Incidental synergistic argument I just realized.

Gisena Gang, taking Augment/Sublime would allow us to further bolster her and be able to offer excellent healing options, meaning our ability to take her into the Middle and Inner Temple (and thereby increase her screentime) is greatly improved. Alternatively, Ennobling loses out on the healing but offers even greater heights of enhancement we could foster in her, achieving similar results.

Either way, you get more of our favorite lady of lilac tresses. Something to consider.
Currently Wreath's winning because its opponents are split between three different kinds of Blood vote. The Wreath has at least that much variation in potential picks, but it signs as a single option so it's effectively weighted.

Now would be a good time to start trading votes, guys. Even a short term, low-value "vote my way now and next two votes I go your way" guarantee might be enough to break the stale.

It's way to early to start consolidating. We've got like 18 hours of vote still to come.
Currently Wreath's winning because its opponents are split between three different kinds of Blood vote. The Wreath has at least that much variation in potential picks, but it signs as a single option so it's effectively weighted.

Now would be a good time to start trading votes, guys. Even a short term, low-value "vote my way now and next two votes I go your way" guarantee might be enough to break the stale.
brb Wreath is like my second option.

Plus like, not every voter has come yet. By my count only 60~70% of regulars on this quest has voted for this update.
Oh, sweet, I finally locked in my preferred color scheme in a vote tally. Guess I'm committed, now. Based on my terrible metric of meta-coloration, my second pick would be Orm's quite reasonable stat-vote, or the Sublime Transfusion option.

From a more reasonable and actually-want-to-live perspective, healing Verchlengorge and pursuing the vigorous application of mecha to our problems seems like the way to go. Most of the things that could challenge a rank 7 Verchlengorge would do so by cheaty magic power, and Gisena has something to say about that strategy. Hunger could run support, and if anything bad happens he goes back to hide behind Gorgey's skirt. Seems legit if the logistics work. It's perhaps a bit silly to go have a philosophical revelation which showed Hunger the way to cut, and then immediately say 'naw, gonna use the robot', but our protagonist is nothing if not pragmatic. Plus, we've already done the sudden pivot to magic after our enlightenment. Mostly for our daughteru, but still.

I think part of the resistance to relying on our allies is a misunderstanding for how one can activate the ring Hunger, and thereby acquire progression. We've all been trained by RPGs to know that killstealing allies means less XP. I don't think that's the case, as this latest update has emphasized. The very efforts that lead to acquiring, supporting, and deploying powerful allies validate the ring, and lead to progression from our efforts. There are other concerns as well, such as the safety of the allies in question, vulnerability to the Apocryphal curse due to a lack of personal power, applicability of allies, and logistical problems with getting them strong enough and in place to help.

All of these are challenges that Hunger is prepared to face with his increasingly healthy set of diverse powers, and it may be worth it to pivot into a supporting role while we're still at the foot of Mt. Rank.

Now that I've supported one of the competitors, what about Philosopher's Wreath and Edeldross? I've chosen Magnitude as the option to enhance, but I think Control and Experimentation are both interesting in their own ways, and wouldn't mind seeing Control take the pick because I didn't get my damn coloration in the vote count! since it does more for our battlefield control and hedges against mistakes, where Magnitude improves raw power and buff power, but does risk those stronger buffs falling on a canny or lucky enemy. Experimentation is interesting, and could well provide strong yields, but I think risking a failure here is a poor move. We need power and we need it now, so it's better to go for the more reliable improvements, and wait on the grace gacha till we're not so much on the clock.

To that end, I'm just hoping to stack Wreath on Magnitude and slam that buff button as hard as we can, to the end of bringing Gisena forward with us. We've opened up another gulf in stats since the last time we fought together, and it's important to help her keep up so we can get those sweet sweet hard counters. The comprehensive buff stacks wonderfully with her own broad-spectrum improvement from her Graces, and every extra + we wring out of it just magnifies the effect of our other buffs. Likewise when applying it to Hunger's own self.

From a less character-sheet standpoint, the utility of stronger blasts and shields will help with battlefield control and protection respectively. We've been bemoaning our lack of protection, so this sideways supplement will help offset our weakness there. Plus we can jet around on pixie dust faster. Don't you wanna make those zooming sounds from DBZ?

Lastly there's the raw stats provided by Wreath. They're nice. Strictly inferior in value compared to Exalted Spirit for their cost, but the magnification of intelligence for magical purposes offsets the loss a bit. And we can keep our Heartlessness!

TL;DR This is an unusual opportunity to take a potential pick, and then cash in some of that potential immediately. It's not the only path, but I favor it because I want my pretty color vote to win, damnit.

~600 words if my mad rambling counts
Depending on how long it takes to hit breaching power I'm not sure I'd want to wait for Verschle, while the subversion aspects of Ennoblement do seem pretty appealing to the age and treachery style Hunger occasionally showcases, some grasping betrayers enterprising souls opening the sally gate for us would be pretty neat. So I'm considering switching.

We wouldn't necessarily need to wait for 6.8 if we took healing though, just the potential additional picks likely generated would be a significant boost to our chances.
I will continue to fight for enoblement to my very last breath, The thought of of us causing dissent and rebellion in the moon temple is just lovely to me as Hunger is a tyrant by nature due to his curse.

Enoblement however to me offers an option we haven't otherwise be able to choose, the power to empower others permanently which makes diplomacy and gaining political power as well as followers more attractive as an option in future fights.

This to me is important to me since it actually opens up a whole lists of upgrades to enhance others and actually act out as a tyrant with his army of followers. Even now were considering hiring folk from the camp but we know they might not be as strong but with sufficient buffs they may become our army to liberate forth the enslaved ring!

This also finnaly sets in stone a path of making Hunger more diplomatic and having minions actually a considerable viable option since with this option we can enhance so many individuals of the moon temple.

I might be ramblig on bullshit but my main point for Enoblement is that it actually encourages us to have power through others and trust them that through the POWER we give to them which we can TAKE AWAY at any moment they will fufill our commands.

Bassicly we can focus on becoming tyrant emperor as a viable option in the future instead of the litteral one man death star.

Having the option to pursue expanding the scope of our influence both polliticaly and technichly ourselves as everyone serving under us is not going to want to keep our blessing of increased plot armour/rank by 0.5 and increase their lifespan by FOURFOLD.

point being, we can litterely take our blessings away and i can be pretty much asured those who have our blessing will want to KEEP IT for the extra LIFE SPAN and PLOT ARMOUR/ ASTRAL RANK 0.5

I might be rambling at this point but i just want to pick the option that actually convinces us to take on underlings and gain political strength. how many would rally to the noble house of Letz when they hear the house can increase their lifespan by FOURFOLD and increase their ASTRAL RANK BY 0.5? quite alot.

Anyhow that's pretty much the end of my ramblings. I hope we can take minions and followers from the camp since this would incentivise us to gain followers even if weak.

Word count: 420
[X] Vigor Itself
[X] Vigor Itself x2
[X] Magnitude

This or Fierce Quickening would be great, but we just fucking got Zweihander so +4 str/con will work real well with the Power of Ruin. Also let's not spend 7 fucking Arete and lock ourselves out of flashbuying a stance if we need to to save our asses? 2 is bad enough, we can't burn that shit on every build vote. Zero Arete blood advancements were like half the reason for Quickening, we'll never save up for another EFB if we take every opportunity to spend it.
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[X] Augment Dominion: Blood
[X] Sublime Transfusion
- 2 Arete

This plan will literally pay for itself in picks, because boosting Ver to Rank 5.5 is trivial and Rank 5.5 Ver will attract Astral Beasts powerful enough to give us two picks on a way home. It also leaves enough Arete to buy Preeminence: War with those picks, if we want to, and give us an alternate strategy that doesn't rely on Hunger's personal strength to clear the Temple.
It does mean less Rank, however! Consider that directly bolstering yourself means more epic feats, which means more potential sources of Rank-ups!
That would be more relevant if we actually picked +Rank advancements.
After rereading Redshirt's plan, I'm pretty compelled by it. I just need one last thing to vote for it-- can we handle the Astral Beasts we attack? If I get proof for a yes, it's Neon Genesis Evangelion time, baby.
As a lifelong mecha fan, and a fan of Letz since I started reading the quest, having her fuck up the temple with Shinebright assisted piloting would be amazing. Kind of tempted to switch my vote.
We'd probably benefit more doing a gradual build up for the Verse as Astral Bait plan. Suddenly shooting up to anything above Rank 5.5 basically gonna fuck up Hunger real quick with even more Major Complications.

So if we're doing that, then...uh. baby steps? or at least take more +Rank options for it.
That would be more relevant if we actually picked +Rank advancements.

You can also get free Rank from performing epic enough feats!

After rereading Redshirt's plan, I'm pretty compelled by it. I just need one last thing to vote for it-- can we handle the Astral Beasts we attack? If I get proof for a yes, it's Neon Genesis Evangelion time, baby.

You won't know until you try! Though you could always stop if the Beasts get too dangerous to handle. There would be the issue of total Apocryphal-free days, however... the plan takes a while to execute, more than you have free days.

As a lifelong mecha fan, and a fan of Letz since I started reading the quest, having her fuck up the temple with Shinebright assisted piloting would be amazing. Kind of tempted to switch my vote.

Shinebright won't help much when she has Totality again, it's not as useful as Exavolt in that regard!
After rereading Redshirt's plan, I'm pretty compelled by it. I just need one last thing to vote for it-- can we handle the Astral Beasts we attack? If I get proof for a yes, it's Neon Genesis Evangelion time, baby.
We don't jump straight to the full throttle, it is a gradual ramp-up of enemy difficulty;
If taken in conjunction with Augment Dominion: Blood or Exalted Spirit, you could theoretically get Verschlengorge to about Rank 6.8, maybe 6.9 given enough time and effort. That would take considerably longer than a day, of course. But getting him to Rank, say, 5.5 would be easy.
[X] Evening Sky - Philosopher's Wreath
[X] Control


This is exactly how I want Evening Sky to help us, it's most useful domain is magic and thus utility not protection or whatever.

In the mid term, the Pseudo-Graces will give us the utility and versatility we need and in the long term who knows what we will be able to do?

We may also figure out a way through Eldeldross to make Gisena Coalescence. That would be huge for Curse Mitigation and everything else she brings to the table.
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Considering what we have already done and what it cost us without free Rank, I suspect epic enough feats will have to give their free Rank to our tombstone.

Well, none of them caused you to proc Form of Rage, so were they really that bad? It's true that epic feats require a degree of risk-taking, but you can mitigate that risk by becoming extra tanky in various ways! Such as by taking Vigor Itself, for example! It works even better because you now have +20% All Stats! Magic-Defeating Stance would also be great...
Well, none of them caused you to proc Form of Rage, so were they really that bad? It's true that epic feats require a degree of risk-taking, but you can mitigate that risk by becoming extra tanky in various ways! Such as by taking Vigor Itself, for example! It works even better because you now have +20% All Stats! Magic-Defeating Stance would also be great...

Really? I got the impression there wasn't much rubber banding in effect for Rank gain (High strength for relative Rank doesn't really make it much easier to bring it up to par). So I assumed more tankiness increasing safety would just mean those feats were no longer particularly rad. Was beginning to think we'd be forced to resort to the empty calorie (Propaganda for the masses) method of Rank gain.
...I was really hoping there would be no build-vote this time around, but I guess at least this way we'll generate more arete by tearing through each other like rabid animals diplomatically sharing our opinions together. :tongue:

[] Vigor Itself
[] Vigor Itself x2

Just want to remind everyone that we're 9 Arete away from Ruling Ring, the option that makes literally everything else better once we get it! Honestly, at this point the 4 picks necessary seem more of an hurdle than the Arete itself, as long as we don't spend the majority of it into a 7 Arete effect right at this very moment.

Voting for Vigor itself since I want to get closer to those advanced quickening enhancements once we max out both it and Fierce Quickening, and also since I'm seeing getting Stranglethorne a foregone conclusion (if we're ever offered it again...) so I can't help but see the double vigor boost as an 8+ Might increase rather than a 4+ one.

Though honestly, I would be amenable to vote for one of the 2-Arete Advancements as well, since we might actually end up with a (small) surplus or Arete if we end up saving for everything but Dominion and Preeminence options. Sublime Transfusion, as an ability with minimum rank cap instead of a maximum one, particularly interests me. And considering our regeneration, the effect we would give could literally save someone on the brink of death. Never know when that might come useful until it finally does and you really hope you had bought it when you had the chance, and maybe we could even make some blood potions so that our allies always have an emergency full heal available even when Hunger is otherwise occupied!

The 7 Rank minimum kinda gives me the idea that that's how much we would be able to boost Vers at a baseline, but I'd honestly avoid attracting that level of Astral Beast attention right away. What being able to heal the Armament could give us though, is another chance to experiment with his blood! Not much Letrizia can complain about if we can boost Vers right back again with minimal expenditure, y'know? Another chance at Bloodwraith (without the relationship maluses) would be absolutely fantastic, and at this point since it looks like I managed to convince myself of all the potential this option has...

[X] Sublime Transfusion
[X] Vigor Itself

There's a thing though. I'm seeing a lot of people voting for Transfusion alongside Augment Dominion: Blood and honestly from my perspective, what's the point? Don't think that would increase our healing conceptual potency any higher, and we're better off trying to boost our overall Rank later than getting a very specific increase that is only getting weaker as we grow in power. Now, for the Edeldross option instead...

"Magic~ magic~" Letrizia clapped her hands happily. Gisena put on a brave smile, but there was just the barest flicker of emotion in her eyes, bitter perhaps at the thought that, though there hardly was a more talented Sorceress, her powers would only ever allow her to unmake what was wondrous, drag down the supernal into the grey mundane. So brief he could have imagined it. Hunger said nothing.

[X] Experimentation

Gisena deserves a + right now, and I'm just hoping helping Hunger out will put her in a real good mood and possibly help her with her own study of Findross! :grin:

And this is not related to the vote but...

Letrizia smacked him on the shoulder. "You joke now, but continue along this path and in a few months that's what you'll really believe!"

He looked blankly at her. "It is what I really believe."

"Moving on," Gisena said lightly,
Hunger seriously thinks that if he doesn't die while training he hasn't pushed himself far enough and this is justifiably creeping his companions (and me) out. We really, really need to do something about it.
Holy shit people, get some perspective. Wreath gets you 400% advancement rate on a single thing. Ruling Ring, for just about double cost, gives you 1000% advancement rate on everything, on top of Ring reality warping and better stats.

Also the fuck is up with "hurr it improves Evening Sky durr". It doesn't. It doesn't makes us want to pick Opalescence line, ever.

[X] Vigor Itself
[X] Vigor Itself x2
[X] Magnitude

Spends no Arete, improves our social for upcoming fights, unlocks more Blood Advancements, improves our stats across the board and spends no Arete.

Did I mention spending absolutely no Arete? I think I did. Because it spends none. Saving for an EFB, imagine that.