I desperately want to battle a Kaiju and get that sword.

No this is not based on any sense of what is best for us, I just want another freakin' Kaiju and a chance for us to hero it up and confuse the magical girl sword by being a good guy.
[X] Two
[X] Republic Kill-Joys
[X] Prestige Classing

Ganbatte Apocryphal-chan! With this sneaky one two punch we can force the baka Hunger into social combat with the republic, it's his weakest area you know! Then when he's reeling from actually having to speak to people we'll catch him with a surprise Super Ber when he's least expecting it! If the timings just right the fallout might even happen at the same time. That'll show him for trying to outscale you!
Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but I'm thinking we can try and turn the Kill Team into a social challenge and enlist their help against the Rotbeast.
[ ] Two
[ ] Republic Kill-Joys
[ ] Keepin' it Simple

These are what I'll be voting for, once I'm free to change my vote without erasing the all-important BB-Code preserving vote
I don't care what we pick, but I really want to kick Bearic's face in one last time.
Why :cry: ?
We need optimal build for us to outscale that gamer.
*With how fast 'Lord Hunger' grows, it might be possible for him to still outscale Ber after all this, if he steers his build optimally...
*Pfhaha. Like that's going to happen.
Even Rihaku is laughing at it.
Did Triumphal gleam win?

Because if so, then damn. We are so close to getting Silver of Evening and then Trinity. We need those.
Wait a second. Apocryphal-chan talked about picks and referenced our whole curse of anti-synergy meme. Is it aware of us the thread?!
Don't vote Ber on the basis of wanting to kick his teeth in again! He'll attack us when he hits level cap regardless, so we'll kick his teeth in either way!
[X] One
[X] Keepin' it Simple

We must train to fight the continent fish. A kaiju will be a good warm up. And it'll give us a 4 pick to power up for FISHING.
[X] Two
[X] Republic Kill-Joys
[X] Keepin' it Simple

Never mind, picking this. If Gleam wins we might as well milk it for all its worth.

And a part of me wonders if the Armor Prototypes are able to resist nullity because giving Gisena a means of fighting other than with Nullity would be great.
[X] Two
[X] Keepin' it Simple
[X] Republic Kill-Joys

Ah, the old wombo combo.

We are absolutely not ready for a Ring War just yet, because we should probably grab trinity before anything like that happens! Lmao. The worst that's likely to happen here is that the Elixir Sovereignty is mashed underfoot and we have to bravely run away! Best case is an absolute fuckload of Rank and money and adulation, as well as toys for Gisena to play with.

I cannot emphasize enough how much I do not want Ber to become a threat again. Just...reach your measly potential and come catch these hands already! We even have two whole hands to feed you with, now.