Analysis post time! #737 Words.

[ ] Laissez-faire - Hunger is unconcerned about the internal politics of this remote Voyaging nation. They've given him plenty of free stuff and there's neither the time nor the inclination amongst most of his party to remain entangled here for long.

So, there's something to be said for not wasting time here, especially if we go for the longer route to the tower itself! However, we should carefully consider what we stand to give up here. One thing that we will definitely give up if we take this is updates - both the other options will take one or more updates to resolve, generating Arete.

[ ] Intervention Mk. I - Aeira's family has some experience ruling this nation, right? They should be in power. Two allied civilizations are better than one. [+1 Arete, Starts Elixir Sovereign sub-plot. Should be fairly brief]

This gets us a short subplot (Arete generation) and +1 Arete. Modest gains for a modest investment.

[ ] Be the Change - While the Decimation is a pressing concern, no less so is the governance of this nation on which turns the lives of millions. Given the power and versatility of these High Elementalists, the Elixir Sovereignty is sure to be relevant in greater Voyaging Realm affairs going forward. With Stenallon occupied in the Temple, it falls to Hunger to marshal the courage of his convictions and bring to these people what he failed to in his second world: a well-functioning society, with reasonable laws and free of excessive burdens on its populace. How hard could it be? [+1 pick to next experience point, unlocks a Defining Advancement if successful]

Takes a few days, but will take a lot of updates. This is actually a potential upside, as it causes a lot of time to be spent generating Arete. However, personally I don't find government reforms very entertaining, although Gisena and the elementalists coming along may spice things up a little. Still, do we want to spend what could be a week or more of Real Life time on this? I don't want to, but it does give us the chance to stockpile Arete. I can't imagine anything would come up in this plotline that I'd actually want to spend Arete on.

...Unless maybe Lunar Coronet and Philosopher's Wreath might be options. I suppose it's possible, giving Letrizia Surgecraft generated some picks.

[ ] The Walls of Myth - It's a long trip to get there, so why not take a slight detour to examine the fabled walls themselves? There is sure to be high magic in plentiful supply here by the lidless cloud-piercing battlements that have successfully severed all they enclose from a domain as formidable as the Voyaging Realm. Do they wield Foremost magics themselves, or arts of a school of comparable power? Or are the Walls themselves merely some form of trick or exploit, failing to match the Foremost in puissance but superior to their unattended works in treachery? Either way, there is much to learn.

*Detour means your journey will tend towards the longer side of the estimate (closer to 10 days than 7 for the entire trip)
*Magics, artifice, ancient lore - who knows what awaits buried within the Walls of Myth?

Costs us three days. However, I think the power of this option should not be underestimated - I think that it'd likely take at least three updates to investigate the Walls of Myth, which assuming average Arete generation gets us like 15-18 Arete? Even if we spend 7 Arete on a new thing unlocked by the Walls of Myth, we'd end up with net positive Arete for the trip, putting us closer to getting Once and Future before the tower.

[ ] The Tower Itself - Straight to the Tower, all else can wait. Perhaps it's reckless to charge in without an overview of the lands' magics but Hunger wields both the Praxis and the power of Ruin and is assisted by the wielders of Nullity and True Vigorflame. There are very few supernatural threats he would lack an adequate answer for.

*Somewhat riskier, but swifter.
*May generate more picks
*Gain beneficial condition, I Am The Danger for the duration of the Tower hunt.

See that "Somewhat riskier" line? No. We are already taking a risk by doing this, we shouldn't add onto it. The sole reason I can see to vote for this is if we take Be the Change and generate like 20+ Arete during the subplot (which is honestly really possible). Given that I find Be the Change not very entertaining though, I won't be voting for this.

I Am The Danger is nice, but +10% effectiveness does not make up for increased risk. This is Moon Temple 2 Tower Boogaloo we can't be doing dumb stuff.

[ ] Towards Stranglethorn - Commits you to Stranglethorn, but also gets you halfway there! It's a potent Defining Advancement that suits Hunger well and scales greatly with All-Defeating Stance, while the power of Establishment gives Hunger a source of passive power in most timeskips. Doubled Willpower +s are also tremendously valuable given Cut Through's Willpower modifier to physical stats.

*If you don't commit to Stranglethorn now you may be distracted by other options in the future
*Stranglethorn's good, no need to overcomplicate things!

Arete cost of 0, effective, prevents silliness with having bought the upgrade to get Stranglethorn and then not getting Stranglethorn. Possibly a bad idea if we go to Walls of Myth, since having Stranglethorn to eat picks at the walls would prevent us from spending Arete frivolously. Maybe. There's a chance, at least.

[ ] Honing (2 Arete) - Take Honing and unlock the Blood Advancements beyond it! Combat intelligence and more Agility are rarely bad. It's good value for your Arete and substantially improves Hunger's tactical acumen for most fights.

*Cheap and good, what's not to love?
*Efficient and unlocks future efficient picks.

Finish this part of the Blood Advancement tree, and unlock new blood advancements. Here's the thing - we don't want new blood advancements right now. If they cost Arete, it gets in the way of Once and Future. If they don't cost Arete, they compete with Stranglethorn for Areteless picks. After we grab Stranglethorn we should get this, but not before.

[ ] The Ring of Power - Pitiless Maw (7 Arete) - A Conjunctional Advancement that requires the Forebear's Blade. How can hunger perish from this world? So long as there is one hungering thing, it will emerge again and again to feast upon this realm of mere phenomena. Passively restore health equal to 100% of the damage you deal in melee combat, and triples the Power of Ruin associated with melee strikes.

*Stacks additively with All-Defeating Stance
*Grants a fairly major combat upgrade, as you already have high Strength and Strength-scaling Ruin
*Increasing your rate of healing works well with your high Health pool from Inherit the World
*You can also take one Echo alongside this ability, increasing your Strength even further!

No. We have healing from our Crimson Flare, very powerful healing at that. Also, optimizing ADS is nice, but we took the Trinity that synergizes more with Once and Future. Also we don't even have ADS yet, why would we want to upgrade it?

[ ] Feat: Crown (12 Arete) - Requires Be the Change. Unlocks the potential for Feat: Scepter and Feat: Orb. You may find an opportunity to acquire this Feat again, but it is rare and dependent on circumstance...

This puts us at Rank 7 with Hero-Defeating Stance up. With Once and Future, that's Rank 8, Combat rank 9, Blood rank 10. But we'd need to restart saving for OaF again from scratch.

However, this can only be taken with Be the Change, which as I've talked about has incredible Arete generation potential. It's not completely impossible that we could take this and then generate enough Arete for OaF before we even leave the Sovereignty. Something to consider, but I'm not a huge fan of that plan. If Be the Change takes shorter then we expect, or our Arete generation falls during the period of governmental reconstruction, we may be left holding the bag.

If it works out though, well, rank 9 spiking to 10 for battle purposes.


Closing thoughts: Be the Change + Crown + Straight to the Tower is synergistic, but risky. Walls of Myth with Stranglethorn and Intervention or Laissez-faire gets us closer to Stranglethorn, we pick up the last few Stranglethorn picks on the way or at the Walls, and have enough time to probably generate enough Arete for OaF and a 7-Arete pick-up from the Walls of Myth.
For Be the Change, this might be a good time to pick up a Grace that helps with Abilities. Essentianly in Exalted what Stats we have unlocked are Attributes but I want some progress in Stealth, Larceny, Bureaucracy and Swordsmanship skills. Being able to have a power that temporarily acquires or boost those is good, especially that unlocking those stats allow it to be boosted by Edeldross.
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[X] Be the Change
[X] Feat: Crown
[X] The Tower Itself

The tower is safer with the +0.5 rank from crown, and we will be pressed for time with Be the change.
Crown is asking for too much generation I think.

@Rihaku, are we making any progress on healing some of our conditions by the way? Punctured souls' social/mental malus seems rather relevant for Be the change considering the difficulty.

Well, you do have +100% extra CHA from Silver now, so your effective CHA is stratospheric! Easily enough to cow any mortal human in a direct contest, barring extreme outliers that are unlikely to crop up in a populace of this size.
[X] Be the Change
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Feat: Crown

Can't let my boy Hunger not take this shot at fulfilling his last life's dream, even a little bit.
However, I think the power of this option should not be underestimated - I think that it'd likely take at least three updates to investigate the Walls of Myth, which assuming average Arete generation gets us like 15-18 Arete?

Average Arete is probably closer to 3 per update. One must account for momentum effects of fewer updates per day, after all...

For Be the Change, this might be a good time to pick up a Grace that helps with Abilities. Essentianly in Exalted what Stats we have unlocked are Attributes but I want some progress in Stealth, Larceny and Swordsmanship skills. Being able to have a power that temporarily acquires or boost those is good, especially that unlocking those stats allow it to be boosted by Edeldross.

Stealth, eh... that's a long-forsaken dream! But Swordsmanship... I've heard there are promising applications in the area of increased attack speed!
[X] Intervention Mk. I
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Towards Stranglethorn

Following my above analysis post: I want Walls of Myth for cool magic stuff. I think that Arete generation may drop during the boring government reconstruction period, which means the Change/Crown/Tower Itself plan may not work out the way we want it too. Finally, I'm just not super interested in governmental reform.

Let's just go get some cool magic. We'll likely have at least two updates at the Walls of Myth, plus one for the travel time, plus one for intervention. Four updates at 5 Arete per update puts us at 30 total, within striking distance of picking up OaF and also getting a shiny new 7-Arete magic thing from the Walls of Myth. Finishing our build and getting new cool magic thing, it's literally perfect from my perspective.
[X] Be the Change
[X] The Walls of Myth
[X] Feat: Crown

Be the Change increases time spent OOC, increasing arete production pr. ingame day (depending on productivity)
Unlocking a second trinity (This time in the form of feats instead of EFB's, though they probably all cost 12 arete) along with .5 RANK.
This is so GOOD, never wanted something more!

I really do want to save though... but RANK!?!?

probably gonna change later anyway.

(would suck if rank was made metaphysically incompatible with our next world, though progression would force it to work anyway)
Changing to

[X] Be the Change
[X] The Tower Itself
[X] Feat: Crown

For the synergy. It's true, picking up more risk painful when we're already taking a lot with this adventure in the first place, but it would be very bad if Ber turned up in the middle of this adventure, and I think that BtC+Crown are a big enough deal to be worth it.
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[X] Be the Change
[X] Feat: Crown
[X] The Walls of Myth

Can't believe I'm doing this but I've been convinced by the crown arguements. It's amazing heartwarming blurb, the extra rank will almost certainly help us a great deal in molligying the danger of the tower, and I wouldn't be suprised if we made back the arete we spent on it or more with be the change if not along with Wall of Myth which should also give us some information about how to approach our coming fights. If not, their's always ADS.

It's also super narrative satisfying for us to take before taking on a Tyrant.

Also, I want to say that I had been very sure we wouldn't have much in the way of updates before heading into danger with the Tower while other were adamant their would be, and I want to say I was wrong and they were right. It's always good to examine which of your assumptions ended up being mistaken after all the action is done.

Edit: Also, considering Hunger incredible tactical acumen, I think the extra information from Walls of Myth will help him more with any fights then extra picks.
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Average Arete is probably closer to 3 per update. One must account for momentum effects of fewer updates per day, after all...

Hm. That makes thing a little tougher, but I still think we'd lose more momentum and thus Arete with Be the Change. I know I wouldn't contribute a lot to that, compared to Walls of Myth having cool new things to motivate me.

[X] The Walls of Myth

Don't care much about the other options I just want more magic and artifacts to play with.

You. I like you. This is correct prioritizing, clearly.
I would note that, given we picked Core Panoply for Trinity, we are presumably committed to a Rank build, which Crown is a big step towards, not only netting us a massive 0.5 rank gain but also unlocking two additional feats for us to pick later on in the adventure, which themselves will probably coalesce once we've picked all three into a second Trinity advancement (albeit probably with different options from the first time).
Changing to

[X] Be the Change
[X] The Tower Itself
[X] Feat: Crown (12 Arete)

For the synergy. It's true, picking up more risk painful when we're already taking a lot with this adventure in the first place, but it would be very bad if Ber turned up in the middle of this adventure, and I think that BtC+Crown are a big enough deal to be worth it.
The tower itself, truly a Cut Through option. Surprised it isn't red.
Interesting, can you guys really afford to be distracted by the 12-Arete option when Once and Future is only twice that, though? You're already halfway there, and your 12 Arete isn't buying anything you couldn't get for 'free' with Errantry actions anyway... compare that to something like OaF which will explicitly scale with you as you grow in strength!
Interesting, can you guys really afford to be distracted by the 12-Arete option when Once and Future is only twice that, though? You're already halfway there, and your 12 Arete isn't buying anything you couldn't get for 'free' with Errantry actions anyway... compare that to something like OaF which will explicitly scale with you as you grow in strength!
We could unlock Feat: Sceptre and Feat: Orb for free with Errantry actions??
Interesting, can you guys really afford to be distracted by the 12-Arete option when Once and Future is only twice that, though? You're already halfway there, and your 12 Arete isn't buying anything you couldn't get for 'free' with Errantry actions anyway... compare that to something like OaF which will explicitly scale with you as you grow in strength!

It does unlock two other feats that we could really use in a rank build as rank gets harder, possibly a feat based trinity down the road based on the wording, and this is a lot safer then Errantry.
Is that really something you guys can afford to be worried about right now, however? Ber is coming and you need OaF to take him! Once you've secured that you'll be much freer to spend on the impulses of the moment update.
Absolutely! Achieving trinity is maybe my highest priority for now!