Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by DkArthas on Aug 1, 2020 at 1:41 AM, finished with 97 posts and 25 votes.
For those worried about mindmelting Charisma, we can just have Gisena craft an Artifact paper bag for us to wear or something. Moreover, Rihaku's already mentioned alternatives to the Skyveil so it's not the end of the world to pass on it here.
fools. in your haste and arrogance, the best option is in the lead at the beginning of the vote cycle
How can you even devil's advocate against Honing, though. He'll talk up the other options, of course, but it has no down-

Wait, Aeira's been messing with Second Stage, I forgot about the poor thing.
For those that have forgotten, Honing is pretty badass. We've currently got 9 WITS post modifiers (from Quickening, Fierce Quickening, and GDS) which becomes 11 after taking Honing. Given that our intelligence is at a measly 4, it makes sense to literally double it (plus a little bit). Remember that it was intelligent tactics that let us beat Sten and Vanreir, not more stats or stronkness (although, the +++AGI does help). Increased INT gave us more options to deal with the Rotbeast. Just take Honing!
9.5 Combat Int? Multiplied by 1.6 from Edeldross? Largely not applying outside of Combat so Rihaku doesn't break his brain trying to write a superintelligence (this one's important)? Combined with the 5 Combat Wis?

And ADS would make it so much better on top, but that applies to everything so it's only barely a selling point here.

Vote Honing, and never stupidly bumrush a pirate captain again!
I would hope she'd be smarter than that. No fear means no acknowledgement of the logical consequences of power going outwards, meaning you would also exclude everyone who is loyal to you as an entity rather than as an ideal. All you'd retain are those within your slavish cult of personality, and those too paranoid to trust even their own emotions.

You're right, that would've been exciting to see in action.
Permanently erasing fear is obviously not something you want to do to your subordinates, beyond spot checks to assess character. Still, this does raise interesting questions: Aeira's Element affects light, sound, and attention. We know she can cloak allies, but what are the limits of Shadowcord's offensive applications? Blinding enemies? Could she combine sound & awareness to nullify someone's internal monologue, prevent ideation?

On the strategic scale, what about properly unpersoning people, going full damnatio memoriae so that citizens of the Shogunate no longer even consciously acknowledge dead dissidents? They don't even have to be dead, imagine the fiat-level powers of isolation Aeira would have over a city cloaked in her Element! Remember, kids: "There is no war in Ba Sing Se."
Skyviel is also something which brings lateral Increase in capabilities! Stealth and Disguise can both be used to great effect in the Human Sphere and beyond!

Edit: It opens up interesting options to solve problems we might have that are just not CHARISMA GUD or SORD GUD. Now we can SCAM GUD too.
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What's next, a toaster license!?
If toaster is slang for all the plasma guns these guys have, then yeah, that sounds like a decent idea.

As for actual toasters, I don't like toast so they should be banned altogether. That should've been the first line Hunger wrote in the amendment. Eat your bread cold like a normal person, toasties.
One critical thing to note here is you don't know how many build votes you're going to get before encountering enemies or neutral parties from the Realm of Myth. It may be wise to acquire one of Skyveil or Halo, committing to your strategy, before that becomes the case. Hunger's Charisma is something that needs to be addressed, whether by embracing it or selectively muting it. To simply procrastinate on the matter is potentially reckless.

Is Hunger prepared to take responsibility for the possible collateral damage his unconstrained presence may cause as his CHA naturally reaches ever-higher heights? If not, Skyveil would be a prudent choice. Similarly, if Hunger wants to lean into his CHA and find some way to alter it so as to minimize the negative consequences thereof, Vanquisher Halo should be considered. While Honing is useful in the event that he encounters a combat check, it would not be useful in something like a social encounter.
Do Stances work even if you're lying down? :thonk: All-Defeating Stance clearly does, and World-Defeating as well... wait, no, stupid question. If they're all De-Feeting Stances it doesn't matter if your feet are on the ground.
I just realized that the fabled Self-Defeeting Stance should let Hunger fly, on account of how logic works. Forming a singularity of standing should offer immense power.
Skyviel is also something which brings lateral Increase in capabilities! Stealth and Disguise can both be used to great effect in the Human Sphere and beyond!
Skyveil unlocks a really interesting combo with Penitent & Triumphal:

  1. Put on a fake mustache as a disguise. (Sombrero optional)
  2. Do a crime (the assassinations and the murders are popular this time of the year)
  3. Penitent makes people expect us to be violent, and willing to consider justifications for our behavior
  4. Triumphal drowns out evidence of wrongdoing with mass memetic appeal in our other endeavors
  5. Hunger could advertise these contract crimes under the identity for his disguise and Triumphal / Penitent will make people accept it
One critical thing to note here is you don't know how many build votes you're going to get before encountering enemies or neutral parties from the Realm of Myth. It may be wise to acquire one of Skyveil or Halo, committing to your strategy, before that becomes the case. Hunger's Charisma is something that needs to be addressed, whether by embracing it or selectively muting it. To simply procrastinate on the matter is potentially reckless.
I would argue that procrastinating on the matter is just accepting embracing it. Just in slow motion.
Skyviel is also something which brings lateral Increase in capabilities! Stealth and Disguise can both be used to great effect in the Human Sphere and beyond!

But we're not going to the Human Sphere, we're going to fight Ber then go to the tower. And stealth is likely to be a bit tricky when we're cutting down a tower that pierces the firmament. And the abilities it gives will need to be developed further.

To simply procrastinate on the matter is potentially reckless.

'Potentially reckless' lol, what a thing to say on the very day we set out to go to the tower. I'm a long, long way from worrying about things that are merely potentially reckless.
If we do not have OaF when we fight Beric, he will definitely beat us. I'm sorry, but that's just the case. It's not potentially risky, it is a literal guaranteed risk, that Rihaku has repeated again and again and again. We have one shot at gaining the arete to get it before he comes for us, one shot, and we have put it for so long. How many more updates do you want to do so exactly? At what point will it be time to finally save for it?

I'm arguing in favor of Oaf in that post. Rihaku is pushing to mitigate our charisma issue, and I'm saying that we need to save for OaF because high charisma is merely potentially reckeless while the tower and Ber are inescapable.
Sky Veil [7 Arete] - Just as the sky emblazons one's majesty, so too can it do the inverse, serving as a curtain drawn against the solar blaze of superhuman will. In addition to allowing the wearer to voluntarily decrease his Charisma +s in increments of 25% (without affecting associated Attributes like Protection from Vigor Itself! A rare trait), it also increases Protection by +++++ and AGI by ++. Allows the Evening Sky to disguise its appearance, taking on the semblance of the morning or noonday sky, or even of an ordinary cloak - much as it may despise such diminishment. Unlocks stealth- and disguise-based Advancements, including Conjunctional effects with Aeira.

*With the power of disguise comes the power, to scam...
*May provoke a certain individual. But you can probably take him. Right?
So let me get this straight -
Evening Sky Gang tried to rebrand itself to Outer Sky, which was so chuuni it failed on principle everyone that was not a weeb mocked it.
Then they tried to rebrand themselves to Outer Shadow after binge reading Lovecraft all night, but this attempt also failed because it was too [REDACTED] with ADS.
Now Rihaku offers a third rebrand - this time to reduce Charisma and to remove the cool aesthetic.

You know, @Rihaku when I revised the "Gangs of AST with a pinch of Salt" the Evening Sky Gang blurb was meant to be a dark humor not a sign that we need to put the poor bastards on suicide watch.

Blurb in question:
EVENING SKY Gang – destroyed and forgotten due to the wins of SORD Gang and MAEG gang. Almost no love is shown to this panoply and the loss of InkSky was the final nail in the coffin. After all that the elders of the Gang decided that desperate times call for desperate measures. They initiated the first rebranding attempt to revitalize the image of the Gang. They tried to rename themselves to Outer Sky (AN: fucking lol) but this failed to the simple fact that this name is chuuni as fuck and it is embarrassing to boot. But Evening Sky Gang is nothing but not persistent in the face of failure. They tried to rebrand a second time to Outer Shadow, after reading too much Lovecraft one lonely night, but this failed due to being too [REDACTED] and the citizens used their normal reaction when they see something that is too [REDACTED] and promptly rejected it a second time. The second rejection stung even more because the [Most High] himself removed the rebranding from the voting block. Now the gang faces existential crisis of faith. No one wants to join them and the Evening Sky is a parasite that would not let them leave. Many have taken the noble art of throwing themselves from the tallest buildings but the damn shit is sadistic and controls the fall to be harmless. But the people in the evening sky gang continue day after day. If you see a person with a cool cloak jump from a building don't attempt to save him/her. You will only get screams and fists in response.

The guide will be released soon (TM)
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[X] Sky Veil [7 Arete]
[X] Without Form

I think long term Sky Veil is the better strategy. When we have to go into a new world, the ability to stay under the radar and scout before acting is key. With super high charisma it's going to be impossible to do that I would think. Also we have the ability to know if people like us without our godlike charisma, something invaluable for getting true allies. Trust me, I wish I had this ability for the same reason.