In that case why give them uniforms at all? Just give them shiny badges. Everyone loves shiny things.
Giving lower-ranking Agents a uniform helps give the Agents in general a sort of recognizable look that helps give them legitimacy, while allowing high-ranking Agents to customize their uniforms helps give them a more distinct look, allowing them to accrue Rank more effectively.
If Throne agents win, what should their uniforms be?
Well, that's easy, let me just check the vote co- oh wow that sure is a powerful green. Nope.

Hm. Hunger's crown is restrained ("lame!" -Gisena), so the Crown's Agents should follow that. At least in design, 'cause uniforms are supposed to be visible.

Beyond that, I'm a basketball shorts kind of guy, my fashion level is in the negatives. :s

But, uh. What do Agents... do? Other than "violence, potentially" and whatever Hunger wants? That seems kind of important. I'd put a firefighting Surgecrafter in a firefighter uniform with the royal seal on it, really, rather than a specific Agent thing.

Alternatively, since Surgecrafting is so individual, the uniform (multiform?) should just be superhero costumes.
I support these tactics

Proposal: Reckoners all wear an eyepatch instead of a badge

Yes. The eyepatches could be specially designed to be see through so there aren't any sight issues. And they could have Hungers insignia sewn onto them as well... wait does Hunger have an insignia? He used to be a hero/noble so I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
Nooo, Reckoners is too derivative and aggressive and it's not worth it for the joke. Also not worth the joke: Higher Elementalists, that's a good way to piss people off but the idea amuses me.

Something about supporting... something about Elixir... essential? Springs, spring, elementalists are young, new season. Damn, can't call them blossoms, despite my train of thought leading right there. Thorns are edgier and have the half-pun, but we didn't actually grab Stranglethorn yet- that only matters OoC, though. Stars? Bit simple, but maybe. The Stars of the Throne, to bring up old salt, heh.

Also the eyepatches won't be as cool once Hunger heals his. Go with a star theme instead in honor of the Evening Sky. (Apparently I have opinions on this. Constitution? I sleep. Fashion? I wake.)
It's well-documented that, after waifu votes, fashion votes are some of the most popular in all of questing.
So proposal - every starter Agent get some basic uniform.

As they grow they enhance their senses with some technology but at the same time hinder it.
They enhance one of their eyes but also wear an eyepatch above it.
Enhance their hearing, but constantly wear headphones and listen to loud music (genre chosen by Agent)
They wear boots for sneaking but wear multiple bells that make sounds when they move.

This is to emulate Lord Hunger's Curse of Anti-Synergy
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Projectile on Aug 2, 2020 at 3:02 AM, finished with 359 posts and 55 votes.
My vote is still for sale. I'm currently double voting for Halo and Honing. Me switching to Veil would make it the new leader.
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Here's the issue with vote trading: We don't get arete for all these deals afaik, and it severely curtails at least my desire to bother trying to argue when people are blatantly just after vote markers.

So we're crippling ourselves for... what, exactly? Greed that maybe one day you'll be able to use the marker to win a vote you care about?
Here's the issue with vote trading: We don't get arete for all these deals afaik, and it severely curtails at least my desire to bother trying to argue when people are blatantly just after vote markers.

So we're crippling ourselves for... what, exactly? Greed that maybe one day you'll be able to use the marker to win a vote you care about?
Vote trading discussion generates discussion modifier, just like everything else. Plus, producing fanworks increases your omakepower, which makes your markers more valuable.
Interesting that the two leading options represent such diametrically opposed philosophies. People really took the devil's advocacy to heart, huh? Honing is a fine option too, you know. Not as fine as it would've been if we had Threefold Wits to convert into combat-specific Int, but still quite solid, Agility's good for us. If we pick up every shiny on the road to Once and Future it and the associated Forebear lore will recede forever into the distance, a carrot dangling just beyond Hunger's reach.

But between the Vanquisher's Halo and Skyveil? It isn't even a question. The Veil provides +5 Protection, but consider that the Halo's +5 Charisma also increases Protection. Thanks, Vigor Incarnate! What an amazingly efficient advancement you are, isn't it great when we can straightforwardly improve the value of a stat, now and for all future increases? And here we are, being offered the same deal again. Strength's even better than Protection since it improves the Power of Ruin, soon to be a Keystone of our build once we pick up All-Defeating. Removing Uttermost's malus is effectively a 30% efficiency boost to Charisma, but aesthetically more pleasing because we're excising a tumor of inefficiency from our build, paring away a weakness on Hunger's character sheet.

But ultimately, this comes down to one thing: I would rather confront problems caused by being too strong, than ones caused by a lack of strength. That's true both socially and physically; we shouldn't discount the risk we chose to undertake just because of recent successes. We're walking into danger, and the Vanquisher Halo is just... flat-out better than Skyveil in battle, full-stop. There's basically no way to argue otherwise, the only thing Skyveil has an edge in is Agility, but the massive Power of Ruin increase and social offense more than outweighs it. Vanquishing is literally in its name! There are some merits to enabling a stealthy approach, but recall that Hunger has already committed to not doing that; Tower Itself won, he's going to be making straight for the Tyrant's lair in hopes of avoiding Decimation uptime after tarrying in the Sovereignty. Also, our task is to topple the Tower. Maximizing the of Power of Ruin would be invaluable for such an endeavor.

Besides, don't you guys want to keep pace with Gisena in the Charisma arms race? Teasing is a two-way street, or at least it should be!
I would rather Hunger be able to properly chat with Aobaru, Aeira and people who don't have sky high charisma and protection rather than focusing on Gisena..

Edit: it's not like we won't be able to increase our Charisma to her level, Skyviel just gives us the ability to control our Charisma. Not having control of one of our main tools is distasteful.

And, if we are going to spend arete here, might as well do it on an option that doesn't solely focus on making Hunger an social and combat beatstick, we will be going into Human Sphere relatively soon, stealth and disguise might prove invaluable there. Skyviel might also allow us to evade there memetic hazard defenses...surprise charisma might be interesting to see in action in that case!
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If any Agent uniform ideas have strong support I'll look to potentially incorporate them into the actual uniform vote! This could be important for your prestige all around the Voyaging Realm and possibly even beyond!
I would rather Hunger be able to properly chat with Aobaru, Aeira and people who don't have sky high charisma and protection rather than focusing on Gisena...
Then push for researching Ennobling during timeskips! Don't bring Hunger down to their level, drag them up to within a stone's throw of his! Our strategic position isn't nearly good enough to invest Arete in solving 'problems' like being too charismatic. Worst comes to worst, we can always do what Hector did during the War of Kings, and take up epistolary communication to preserve their objectivity. Presence isn't the Plenary Brand, it's not a Curse in need of mitigation but a strength to be harnessed. Beauty is an attack; would we vote to dull the Forebear's Blade's edge?

Props for targeting me with an anti-Gisena argument, though.
It sucks to give up Honing here because Hunger is suddenly worrying about his Charisma. It isn't exactly new.

Not to mention the two methods of handling it are direct opposites, and are virtually tied.
Also, as Rihaku himself has mentioned, nerfing Hunger's charisma isn't the only solution. Finding a reliable source of Manipulation +s (such as a new artifact, or perhaps a new Evening Sky advancement) is another option, since Manipulation is the Agility to Charisma's Strength, metaphorically speaking. If we are too 'strong', the answer is to improve our control, not to weaken ourselves.
Also, as Rihaku himself has mentioned, nerfing Hunger's charisma isn't the only solution. Finding a reliable source of Manipulation +s (such as a new artifact, or perhaps a new Evening Sky advancement) is another option, since Manipulation is the Agility to Charisma's Strength, metaphorically speaking. If we are too 'strong', the answer is to improve our control, not to weaken ourselves.
Yeah, that's certainly what my solution would be. Don't nerf the strength, instead focus on only having it do what you want it to do and nothing more.
Also, as Rihaku himself has mentioned, nerfing Hunger's charisma isn't the only solution. Finding a reliable source of Manipulation +s (such as a new artifact, or perhaps a new Evening Sky advancement) is another option, since Manipulation is the Agility to Charisma's Strength, metaphorically speaking. If we are too 'strong', the answer is to improve our control, not to weaken ourselves.
There also could be one in a yet to be unlocked ring advancement tree like War or Passion.