our current build. I definitely think we should be aiming for SJUC after we get OaF and ADS. Look at it:
[ ] Super Juggernaut Undead Chimera - 25 Arete

Defining Advancement. If chosen, you may have no more than five Defining Advancements.

Super Juggernaut - The character may manifest an Armament Shroud even if they are not Rank 9+. His Pressure has no influence outside the Shroud. Within the radius of the Shroud, the character's effective Pressure is massively intensified, massively increasing the difficulty of opposition to him and allowing for the manifestation of character-unique effects.

If the character is already Rank 9+, halve the effects of Tiredness and Exhaustion on him and double his Shroud's effective radius and any numerical values in his Shroud effects. Manifesting a Shroud is taxing to the will.

Undead Chimera - Gain the memetic benefits of undeath without the penalties. Immune to most poisons and diseases, not hampered by the loss of most internal organs, no need to eat, breathe, drink or sleep. For each type of undead the character can be said to represent (no more than five), choose one Attribute to apply a +100% bonus to, or increase his current Rank by 10%. Attribute bonuses affect present and future levels. You may stack choices, but each consecutive stack reduces the value by half. Thus, choosing AGI twice yields +150% AGI, and choosing Rank twice yields +15% Rank.
More Rank (and Stats) and a Shroud which gives us massively intensified Pressure (plus some unique effects). It's really really good and we need ten relationship +s with Letrizia to get it.
[ ] Work From Within - The Lord Protector commands the near-absolute loyalty of the fearsome Nilfelian military. His influence pervades society on every level, from the (new) priesthood and landed aristocracy to the common man and woman on the street. With such a formidable grip on the Miren populace, this shadowy figure will be difficult to directly challenge, much less dislodge. But he is known as a reasonable man, and there is almost certainly something Hunger could offer him in exchange for the Tower's non-existence.

*Starts the Protectorate route. You may change routes when presented with data of sufficient import.
*A Royal family that grew out of touch with the desires of its populace was overthrown by a calculating demagogue. Such things happen, and not necessarily to a state's detriment. Why not take advantage while you can? You have other concerns, responsibilities in lands far from here.
*An overall more straightforward and less difficult path. All you have to do is gain an audience and offer the Lord Protector something worth more than the Tower. Efficient!
*+Aobaru Relationship, ++Aobaru Power
The easier if seemingly less moral path. ++Aobaru Power is very tempting, also...
[ ] The Martial Way - Hunger will pose as some form of mercenary or traveling vagabond whose craft is violence. With the Royalists heavily outgunned and the Protector's forces engaged in territorial expansion, there is high and present opportunity in Miren society for a strong sword-arm. Challenges are likely to be martial and potentially dangerous.

*Will yield picks from combat if the stakes are sufficiently high. High Experience gain.
*Learn more about the martial composition of the Realms of Myth
*Plays to Hunger's strengths, but companions (excluding Gisena) may find it hard to keep up, though Aobaru's buffs are always helpful.
*Letrizia can pilot Versch, of course! Though whether you'd want to use him in the open is uncertain, given that Hunger is considerably more powerful in a direct fight.
The most dangerous path, in which we can't hope for too much help from our companions, but play the most to Hunger's strengths and gives us the most Experience.
[ ] The Political Way - As the King of a territory with mages in great supply, Hunger has sufficient standing to simply introduce himself as the envoy of the Elixir Kingdom. While this may not guarantee anything like diplomatic immunity, it's likely to shift any challenges towards the social/political arena.

*Take advantage of Hunger's immense CHA and Gisena's adroit skill at social maneuver, though your enemies may be no less capable and experienced than in the Martial Way.
*Less personally risky to Hunger's life and safety. +Gisena.
*Letrizia and Aeira are more able to assist. Letrizia has experience acting as a noble, though less than would be expected for a high-ranking Lady of her age given her mecha-piloting profession, and Aeira is of course an expert in all fields of skullduggery!
Moves the field of battle to the social sphere, which is less dangerous than combat, where Hunger is certainly more than capable and our allies will be a great help, but we should beware the Doom of the Tyrant... Also, +Gisena.
[ ] The Esoteric Way - As Gisena said, even the very air is magic here. A Progression-type Cursebearer can flourish in any system and under any challenge. Why not put aside the Blade for a moment and take up the pen? Surely there are magical arts here which could synchronize well with Hunger's existing arsenal, and the services of a powerful magus are if anything even more valuable than those of a physical combatant.

*Hunger will need to design his training regimen such that he isn't handicapped by the Ring.
*Many powerful schools of magic exist in the Realms of Myth, though some (often the mightiest) suffer diminished functionality beyond its Walls.
*Highly versatile magics potentially up for study. You have 1 Arete for such purposes...
*Somewhat unfocused - Hunger has plenty of arts to pursue already, including the Grace Development and the Sword Praxis.
Spending all our Arete on new magics, which might work poorly outside the Realms, and for which we would need to figure out a workaround, for the disadvantage we have to riskless training because of our Ring, rather than using that Arete to get OaF seems like a terrible idea.

[X] Aabcehmu
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Spending all our Arete on new magics, which might work poorly outside the Realms, and for which we would need to figure out a workaround, for the disadvantage we have to riskless training because of our Ring, rather than using that Arete to get OaF seems like a terrible idea.
Ouch, my ~magic whoo~ bubble has been brutally popped already.

[X] A Compact of Kings
[X] The Martial Route
It's nice to see Gisena and Zea bonding and our daughteru protecting us from Aobaru's totally unfounded accusations.

[X] A Compact of Kings
[X] The Political Way

Even if the Tyrant doesn't turn out to be a bad guy and is simply preparing for some other catastrophe, we just have more to offer to the royalist faction since they'll be more desperate.

As for combat or political we've got superhuman cha that we just had to put a limiter on to use properly so we might as well take advantage of it and Zea and Gisena are strong in this area as well. We've also seen that Aeira makes for an effective spy and Aobaru is useful no matter the situation because of his buffs. So the political route lets the whole party contribute more effectively.

Even more importantly though the political route is less likely to get Hunger killed and most importantly of all it gives +Gisena!
[X] A Compact of Kings
[X] The Political Way

I really want SUJC to be unlocked. It is an easy way to Reach 10+. Esoteric is just a waste if the magic here does not scale well outside the walls

Even more importantly though the political route is less likely to get Hunger killed and most importantly of all it gives +Gisena!
Soon Gisena will have to kidnap Hunger to the bedroom if she is constantly denied. Even Apocryphal-chan will whistle at the display
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Also, a note: If we're able to pop Rune King while we're here, To Shatter Heaven will be applied to probably almost any magic we pick up, and IIRC TSH gives a +400% growth speed bonus and helps sustain magic systems beyond localities and metaphysics they are ostensibly limited to.
As for combat or political we've got superhuman cha that we just had to put a limiter on to use properly so we might as well take advantage of it and Zea and Gisena are strong in this area as well. We've also seen that Aeira makes for an effective spy and Aobaru is useful no matter the situation because of his buffs.

Those buffs are only useful when physical Attributes matter..

I really want SUJC to be unlocked. It is an easy way to Reach 10+. Esoteric is just a waste if the magic here does not scale well outside the walls

Or perhaps the magic is simply too powerful to be released from the domain of the Walls! If so, then even outside it could be a tremendous boon.
[X] A Compact of Kings
[X] The Political Way

I think people can forgive a little bit of tyrant tendency if they know you have higher status than them.
There's something to be said for displaying the areas of Hunger's greatest strength (martial prowess or the ability wield powerful magics) in order to secure his worth as a ally, before looking for political alliances...
What a complicated situation, and our Arete generation has been lagging gravely to booth. While I would love to pursue magics, it's not compatible with our build and likely Arete heavy. A trial in compact of Kings sounds like a good sefeish way to generate a pick, and it would be quite helpful if we could generate the 5 arete that we need! 3 days to generate it sounds reasonable, and as long as we get at least 1 pick, likely serves as a insta-win in our current situation.

Will try to generate something tomorrow.

[X] A Compact of Kings
[X] The Martial Route
So this is a hard one for me to choose which path I want to follow so preliminary thoughts first.

[ ] A Compact of Kings
Support the Royalist, the traditional rulers of Nifel and gain their support. A harder path I presume due to the fact that the majority of the populace and the military is under the control and follows the Lord Protector. Pitting us against the people in power when we don't even know what they can offer and what the heights of power the opposition possess is kinda dicy. To gain the trust of such desperate and maligned faction is going to be hard and they might suspect us of subterfuge.

On the other hand they where in power before and probably has more knowledge about the potential secrets of this place from hidden caches of artifacts, magics the royals where only supposed to use and possibly outdated intel. Seeing us in action, especially providing evidence of our absurd growth rate and considerable power, possibly on par with some of the enemies' champions, might lead to them investing their remaining hopes and thus their best assets to us.

[ ] Work From Within
Work for the seemingly benevolent conqueror of the a new burgeoning empire and offer our services in exchange of demolishing a symbolic but relatively useless tower and relocating the imprisoned princess. The easier path now that we are not trying to take the current establishment. They may harbor imperialistic dreams but its focused inwards the Walls of Myth and besides, their magic loses power outside of it so we don't have to worry about our own Elixir Sovereignity. And a powerful ally that can help us not only on a personal scale but on a national one besides is good even if they are very far away. We will also no longer need to hide and can just present ourselves and work through legal measures to ensure no unwanted complications happen due to our actions with the tower.

But the problem here is the negotiation. Would you want to help this complete stranger obtain more power and overtake you to threaten all that you have built? Wouldn't it be more profitable to bind him under your command and turn him to a loyal follower? The way we know nothing about his power is bad too. What if he is a Ringbearer? What if he is one of the few who possesses the necessary social skills to dominate us and Gisena?

Power up along the way of completing our objectives. While I doubt we are going to be getting 3 picks from this, we do get multiple 1-2 choices and get us an assured pick for the Once and Future. Working and socializing with their military (I assume) is going to get us access to combat magics along the way too! But our companions are mostly going to be useless aside from Letrizia/Verschelgorge and mayble Aobaru. They can't safely train againsts the opponents we are expected to face. What are mooks to us may as well be bosses to them. Still, this is one of the simplest routes to gain an audience. We can even gain more Charisma now to blast them in the inevitable social battle if we want!

[ ] The Political Way
Finally leverage our social skills. Remember that we have one of the highest amount of Charisma in the Voyaging Realm and combine that with Gisena's slightly lower one and superhuman Manipulation and Appearance, can even the socially adroit Lord Protector survive with his priorities intact when tag teamed by them both? Leveraging Aeira's element and Letrizia's noble upbringing to gather more intel to find out what going on behind the scenes and between the higher classes is beneficial for preparing either to switch tracks or a countermeasure in case of any form of treachery.

[ ] The Esoteric Way
While I would normally prefer this because it offers magic, its unfocused on what it wants and how its going to get us an audience. Maybe make a name for ourselves as a passingby genius in magics? Regardless, the point of this vote is to spend time gathering new powers and magics not only for Hunger but possibly our other companions as well. We may spend precious time before the Hunger Sated expires powering up, gathering intel but not on any effort to acquire a meeting with our chosen faction. We may go over the time limit and let the Decimator start up again or ignore them in favor of coming back to the Direct Approach option to prevent us draining their lives. Overall a weak option because we can still gain some form of magic either while doing the other options and working towards an audience or after we are not hounded by the threat of leeching life force of those around us.
[X] A Compact of Kings
[X] The Political Way

We just had a big discussion about Hunger's crazy-ass charisma; let's use it. I also like the idea of keeping the other party members relevant to the plan.
A Progression-type Cursebearer can flourish in any system and under any challenge. Why not put aside the Blade for a moment and take up the pen? Surely there are magical arts here which could synchronize well with Hunger's existing arsenal, and the services of a powerful magus are if anything even more valuable than those of a physical combatant.

I see mage I vote mage.

[X] The Esoteric Way

It is sleep time so I will do arguments tomorrow.
Note: I am currently on page 289 so whatever is happening to Hunger right now has nothing to do with what I am about to say.

A N G E R.

I've never read thru a full Rihaku from start to finish except maybe most of the original bleach quest and skimming some of the others a long time ago...but I can say without a doubt that y'all really seem to trend toward ALL KILL NO BACKSIES options and it's both funny and infuriating for me because I want to argue but I can't keep up with the pace these threads go so I usually just lurk.

Anyways if I catch up to the rest of the thread someday I will be voting and I will have
A R G U E M E N T S.

Hope things are going well whatever is happening at the moment lol.

Edit: And by every vote I mean EVERY RIHAKU QUEST VOTE lmao. Like I dunno how to say it except that these quests are like a guilty pleasure. I legit read them until I can't handle the back and forth arguments and then switch to like a book or something.

10/10 love it
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Edit: sorry formalAI, i forgot i had quoted you.

Note: I am currently on page 289 so whatever is happening to Hunger right now has nothing to do with what I am about to say.

A N G E R.

I've never read thru a full Rihaku from start to finish except maybe most of the original bleach quest and skimming some of the others a long time ago...but I can say without a doubt that y'all really seem to trend toward ALL KILL NO BACKSIES options and it's both funny and infuriating for me because I want to argue but I can't keep up with the pace these threads go so I usually just lurk.

Anyways if I catch up to the rest of the thread someday I will be voting and I will have
A R G U E M E N T S.

Hope things are going well whatever is happening at the moment lol.
it is permissible to start with the Reader-mode to catch up to the current state of debate. (Though you will not get nearly as much congratulation from other posters if you take this shortcut.)
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Edit: sorry formalAI, i forgot i had quoted you.

it is permissible to start with the Reader-mode to catch up to the current state of debate. (Though you will not get nearly as much congratulation from other posters if you take this shortcut.)

That's what I did. And now I'll change the future for Hunger by repping FISH Gang 🎣
Anyway guys, remember that there are always at least two factors to any potential alliance: how you present yourself, and what you bring to the table. Hunger and Gisena have the former locked down, but the latter may be a problem unless you can demonstrate your strength! Be it physical, magical, economical or otherwise, a trade requires something for you to offer, ideally something unique if you want to bargain for the Tower's destruction instead of just seizing the day!

Work for the seemingly benevolent conqueror of the a new burgeoning empire and offer our services in exchange of demolishing a symbolic but relatively useless tower and relocating the imprisoned princess. The easier path now that we are not trying to take the current establishment. They may harbor imperialistic dreams but its focused inwards the Walls of Myth and besides, their magic loses power outside of it so we don't have to worry about our own Elixir Sovereignity.

It's entirely possible that even with the post-Walls nerfs the magics in question are more than powerful enough to threaten the Sovereingty! Now as to whether they'd bother actually doing so - that's another question!

Note: I am currently on page 289 so whatever is happening to Hunger right now has nothing to do with what I am about to say.

A N G E R.

I've never read thru a full Rihaku from start to finish except maybe most of the original bleach quest and skimming some of the others a long time ago...but I can say without a doubt that y'all really seem to trend toward ALL KILL NO BACKSIES options and it's both funny and infuriating for me because I want to argue but I can't keep up with the pace these threads go so I usually just lurk.

Anyways if I catch up to the rest of the thread someday I will be voting and I will have
A R G U E M E N T S.

Hope things are going well whatever is happening at the moment lol.

Interesting! I've never had the patience to read through archival threads in their entirety myself, though live threads are a different story! Good luck and happy reading.

Edit: sorry formalAI, i forgot i had quoted you.

SJUC may or may not be overwhelmingly powerful in your current context, but you don't even have the Arete for Once and Future yet! Best not to count your chickens before they're hatched and all that.