I mean, we get a weaker version of it by having her with us anyway, Garlak. It's more impressive for the 30% agi and it being entirely innate, so not at risk of dying on us, than it is for anything else.
I want shadow lord because they give us theft thought.

We can theft all of the money and valuable thing in this place before we go out.
I want shadow lord because they give us theft thought.

We can theft all of the money and valuable thing in this place before we go out.
We have no indication this place actually has any money or valuables we can use elsewhere. It probably has magic items the Ring is being used to create, but I suspect they use them very quickly.

Also frankly once we get to the Ring stealth is irrelevant.
[X] Edeldross Adept
[X] +1 pick below

I'm pretty sure there's nothing that competes with Edeldross Adept for sheer power. It's pretty cheap too for only 2 Arete, for those that like saving.

Shadowlord is the only other option I'd consider comparable, and I should note that Shadowlord wastes one of our apocryphal-free days. This is a big deal, remember we're trying Temple infiltration now, which will likely take a few days before we're trusted with the good stuff.

And what do you guys think will happen if the Apocryphal Curse kicks in, while we're smack dab in the middle of an enemy base that we've lied our way in to?

Shadowlord could try to sneak out of trouble, admittedly, but in that kind of situation I'd much rather have a truckload of raw power, or avoid the situation entirely by not wasting free days!
[X] Edeldross Adept
[X] +1 pick below

When considering the upgrade to our buff- enabling a boost of 30-45%- also keep in mind that we can apply that very same buff to our allies as well; as a fundamental effectiveness multiplier for the whole team, it's just good value!

plus, we can start getting our sword graces even faster
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What do we know about the Theft stat? It was offered as part of the King of Thieves if I recall, and was a pretty big deal, but that was before my time, and I don't know how much of the value of that option was the stats, or the esoterics, just that Rihaku holds it up as one of our missed opportunities.

The stat line for Shadowlord is absurd, 30% Agi and Manip, 7 stealth, 4 theft, 100% Crit from stealth, and ties Protection to stealth.

If either of Stealth or Theft are truly good stats, this would be a bad one to miss out on, but again I wasn't around for the debate last time they were offered, could someone elaborate?
Shadowlord is the only other option I'd consider comparable, and I should note that Shadowlord wastes one of our apocryphal-free days. This is a big deal, remember we're trying Temple infiltration now, which will likely take a few days before we're trusted with the good stuff.
This is true.

Also if we are bringing her with us as long as we avoid getting her killed we can probably make this deal later. Like, after we finish the Temple we can probably go slay the Rotbeast and then just hand her the reward in exchange. Assuming we don't get attached.
Shadowlord does give increased utility to the +Protection advancements of the Evening Sky now that they have been deprecated by Uttermost, which people have been complaining about. And unlocking new stats also means unlocking improvements for them in the future, as well. But since we will have Shadowcord with us to cover this anyway, I'm kind of eh on it? Don't know what to vote for here.
You have at least 12.5 Arete, likely more. Haven't reviewed yet.
Looks like you're at slightly over 12.5 Arete!
We had 12.5 when you reviewed yesterday,. we definitely have more now.
Are we sure Hunger actually got Cut Through(aka git gud philosophy), because that sounds like an excuse.

Smashing is an unskilled means of combat. Being too unskilled to cut through is an excuse. Instead, simply cut through.

Did the fight really not qualify for Preeminence, even with +1 Pick? Because +0.5 Rank and +Int/Wis/Cha/Luck in scenarios with real stakes would be really helpful in infiltrating.

You're asking if the spar qualified for Preeminence?

Yes, it costs 7 arête, but goddangit guys, it gives us a whole new toolset and opens up options for us that are just great! This can help us survive much better. We can gather information. On a society, or on an individual. We can start off a boss fight with a critical strike, after scoping out the enemy. If we can break line of sight, we can retreat much easier. Or alternatively, if we get killed and leave our wraith, then our wraith can retreat much more easily; because it'll have a stealthy cloak, too.

Indeed! Though the wraith-form will lack a lot of AGI, if you have enough +Stealth from the cloak that won't matter much.

Wow, just wow. We picked a new character to meet and she might not even get any screen time.

Such is the price of power!
[ ] Vigor Incarnate - 2 picks, 2 Arete. The glory of Blood triumphant. Let those who would stand against him cower, or be undone. A simple but exceptionally powerful option.

Adds [+++Might, ++Charisma] to the bonuses from Quickening, subject to the usual conditions.
Add your Charisma to your Protection.

Looks like this gives 3 might, 2 charisma, and 11(!) protection. A pretty solid pick.

[ ] Edeldross Adept - 2 picks, 2 Arete. Conjunctional [Ring of Power, Evening Sky] Through a surge of genius, Hunger vastly accelerates the growth of his proficiency with Edeldross.

*Substantially improves the effects of Hunger's Edeldross training session, increasing Magnitude to +30% and imparting significant bonuses to control. He can now consistently form barriers, blasts, and basic shapes (spear, sword, boxing glove) from Edeldross.
*Hunger can now maintain close to 100% uptime on basic Edeldross enhancement for himself.
*Unlocks advanced Edeldross enhancement, a time-limited technique that increases his effective Magnitude by 50%.
*Doubles the rate of psuedo-Grace creation in the future. This benefit is unique to the Advancement.

If I'm reading this right, this upgrades the stat boost from 20% to 50% for boss fights, and 20% to 30% for general purpses. Gives the most stats of any option, AND doubles future advancement.

[ ] Evening Sky: Shadowlord - 2 picks, 7 Arete. It's rare that such conjunctions occur, but the cloak of Evening has unusual affinity for the Elements of shadow. By absorbing the power of an Element willingly offered, some of its attributes may be infused into the wearer.

*+30% AGI, +30% Manipulation
*Gain +++++++Stealth, ++++Theft
*Weave of Silence: Immune to sound- and music-based attacks.
*Attention-Deflecting Shroud: +Protection from the Evening Sky now adds to Stealth.
*Assassin's Grace: 100% Critical Strike chance when performed from ambush.

*In exchange for paying Shadowcord a kingly sum of money, she will agree to let Hunger absorb her Element. This is not a permanent reduction; her ability to summon it will return slowly over the course of two years.
*Needless to say it's far more effective to have such capabilities present in Hunger himself than to rely on relatively weak external sources
*Consumes one additional day as you farm the money needed.

Percentage boosts are always good, especially since this one, unlike Edeldross, can't be dispelled. It would also be extremely helpful for infiltration. The additional day of fighting might yield a pick or two if we're lucky enough to meet a prime or the big guy himself.


[X] Edeldross Adept
[X] +1 pick below

Edeldross adept and Shadowlord are both quite good. Shadowlord's critical hit, agility boost, and stealth make it the perfect answer to the temple infiltration. It's also a more visually interesting power with better thematics. If they were the same price I'd go Shadowlord, but 7 Arete is too much.
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Shadowlord does give increased utility to the +Protection advancements of the Evening Sky now that they have been deprecated by Uttermost, which people have been complaining about. And unlocking new stats also means unlocking improvements for them in the future, as well. But since we will have Shadowcord with us to cover this anyway, I'm kind of eh on it? Don't know what to vote for here.
That's a bit less useful with Vigor Incarnate being offered, though.

It's probably something to grab next time we have an offer that doesn't have anything super compelling at hand, like the ones from last time. The protection increase is utterly insane.
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Shadowlord does give increased utility to the +Protection advancements of the Evening Sky now that they have been deprecated by Uttermost, which people have been complaining about. And unlocking new stats also means unlocking improvements for them in the future, as well. But since we will have Shadowcord with us to cover this anyway, I'm kind of eh on it? Don't know what to vote for here.
Vigor Incarnate takes care of our Protection issue and with how the thread has been going I doubt people will vote for upgrading Evening Sky to get +Protection.

What do we know about the Theft stat? It was offered as part of the King of Thieves if I recall, and was a pretty big deal, but that was before my time, and I don't know how much of the value of that option was the stats, or the esoterics, just that Rihaku holds it up as one of our missed opportunities.

King of Thieves also gave free scaling to +Stealth and +Theft every time you got Experience. It's somewhat different from Shadowlord, which has a lot more immediate power (and doesn't reduce future mage options), but less scaling.

The boost is +10%/reliability and bursts of +25% over the baseline. Not a straight increase of 30%.


We had 12.5 when you reviewed yesterday

And I haven't reviewed yet!