Hm. Omelas, huh? Though this is a little more foundational than Omelas, which is left ambiguous, whether it's "because contrast is required for appreciation" or just a deal with the devil.
anyway, it seems fairbrights were Inner Ring after all, huh
[X] Who Walked Away
[X] Forebear's Blade - Iron Maelstrom - 2 Arete
Heartpiercer is ... interesting, I guess, but meh. Do we really want to disrupt the banter economy like that?
(also, we can't take heartpiercer with larissa, they're both 2-pick and we only have 3)
[X] Who Walked Away
[X] Forebear's Blade - Iron Maelstrom

I'm a simple man; I see a Le Guin reference, I vote... even if that vote's for a Fairbright. It's only fitting that someone whose name means excellence costs Arete to unlock, and the notion of the Imprisoner storming the Bastille and releasing its inmates is amusing. Besides, you have to respect the sheer strength of character required for Aristeia to stand in the face of her entire civilization, everything and everyone she's ever known, and plant herself like the proverbial tree beside the river of truth. If the hour of judgment is at hand, it's only fitting that the woman who came early to the cause of righteousness be released to see it.
[X] Larissa of House Alynne
[X] Fierce Quickening

[ ] [Most Relevant] Stance

Can we have the purchase of a Stance be contingent on whatever intel we get from Larissa?

All the Stances are relevant here. Hero-Defeating is likely best overall unless you go for a pure stats pick like double Quickening, in which case Weapon-Defeating is likely best overall. However, it all depends on which enemies you want to have trouble with. Magic-Defeating smashes mages but is weak to high-Rank high-stats fighters, Weapon-Defeating the opposite, Hero-Defeating decent against all, World-Defeating like a worse Hero-Defeating here.

Will hunger 100% leave, or will it be left as player choice?

Either way, unlikely to be relevant. Once we take the ring and progress further, we will be significantly stronger than everyone. We can likely just decide to bugger off.

Hunger will be stronger, but will the voter base actually decide to turn their backs on allies they've fought besides?

[X] Larissa of House Alynne
[X] Heartpiercer

Maximum waifu power.

Sadly, you can't take those together! It would cost 4 total picks.

A R I S T E I A! Summer's Hour of Glory resurrected once more? The name itself makes me more willing to spend on her. Summer had some absurd skill and pairing that martial talent with the heartpounding violence and vigor of blood seems like a good idea! Plus, we can subordinate the Fairbright bloodline to ourselves now! Look, Gabrielle, now we are the agency vampires!

Hm.. you're fighting alongside her, but what makes you think you can subordinate her to you? She is a living legend, after all!
[X] The Silver Horde
[X] Who Walked Away
[X] Magic-Defeating Stance
[X] Forebear's Blade - Iron Maelstrom

Tempted to pick up Hero-Defeating Stance instead but Magic-Defeating Stance tell their Soul Evocation and possibly Diagram magics to go to hell plus mitigate the Apocryphal encounter that we are about to have that will surely screw with our plans.
I'm surprised Iron Maelstrom is so popular! It's kind of weak stats-wise for what you could be getting instead. Compare to 2x Fierce Quickening + Weapon-Defeating Stance, for example!
All the Stances are relevant here. Hero-Defeating is likely best overall unless you go for a pure stats pick like double Quickening, in which case Weapon-Defeating is likely best overall. However, it all depends on which enemies you want to have trouble with. Magic-Defeating smashes mages but is weak to high-Rank high-stats fighters, Weapon-Defeating the opposite, Hero-Defeating decent against all, World-Defeating like a worse Hero-Defeating here.

Hunger will be stronger, but will the voter base actually decide to turn their backs on allies they've fought besides?

Sadly, you can't take those together! It would cost 4 total picks.

Hm.. you're fighting alongside her, but what makes you think you can subordinate her to you? She is a living legend, after all!
I'm not actually against helping the ring civilization in the short-term, my argument is more that they aren't a real threat in the temple. As is, i wouldn't support turning our backs, but i don't think there is a risk in doing so.
[ ] Who Walked Away
*Another f**king Fairbright
*Fairbright Bloodline can buff Hunger, temporarily increasing his own effectiveness in combat as well
*Minimal knowledge of the Inner Ring, but a few strategically valuable pieces of data.
The latter line seems pretty darn relevant here. What if the Fairbrights have critical information on the Immortals? The Strategist spoke rarely but its comments were always deeply penetrating and tactically important!
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Hey Rihaku, how major would you say is Heartpiercer's bonus in combat against people with corporeal blood? In comparison to a Stance, as an example.
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I'm not actually against helping the ring civilization in the short-term, my argument is more that they aren't a real threat in the temple. As is, i wouldn't support turning our backs, but i don't think there is a risk in doing so.

I'm referring to the humanitarian disaster that removing the Ring will induce! After all, star-stuff harvested from the Ring is what keeps their Dimensional Rift stable, if the civilians aren't evacuated shortly after the Ring is removed then everyone inside will die! House Alynne solves that problem for you, otherwise Hunger will have to figure it out on his own. Aristeia would certainly like to help but she doesn't have the resources of a House to organize an evacuation.

Alternatively, you could not remove the Ring until people are evacuated, but that means you'd have to fight all the Immortals at full power instead of just going for the Ring!
[X] Who Walked Away
[X] Fierce Quickening
[X] Fierce Quickening
[X] Weapon-Defeating Stance

Sets us up on a strong growth curve for the Temple. One of the benefits of this option was supposed to be having Gisena back us up, which would hose down enemy Mages anyway. Combined that with the sheer STATS and the Fairbright buff and we're sitting pretty. Most importantly, this lets us take Ferocity Incarnate (or whatever its called) the next time we get two picks, which could be yet another massive boost to our power if its anything like Vigor Incarnate. That might let us fight on par with an Immortal in the event of us encountering one.
I'm referring to the humanitarian disaster that removing the Ring will induce! After all, star-stuff harvested from the Ring is what keeps their Dimensional Rift stable, if the civilians aren't evacuated shortly after the Ring is removed then everyone inside will die! House Alynne solves that problem for you, otherwise Hunger will have to figure it out on his own. Aristeia would certainly like to help but she doesn't have the resources of a House to organize an evacuation.

Alternatively, you could not remove the Ring until people are evacuated, but that means you'd have to fight all the Immortals at full power instead of just going for the Ring!
Oh, that makes a lot more sense actually. Makes the choice more difficult. Facing all the immortals at full power, i feel, is much worse than having a legend at our side...

So, something lke, we are more likely to reach the ring with Aristeia, but would have a more dificult time if we want to minimize civilian casulties due to evacuation?
A fairbright or another stalker ?

This is difficult choice.

In the word of immortal lich I would said fuck the elf.

This made me think of implication in real world.

To stage coup or conquer nation that you need organization and manpower.

I remember even Gandhi talk with British to kept thing stable.

Real Politik come again even with super power setting.
Ah, I see how it is. We didn't take Shameless because Larissa got to it first!

[X] Larissa of House Alynne
[X] World-Defeating Stance
[X] Evening Sky - Opalescence

World-Defeating Stance makes me sad for out-moding Iridescence, but I expect at least one Immortal has power-nullifying abilities. I mean, if you were ruling over a techno-magic empire, wouldn't you keep one hand on the tap?
[X] Larissa of House Alynne

Avoid having to make a problematic humanitarian crisis decision. Combat strength is nice as well.

[X] Fierce Quickening


[X] Weapon-Defeating Stance

Almost as good as Hero-Defeating stance, but builds towards All-Defeating Stance.
Oh, that makes a lot more sense actually. Makes the choice more difficult. Facing all the immortals at full power, i feel, is much worse than having a legend at our side...

So, something lke, we are more likely to reach the ring with Aristeia, but would have a more dificult time if we want to minimize civilian casulties due to evacuation?

It depends on your build! Somtimes 2 picks + Aristeia is better for combat, and sometimes 1 + House Alynne is superior!
Exalted Spirit - 2 Arete. Conjunctional [Hunger, Evening Sky]. Mind made vigorous as the body. Gain +Int, +Wits, +Wis, +Cha, -Heartlessness, while in a form with physical blood. Allies under blood enhancement gain +Int, +Cha. Blood enhancement requires physical blood.
@Rihaku would this be overshadowed even if not replaced by rank 7 blood buffs? This seems useful in our situation but I'm not sure how it compares
[X] Who Walked Away
[X] Fierce Quickening
[X] Fierce Quickening x2

VI was good, so let's unlock its counterpart. We need non-Gisena combatants to take on the Immortals and somebody else buffing us is a nice change of pace. We can just ignore the Fairbright and take the ring once the idealists have served their purpose and caused a distraction, their leader may not even survive the fight.