I've been thinking, could we perhaps use the contest of primacy as a means to convince some of the people of the inner temple to let us take away the ring? Do we even know about it in character? Perhaps we could give the inner temple enough of the truth for them to draw their own conclusions while trying to lead them to a conclusion that is satisfactory to us. After all, the idea that someone somewhere might at any given time take control of the foundation of you entire society is quite worrying. While that is likely not quite true so long as that conclusion does not directly come out of us we could be all set. Or maybe this is just overly optimistic without a charisma enhancer on the level of even more rank or Silver or Evening.

Maybe we can use our blood powers to emulate the effects strong emotion has on people's blood while speaking to try and trick them into thinking they are being convinced in Concert with our charisma or something like that.
I say we should wait an update or two before we buy anything else. Plus it would give people time to relax. People worked hard for all the arete.
If your Arete gets high enough, sure. But which one would you guys actually take?

Hm. Hero-defeating when taken alongside Crimson Flare would reduce his rank advantage to 0.7-ish? That'd be handy. Guile-defeating would give us social advantages, Guild-defeating+Crimson Flare is nearly as good at social as Maximally Safe. Magic-defeating is a fan-favorite thanks to Curse mitigation, and would nullify the Soul Evocation, but there's probably a reason it's not part of the maximum survival plan.

If we somehow did end up with 31 Arete (!), I think Guile-Defeating or Hero-Defeating is the play. I'm a little more inclined to Guild-Defeating, because the purpose of this segment was to try to infiltrate the temple, and if we pull that off then Guile-Defeating would be very handy to avoid being caught. There is something to be said for grabbing hero-defeating to nearly eliminate the enemy's rank advantage though.
The King Stands Alone is superior to Hero-DS in most regards, that's why I voted for Somewhat Safe. Guile gives rare stats and better odds of nailing the diplomacy roll. The social prowess is also applicable in combat, so that would be my preference of the Stances offered. Assuming the infiltration doesn't go down in flames with us being forced to fight the Marshall, it'd be useful in unraveling the lies of the Inners. The Forebear doesn't hold with any of this Gordian Knot nonsense.
I don't know how much a sculpture of Hunger with the making-of live-stream would be worth; but it's likely a lot. @Microwave MKII and @Priest are basically carrying Maximum Safety in terms of omake power now. @Orm Embar has two omakes that are currently wasted on Somewhat Safe as well.
Oof, uh, don't use my stream as vote weight for my selection - this is purely for Arete generation to get us to 25 in the wallet and I'll back whatever purchase plan you guys think is the best for not getting Hunger killed?

also lol streaming off my phone while only logged in to SV on phone is probably a bad idea
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Oof, uh, don't use my stream as vote weight for my selection - this is purely for Arete generation to get us to 25 in the wallet and I'll back whatever purchase plan you guys think is the best for not getting Hunger killed?
The plan with the least chance of death is Maximally Safe, but the people mostly prefer Crimson Flare instead. Do with this what you will.
Well, the best plan for not getting Hunger killed is flash-buying All-Defeating Stance, which (if we're going to buy anything) I'm all for. But I'm not sure that's what the Greedy voters have been going for.
The plan with the least chance of death is Maximally Safe, but the people mostly prefer Crimson Flare instead. Do with this what you will.

There's also the possibility of buying Crimson Flare and Guile defeating stance, somewhat combining both of those options. It's hard to tell if our Arete is on that level though. We passed Omakestorm 1 in wordcount, but there are things other then wordcount that could matter (art, quality of omakes/reaction posts, ect).

But yeah, Crimson Flare + Guile Defeating Stance is theoretically a possibility. It would probably be at least as safe as Maximally Safe while also getting the EFB everyone wants.
So what are our plans regarding this, assuming we get Crimson Flare? Or even if we don't:
Socially, the big problem is - what if he just asks Hunger something that Hunger would have to lie about, like his long-term intentions for the Temple or even something as simple as "do you have or plan to have any hostile intentions towards the Temple's society, inhabitants or Treasure?" There are ways out of this but most of them require lateral thinking to some degree unless you go Maximal Safety.

I mostly noticed vali's genius Plan No Habla Español, but are there other ways?

Rihaku often leaves a way out of even most desperate situations, though not without cost. We can't truthfully say that we don't have hostile intentions towards the Temple, that's true, so there are two ways I can see. First is not letting the question come up in the first place - no idea what could distract him so much that it wouldn't even occur to him to ask - or we answer truthfully that we intend to harm the Temple, but in such a way that he doesn't attack us... telling him we'll replace the Ring with something better is also a no-go, because he doesn't have a reason to want that change and is content with what he has.

He's a retired marshal, and while he doesn't like their Council, he has learned to live with them. One thing we could offer him if Hunger can extrapolate information about a future Ennoblement option from the Ring's current functions is prolonging his life. He's an old guy, and apparently Soul Evocations don't do as much for that as they do for power.

Hmm, his blurb also mentions his grandkids. Now I'm obviously not suggesting threatening him with that, since we want to avoid a fight if we can, but where do they live and what does their future hold? Are they in the Inner Temple? What will happen to his family once he dies? I would normally expect insurance that they won't have to worry about anything for a long time if the Council wants to guarantee their loyalty, but we'd seen that the Amarlt family got shafted after Vanreir's father committed some unspeakable crime. Maybe that's a direction we could dig in?

Honestly not sure how to perfectly solve all the problems, partly because it's too late here. Hopefully someone else has better ideas.
Hunger noticed that healing his arm should've been theoretically possible after grabbing Chief Dominion, so if there's any time between Crimson and Avecarn stomping our face in, we should try to patch up a bit. The Liver is probably the least-cursed, but having the eye back might give +Cha if the Sharp of Eye bonus comes from that and not in addition to it.

The "better than Ruling Ring" bits aren't online, though, but Rank 6.75 is a huge jump anyway. Fingers crossed.
This is just terrible. Even Maximum Safety only minimize our chance of dying and people are fighting so damn hard to be able to pick an option with an higher chance of dying than that... Hopefully the dices are merciful?

[X] Fine
[X] Maximum Safety
"I'm willing to avoid harming anyone that an acknowledged authority asks me not to."
And then skeedadle and gloss over the fact that we are physiology incapable of acknowledging anyone's authority!
[X] Unacceptable
[X] Maximal Greed

Getting out of my approval voting for maximal safety now that Flare is almost certainly within reach.

I think it's very unlikely we have an extra 7 Arete after buying Flare, but if we do Guile-defeating stance makes the most sense to me. It's very unlikely Sword Praxis can easily (or at all) replicate it after all.
We can't truthfully say that we don't have hostile intentions towards the Temple, that's true, so there are two ways I can see.

I think all we can do is genuinely commit to improving the welfare of the Temple through Crimson Flare. Reforming the Temple's society such that the wealth is more equitably distributed is hardly hostile, no more than Hunger was hostile to the society of his previous world when he tried to improve it. As for the inhabitants, letting them enjoy the benefits of Super!Ennobling would be a net benefit for them, transforming even the least farmer into a Dunedain. And if anything, we're less hostile to the Treasure than the denizens themselves, since we want to rescue it from its suffering. If we're able to genuinely commit to leaving this place better than we found it (and that's within our potential capabilities), we might be able to bypass that kind of lie detection entirely? This guy isn't super enthusiastic about interrogating us and knows we're weaker than him so I don't think he'll press too hard.

And it might be good for Hunger too! To see how power let him succeed where he'd previously failed so direly. Truth, Justice and Freedom Take 2 baybee, just gotta not die this time.
I'll throw my hat into the non-Ring ring since Somewhat Safe is a pipe dream, though I fully expect Crimson Flare to win here. This is mostly for the characterization; Hunger might win every on-screen fight, but it's the long, slow slog of advancement in the face of endless Apocryphal procs that counts in the end. The Not Dying Gang has a point, this level of risk isn't sustainable.

[X] Fine
[X] Maximum Safety
I like that the top two options are MAX GREED and MAX SAFETY, which implies that Hunger is a very "Go Hardest or Go Homest" kinda guy.
Depending on how reasonable Hunger feels like being, he could tell Avecarn that he'd be willing to proceed without hurting anyone while freeing the Azure Ring if he could figure out a way to do it. Recruit his brainmeats (he is, after all, an excellent tactician, and the Administration itself) for our common goal of making this painless (even if who gets the pain is differentially important). Acknowledge that we are willing to hurt people, if we must, but take a time-out for a serious and productive intellectual discussion.

It would have to be the path of least resistance for Avecarn to help instead of just rolling initiative. We could... actually, we could come prepared with an Edeldross power-point presentation! Including Crimson Flare uplift plans, reparations to the families of the Outriders and the Magus, Hunger's projected power curve, and Gisena's crash-studied sociological insights and potnetial technological solutions. There will be lots of question marks, but that's where he comes in. He might actually be so bewlidered he lets us talk. I unironically love this idea, Hunger needs to channel his inner university student and present his homework to Avecarn-sensei.

Edit: We might need to bring Gisena's books after all.
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I'll throw my hat into the non-Ring ring since Somewhat Safe is a pipe dream, though I fully expect Crimson Flare to win here. This is mostly for the characterization; Hunger might win every on-screen fight, but it's the long, slow slog of advancement in the face of endless Apocryphal procs that counts in the end. The Not Dying Gang has a point, this level of risk isn't sustainable.

[X] Fine
[X] Maximum Safety
I am bookmarking this, it will be glorious for when we succeed or when we die.