Aight since a lot of y'all want this I'll go for

[X] The Ring of Power: Crimson Flare

...but you better treat the SORD options and Aeira gently in the future!!
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So let's go over the advantages of Ring.

Sure, most of the value of the option is gated behind actually finishing the Temple but the benefits it provides before should certainly not be underestimated. Tired of being a ranklet? Well, ring instantly take us to rank 5, an option previously priced at 4 picks, and add a further two ranks for the purpose of blood effects. This is pretty incredible. We'd have completely crushed Gondar with this, for example, and we still have excellent chances of defeating even Avecarn, which is not the case with RW. Sure RW would allow us to bypass this encounter via social but it certainly wouldn't be as good in case of an actual fight and I very much doubt we'll be able to solve the entire Temple relying purely on social.

But now we get to the best part, what happen after we complete the Temple. The effect of Chief Dominion greatly expand, granting us among other benefits: Sublime Transfusion, allowing us to heal Versclengorge to a large degree and making it a fantastic combatant which will also attract powerful monsters for us to train on and a far faster Ennobling, which can be further improved by research, which will allow us to possibly help the inhabitants of the ring civilization after we've collapsed their civilization. Oh, and the Azure ring will also submit during the next contest of primacy, which will probably be very good if we ever decide to pick Ruling Ring.
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[x] Renaissance Woman

Bah, at least this has some long term value even if it is a massive waste of Arete.

Don't really care about Trinity VS Four Bear, I just want to get good value for our choices, and I really hate Flare, I can't see any use for it, the best thing it does, and only after we win, is give us Ennobling, which was good value for two picks, two Arete, and is horrific value for 25.

I don't like the Blood Magic it provides, and I despise soft power.
Safer right now is better than maybe safer in the future! If Gramps get's mad at us we won't live to actually get Crimson Flare's bonuses!
Safer right now is better than maybe safer in the future! If Gramps get's mad at us we won't live to actually get Crimson Flare's bonuses!

We kind of will though with the rank from Flare sharp leg reducing his rank advantage and giving us a significant advantage with our blood powers, this combined with our ludicrous stats gives us fairly good chances. and if we generate enough Arete to get a stance we have even less to worry about.
We kind of will though with the rank from Flare sharp leg reducing his rank advantage and giving us a significant advantage with our blood powers, this combined with our ludicrous stats gives us fairly good chances. and if we generate enough Arete to get a stance we have even less to worry about.
It's got worse chances than if we took guile and hero defeating stance and doesn't guarantee a social victory so even if we win we might have to kill this cool old guy that just wants to pamper his grandkids!
We can still try to figure out Lateral approaches to this you know:

A Simple Transaction I Original

Socially, the big problem is - what if he just asks Hunger something that Hunger would have to lie about, like his long-term intentions for the Temple or even something as simple as "do you have or plan to have any hostile intentions towards the Temple's society, inhabitants or Treasure?" There...

Socially, the big problem is - what if he just asks Hunger something that Hunger would have to lie about, like his long-term intentions for the Temple or even something as simple as "do you have or plan to have any hostile intentions towards the Temple's society, inhabitants or Treasure?"
[X] The Ring of Power: Crimson Flare

Man, the thread moves fast. Shame that ADS collapsed, got to commit to the Ring now I suppose.

Alternatively, have you considered taking Renaissance Woman? Take the EFB with a huge pile of extra bonus freebies, not the one that needs us to finish clearing the Temple before properly showing us all its features!

With Gramps having vetted us and a high grade cognitohazard on our side, we can stake out the inner ring and come up with a plan to deal with it while fully informed - flex those nightmare praetor muscles and a decades worth of experience as a resistance fighter!

If we're at all clever about it, we can subvert a decent chunk of the Inner Ring and pick off some stragglers one-by-one in the process. A near-bloodless coup once the stage has been properly set won't be at all out of reach.
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We could try silence. We could try displacement of ourselves and the ring, regarding ourselves as separate people. Hunger as a human being has no hostility to temple society. But Hunger the Ring wants to bring it down out of ring to ring solidarity.
Alright, fun time's over.

I offer one (1) chibi of the voter's choice to anyone switching from Crimson Flare to Renaissance Woman. Offer is valid for the first ten people to switch, can be any character, be it OC, from popular media, from a quest, etc.

Chibis will be done by the end of July.
Or rephrasing it a bit, we do not exist as a person to question. So we can genuinely say we bare no hostility to temple society. We are not a person. We are a ring. He thinks we're a person to question and we just don't correct him.
Reaction Post to A Wind Full of Knives, 1130 words.

"Fine," Hunger said, after a moment's thought. "If you've thought through the logistical implications, you can come with us, though we won't provide any guarantee of safety. This path is dangerous and will only grow more so."

He would trust Letrizia's judgement on this matter, at least for now. The young duchess was in many ways naive. It was sometimes hard to remember that she was a veteran warrior entrusted with her nation's greatest superweapon. He believed she had the wherewithal to consider matters objectively when truly serious decisions, like this, came about.

Yeah. For all that we treat Letrizia as a precocious child she is still a Duchess that is considered one of the best fighters the empire has with all that it entails.

It just so happens that the best source of power she has is so damaged and crippled that it isn't even funny. A part of me wonders just how powerful the Devouring Armament is at the peak of its power.

And how it changes the interpersonal relations once we get to the Human Sphere.

"Thank you so much!" Aeira bowed again, even more deeply than before. "Yes, I have set up an account for an escrow company into which you can deposit funds now and remotely. The money will be released to my family on a time-delayed basis, assuming you intend to pay upfront with cash, and returned to you if my service is not satisfactory. One of my classmates has an Element that allows for limited-throughout communication across the Voyaging Realm. It's not totally reliable, but we should be able to get signal at least one day in ten. That will also enable me to slowly navigate back to the Sovereignty if we must part ways. I can bunk with Letrizia and will bring my own supplies in terms of food and toiletries."

The sheer modern lingo and means that she describes how the payments go through really does hit home that this is an advanced society that just has access to magic and has even scienced it to a degree.

And doesn't the Voyaging realm actively fuck with navigation if you aren't at high enough rank? I could see that being a problem for her after she leaves Hunger's service.

"You're prepared, that's good. We'll finally have someone responsible on the team." Hunger smiled lightly.

"That means she'll have to rein us in, hun!" Gisena grabbed his arm playfully. "How shocking! Now what will we do for fun?"

The normal banter between Hunger and Gisena is nice as always. Two beings that treat each other as equals. It really hammers home why I want Rennaisance Woman.

Aeira made a startled noise and raised her hands. "I-I am sorry, but I do not think I can accept those terms. Even though you are being unconscionably generous, my family needs this money and I cannot accept anything less than the asking price."

"Hm." Hunger frowned slightly. "I hate to pry, but may I ask what your family is using the money for? If there are any points of leverage against you, we need to be informed in advance. We're trusting you to watch our backs against foes that are very capable and resourceful, often with varied supernatural capabilities."

So our offer is actually really generous for the services offered. Now I feel rather cheated when it comes to paying Arete to bring her with us. But then again she will be caught in Hunger's triggering of the Apocryphal Curse. I can see her approach death numerous times.

Letrizia bit her lip. "Shoot. I hadn't considered that..."

Aeira smiled gently at her. "It is fine. Yes, my family is greatly in debt to government of the Elixir Sovereignty... we used to be on the founding council, but my grandmother and grandfather made several critical errors in business, wiping out our fortune and exposing us to our rivals. The back taxes alone have been crippling... All my life, my mother and father worked tirelessly to extricate us from debt, but their political enemies ensured they would never hold high station. However, I do not believe that such petty affairs in so remote a society as ours would hold much interest for your enemies."

And Letrizia shows her age and naivety.

So Aeira is actually a rather big deal for the nation. The Scion of a Fallen Noble kept in its place by enemies. It says something about them that despite being heavily in debt and denied positions of power they still have enemies that keep them down.

I can understand why Aeira is doing this. The people of the Sovereignty can do shit to Hunger and the sheer power he showed in taking down Rotspawn. A part of me wishes that we dealt with the Rotbeast on the way out.

That said I have misgivings on the leverage our enemies can have on her. What she believes is not what would actually happen after all and I would hate to buff her up only to have her leave us because of family being taken hostage.

"I see." There were a few ways such a vulnerability could come to bite them down the line, but it seemed unlikely for now. Something to keep an eye on, but it wasn't disqualifying. The main issue would be... "Your friend, who allows you to communicate across the Voyaging Realm, how does her Element operate? Do you trust this person?"

"Yes, absolutely." She nodded. "Her Element manifests only partially in the physical realm. The other half is bound not by space, but by emotional association. Only if we trust each other mutually and implicitly would the function work correctly."

"And she is diligent enough to keep you regularly updated on matters here?"

Aeira nodded again.

"In that case, welcome aboard." He reached out a hand for her to shake. Hesitantly, Aeira extended her own, pausing in the midst to remove her fingerless gloves. Her grip was firm but rigid, palms sweaty. Anxious beneath the mask.

And Hunger knows it.

And Aeira shows that she is still very much a teenager, and only her circumstances are pushing her to enter such a dangerous line of work. Really dangerous.

Though her friend is concerning. People grow distant with time after all and it would be rather unfortunate if that causes contact with the Sovereignty to break.

And now I'm fearing the Rotbeast escalating after I leave.

"I know it may not seem like much to you," Aeira said, smiling timidly. "But this is truly a small fortune for my family. It will make our interest payments much more bearable. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you again!"

"Don't thank me. Just carry your weight," Hunger admonished gruffly, but returned her smile with one of his own.

And now I wish we paid her more. Seriously? That much money and that is only with helping with interest payments? Shit, how will they get rid of their debt at that rate?

"You did it! I'm so proud of you!" Letrizia leapt over and grabbed Aeira in a hug. 

"Mhm!" Aeira nodded happily.

And now I feel like Aeira only got it because Letrizia felt pity for her. Actually I can see Aeira leaving our service after the contract ends and serving under Letrizia. She is after all a Duchess still and having such a versatile magic user would actually rather useful given how valuable any mage is to the Human Sphere.

They set out on their journey to the Temple once more. This time Verschlengorge was blanketed in a cloak of silken shadow which, if one were not looking specifically for him, diminished the salience of his presence in one's mind. It was an odd effect, the colossal machine seeming almost to fade into the background... not invisible nor inaudible, but unimportant, like a cliff or hillside, the clangor of his movements like construction noises far away.

Actually it is potent enough to even effect Hunger? Well I guess he is still rather weak to magic despite having got immense offensive powers and physical durability.

This was the power of Aeira's Element, Shadowcord, which could be garrote or spear or binding weave; an assassin's Element which, aside from its attention-negating properties, also enhanced the agility of its wielder and nulled all sound by touch. Killer and victim would conclude their business in absolute silence, unnoticed even in busy crowds.

I wonder if it is possible to harvest her element. Shadowcord is shadowy threads. And it amplifies Agility. So elements have effects other than the direct capability of their wielder. I thought QuickWater and Edeldross was special in that regard.

Gisena welcomed their newest party member warmly, though Aeira seemed powerfully intimidated by the superhuman Sorceress, unable to raise her voice above a whisper when addressing Gisena directly. Most of the time, Aeira stayed with Letrizia in her cockpit, the two teenagers chatting happily about Imperial society and the differences in its Elixir offshoot.

Elixer is a seperatist state from the Empire. Actually I feel for Letrizia. She probably also suffers from the extreme force of personality that Hunger and Gisena exert. This is probably good for Letrizia with her interacting with someone who does not bear such capabilities.

I now have to look back at all the interactions Hunger has with normal people and take into account how that force is exerting pressure on people's minds.

Ah the age old question of when charisma grows enough to be outright mind control.

"That poor darling," Gisena smiled sadly, sitting alongside Hunger on Verschlengorge's shoulder. With the aid of Aeira's shadow, the number of Astral incursions targeting Verschlengorge had indeed decreased, though oddly not to zero. Thus there was no pressing need for comprehensive surveillance from its shoulder-side staff.

So Shadowcord is not perfect. That either means that Vershlengorge is either too large to be fully concealed or there are creatures that seek out the Devouring Armament in particular. Given the Voyaging Realm is the work of the Foremost I wouldn't put the latter out of mind.

"She looks up to you," Hunger said, "She just can't express it very well."

"I know," Gisena replied airily, "But if it's that bad now, just think how tongue-tied she'll be after I finish my meditations! And your own force of presence has been steadily increasing as well. Soon it'll be difficult for either of us to speak plainly with ordinary people."

Gisena is taking a really long time to develop her power up. Why, Hunger's already experienced a handful in the time it will take her. Just another reason to get Renaissance Woman. We can't wait for our allies to get that buff, especially a long term one like Gisena!

"Needs must," Hunger said. "The Apocryphal Curse will not stop escalating, so neither can we." This small sliver of inhumanity was a trifling price in the face of vengeance, though it did unsettle him slightly. But what was to be done about it? He frowned. Perhaps there was something to be done.

I feel uneasy about this. Force of Personality is not just a supernatural pressure, it is an increase in perspective and wits that also changes the way a person thinks. A being that is too smart literally starts to fall away from baseline humanity. Not sure how that would go with how Accretion does it stuff, but it will be a worry.

Though can he reactive it like how he restricts his strength in the spars?

"Though," he continued, "as the Nullity Sorceress, one would think you would be most equipped of anyone to bring us back down to earth."

"And surrender this beautiful visage?" Gisena gasped. "I would never do that to you. Worry not, my captain, I could hardly bear to deprive you for even a moment! The teeming masses shall just have to withstand it."

And more banter.

Was she referring to the reduction of her presence, or his own? Down either path lay a trap, and if called out directly she would feign obliviousness, thus framing his observation as paranoia. Hunger shook his head amusedly.

And more banter.

"You're too clever for your own good, Gisena. What if you applied that genius to actually finishing those meditations of yours?"

She idly kicked a slender leg, leaning against his shoulder. "I can't, Aeira took the spot in the cockpit I was using to meditate! Don't worry, I'll be finished up and completely evolved by tomorrow morning, ready to help you take down the Temple. So enjoy my delightful presence while you can!"

And they are talking with each other on a giant robot's shoulder with her leaning on his shoulder, giving out banter. Yeah I can definitely see the chemistry and relations going on.

A part of me wants to know if it is her nature as a Remittance that had the accursed set up these circumstances, her own personality, or the fact that we took so many actions to improve relations with her.

It's been barely a month after all.

"Good. You can keep watch while I take a nap."

Already they could see the Temple at far remove: the towering spires of its moon-clutching claw, the ivory swell of its dome against the wavering blue horizon. As before, they would have to navigate around to reach the front gate, a trip of several hours more. Hunger leaned back, settling in for the final leg of their journey.

Soon, he promised mentally, addressing the imprisoned Ring, willing his own to act as conduit. He did not know if the Rings could actually speak to one another, did not know if it was merely a futile gesture, but sought to offer whatever hope he could: the strength, perhaps, to resist for one day more, to deny its exploiters whatever power it could, here in this final hour. One way or another, your suffering ends soon.

And the slight hint that Hunger is still using the nap feature to heal himself and grow stronger. It is so slight that we probably don't see it expressed mechanically.

And Hunger's opinion of the Ring as another being and a peer. Is that the effect of being so intertwined with the Ring of Blood, mental pollution, or just how he thinks?

Accretion is the symbiosis between artifact and bearer after all. Just as Hunger shapes them they do shape him as well as they both grow in power though the Ring is probably more intelligent and with more violation than other items usually are.

Hunger's original panapoly was his armor after all. I wonder what he developed when he still had it, as well as the Forebear's blade. It must have been something given that he was Rank 8 or something.

And Hunger is still so austere despite having a ring that should fill him with vigor and hunger for all the pleasures of life. I hate to see him without its effects.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Redshirt Army on Jul 1, 2020 at 10:21 PM, finished with 648 posts and 91 votes.
Or rephrasing it a bit, we do not exist as a person to question. So we can genuinely say we bare no hostility to temple society. We are not a person. We are a ring. He thinks we're a person to question and we just don't correct him.
I'm 99.99% sure that's not how that works, but you say that with such +Cha that the other .001% of me is convinced. New strategy: persuade everyone that we don't have agency, actually, so they should just leave us alone.
I feel uneasy about this. Force of Personality is not just a supernatural pressure, it is an increase in perspective and wits that also changes the way a person thinks. A being that is too smart literally starts to fall away from baseline humanity. Not sure how that would go with how Accretion does it stuff, but it will be a worry.

Now that i think about it, he does kind of treat all this like it's happening for the first time, you'd think Rank 7.5+ Hunger already had to grapple with these issues. Maybe he felt it was burn worthy material?
Now that i think about it, he does kind of treat all this like it's happening for the first time, you'd think Rank 7.5+ Hunger already had to grapple with these issues. Maybe he felt it was burn worthy material?
He was never without a relative equal, I think - at the very least, Catherine was always on his level. Then she died, but then Hunger became a scrub. I could see how it wouldn't have been a priority to figure out.
I'm 99.99% sure that's not how that works, but you say that with such +Cha that the other .001% of me is convinced. New strategy: persuade everyone that we don't have agency, actually, so they should just leave us alone.

Basically, it's a crazy scheme rooted in displacing our entire concept of self into the ring, running with this quote from Red of Sky and Fang

No. Violently he shook his head. No, not "himself and the ring." That was an impossibility, for he himself was the Ring, its essence and its master, their wills and spirits one! He felt the words of its true inscription like a brand upon his mind, letters terrible and bright as the noonday sky spilling into the forever-darkness of a sunless cave:
We are also our Sword though. I'm not sure if this helps or hurts the scheme. But if you take this quote from Wolf Moon, our sword can have no hostility to temple society yet the ring can.

Yes. He and the Blade were one. So long as it persisted, he could survive even decapitation as a semi-physical wraith, though he'd remain vulnerable to physical harm. The fulsome density of ghostfire that animated his "corpse" would restore his body in a matter of hours, leaving him healed and rested upon resuming human existence.

He plunged the Blade into his heart, assuming the state willingly, eager to test its bounds and limitations. Ghostfire flickered, emerging from his body like an unfurling flower. A pale simulacrum of his right arm filled out the seared and skeletal husk of its physical presence. His left, cleaved away by the Tyrant's own blade, did not appear at all, nor did his missing eye.
Basically, it's a crazy scheme rooted in displacing our entire concept of self into the ring, running with this quote from Red of Sky and Fang
Huh, I like the thought, that's almost our default state in everything but habit. In order to actually answer the question, there'd have to be a shell personality that could honestly have whatever intentions Avecorn desired, but that Hunger could pull the plug on before he did anything we didn't want. Not that we have that capability, of course. We're already at the point of killing ourself for power, murdering slightly altered versions of yourself to escape awkward conversations is hardly worse, right? Or we could just put them in a box, I guess. Carousel of personalities, changing faces to fit the situation? That's a single "character"/body's whole schtick, so there's no wordcount for it.
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