[X] Larissa of House Alynne
[X] Fierce Quickening
[X] Hero-Defeating Stance
With Rihaku's comment, chaging builds!
{0} Mind
{0} Mind x 2
{0} Determination
{0} Speed
{0} Sun Ring
Ideally with the increased mind we'll have the knowledge of how not to give up our ring.
[X] Larissa of House Alynne
[X] Fierce Quickening
[X] Weapon-Defeating Stance
It's not that difficult, but might be troublesome if you ever have to wear it in a obvious place.
{Ed} Mind
{Ed} Mind x2
{Ed} Mind x3
{Ed} Determination(2 picks, needs 2 picks in Mind)
{Ed} The Underworld(+1 Majesty)
{X}(1 majesty, doesn't cost a pick) Sun ring
The power of D E T E R M I N A T I O N. With our currently shocking level of strength (equal or greater than some of the mightiest knights in the kingdom), our main real concern is in the strategic and logistical aspect of our war on organized crime. Both of those are likely to be improved through the power of our mind as we obtain the inhuman perspicacity and intelligence necessary to understand their means of concealment and communication. More importantly, I'm hoping Determination might lead to techniques that allows us to build a memetic hazard suite like TIM's, which would do a lot to mitigate our Curse.
As for the Sun Ring, the Doom of the Martyr only requires us to answer specific requests from the pure of heart. Given that it seems monetarily worthless, simply leaving it at home would likely be more than sufficient to prevent us from giving it away in a fit of maddened charity. Keep it secret, keep it safe.
Do keep in mind that if Mind is taken, he will be somewhat weaker, still migthy, and can likely surprass anyone in the kingdom very quickly, but there is a very small chance of facing a worthy oponnet. On the other hand, facing a worthy oponnet is not necessarely bad...
While Determination is pretty strong and give acess to some nifty things, neither Grace or True Might should be underestimated, Grace makes you Superhumanely competent in everything in a way that simply cannot be replicated trough Mind alone, while True Might's power against exoteric effects shouldn't be underestimated. While possible to get acess to Grace and Might later, it will take a while. This is the result of 7 years of effort after all!
Also, might be worthwile to simply save! The Sun ring might give a useful effect, but is it comparable to a beyond pick or even further beyond pick? Or perhaps it might be worthwile to save for a EFB, since you don't have need for immediate power.
A memetic hazard suite...is unlikely, but theoretically possible, albeit very difficult, and would likely require some investment into Crafting. On the other hand, it's possible to use enough Determination for a direct mitigation...