Is without form really the more moral option, when it's basically guaranteed to result in large parts of the sovereignty exploding?

If it's guaranteed to blow up large parts of the Sov, why is it listed as only somewhat risky? That seems insanely risk, analogous to a 5 pick fight but for our civilization since it could lead to total collapse.
[X] Vanquisher Halo [7 Arete]

Why? Why does Rihaku always want to take away my nice things?

We finally have a character who is so mighty that they have surpassed Social! Why risk the wrath of a Tyrant when mere exposer to his presence renders all background characters into a state of blissful, silent, compliance!
[X] Sky Veil
[X] Agents of the Throne

Vanquisher is really good for what we need right now but it mentions abandoning ways of diminishing our charisma. While Hunger can change his opinion in the future, I don't really want to know what event will provoke that. Besides, Skyveil's stealth and disguise advancements are pretty useful, finally unlocking those stats. I can see future conjuctional advancements with our ghostform that can improve our disengage chance and ambush success plus the return of Shadowlord.
Surgecrafters are such perfect targets for Apo-chan, she can yeet them to whatever level without raising eyebrows, really. It'd be more concerning if she couldn't do whatever anyway.
[X] Sky Veil
[X] Agents of the Throne

Eh, I doubt Doc Apoc would be a legitimate threat in the quest's duration anyway.

More importantly though, not being able to interact with people outside of a few without cowing themis just depressing.
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If it's guaranteed to blow up large parts of the Sov, why is it listed as only somewhat risky? That seems insanely risk, analogous to a 5 pick fight but for our civilization since it could lead to total collapse.
A 1% yearly risk over a century has a 66% chance of total destruction. Somewhat risky over the short term is super dangerous in the long term.
Once again, I'm rather torn on the political side of things. I'm not especially tempted by Sky Veil or Destroyer Halo, though, so I'll probably go with honing. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to vote, though.

I'm also rather excited for tomorrow, since I believe the patreon benefits should activate!
So honing is the safe option. Remember we still want to get OaF asap, so getting 1 of the 7 arete options here is... suboptimal. Echos are also a reasonable choice, of course.

I'm kinda surprised Exalted Spirit isn't an option here considering...
The Platinum Expanse
Sounds very expensive!
"Let's hope this doesn't inflate your ego as grandly as it did the ceremony budget," he murmured as he finished crowning her.

"But I thought that already reached its maximum size?" Gisena blinked innocently at him.
Need some buffs to Gisena's ego capacity if it's already peaked.
"You seem to enjoy it."

"Aww," she grinned and laid dainty fingers over his own. "You know me so well... Your Majesty."
Just be Queen-consort already. smh

I wonder what the citizens think of their new rulers?
Gisena, of course, took to the matter with indefatigable cheer, remarking that their Kingdom was easier to manage than the territories she'd ruled as a noble in her old Realm. She gushed over the convenience and reliability of modern communications technology and was happy to do the intellectual heavy lifting on matters of great complexity.
Gisena is just so useful. What would Hunger even do without her? Just try and Cut Through?
"You'll get used to it," Gisena assured him, "People get bored of staring at even the mightiest of Sorceresses, given enough time. It may take years, but you'll need this power given the Curses you bear!"
Once again Gisena is here to reassure Hunger. He's such a worrywart.
Gisena and Letrizia had the wherewithal to withstand his influence. They were possessed of much experience in supernatural matters and comprehensively enhanced by their own arts. Aeira and Aobaru did not wield magics nearly as wide-reaching, and, for all their ability, had until recently been reasonably sheltered high schoolers students.
Hmm it's good that Gisena and Zea are immune but since we're at least taking Aobaru with us we should probably invest in a way to not melt his mind when he buffs us.
"Well, they don't exactly have matters well in hand," Gisena said, sorting through documents. Her standards were more exacting than most. "But they're probably capable of muddling along, and what more could you really ask for? Our underlings need to learn how to manage without me, the sooner the better!"
Poor bastards having to live without Gisena.
She could easily have refused the labor of reforming Sovereignty into Kingdom to spend the time Artificing instead. In truth they'd had no particular obligation to these people, and taking up the reins of the Kingdom would consume some of their attention even with the structures they'd set up. Had it been to appease the popular will alone, Hunger would have refused. Why had he agreed? Re-litigating the failures of his past? Not that alone, though he wouldn't deny it had played a part.
Hunger pulling out his full tsundere game here.
Gisena preened. "When do I not? Perhaps I'm a genius of hard work as well!"

Being a genius of geniuses on top of being a genius of hard work is almost unfair for everyone else Gisena!
"Yes, good job. Let's go take a vacation to kill things."

"So violent! Are these the vicissitudes of kingship?"

"Nothing inspires patriotism like war."
I love that Hunger's idea of a vacation is to just go kill things.
with The Elementalists has won. The Kingdom's current performance is Adequate, though Hunger remains overwhelmingly popular. Performance may improve as people become more accustomed to the laws.
Only Adequate! Roll better Hunger! At least we didn't fail I guess.
Just as the sky emblazons one's majesty, so too can it do the inverse, serving as a curtain drawn against the solar blaze of superhuman will. In addition to allowing the wearer to voluntarily decrease his Charisma +s in increments of 25% (without affecting associated Attributes like Protection from Vigor Itself! A rare trait), it also increases Protection by +++++ and AGI by ++. Allows the Evening Sky to disguise its appearance, taking on the semblance of the morning or noonday sky, or even of an ordinary cloak - much as it may despise such diminishment. Unlocks stealth- and disguise-based Advancements, including Conjunctional effects with Aeira.

*With the power of disguise comes the power, to scam...
*May provoke a certain individual. But you can probably take him. Right?
Tempted to take Skyveil just to see if Dr Apoclypse will pop out of nowhere to get mad at us.

[X] Vanquisher Halo
[X] Agents of the Throne

Holy Shit though, +20% rank and adding CHA to Str! The value! I'd be fine with Honing instead though since I'm not that keen on forever locking us into super CHA.

For the elementalist options I prefer Agents of the Throne. Regimentation is too strict and limits how elementalists can develop while without from gives too many perks just for being an elementalist and is likely to form some kind of weird cast system. At least with Agents the perks can be seen as something earned through service to the state.
Sky Veil is the only advancement that solves Hunger's immediate concern, but it's so hard to be enthusiastic about an upgrade that makes you less awesome. Lots of Protection, Agi is always nice, we have good multipliers for both. Stealth and disguise are useful, even if I don't wanna be sneakyboy at this point. And future Charisma-hiders are unlikely to be so forgiving.

But there is one part I'm a bit more hype about. It's hysterical how it can disguise itself as the Noonday Sky. That's not exactly sneakyboy at all, is it? And perhaps the illusion could become real...
Sky Veil is the only advancement that solves Hunger's immediate concern, but it's so hard to be enthusiastic about an upgrade that makes you less awesome. Lots of Protection, Agi is always nice, we have good multipliers for both. Stealth and disguise are useful, even if I don't wanna be sneakyboy at this point. And future Charisma-hiders are unlikely to be so forgiving.

But there is one part I'm a bit more hype about. It's hysterical how it can disguise itself as the Noonday Sky. That's not exactly sneakyboy at all, is it? And perhaps the illusion could become real...

Indeed, you may find it far less problematic than cheaper options down the line... you get what you pay for, after all!
Which option does Hunger pursue on the trip to the Walls of Myth? Shadowcord alone can render him stealthy, but he specifically requires an effect that allows him to interact with others without overwhelming them.
Why does this mention the Walls of Myth? Aren't we going straight for the tower? Is that just the name of the area where the tower is located and I just misunderstood that its a nearby landmark?
Is that just the name of the area where the tower is located and I just misunderstood that its a nearby landmark?

The area is the lands enclosed by the Walls of Myth, yes.

Guh, +20% Rank from Halo sure is nice, but I would like Hunger to be able to hang out with Aeira and Aobaru and all the other kids we're inevitably going to adopt... ;_;

You can hang out with them, they'll just think you're really cool! And perhaps be obsessed with you to a scarily unhealthy degree!