[X] Oops, the Soup
[X] The Avenger
[X] Ruler & Vassal
It's a shame Avenger's fallen so far behind, it was competitive pre-consolidation! It's the cheapest option, shouldn't that weigh in its favor given the thread's grandiose long-term spending plans? An Evening Sky EFB to snag Trinity, the All-Defeating Stance, Ruling Ring... who's going to pay for all of that, eh? Soup + Avenger alone gives us +3 Arete relative to the alternatives. Even Nameless wasn't so spoiled that he'd turn down free Beyond Points without good reason! This isn't a marshmallow test with greater Arete rewards for Grace down the road, it's between one and none.
A significant fraction of Blade's benefits are gated behind achieving Rank 6 and thereby unlocking the ability to use all three Stances simultaneously. Otherwise we'll have to table Weapon or Guile-Defeating to make use of their new brother in arms. Rank-ups have historically performed poorly, I don't think we can assume that mere appeals to synergy and consistency will convince the thread to take them, not when voters are frozen like deer in the headlights by the shininess of the latest blurbs! We'll want to drop another 2 Arete on Honing if it's unlocked, take Bloodwraith if it ever becomes available again... as always, the cheapest and lowest-hanging synergistic fruits will nickel and dime us, preventing the thread from saving up for EFB-equivalents.
Not only does Avenger chart a middle path between Eminence's cruelty and Blade letting Sten skip off happily to an undeserved reprieve in whatever afterlife awaits, not only does it save Arete, it's also the safest option, the closest we can come here to a guarantee of victory! Don't be deceived by the opportunity to vote on the aftermath into thinking we've got the win in the bag when facing a foe this powerful. Blade has good odds, but why risk even a chance of a painful anticlimax?
A fifth of a Rank and a smattering of physical stats is also a strange choice to combine with Treachery's blitz of social attacks. Avenger may be inactive most of the time, but it slots neatly into any build (especially stats-focused ones) and doesn't require additional investments to pay off. Plus, we get to dunk on Bearic even harder, and isn't that what really matters? Should've checked his raid progression before challenging a boss with the power of Progression!
Regarding Ring disposition, regrettably we don't have the collective spine to take Subordination. The difference between 7 and 10 Arete of benefits may seem slight since it doesn't open up another tier of advancement, but they're calculated to complement our build. Not only does this potentially spare us another vote, effective Arete spent synergistically may provide multiplicative value compared to the alternatives! Surely a genius of Gisena's caliber can manage bleed-through from the Ring; she needs power to survive in even the medium term as a companion to an Apocryphal Cursebearer. Dealing with the hate could give her interesting new character traits, increasing her screen time!
But Ruler & Vassal is an acceptable compromise option that fits Hunger's character. He has a strong sense of honor, a precious trait that allows for keeping promises despite the Doom. He would've been willing to cede the Temple's treasure to the Brutes if he'd given his word. This sense of fairness and reciprocity goes both ways, however: the Azure promised its services in return for rescue. Now thatHunger the Crimson has delivered on its end of the bargain, it's time for the liberated Ring to do the same.
[X] The Avenger
[X] Ruler & Vassal
It's a shame Avenger's fallen so far behind, it was competitive pre-consolidation! It's the cheapest option, shouldn't that weigh in its favor given the thread's grandiose long-term spending plans? An Evening Sky EFB to snag Trinity, the All-Defeating Stance, Ruling Ring... who's going to pay for all of that, eh? Soup + Avenger alone gives us +3 Arete relative to the alternatives. Even Nameless wasn't so spoiled that he'd turn down free Beyond Points without good reason! This isn't a marshmallow test with greater Arete rewards for Grace down the road, it's between one and none.
A significant fraction of Blade's benefits are gated behind achieving Rank 6 and thereby unlocking the ability to use all three Stances simultaneously. Otherwise we'll have to table Weapon or Guile-Defeating to make use of their new brother in arms. Rank-ups have historically performed poorly, I don't think we can assume that mere appeals to synergy and consistency will convince the thread to take them, not when voters are frozen like deer in the headlights by the shininess of the latest blurbs! We'll want to drop another 2 Arete on Honing if it's unlocked, take Bloodwraith if it ever becomes available again... as always, the cheapest and lowest-hanging synergistic fruits will nickel and dime us, preventing the thread from saving up for EFB-equivalents.
Not only does Avenger chart a middle path between Eminence's cruelty and Blade letting Sten skip off happily to an undeserved reprieve in whatever afterlife awaits, not only does it save Arete, it's also the safest option, the closest we can come here to a guarantee of victory! Don't be deceived by the opportunity to vote on the aftermath into thinking we've got the win in the bag when facing a foe this powerful. Blade has good odds, but why risk even a chance of a painful anticlimax?
A fifth of a Rank and a smattering of physical stats is also a strange choice to combine with Treachery's blitz of social attacks. Avenger may be inactive most of the time, but it slots neatly into any build (especially stats-focused ones) and doesn't require additional investments to pay off. Plus, we get to dunk on Bearic even harder, and isn't that what really matters? Should've checked his raid progression before challenging a boss with the power of Progression!
Regarding Ring disposition, regrettably we don't have the collective spine to take Subordination. The difference between 7 and 10 Arete of benefits may seem slight since it doesn't open up another tier of advancement, but they're calculated to complement our build. Not only does this potentially spare us another vote, effective Arete spent synergistically may provide multiplicative value compared to the alternatives! Surely a genius of Gisena's caliber can manage bleed-through from the Ring; she needs power to survive in even the medium term as a companion to an Apocryphal Cursebearer. Dealing with the hate could give her interesting new character traits, increasing her screen time!
But Ruler & Vassal is an acceptable compromise option that fits Hunger's character. He has a strong sense of honor, a precious trait that allows for keeping promises despite the Doom. He would've been willing to cede the Temple's treasure to the Brutes if he'd given his word. This sense of fairness and reciprocity goes both ways, however: the Azure promised its services in return for rescue. Now that