Mm, in a way this choice was admirable from the voter base. Gondar would have lower chances of killing Hunger directly, but higher chances of killing a companion. This foe absorbs most of the threat into Hunger himself, despite the total threat % being higher. Selune would have been much safer, but that's a given considering her Arete cost.
I'm starting to become convinced that the self-defeating stance has transcended being a joke and is inflicting it's power in the voter-base.

It would... explain a lot, really.
Not the Vermilion Legion? For shame. Anyway, I guess the title refers to blood advancements, perhaps even the name of our future army? That'd make Letrizia the first soldier, which is a bit strange. Hopefully the rug hasn't been pulled out from under House Artriez back in the Empire. Gisena's comment about not having run into retrieval teams reads as prophetic. Charitably, that can be chalked up to issues navigating the Voyaging Realm; realistically, the world is out to get us. Anyway, the title makes me regret not taking Ennobling, but presumably that's not a one-off since the ability to uplift baseline humans into Númenóreans was called out as a benefit of the Ring.
Burgeoning under the weight of all they'd consumed, the two of them stumbled and Gisena gracefully strode into their suite to recover from the feast. It was an elegant series of rooms, sparsely decorated yet opulent. Swooping calligraphies and handworks of glazed porcelain decorated the walls, while the doorknobs and countertops were carved from lucent jade; a single bonsai shedding cherry blossoms graced the entrance hall. The austere refinement of clean lines and floors contrasted with the plush extravagance gracing every surface liable to human touch. Their room looked out onto a small courtyard of textured stonework and peach trees, beneath which plunged the unspoiled slope of the mountain, its harrowing incline revealing the city beneath in all its glittering splendor. The windows were presently open, bare to the icy wind of the high mountain, but small runnels of Elixir water framed the room entire, their delicate steam warding off any imprecation of the cold.
Gracefully's an amusing adjective, once Gisena's transformation is permament it'll apply to everything she does in one sense. Anyway, what ludicrous luxury, it's clear why this place cost us eighty percent of our cash. I like how the Kaguya's owners come from a technological civilization but choose to heat the room with Elixir-steam, really sells the impression of absurd indulgence.

What clientele do they even cater to? Exiled Imperial nobles who hitched a ride with the Sovereignty for whatever reason? If Surgecrafters are appropriately compensated for their services they ought to be able to afford this, but in their shoes I might not want to whet the kids' appetite for hedonism. That's how you go from the Elixir Sovereignty to the Shadowcord Shogunate.
Hunger reached out and grabbed a peach from a branch sagging under its fresh, ripe weight. It was delightful, the sun-bright sweetness of its flesh contrasting with the frost-dusted texture of its skin. This, nonsensically, was closer to eating a fish off one's own line. He smiled.
Because he plucked it himself? Interesting, is this a metaphysical effect of the Ring, food literally tasting better because of the effort invested in its acquisition? That'd be within the Ring's initial themes and help explain the King Fish's deliciousness.
In a nonsensical show of solidarity, Gisena and Letrizia decided to delay their enjoyment of the public baths to the next night, stating they didn't want Hunger to be left out.

"We'll just enjoy the waters in the suite! Besides, there're magical experiments to be done!" Gisena stared at him through the distorting glass of one of Letrizia's vials.

"What are we even paying for if you're not going to use the hot springs?" Hunger grumbled.
Good question! In this case the money was just burning a hole in the voters' Hunger's pocket? You'd think we had the Doom of the Martyr or something, the way we bleed money as quickly as we accrue it.
"It'll be all for naught if we don't use them together," Gisena said dramatically, laying her hands against her chest. "And that would be the greatest loss of all. Why not enjoy the spring water in our room today? There's no point in you bathing as a ghost, so just think of it as an incentive not to get your physical form killed tomorrow!"

"But then... how would I know I trained my hardest?" He raised his eyebrows.

Letrizia smacked him on the shoulder. "You joke now, but continue along this path and in a few months that's what you'll really believe!"

He looked blankly at her. "It is what I really believe."
Poe's Law in action, I can't tell if Hunger's doubling down on the joke or totally serious! The charisma's been a good investment, though contemplating the numbers is an unpleasant reminder that we're sitting at -15% mental & -20% social attributes for month from Punctured Soul, unless the duration's halved as well. We came here to ditch the debuffs, not exchange them for a new one!
"Moving on," Gisena said lightly, "Isn't this even better, sampling the full gamut of experiences? One night in the room, one in the baths."
Huh, did we just win a round of social combat with Gisena? 'Moving on' isn't quite an admission of defeat, but she seems uncomfortable. I've noticed this tendency before, the way she just breezes past any barbs that draw blood and changes the subject. Similar to her approach to life, come to think of it...
"I want to try awakening my Element first!" Letrizia said. "If I'm a mage, will the Voyaging Realm still try to stop me from extracting you? There's surprisingly little literature on this."
Solid literature (as though Letrizia'd read any other kind!) requires studies, which require systematic experimentation, which trips the Voyaging Realm's protections. I get the sense that if you're trying to poke at the parameters of this thing, you're doing it wrong and should stop before it stops you. But on an individual level, it's not going to object to awakening magic or leaving with your loot.
"What are you going to do if it does try to stop you?" He looked around. "We're hardly prepared for an apocalypse."
I know, right? You'd need someone with a doctorate in eschatology or something! Apocalypse was tricky to play given his broad capabilities (one reason I favored the focused and fluffy Accretion approach), it'd be fun to run into him again at some point... though the Doom might doom us to being on opposite sides.
"My bodyguard will protect me!" Letrizia declared. "At the rate your strength is growing, that shouldn't be too unrealistic, right?"

"Perhaps. But can your country afford to pay those rates?"
You don't need to be as sharp as our companions to see that Hunger's growth curve is more like a growth cliff. The value of his services has steadily increased too; how do you put a price on magic? But that's not Letrizia's concern, she's happy enough as long the Empire's footing the bill. We've had a few hints that House Artriez isn't that much more solvent than Hunger. Other troubles as well, if the Emperor thought he could wrest control of an Armament from them to set a precedent. It'll be interesting to see how that situation has evolved when we finally hit Spherical space.
"That's hardly my problem!" She turned up her nose. "Though, I am hoping to have Verschlengorge repaired before then. Maybe we can find a magus capable of doing it, or we can just incrementally heal him up with your Ring. It's been strange to be the one protected these past weeks. I've been dying to show you guys what we can really do!"

"...Speaking of Verschlengorge, where is he parked?"

"The separatists are looking after him. Don't worry, they know better than to call down the wrath of the Empire. In normal cases the greater Empire doesn't really have the Armaments to spare for small rebellions like this one, but that clemency would swiftly cease if they were brazen enough to steal actual Armaments!"
I'm a little sceptical of this argument, in the Sovereignty's shoes I'd be worried about Letrizia reminding the Empire they exist. The Sovereignty's Prototypes are falling apart, their civilization's besieged, their very survival is at stake. All it would take is greed outweighing good sense in one person in charge. Letrizia's isolated, her Armament's weakened... if there are no surviving witnesses, who's to say what actually happened? She may be putting too much faith in her station. Political power's nice, but personal power's the only kind that can truly be relied upon. Hunger's backstory has taught him as much.
"It's all right, they're appropriately terrified of her station," Gisena assured him. "The privilege of nobility!"

He rolled his eyes. "Onwards then. Let me have a look at that blood."
If Gisena corroborates her assessment, then I guess it's fine. Not everybody can be willing to assume as much risk as Hunger. Anyway, if you squint, Edeldross is the reified privilege of nobility! Hunger's Surge was determined by his relationships and all three of the people listed are nobles. Even death provides no escape from the aristocrats.
"Magic~ magic~" Letrizia clapped her hands happily. Gisena put on a brave smile, but there was just the barest flicker of emotion in her eyes, bitter perhaps at the thought that, though there hardly was a more talented Sorceress, her powers would only ever allow her to unmake what was wondrous, drag down the supernal into the grey mundane. So brief he could have imagined it. Hunger said nothing.
Is this what passes for 'trying to be less controlled' or are Hunger's increased attributes and greater familiarity with Gisena's foibles letting him cut through the façade? Part of me wonders if this is manipulation, but mistrusting Gisena at this juncture's foolish, and it's so slight a lapse it's almost certainly genuine. It does make me like her more, to see that she's not as untouched by her circumstances as she pretends. Gisena's got a justifiable grievance with the Maiden.

If we unlock the now-discounted True Quintessence, maybe we can remove whatever restrictions she imposed? The Foremost used findross, so that advancement doesn't lack synergy with our current world. Just think of the possibilities! Creating our version of the Duty to help with conquest, qualitative intellectual augmentation from Mental Apex, etc.
The process of unlocking 'High Elementalism,' Gisena theorized, ought be shockingly trivial for someone with access to the Ring of Blood. He merely had to heighten a few obscure properties of the target's blood, and then when exposed to a sufficient quantity of apex-grade Elixir Water they would naturally awaken to their Element.

He supposed any magical system with steep and obscure requirements would not have arisen organically in an otherwise mundane society of settlers. As far as Gisena'd seen, The waters of the spring were both temporary and wholly unique. Perhaps the settlers had merely gotten stupendously lucky, or some agent had not caused them to stumble upon the springs.
It's pretty straightforward, could easily be the result of chance. On the other hand, proximity to the Temple and an awakening process that's amplified by the phases of the moon makes me suspicious. I can see how a society built around Surgecraft might incorporate the procedure into religious rituals, some combination of baptism and bar mitzvah where teenagers are immersed in the Elixir beneath the light of a full moon. Probably with ceremonial chanting, because why not?
"Okay, let's do this!" Gisena cheered. "Ready, hun?"
Has she been slowly nullifying our resistance to the nickname? It doesn't even bug me as much anymore, I have to reach for the irritation. Incident Nullification, what an insidious power. Not even the fourth wall guarantees protection.
He placed a hand on Letrizia's head, focusing intently. The Ring of Blood responded to his intentions and would never accidentally harm an ally, but this was complex work still, operating on a number of esoteric sanguine qualities that only existed in trace amounts under standard conditions.

Letrizia blushed, but stood stock still, the very picture of stoic determination.
D'aww, another headpat. Not required, but it does freeze Letrizia like a deer in the headlights. Who knows, maybe causing the capillaries to widen and bring blood closer to the surface helps with the procedure? That's my headcanon and I'm sticking to it.
"Okay, that should do it." He raised his hand. "I'm maintaining the enhancement now. Go."

Gisena and Letrizia quickly ran into the master bathroom, and he heard the low crash of onrushing waters as Gisena turned all the high-powered faucets of the bath to full blast. A (presumably) torrential blast of water struck Letrizia.

"Is this really necessary?" Letrizia yelped. She gave a brief shriek of embarrassment. "Miss Gisena!!"
I wonder how many currency-units per second this is draining? Eh, the Kaguya's ritzy (missed pun opportunity there) enough that they're probably turning a profit anyway. The aquatic antics call to mind another possible pun: with Edeldross, can we literally tell people to drown in our ideals and die? Likely not... but only because it's non-lethal.
"Hm? My dress is wet too, and I'm not even getting new magics out of this!"

"I liked this school uniform!"

"But isn't it the uniform of seperatist scum?"

"Any reaction?" He yelled into the room.
Oh good, Hunger's staying on target and not taking the blatant bait by exercising his imagination.
Gisena's head popped out. "Yup, it's working perfectly! A little too well, actually. She's absorbing all the magic in the waters, so we'll have to maintain a constant flow. This should be ultimately be a good thing. The more magic she absorbs, the stronger the elemental catalysis reaction, and the more impressive her eventual Element will be! It may take a few hours. Will you have any trouble keeping her blood enhanced for the duration?"
This would be the bonus kicking in, ensuring she gets a 7 Arete Element. Ganbatte, Letrizia, it'll all be over soon! We should see about taking samples from the Elixir Springs, just in case we can replicate the effect later to create a renewable source of Surgecrafters for the eponymous Scarlet Legion. Hopefully Gisena's squirreled some away.
"A few hours?!" Letrizia screamed. "I don't wanna get all pruney! Eewww..."
As far as prices to pay for magic go, a long, hot bath is nothing. Just think of the gauntlet of misery Arthur ran (or was forced through) to make him Conjoin with the Strategist!
He frowned. "The blood augmentation shouldn't be a problem. And considering how much we paid, water use really shouldn't be an issue, but they might inquire and object. That would be my primary concern."

If they did, it might activate the Tyrant's Doom, leaving him no choice but to defy them.
It's not like just anyone can create Surgecrafters given access to Elixir water, so they shouldn't jump straight from high consumption to us stealing state secrets.
Gisena shrugged, stepping out. Gently she gathered her damp hair and squeezed it out onto a towel. "It's for a good cause. Well, we still have some money, right? Maybe I'll step outside and bribe the desk staff, ensure their high-ups never get a good look at this particular oversight? It would be a shame if they tried to impose some meaningless rules on us and you were forced to kill them all!"

"I wouldn't have to kill them," he grunted. "I'd just refuse to stop using their water, which might escalate into the use of force, which might force me to kill them all. But that would be on them."
With Edeldross we can just render them unconscious, which is handy. Indirect Tyrant mitigation's always useful, though honestly I'd rather have had Inksky. This is an interesting insight into the chain of logic underpinning the Doom, though. Hunger values agreements highly and if he perceives the proprietors as trying to renege on theirs, he won't go along with it. That in and of itself doesn't necessitate violence, he can just refuse to stop with all his considerable charisma. A lot of people would write it off as not worth the trouble, when confronted with a line in the sand. Calling security's where things get hairy. Caveat venditor, in a reversal of the usual saying.
"So, you're not going to let me steal your money?" Gisena pouted.

"If the Sovereignty's currency is so important to you," he said magnanimously, "then you may have it, no need for false pretenses. Don't think this erases your earlier debt, however."

"I would never dream of it!" Gisena happily took the money and returned a few minutes later, having secured the cooperation of the desk staff.
And so we continue our unbroken streak of seeing absolutely no trouble from the Doom of the Tyrant. Yay? It's going to hurt when this breaks.
Many tedious hours later, it was finally done.

Letrizia emerged, body swaddled in a pink terrycloth robe. "Guhh... I'm completely shriveled and I don't feel any more magical at all."
What, the wholesale incineration of value in the form of wasting so much water isn't appealing? Nameless' Extrusion would've enjoyed such a bath!
"Give it a night, dear." Gisena examined her curiously, eyes green and bright. "The Element is definitely percolating. It has yet to take form!"
What a useful Grace, Gisena could make a mint optimizing the awakening process. The information about the phases of the moon would be valuable (though coming from the Temple, it makes me squint suspiciously) and the springs peaking in five years lets the Sovereignty plan ahead. They probably have some data, they're from a tech-based civilization and not strangers to the scientific method, but if we're staying and training anyway Gisena could recoup the cost of our stay at the resort.
Letrizia yawned, swaying slightly. "Okay, Miss Gisena. I'll... give it a shot..."

Gisena caught her and shot Hunger a smile. "Looking forward to doing this yourself tomorrow?"
If we had Bloodwraith, I bet the procedure would've worked even while incorporeal! With all these relationship pluses we're racking up, Hunger can afford to do a little casting from familiarity.
"What about you? Is Sorcery is the only path for one of the Maiden's followers?"

She shook her head. "I already know which Element this process would give me. Sad to say it would be totally redundant! Perhaps the Maidengrace is too prescient, or simply too powerful to countermand..."
Not even a synergistic boost to her powers of nullification? You'd think it would increase the scale she can operate on at the very least, interstellar nullity'd make her a civilization-ending threat for anyone reliant on magic. If they're going to put the Elixir Sovereignty in the rearview mirror and they're not bottlenecked on spring water, why not awaken her Element anyway? Get their money's worth from this extravagant resort, it's still a scam even if you come up with it after the fact! ...advocating for luxury and deception, someone should check the containment on Nameless, he might be leaking.
"Perhaps I'll forge you an artifact that does something novel. Save us from death another nine times and we'll call it square."
Forge an artifact? Is that... something Hunger can do? Abduction's the art of stealing pieces of another's panoply; the existence of the opposite practice is only logical. Could call it Contribution or something similar, the Evening Gown might've been a partial example.
"Only nine?" Gisena giggled. "So I can expect something tomorrow?"

"How conceited... after we're safely finished with the Temple, maybe. But you'll have to work extra hard to earn it."

She flashed him a salute. "Aye-aye, captain!"
Taking Bloodmight and buffing her right after she expressed concerns about scaling may have given Gisena an inflated opinion of Hunger's ability to pull powerups out of his ass. As far as working extra hard, I'll note that Sublime Attainment hasn't kicked in yet, so presumably she'll clear whatever bar he sets.
They retired to their chambers for the night. As usual, Hunger fell into a deep, dreamless sleep. He was awoken the next day by Letrizia.


"...Ugh." He blinked open his eyes. It had definitely not been nine hours.
This, right here, is the best possible argument for Sleep of the Just. If you've read Mother of Learning, you know just how much the ability to deny interruptions to one's sleep could save on sanity in the long run. Poor Zorian, suffering through Kirielle's antics at the start of every loop. But the power of Progression is greater any imouto or surrogate daughter! Sleep through it, Cursebearer. Even if it cannot be slept through.

More seriously, I'm interested in that skill tree. We've spent more time out of character than in so far, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Part and parcel of tackling tricky challenges is the need for a high-granularity playstyle, but eventually we're going to hit timeskips and months or years'll start slipping by. That's where things like Slumber of Aeons and Stranglethorn would really show their value as pick-independent passive scaling mechanisms.

We haven't had Might's Repose long enough to see much benefit yet, but the followup enables strategies like entering Fellsleep in enemy territory to weaponize Decimation while saving up our waking hours. It'd be amusing to park our nigh-invulnerable form in some critical location, doubly so if that counts as 'staking out' a position for Stranglethorn purposes. But sleep-banking's useful regardless. How much more would we have gotten done in this Apocryphal-free fortnight with the Praetor buff and no need of rest?
Letrizia's enthusiasm is endearing, no doubt about it. Unlocking Surgecraft's a more empowering experience than conjuring up Vertices, though a practitioner of the latter art'll never want for reading lights again. Wonder how she squares the circle of Hunger not counting as a mage when her Imaginary Element manipulates Pressure?

2046 words for the war chest, hopefully the first breeze of the omakestorm.
If we work hard we can get to 4.5 arete and so have chances better than somewhat safe while still getting an EFB we were aiming for, assuming we reject Shadowcord. Are people willing to do that or should I stop wasting my time?

I apparently misread what his pick was.
@Talace and @Prospalz have already committed something. I want to knock out some couple thousand words myself, as well. It's definitely doable.
[X] Fine
[X] Maximum Safety

I'm supposed to be taking a break, but I'll see what I can do about Arete generation. I'll put this vote in for now, and if we're realistically able to tomorrow I'll consider voting to snap-buy Flare.

that said, I am kind of regretting allowing myself to be convinced to switch away from Selune+Silver a bit, it's seeming like it was the true SAVE option now

Edit: also, since non-vote discussion/writing = Arete, would anyone like to tackle a magic system for me if one hasn't been written already? No real preferences, write whatever you actually think I'd have, but I'll always enjoy funny ones!
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Current vote count?

...Then can we put a write-in underneath Maximum Greed to flash buy one of these plans if the fight does start to go against us?

You can, but it would be unwise. Someone with this much Rank advantage can flatten you in an instant if things go poorly. This is like trying to fight Legolas as a generic orc in terms of relative plot armor.

Don't end up as just another statistic in his contest with Gimli!
Alright, we got into this mess, and at this point I feel like we need to take a unfortunate path to leave it.

Let's grab the sword trio advancement. More than mage-gang, I'm not-dying-gang, and since Crimson flare is less than ideal even in this fight, I would rather take the advancement trio that has the least amount of odds of us dying horribly.
Alright, we got into this mess, and at this point I feel like we need to take a unfortunate path to leave it.

Let's grab the sword trio advancement. More than mage-gang, I'm not-dying-gang, and since Crimson flare is less than ideal even in this fight, I would rather take the advancement trio that has the least amount of odds of us dying horribly.

Maximal safety builds towards two different EFBs though, so It doesn't really bring us closer to three Blade EFbs and Somewhat safe seems to have about equal odds to Flare of winning*. If you want to build towards an EFB we might as well get Flare.
Then Hunger can snap buy Crimson Flare (note: this is still less safe than Maximum Safety)
Implying it is at least comparable to Somewhat safe.
[X] Fine
[X] Maximal Greed

annoyed this guy won so I'm not willing to compromise and buy stuff to accommodate it
if we die, so be it, shouldn't have chosen him
Implying it is at least comparable to Somewhat safe.
It's also notable he has not said it has a death chance. He said:
That said, even Crimson Flare doesn't offer a perfect win% against someone this far above you in Rank
Which leads me to believe Maximal safety we probably win basically every time. Crimson Flame we might lose, but due to the Blood buffs/Debuff rank we always end up escaping because it outranks him so fucks with his speed sufficiently we can run.
I'm a little sceptical of this argument, in the Sovereignty's shoes I'd be worried about Letrizia reminding the Empire they exist. The Sovereignty's Prototypes are falling apart, their civilization's besieged, their very survival is at stake. All it would take is greed outweighing good sense in one person in charge. Letrizia's isolated, her Armament's weakened... if there are no surviving witnesses, who's to say what actually happened? She may be putting too much faith in her station. Political power's nice, but personal power's the only kind that can truly be relied upon. Hunger's backstory has taught him as much.

Her Armament isn't in much state to do them any good, however! It's weaker than their top end Armor Prototypes, even...

If Gisena corroborates her assessment, then I guess it's fine. Not everybody can be willing to assume as much risk as Hunger. Anyway, if you squint, Edeldross is the reified privilege of nobility! Hunger's Surge was determined by his relationships and all three of the people listed are nobles. Even death provides no escape from the aristocrats.

And he's a noble himself, though minimally willing! And yet if he's to complete his Geas task he will have to elevate himself much further than that, effectively... the titles may change but the powers stay the same.

I wonder how many currency-units per second this is draining? Eh, the Kaguya's ritzy (missed pun opportunity there) enough that they're probably turning a profit anyway.

Well, he did pay the equivalent of two full years of salary for two days, but the spring water is at an extreme premium... it's possible they may have lost money on the exchange considering Letrizia ran the baths for 5 hours and Hunger did the same! Plus all the stuff they ate... what pigs...
We haven't had Might's Repose long enough to see much benefit yet, but the followup enables strategies like entering Fellsleep in enemy territory to weaponize Decimation while saving up our waking hours. It'd be amusing to park our nigh-invulnerable form in some critical location, doubly so if that counts as 'staking out' a position for Stranglethorn purposes. But sleep-banking's useful regardless. How much more would we have gotten done in this Apocryphal-free fortnight with the Praetor buff and no need of rest?

It'd be interesting for area denial, though the Apocryphal Curse would make prolonged inactivity unwise, and with stellar tech enemies could just move away!

Alright, we got into this mess, and at this point I feel like we need to take a unfortunate path to leave it.

Let's grab the sword trio advancement. More than mage-gang, I'm not-dying-gang, and since Crimson flare is less than ideal even in this fight, I would rather take the advancement trio that has the least amount of odds of us dying horribly.

All-Defeating Stance isn't too far off if you take Somewhat Safe, and it is a pure power type EFB! Could definitely be worth considering in conjunction with something like Once and Future. It may not be pleasant but it'll help you live, and that's almost all Hunger needs in order to grow strong...
[X] Fine
[X] Maximal Greed

annoyed this guy won so I'm not willing to compromise and buy stuff to accommodate it
if we die, so be it, shouldn't have chosen him
Can I convince you to reject shadowcord? The small arete bounty is sufficient we can probably get Crimson Flare during the encounter, which is in line with what we want to do anyway, and gives us a good chance in the encounter.

Also, Rihaku, I find it amusing you aren't pushing Once and Future here if we get to 24 arete. It would let us win 100% of the time, would it not? It drags our battle rank up to 6.3, and a .2 difference is nothing at this level with our significantly higher stats.
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Can I convince you to reject shadowcord? The small arete bounty is sufficient we can probably get Crimson Flare during the encounter, which is in line with what we want to do anyway, and gives us a good chance in the encounter.
sure, honestly I'm a little tired and skimmed past the reward without noticing it

[X] Unacceptable
[X] Maximal Greed
[X] Unacceptable
[X] Maximum Safety

Minimalism* (less companions = better) and safety.

How big is SAVEgang anyway?

*Also avoidance of harem syndrome.
Well, he did pay the equivalent of two full years of salary for two days, but the spring water is at an extreme premium... it's possible they may have lost money on the exchange considering Letrizia ran the baths for 5 hours and Hunger did the same! Plus all the stuff they ate... what pigs...
And that's why I went for Kaguya! Don't hurt the cheaper establishments!
[X] Unacceptable

I am convinced; was leaning this way anyhow.

At least, because I think we need the Arete.
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Note that even Maximal safety says it minimizes death%.
Well, as I just said that seems to be slightly untrue. Absolutely maximum safety would be reaching 24 arete and buying Once and Future, which would render our current opponent kinda... not a threat? I mean, .2 rank advantage to him with large stat advantages to us... Not much of a fight in the mid levels.
Well, as I just said that seems to be slightly untrue. Absolutely maximum safety would be reaching 24 arete and buying Once and Future, which would render our current opponent kinda... not a threat? I mean, .2 rank advantage to him with large stat advantages to us... Not much of a fight in the mid levels.
Once and Future requires a pick, so we can't do that actually. It's Flare or bust in terms of EFBs.
Think what about Once and Future costs and you'll realize why you can't buy it.

Considering that Fairbright was considered a premium at 2 Arete... yes? I think I like more (synergistic) 7 Arete options than 25 Arete options though.

You guys may have considered that a premium, that doesn't mean it was accurate in the context of the marketplace!
Well, as I just said that seems to be slightly untrue. Absolutely maximum safety would be reaching 24 arete and buying Once and Future, which would render our current opponent kinda... not a threat? I mean, .2 rank advantage to him with large stat advantages to us... Not much of a fight in the mid levels.
which isn't the Maximal Safety option, though..