Also: Remember Arete is an increasing growth curve. This means the more of us that pump out a reaction the higher it goes.

Conjured, I'm going to vote for the School but I beg you to release the Omake reserve either way, if people follow my "Everyone! To the Omake mines!" plan.

...Also everyone focused on not spending Arete: Can we please get Fierce quickening? The ++agi is great.

[X] Fierce Quickening
[X] Investigate the Schools

@Rihaku: I know the answer is probably no, but is there a chance we can fight the rotbeast on the way out anyway? ...I think we can get Cut Through before then. Though that probably kills how many picks it is worth.
Yes, that's the plan. Hopefully others join me in my sacrifice, I can't be the only one that wants the Praxis at any cost. The edit is fine too.

Would you consider 2 vetoes fair in that arrangement? I get to call on you for 5 votes in the future, you have 2 vetoes, you join me in supporting Investigate the Schools now. In exchange I release the Omake Reserve immediately.
[] Investigate the Schools
[] Slice Fate - 7 Arete.

Slice fate is almost as strong as an EFB. Depending on where the reroll applies it can change... everything.

Consider what we were willing to give up for a reroll before. Now consider we get one free basically once every major fight, unless Apocryphal is working super-double overtime.
While I trust you on the Pick vote, I'm not going to agree with you on the "what to do" vote. I want to prioritize healing, since we so rarely take opportunities to do that.

[X] Fierce Quickening

[X] Hot Springs And Go

Except that some wheeling and dealing I don't understand just happened, so, uh?
Last edited:
[X] Investigate the Schools
[X] Fierce Quickening

I'm agnostic to the actual vote listed above, I will now start making as much fanwork as I can. Quick justification for this vote: new magic, and going to Hot Springs later. Gives us more Arete and a buffer before we go to the Hot Springs. Fierce Quickening gud
@BrainInAJar No Regrets, the Pact is sealed, Omakestorm incoming(Currently in support of Investigate the Schools+Opalescence because I want the Evening Sky to be relevant again)

Reaction written in a mix of the time frame Thunder of Blood was written and whatever update comes after it. 1732 Words.

I am the Bone of My Armament
Multi-Headed is my Body and Thunder is My Blood
I have devoured over a thousand foes
Unknown to Contentment
Nor Known to Desire
Have withstood pain to eat all enemies
Yet, these heads will never know satiety
So as I pray, Unlimited Decimation Works

After dinner concluded (the soup was delicious)
Did the Empire hire the avatar of an archaic meme out of the Astral Realm to make their MRE Soup awesome or something?

Hunger stalked over to the Armament, Ring brimming with light. Slowly he ran his hand against the monstrosity's right shoulder-face, which in power-conserving mode slept ceaselessly through night and day. Verschlengorge's main head flicked open an eye, staring down with benevolent menace. It had a certain facility for making the most threatening expressions feel protective.
I wonder what it'd be like to operate in Totality with it? There would probably be significantly better returns if Hunger did it compared to Letrezia. The benevolent menace thing makes me think of the predatory rumble of a Great Cat. Also maybe that giant green eye in the water from Sunless Sea. The Eye

"He's not a dog, you know!" Letrizia came around his side, hands folded behind her. Her hair had, oddly, reverted to its natural shade. "You don't need to pet him to make him work!"
Hrm... Letrezia is feeling awfully comfortable with herself recently if that was voluntary. I wonder what happened there?

"Is that what dogs are to you? Just workers?"

"Huh?" She turned to face him, eyes wide. "Aren't they used in low-technology worlds to detect contraband?"
The Human Sphere has low technology worlds? Why would they do that? They've got bullshit tier sci-fi hardware and I'd be surprised if they were as exploitative as the inner temple residents, so what gives?

"On Earth we kept them as pets. On my second world as well. Hmph. I say 'we,' but I don't think I ever had one. Civilization, human society did."

"Ah. I think most people these days use synthoids or virtual pets. Natural-born pets can't compete with their cuteness! Plus, it's less cruel than keeping natural organisms in a human-optimized environment. No need to forcibly neuter them in order to control the population."
Technology marches on I suppose. That's simultaneously sensible and really farking sad to hear about. I wonder what the deal is with Virtual Pets and how they make those work. Some form of Augmented Reality? Are synthoids like some hypertech analogue to an AIBO(AIBO - Wikipedia) or are they bioengineered things?

"...Are you looking down on my barbaric ways?"

"Well, you're a product of your times. I suppose it's forgivable."
Ouch. Hearing that when you've gotten sent forward in time to a future sci-fi setting is probably extremely painful even though they're trying to be accommodating.

"Or perhaps, somewhere along the line your civilization lost its way.
Maybe so, Lord Hunger. I don't know and the subject matter is unsettling.

Speaking of which, I'm trying to fix Verschlengorge's navigational system. You said it's Foremost technology, so it should be in its biologicals, correct?"

"Probably..." She leaned forward sternly. "Though I'm beginning to wonder if it's simply a function of his Rank. You're naturally able to navigate the Voyaging Realm yourself."
An interesting theory... I wonder what's up there.

"May be. Still, four heads are better than one."
Ain't that the truth. Hydras everywhere agree with you.

He began to circulate the equivalent of blood throughout the dizzyingly complex edifice beneath the Armament's skin. The head beneath his palm grunted discontentedly, shifting in its sleep.
Nasuverse Magic Circuit imagery and the graphic from when Lelouch uses his Geass on people is coming to mind right now.

Ereadhihr. The Elder Implement. Though it had existed for eons of war, there was not so much as a scar or imperfection within the fantastically dense bio-circuitry of the Armament's body. Physical wounds existed, but what had healed had done so perfectly.
Then it's injured on a spiritual level somehow? What precisely is going on here?

Still, in some grimly intangible way he felt the weight of those eons as he communed with the creature, a legacy of savagery a billion times repeated, vigor and sheer heedless fury, the all-consuming urge to devour. So deep was the catalogue of its experiences that they'd been imprinted on its spiritual marrow, its very essence.
It took a couple of readings for me to process the full scale of this, but just... wow. The weight of history is a powerful thing.

The Armament was no human veteran, whom war ground down to make hard and hollow. It was a being axiomatically designed for its purpose, and looked forward to battle and consumption with the invincible eagerness of deep instinct. To wade into chaos alongside its operator was its mission and inexhaustible purpose.
It's lucky compared to Lord Hunger then, I suppose. Like a seed AI with an inhuman utility function if the Rihakuverse didn't do everything in its power to stop them from existing.

It could comprehend human minds, even feel compassion for their weakness and frailty, but that did not change the fundamental structure of its mind. A man could comprehend a beast, even feel pity for its misguided antics, without adopting the beast's values. So too with the Armament and its mortal operators. It was loyal to its pilot, and to its bonded Cursebearer, but understood that their minds were fundamentally alien to it.
That would have made things really interesting in hindsight if we took Verschlengorge as a trusted lieutenant for Doom of the Tyrant mitigation purposes.

It that sense it was not so different from the Forebear's Blade, or, presumably, even the synthoid pets Letrizia had commented upon. A tool created to fulfill a goal. He wondered what it was like, to enter the world with such unshakeable purpose.
Probably a lot less existential angst compared to being human. As Unelemental said, it was smart of the Foremost to make their creations enjoy their intended purposes axiomatically.

The Armament's blood sang with amusement. It shifted its currents and eddies, directing circulation to a specific lobe within its primary head. Was that the navigational system he sought? He found that the structure of the lobe was oddly self-evident, as if its three-dimensional shape were itself a glyph in some instinctual Cursebearer language. It was a focusing organ for the application of Astral Rank towards spatial perception and manipulation. Not simply a tool for traversing the Voyaging Realm, but for positioning in spacetime as a whole.
Verschlengorge teleportation system discovered! I wonder how much rank we need to heal it for to turn that back on? Also that instinctual cursebearer language stuff is funky. Also... spacetime as a whole? Is Verschlengorge a farking time machine at full strength? Seriously. Foremost Xeelee tier confirmed.

He saw, too, that while the power of Blood could restore some functionality to the organ, there were hard limits to the work he could do without a much higher Rank. Technique alone was insufficient.
A pity we weren't able to learn more about its blood but I suppose that needs more rank. We will probably need some arete/genius to pull that off too.

"The power of the Ring can repair some of it, but many capabilities remain locked," he said, frowning. "Still, we should be able to get around faster now.
The precise speed we're going to be getting around is unfortunately subject to the whims of the thread and their willingness to spend Arete, so I can't exactly give you an exact quantity for how much faster we're going to be.

I'm curious how your technicians repair these organs. They seem to be well beyond the limits of human technology."
Do they do it with prayers to the machine spirits and bonking him with astral wrenches until he starts eating people to regenerate or something?

Letrizia shrugged. "I think they use serums harvested from high-level Astral Beasts. For best efficiency, they have to be specially processed with Foremost artifacts. Verschlengorge can regenerate from eating enemies as well, but his effective Rank's too low to use that function right now."
High level Astral Beasts? With that much commonality it's quite possible that the way the Foremost made Armaments in the first place was applying cursebearer curses and brain modification shenanigans to captured astral beasts. That or they figured out how to bioengineer their own maybe. Also Verschlengorge apparently can actually regenerate from eating people/things.

He frowned. "Why is it that physical wounds can reduce its Rank at all? Typically you would need specialized attacks to do something like that. I could lose half my body and my Pressure would remain unaffected."
Maybe it was made from one of the Astral Beasts exceeding Sovereign Class and the armament is an extrusion into reality made of solidified pressure or something from that confined beast?

"Your guess is as good as mine! When he's at full strength, most injuries don't weaken his Pressure by much. But if you hurt him enough, I think he begins ablating Rank to preserve his fundamental structure.
I guess that works too then. Kind of makes his rank like a spiritual barrier, like the light of the soul, like some kind of... absolute territory or terror field?

Unlike you, the Armament's not a complete person by itself. It was designed with a pilot in mind.
Ouch for the Armament. Still smart on the part of the Foremost when it comes to the seed AI-esque beings they were making to make them need people.

Its astral shadow only exists because of its physical body,
A shadow implies a light source though. What is shining through people from unknown dimensions to make them cast their shadows on the Astral Plane?

but it may be that high-grade Foremost technology can't exist in the physical world without some degree of support from Pressure. Kind of like how a black hole can't exist below a certain level of mass density. Since the two are co-dependent, it may have to sacrifice one side to shore up the other if catastrophic damage is taken."
So what does that mean for how an Armament works when someone with Lord Hunger or above Astral Rank is controlling it with Totality? Does its rank go up?

"How knowledgeable for a mere hobbyist."

"Hehe. It's important to be informed of things like this when you're entrusting your life to the device."
I agree wholeheartedly. Lets hope you get to be more than an exposition fairy sometime soon and show what Verschlengorge can really do.

"How serious. You need a vacation."
Did you confuse Letrezia with yourself Lord Hunger? Are you projecting?

"Hm? Not planning to head into the Temple tomorrow?"

"I can't, not in this state. I'll need a few days to integrate my new powers and see if I can fix my liver. This latest enemy gave me a lot of 'digest.' "
When you put it like that it almost sounds like you went into the temple to go on a drinking bender, Lord Hunger. I know you thought Vanreir was a badass but he would never get drunk with you, he's too straight-laced for that.

"You and Verschlengorge really are two peas in a pod. This swordsman seems to have made an impression on you. You don't usually talk about your foes."
Letrezia knows about Verschlengorge's battlelust too? I suppose that makes sense, she's probably driven him with totality in the past.

"His name was Vanreir Amarlt. I had the sense he was fighting to protect someone dear to him. Most of the outriders carry more mercenary objectives."
I'm getting flashbacks to the "His Name was Robert Paulsen" scene from fight club. As usual too, your rank granted instincts are entirely right Lord Hunger.

"Amarlt?! Huh, to think some of them landed around here."


"They used to be a big deal in the Republic. The Republic makes a fuss about not recognizing noble titles, but they're an oligarchy whose upper ranks are still filled with the high nobility. The Amarlt family used to command Procyon, the Plenary Armament, but fell from power a few centuries ago. Procyon's actually stationed here in the Voyaging Realm right now!" She went quiet, perhaps remembering that the pilot - likely a friend - could well have betrayed her.
Was their fall from power several centuries ago connected to a high energy Astral Rift experiment and an Astral Observatory? Also, does Procyon have bloodline locks restricting the usage of its full power like something out of Escaflowne? Does Procyon constantly grow in power over time like some kind of cosmic horror or a Cursebearer?

He coughed. "No match for you, I take it."

"Of course not! ...So, why've you decided you need a vacation?"
That was a really quick subject change Letrezia. Is Procyon really that stupendously badass of an Armament? *Catherine regrets and salt intensify*

"I'd like to see the sights now that we're here," he deadpanned. "We're planning to overthrow their civilization, that doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves in the vicinity. And now that your Armament's spatial organ is fixed, we can do just that. Anything in particular you'd like to do?"
I also managed to restore some of its rank by doing that because I'm that awesome. No I don't know how much rank. Also, going on vacation gets us out of the way of any giant overreaction counterattacks the inner temple residents may think of doing.

"It'd be nice if we could recruit some mages... dangerous, though. I'd love to see some of the more exotic parts of the Voyaging Realm! The farmlands we passed through on our way here were beautiful, but a bit plain."
It would be even nicer if we could actually learn a magic system, like Outer Sorcery, or Soul Evocation: Imprisoner, or the True Quintessence magic system we get out of Total Eclipse.

"How does that work, exactly? I'm surprised your civilization hasn't made a concerted effort to extract every mage they can from this place, especially if you don't have native magicians."
This is the point where we get the justification for why the Human Sphere isn't using memetic SB/SV competence.

"Ah, well... it was tried. The Voyaging Realm will tolerate some level of exploitation, but industrial-scale extraction of magics leads it to act out in increasingly apocalyptic ways...
So the Voyaging Realm has some kind of automated Foremost defense system with a vested interest in keeping magic primarily inside the Voyaging Realm. I wonder what is up with that?

these days we're mostly limited to those mages that find their way to our City, and even then half the magics only work inside the Realm itself.
If more of the magic worked outside the Voyaging realm the Destiny connections with risen Guardians barely knowing their past and being borderline Isekai protagonists my mind was drawing might actually be justified here.

There are unsanctioned efforts to extract more, the Republic especially deploys strike teams for that purpose, but the casualty rates are horrific. It's frequently a death sentence even if you succeed."

A pity Republic Kill-Team got eliminated. I realized probably too late that we might have been able to take them if we were willing to learn to pilot Verschlengorge ourselves and combine our Rank with its using Totality.

"Let's hope you aren't doomed for bringing two such mages outside the Realm, then. Gisena's findross is self-contained, so she should be alright. As for me..."
Because yes, the Astral Realm is almost certainly entirely capable of putting capital D dooms on people.

"You shouldn't even qualify, Lord Hunger! You only have an unusually high Astral Rank, which the Foremost themselves were theorized to exhibit in select individuals. That's hardly magecraft. And, while you're able to efficiently channel that Rank through your artifacts in unusually reliable ways, in principle that's no different from an Armament's Shroud-derived unique abilities."
I wonder if your opinion is a product of your scientific interest in the subject or actual reality? Either way, I want something like Outer Sorcery, or the True Quintessence, or the Bleak Light from Even Further Beyond, or the Ordinal Spiral, or the Diagram, or something in that line.

"Why do I feel vaguely insulted? And just 'Hunger' is fine, Letrizia, we've talked about this."
I spent a lot of time fighting against tyranny and I don't want to be called Lord until I absolutely have to.

"Hey, the path of magecraft is not for everyone! Wouldn't it interfere with your teamwork alongside Miss Gisena?"
Until her incident nullification skills are up to par Gisena's an anti-magic user she doesn't count. What if we have to take care of problems in separate places too? And then there's the fact that antimagic doesn't really have utility applications which we badly need more options for to go with our stuff like bloodsense. We have the Doom of the Tyrant, and that means we need self-sufficiency or proxies to interact with civilization on our behalf. Ideally we will have both because Apocrypha.

"Just you wait. And here I was going to teach you magic once I'd acquired some."
I totally still want to teach her some magic.

"W-who'd want to learn magic from you? I'd much prefer Miss Gisena as a teacher."
Really? You want to learn magic from an anti-magic user? Until you've ascended to High Sorceress there's no versatility there, you're just a wet blanket for everyone else that way.

"Good, that's one thing taken care of. We set out first thing in the morning."

"Hmph. I'll become the best sorcerous apprentice ever! That'll show you!"
Let's hope she makes a Von Neumann swarm of brooms when she does to complete the movie imagery.

"Yes, show me up. We could use the firepower."
Agreed. That or just general utility options. We really do not have enough utility right now.


The winners are [X] Vigor Itself and [X] Vacation. How well could Hunger heal Verschlengorge via its circulatory system alone?

[ ] To Rank 4.5

50% chance of basic encounters

50% chance of modestly productive encounters
The no lore yet, save Arete, don't aggravate our liver, slow, get picks if you're lucky option.

[ ] To Rank 5.25 - Req. 2 Arete

50% chance of productive encounters

30% chance of moderately challenging encounters

20% chance of significantly challenging encounters
The lower risk option for unlocking totality, cursebearer lore, and finding out what happens when someone with Lord Hunger's Astral Rank drives an Armament in totality. It also makes us somewhat faster incase something is going to happen to the encampment.

[ ] To Rank 5.75 - Req. 2 Arete, -1 future pick

50% chance of moderately challenging encounters

30% chance of significantly challenging encounters

10% chance of overwhelming dangerous encounters

10% chance of major bonus (worth ~2 Arete)
This route could be worth it if we had taken the Republic Kill Team option and were willing to learn to pilot the robot ourselves to be prepared to fight them when the time came. Unfortunately that got eliminated. A pity. We could have been really farking fast and maybe have gotten that major bonus too.

Higher Ranks mean quicker travel time, stronger Astral Beasts and a more useful mech overall. Rank >5 enables Totality control method and potential access to more information.
It looks like Letrezia's going to have to languish in irrelevance for a little while longer sadly.


What did they encounter on their attempted scenic escapade?

[ ] A Besieged Colony - This group of Imperial separatists, wishing to establish a colony in the Voyaging Realm for reasons of liberty and the likely vain hope of access to magic, founded a flourishing resort enclave around a natural hot springs. Carving out a space for themselves via plasma-fire and Armor Prototype, they've managed to survive for a few decades in this sometimes-harsh and often shifting land. Miraculously, magic has appeared among the new generation of children born in the Voyaging Realm, but alongside it a shadow has fallen over their colony, the titanic Rotbeast whose army of cadaverous spawn lays unending siege to their once-beautiful community.

*Encounter Difficulty: Moderate (if fighting spawn), Somewhat High (if directly attacking Rotbeast)

*Access to ruggedized Imperial Tech (moderately useful to Gisena and Letrizia, mostly useless for you), potential access to spellcasters, access to Elixir Springs.

*Elixir Springs: 70% chance of curing one Condition, 30% chance of curing two.

*~15% independent chance of a major bonus
The memetic hot springs episode. Could be great as a tutorial fight for piloting Verschlengorge if we had taken 5.25 which I don't think we did at the time I was writing this. Also we get condition cures so we can heal our liver or get rid of Chill of the Grave or something.

[ ] A Wandering Magus - Something of a rarity, a lone wandering magician with which you've crossed paths. Enigmatic but cheerful, she's traveling to the Temple to investigate the death of her big sister, whom her prognostications say has departed this mortal coil. Her powers of divination are substantial, but her combat strength is lacking, or so she claims. She'll happily join you and help you breach the Temple if you assist in her investigations.

*Diplomatic Difficulty: Low, but Tyrant Proc possible (10-30%)

*Combat Difficulty: ???

*Foresight: Halves travel times, improves encounter effectiveness by 10-20% in all but a few scenarios. Will help you find an ideal vacation spot!

*Oracular Secrets: She may be willing to divest the techniques behind her lore-based magic, for a price. Goods of sufficient quantity and quality would suffice, or a period of contractual service.
Not bad. It would give us a lot of the utility we're missing via information gathering. I wouldn't mind learning her magic too, but I don't think I'd go nuclear over it.

[ ] A Republic Kill-Team - Surely this could only be a coincidence. Just as you and Letrizia were discussing the black ops extraction teams of the Republic, you encounter a badly ravaged force limping alongside the road, their Armor Prototypes charred and smoking from some recently unpleasant encounter. Wounded, weary, and far from resupply, nonetheless these represent very nearly the cutting-edge of human-scale combat capability in the Sphere. It would be unwise to provoke them.

*Diplomatic Difficulty: Medium, but Tyrant proc possible (10-20%)

*Combat Difficulty: Extreme. The group contains experimental-grade Armor Prototypes with effective Combat Rank 6.5, outfitted with bleeding-edge Astraltech augs and the finest armor-portable weaponry that modern science can produce. Crippled as they are, they would still be a formidable opponent... or irreplaceable ally.

*Bitchin': Hunger thinks these powered armors are cool and is more likely to enter negotiations with an amiable disposition. Letrizia remarks that Empire designs are cooler.

*Custody: The Kill-Team is "escorting" a hermetically sealed cocoon within which a magic user resides, "for their own protection."

*Aftermath: You're pretty sure operators like this come with nondisclosure warrants. Though you may work together for a time, they may turn their guns on you after the city is in sight, though Letrizia's not sure they would actually attack an Armament pilot...
I realized too late that this was a lot more viable than I think anybody realized if we were willing to take the 5.75 option and learn to pilot Verschlengorge. A pity. Let's hope we don't find out about the effects of who they were transporting out under unpleasant circumstances. Mages in boxes tend to be overpowered, plot relevant badasses.

Thread participation has yielded a substantial bonus:

[ ] +1 pick at next spending point

[ ] 1 re-roll to be used on checks this update

[ ] +1 Arete, -10% Tyrant proc chance this update
Take the Arete with the Wandering Magus, the reroll with the hot spring or Republic Kill-team, and the pick if you really badly want Ruinous Valor or want to cancel out the loss from healing Verschlengorge to 5.75.
While I trust you on the Pick vote, I'm not going to agree with you on the "what to do" vote. I want to prioritize healing, since we so rarely take opportunities to do that.

[X] Slice Fate - 7 Arete.

[X] Hot Springs And Go

Except that some wheeling and dealing I don't understand just happened, so, uh?
I actually changed my pick vote. I've been convinced we're close enough to 18 arete it's reasonable enough to get Cut Through before we return to the Temple. And the immediate power boost is... massive.

And we get to heal regardless of which of the 3 actions we take (Assuming we survive lifting the siege, anyway). The only benefit for just the springs is the .75 arete.
Reaction written in a mix of the time frame of Sky above Sky and Arisen Again. 2093 Words.
This is the obligatory callout of the Zang Kong reference and how there is always a greater power in the Rihakuverse.

Hunger had an uneasy feeling as he carved through the legions of the Outer Temple, rushing headlong towards the Middle once more. He was making visible progress every day, growing in strength and proximity to the Imprisoned, but some ill premonition dogged him still, a feeling that, despite the life-and-death battles he'd participated in, the real challenge was still to come.
Interesting choice of capitalization given Lord Hunger's Soul Evocation is Imprisoner. The ill premonition sounds a lot like rank granted instincts. His instincts are entirely correct.

Focused exclusively on blood enhancement, his strength, speed, and regeneration all had increased prodigiously after the fight with the Archer, though his ranged attacks had benefited most of all. Now his blade-winds and projections struck with singing force, curving and dancing across the battlefield with easy fluidity, far less taxing to employ than before. With a substantial exertion of self, he could compress the power of his strikes even further, folding seven cuts into a single blow that would rend flesh and spirit alike.
Singing Force? Now I'm wondering if we have a combat music route somewhere. Tangentially, this representation of thousand cuts is giving me strong echoes of Tsubame Gaeshi.

Such power had served him well, rendering the entirety of the Outer Temple a trivial exercise, and yet...
There's a difference between fighting monsters and fighting a government with the ability to seriously coordinate.

The residents of the Middle Temple treated the Outer as nothing more than ablative armor, its autonomous armies culling the chaff from those unfortunates bound to the Temple's call.
Given the nature of the Knight Commander and the Green Knight, possibly more Autonomous than they realize.

Any who made it to the Middle were controlled via carefully selected incentives, the carrot of bribery and the stick of the Outriders acting in concert to neuter the outsider threat. Even the weakest Outrider patrols seemed a match for the mightiest beasts of the Outer Temple.
Unfortunately for them, the Middle and Inner temple residents couldn't account for ring to ring SOLIDARITY transcending their carrot and their stick.

If the Middle represented so great an increase in sophistication over the Outer, then what did that bode for the Ring's guardian itself? For all that his rate of progression had been absurd, was he growing strong enough, fast enough, in the fields that mattered against so versatile and well-resourced a foe? This was no single monster, to be baited and easily hunted. It was an entire civilization bent to the purpose of keeping their Ring imprisoned and extracting its value thereby. Was his own power too linear, too physically focused, to overcome them?
Lord Hunger thinks he needs a gamechanger right now. He's doubting the power of a purely physical route and it would be entirely plausible for him to take Inheritor and Librarian because of it. He's a guerilla, not an invading army and he knows it. Whatever directly protects the ring is probably something utterly ridiculous in power too.

But for all that he could doubt his chances of success, there was no doubt as to his course of action. He would cut through, until the Ring was freed.
Royalty is the power to cut infinity with the Blade of Want. He has the desire part of the equation down pat, the only question is whether or not it will be enough and how the blade is to be forged.

Mid-morning saw him in the Middle Temple again, deep past the bucolic pastures of its outskirts and into civilization proper, densely-populated towns of high medieval architecture separated by sweeping, carefully regimented fields of crops.
Seriously. Fark the inner ring residents for keeping the benefits of industrial civilization to themselves. Soul evocations can't possibly fix all the problems inherent to medieval living and anybody with soul evocations that may have been powerful enough probably got poached into the inner ring.

In the valley between two towns he spotted an ongoing battle: A one-armed swordsman in grey Outrider leathers against a figure clad in unadorned plate. It was going poorly for the latter, puncture holes dotting their torso, the heavy steel of their armor rent and ruptured around each exit wound.
No flashiness or gaudy impractical anime clothing here. Just someone who may or may not be using a rapier powerful enough to stab through platemail in defiance of common sense. Rapiers are the quintessential thrusting sword after all. I guess he's the guy unfortunate enough to be Mugen in this analog to the Jin vs Kariya fight in Samurai Champloo.

The swordsman spotted him out of the corner of his eye and swiftly attacked, jabbing with his blade in Hunger's direction. His movement was a blur even to the Cursebearer, and scarce had Hunger interposed the Evening Sky before it was pierced easily through, a wound sprouting across his lower torso. Whipping his cloak around he sprinted behind a nearby hill, blocking the swordsman's line of sight.
Fwoosh... *Mugen and Jin vs Kariya fight BGM starts playing*. On another note, we seriously need to upgrade the Evening Sky. It's not relevant anymore at the levels we're fighting at. The question is how much would it have taken to provide meaningful protection against that? Opalescence. Iridescence? Or going all the way for Pearlescence.

A perfect shot to the liver, punching clean through to daylight. Were it not for his Ring of Blood, it would quickly become a lethal wound.
Given the circumstances it's a good thing we have it then. We can't exactly speculate much on alternate build counterfactuals and whether or not we'd still be in this exact mess though.

As it was, the relatively small cross-section of the attack meant it would only be the inconvenience of seconds. And yet there was no time to lose. Once the outrider dispatched his current opponent, Hunger would be next, and the enemy's incredible speed meant that pursuit would not favor him. What did he know so far? High physical parameters, already wounded, ranged thrust attacks with apparently infallible aim. His best solution was to meet offense with offense.
Pursuit would not favor him? That's debatable given that Withdrawal raised our odds of survival by 20 percent. I guess Lord Hunger didn't realize that though/didn't have thread access at the time since Resolve won.

Wasting no further instants, he quickly leapt out from the hillside, launching a sevenfold blade projection directly at the swordsman as he charged. Eyes flickering briefly, the enemy intercepted his blade projection with one of his own, the thrust every bit the equal of the cut, spearing it in twain. Collapsed blade-force carved a meters-deep divot into the ground as the attack folded in on itself.
It looks like right now our blade projection is roughly equal to Vanreir Amarlt's thrust, given how they can cancel each other out like that.

Hunger was already lunging, sword like a flickering thresher as he fired forward consecutive blade-winds, Ring of Blood flaring to exacerbate the outrider's wounds and repair his own. Without hesitation the swordsman turned to face him, effortlessly countering the swarm of blade-winds while a strategically placed thrust put a hole through Hunger's heart.
Our blade winds may be easy for us now but so are his thrusts. Also, ouch for the heart injury. This guy's precision is really something given we aren't actually in melee range.

A critical organ for most, but not for the bearer of the Blood Ring. Without so much as breaking stride Hunger continued brazenly forward, and the swordsman was forced to leap back in order to avoid a close-range grapple. At that moment the armored figure fired, its arm falling away to reveal a cannon-like apparatus before launching a thunderous salvo.
We're also a funky borderline super juggernaut undead chimera who could come back as a ghost if we died the first time, but the Blood Ring and Quickening have made those other forms less valuable. Other R-Type whoever they are, bringing a gun to a swordfight like this is kind of... cute. This is the Rihakuverse, you'll need a lot better of a gun for something like that to be a fight winner, you are definitely the Mugen figure in this fight. You may be an automaton designed for rapid adaptation and development but unfortunately for you this is the Rihakuverse where highly adaptable automata are blocked from getting anything done by big league wizards.

With unerring grace the outrider shifted in midair, blur of his sword a deflecting dance to answer the storm of bullets.
See what I mean? This is the Rihakuverse. Deflecting bullets with swords is entirely practical here.

Hunger joined in, charging again for the grapple, exerting the full power of his Ring to denude his enemy's blood in erratic, disorienting fits.
There's the tactic from the in thread discussion showing up. I'm not sure why or how Lord Hunger intends to grapple Vanreir with only one arm holding the Forebear's Blade though.

At last the swordsman appeared to falter, but sensing a feint Hunger juked to the side in the moment before contact. Wisely so, as the outrider spun and thrust twice, displaying heretofore-unseen speed even as his blood was further suppressed. Light jabs both, but Hunger felt his eye put out all the same, and a corresponding groan from the armored figure.
That guy's precision merits a serious, long, drawn out God Damn. The guy earned his Kariya from Samurai Champloo comparison.

Blind, but he still had his blood sense. No time for despair.
Stuff like this is what makes utility options awesome.

And yet what could he do? The enemy was simply too fast, his reflexes too sharp, form and instincts impeccable, every attack landing exactly where it was placed.
And yet we are the one still alive.

Desperately he exuded raw Pressure, sheer murderous intent, the cruel shining sun of his spirit blazing ceaselessly over his foe. At this finally the swordsman relented, reeling under that supernal might. For all his strength, there was a seam in this outrider's spirit, a thin dividing line that was only imperfectly sealed.
Your weakness doesn't matter if the enemy doesn't have the power to use it. Apocrypha until it's heavily mitigated will ensure all our enemies can utilize our weaknesses though. On another note, our spirit is like a sun? How incredibly Solar Exaltedish.

And yet, how to exploit this weakness? His uttermost extrusion of Pressure had given the man pause, but it was not feasible to continue for long. A spirit-rending attack could harm him for sure, but he had no way of targeting that specific fault-line, and no way to reliably land such an attack against an enemy of this speed. If he let up the pressure for even a moment, the outrider would have time enough to prepare a serious thrust targeting Hunger's brain, and that would be the death of this flesh body. His ghost form, bereft of blood to enhance, would be completely outclassed by this foe. Idly he noted that the armored figure, his erstwhile ally, had no blood at all.

We can only hope that our own weaknessess will be this well protected. Especially against Apocryphal adversaries. Once those show up again we're going to need mitigation for them.

He felt more than heard that figure's next movement, steamroller charge of pure crushing force, fury and clangor like an ironworks onrushing. Hunger redoubled the expulsion of his Pressure, hollowing himself out, pinning-in-place the outrider by sheer verity of spirit.
This is the basis for the Lingering Exhaustion option for a Devastating condition this fight I would imagine. At least there weren't any actual steamrollers. The Dio Brando memes would be really annoying and cool at the same time right now and I would have wanted to find out what hyperadaptive cyberbro's story was the same way I would the Magus.

Even so, at the last moment he felt the enemy throw off his influence, violent force as the outrider's very soul seemed to nearly rupture in twain, one-half of it absorbing the brunt of his assault so that the other could go free.
Looks like Vanreir's dad made a heroic sacrifice?

There was a clap of thunder.

Blind and briefly spent, Hunger could barely react to the outside world as he marshaled his reserves once more. Through his bloodsense he saw the figure of the swordsman, blade outstretched, and heard the tinkling of armor plates falling to the ground.
Poor hyperadaptive cyberbro. You fought as well as you could given the circumstances.

Slowly his Ring's regeneration restored his sight. The swordsman was a ragged ruin, raw muscle and bone naked to the winds, blood dribbling and pooling from countless tears across his form. In the last instant he must have met the incoming armor with a counter-charge of his own, a full-bodied piercing lunge that cored out the mass of plate in a single fell stroke. Indeed, there was a swordsman-shaped exit blown out the back of the hulking machine, which now slowly toppled. Of course, such an attack left no protection for its executor against the terrible crushing momentum of the armored figure's charge.
He went through hyperadaptive cyberbro like a farking cartoon and got that injured? You were more useful than I thought Cyberbro and Vanreir is still a stupendous badass. O7.

Panting, Hunger gave his opponent a nod of acknowledgement. He could respect the tenacity, the sheer force of will behind his unswerving technique.
Even Lord Hunger is giving his analogue to a long, drawn out, god damn.

Politely, the outrider inclined his own head. Neither had the strength in this moment to summon an attack capable of bringing his opponent low. Hunger could only hope that the Ring of Blood rejuvenated him faster than the swordsman adapted to his own wounds. Trauma that would have killed a normal man seemed to only briefly faze him. Under the influence of his Ring, very little blood now remained in the man's veins, but the outrider stood stoic and nearly upright, a blade bent but unbroken. And like a blade, chipped and marred, damage to his physical form would weaken, but fail to render useless, so long as the edge was sharp.
I'm getting echoes of Kiritsugu and Kirei's inner monologues from their final battle in Fate Zero right now to go with the Jin vs Kariya comparisons. What the fark kind of soul evocation lets him function with so little blood after his dad had to make a heroic sacrifice to shield him, presumably costing him a sizable chunk of his power?

"Vanreir, Amarlt," said the outrider, breathing heavily still, his voice a whispery croak. "The strength, of your spirit, is commendable."
This battle will probably be decided by a paper thin margin. By a paper thin margin, it will be your loss.(Samurai Champloo Dialog)

"The spirit," Hunger remarked, his breaths equally ragged, "Is willing; but the flesh, is weak."

Vanreir raised his hand and waved it slightly, as if to say that he had seen worse.
Is Vanreir complimenting Lord Hunger on the strength of his flesh? I'm not sure I understand what happened in this exchange here.

Slowly, painfully, he turned his blade to face Hunger, its tip pointed unsteadily at his eye.
Surprising Speed. Moreover, I don't see a single opening. (Samurai Champloo Dialog)

"I, regret, the necessity of this," he said, "but know, that it's for, a good cause."
Yeah, let's hope for your sake that you made it worth it. Also the regret for the necessity of this opens up room for Vanreir/Lord Hunger Kismessitude shiptease to compete with the Lord Hunger/Gisena shiptease. How big will Lord Hunger's Caliginous Harem get?

Fighting through the exhaustion, Hunger took up his own stance, blade raised and poised to cut. The world contracted, static fuzzing in at the edges of his vision. He'd gone too far again, spent too much of his own essence pursuing an impossible feat. Still he dredged up what pitiful slivers remained, enough perhaps for one concerted attack.
It'll be decided with one move, to continue the Jin vs Kariya parallels I'm drawing here.

He would let the man kill his flesh body, and hope that the surprise of his ghost form's emergence outweighed its now-lacking strength and speed. It was perhaps a vain hope. For the entirety of this battle Hunger had not landed a single physical blow upon this opponent.
He's even planning a similar tactic to what Jin did to finish Kariya off.

"I understand," Hunger said, steadying his blade. "Cut through, even if it cannot be cut. It must be quite the cause."
Family generally is. Whether you end up dead or as a spirit riding along in our head, no hard feelings. You may not be on the road to Kill 6 Billion Demons royalty because of your attachments keeping you from reaching the point you can split infinity with the Blade of Want, but that doesn't mean you aren't a good person anyways.

The swordsman frowned. "You..."

Sensing an opening, a moment of weakness, Hunger still did not strike. He allowed his opponent to gather his thoughts.

"Hmph," Vanreir shook his head. "What are the chances... my father once said something very similar. I'm not one to believe in fate, but I'm glad you were my final opponent. A worthy enemy can be rarer than even a true friend."
Oh my god I can totally see the Spades here. This bit with Lord Hunger understanding him like that is also evidence that there is something seriously weird afoot with the Tyrant's Forebear.

"Well said," Hunger replied, idly scanning the battlefield. He raised his hand, setting his opponent's heart to beating, restoring some volume of Vanreir's blood. "Shall we decide properly which of our swords is the greater?"
I'm not even going to say it.

"If you wish," Vanreir said, with the air of a man granting a final request. Hunger circled around to a particular point on the battlefield, matching the angle of his initial entry, where the sun fell in neither swordsman's eyes. Slowly he raised his blade aloft, jewel on his finger grim and subdued. The pallor of mortality was like a shadow across the battlefield. Each man knew that these moments could be his last.
Getting echoes of fencing salutes here. Or Saber and Lancer's Final battle in Fate Zero.

Vanreir walked to match him, taking up the stance of his signature thrust. Now within melee range, tip of his blade aimed squarely at Hunger's brain pan, the crystal-steel edge caught and splintered the sun's rays, a daytime thunderbolt.
Makes me wonder whether or not that was intentional as a ploy to blind Hunger(unlikely but theoretically possible), it also makes me wonder what his crystal-steel thrusting sword looks like. The aesthetic for that is probably pretty cool. There's a rendition of a crystal rapier by Anthony DiPaolo on ArtStation that looks nice. There's also the Crystal Sage's Rapier from Dark Souls 3.

Enough of sword-projections. An opponent such as this deserved the physical blade.
This stuff is seriously suggestive if you're looking at it through the lens of Kismeissitude/Spades. I have probably been reading too much Homestuck fanfiction. Some of the human and alien intercultural dialog/comedy/comparing notes you find in it though is great. It is farking hilarious and great.

On the same count they inhaled. An unspoken understanding passed between them. Time compressed, congealed, folded over on itself like molten amber.
We can probably make time literally do that later with the right magic system. It could be Azure Moon, it could be Total Eclipse, I don't know.

On came the thrust, that viperous lash of silver like lightning made steel. Hunger's blade descended, but slowly, far too slowly to land any serious blow.
Let's hope our Rank and other shenanigans we got from Uttermost means this isn't going to be an issue for some time.

By the time Amarlt's thrust loomed before him, his hand had managed only to interpose itself between the enemy's sword and his own head.
What's he doing is he trying for some variant on how Jin beat Kariya in the end of Samurai Champloo or not?

There was a clang of steel against silver, a clarion note of pure deflection. The Forebear's Blade fell from nerveless fingers.
The use of the word clarion here is giving me odd vibes of tuning fork resonance in spite of it having been described as a clang earlier in the sentence. I'm not sure what's up with that. Also, let's hope we didn't lose our fingers, we can't have them reattached for superpowers here since this isn't Addio's alternative universe horror quest setting.

Like an inverse kingfisher Amarlt was pointed skywards, his blade thrusting forwards and up, the all-piercing force of his strike no match for the indestructible Ring in its path, which had been bound to Hunger's finger by the Accursed himself.
That is awesome and at the same time we should absolutely not have had so few tools that we were reduced to doing that. On another note, I googled Kingfishers, apparently they're a type of bird generally perceived as preying on fish(More fishing thematics/him being like us?) but a sizable number of them actually prey on small invertebrates. I'm not sure how to visualize an inverted one.

Hunger pressed downwards with his right foot, titanic strength collapsing the weakened ground around the divot that his very first blade-projection had created.
The only thought I have her is a flashback to Imperia's sparring match with Arthur when she targeted him while burrowing for some reason.

Falling rapidly, the bones of his hand a shattered ruin, the Foebear's Blade was level now with his mouth. Snatching it in his teeth, he fired a single blade-projection, one last absolute exertion. Committed still to his thrust, Vanreir could not change his trajectory. Cleanly bisected, chest from sternum, still his arms and eyes and blade could only face up, up, up; turned forever heavenward, as if to pierce through the sky itself.
This is pretty badass though, in spite of the fact we absolutely should never have had to resort to this. At least we didn't have to use the ghost plan though, that would have been even worse.

But there was always a sky above the sky. One could pierce for all eternity without finding its limit.
An important caution for Gurren Lagann fans who may end up in the Rihakuverse.

Age and treachery had prevailed again, though victory tasted like ashes in his mouth. Slowly he examined the Ring, which was flaring brilliant crimson, the pulse of its inhalation drawing upon a thundering sea of power.
I'm sure, first rule of Kismeissitude is YOU DO NOT KILL YOUR KISMESIS. *Diablo 2 quest complete sound effect plays to commemorate the victory anyways*

Jewel and band and finger all were whole and untouched. Of Vanreir Amarlt's final attack, no evidence remained, not even so much as a scratch.

And then afterwards we completely failed to learn the lesson his life and death provided us. *Salt intensifies*

[ ] Punctured Soul - Rank reduced by 10%, physical attributes by 20%, mental attributes by 30%, and social attributes by 40% for 1 month.
I'm not sure what would have mitigated this one in hindsight.

[ ] True Maiming - Liver wounded on a metaphysical level. Permanently reduce CON and CON improvements by 10% and suffer 400% increased vulnerability to poison and supernatural disease. Suffer severe damage upon strenuous exertion for the next three days.
Stranglethorn or Unerring/Librarian could have mitigated this but we went with Uttermost.

[ ] Lingering Exhaustion - Exhausted for a week and Tired for the week after. Any interruption of rest may worsen Exhaustion.
I remember an argument saying this had good synergy with Uttermost for some reason.

You have 4 picks and have special dispensation to spend up to 2 Arete, assuming that your Arete generation this update will cover it.
Given how contentious build votes can get this was understating the actual generation if I remember correctly. We somehow ended up with 4.3 arete when we had... I don't know, less than one?

[ ] Forebear's Blade - Echo of the Forebear - Cloud-shadow of the Forebear's might.

Legendary strength and speed, and the resilience to exert them. Can be taken multiple times. [+Might, +Agility]
We all know it, the cliche, the coca cola of upgrades, didn't get taken here, etc.

[ ] The Ring of Power - Dominion - 2 Arete

A ring of power does not exert influence casually. It has its own will, its own preferences, and if that will should be inseparable from its owner's, its sway thereby shall be greater for it.

Select a domain of influence. While acting within its domain, [Ring of Power] effects are substantially less taxing and more potent; the effects of this can be abstracted as follows: treat the owner's Rank as if it somewhat* higher for related actions. You may select this advancement multiple times, choosing a different domain each time. If multiple domains apply, their bonuses do not compound.

*+0.5 if Low, +.25 if Mid, +.1 if High.

The available domains for Hunger are: War, Passion
Passion? That's just more spades shipping ammo lol. Because our rank was in the 4s we would have gotten a .25 boost assuming I understood the post where Rihaku explained things correctly. 1 to 3 is low rank. 3.1 to 8 is middle rank. 8.1 to 10+ is high rank.

[ ] Fierce Quickening - The absurd violence of Blood unleashed. Let all that falls within its dominion be spilled, if it be in service to the Ringbearer. Adds [++Agility, +Wits] to the bonuses from Quickening, subject to the usual conditions. Can be taken up to 3 times.

[ ] Vigor Itself - The primordial might and glory of Blood resplendent. Let all who witness its form tremble, and be subject. Adds [++Might, +Charisma] to the bonuses from Quickening, subject to the usual conditions. Can be taken up to 3 times.
I still wonder what's behind the mystery box of taking these three times.

[ ] Augment Dominion: Blood - The world-wielding will of the Ring.

Treat the wielder's Rank as if it were (.5 Low/.25 Medium/.1 High) higher for purposes of the [Ring of Power] effect applied to the Blood domain, increasing its potency and versatility. Repeatable, but costs 1 more pick each time.
This could have acclerated our healing with True Maiming I suspect.

[ ] Evening Sky - Opalescence - The soft light of evening before which all attacks falter.

Improves defensive parameters. [+Protection]

[ ] Evening Sky - Iridescence - 2 Arete - The sharp light of the stars before which all malice is lessened.

+Protection, +Charisma. Expands the range of effects subject to the Evening Sky, allowing it to passively weaken almost all forms of magic. Even Nullity itself can be once withstood before the Sky recedes.
Evening Sky. Poor Evening Sky, you've been surpassed and rendered irrelevant and yet nobody wants to give you upgrades.

[ ] Forebear's Blade - Ruinous Valor (3 picks)

Where he advanced, so did the tide of entire wars, the shock of his blade like a hurled epicenter, the trail of his passage but wasteland and rubble.


Power of Ruin now scales upwards depending on your Strength.


Einhander - You may not regrow or replace your left arm by any means. Substantially reduces the cost and increases the range of special attacks made with the Forebear's Blade. This Advancement grants Might instead of Strength (+Might = +Str, +Con).

Zweihander - Regrow your left arm. Your barehanded strikes now carry the full destructive power of the Forebear's Blade.

If Einhander is taken, unlocks One Arm Fury.

If Zweihander is taken, unlocks Martial Stances: Forebear's Blade
I wonder what the circumstances are gong to be when we actually take this?

[ ] The Ring of Power - Inheritor (3 picks, 2 Arete)

He whose soul contains multitudes, may inherit the legacy of those fallen.

Defining Advancement. You may only have three Defining Advancements.

*Choose one Soul Evocation user you have slain. You may use their Soul Evocation at a substantial fraction of the original wielder's skill. Apply [To Shatter Heaven] to their Soul Evocation, but gain fragments of their selfhood.

*+50% to the value of that user's highest Attribute +s.

*+50% the value of that user's second highest Attribute +s.

*-10% to the value of future Rank +s, but you may train Rank manually.

*++Mental Contamination from the user you target. Their soul lives on as your prisoner.

*Available Evocations: The Librarian. The Correspondent. The Unerring.
The one I voted for. The To Shatter Heaven benefit of the Librarian combined with the Poison mitigation and not having to worry about a Faust Alberich scenario made this awesome, but not enough to go nuclear/liquidate my entire Omake Reserve over. Not that it would have mattered at the time if I had. The loss was still painful at the time I wrote this, but it is probably nowhere near as painful as it would have been had I gone nuclear.

[ ] Feat: Kinslayer - A true opponent's worth. Set Rank to 5. (4 picks)
Antisyngergistic with Lingering Exhaustion. I didn't think too much about this one, there didn't seem like much to think about.
[ ] Forebear's Blade - Uttermost (4 picks)

Focus beyond absolute focus. To cut what cannot be cut. To pierce what cannot be pierced. To go further and even further beyond in the unrelenting pursuit of perfection. To exert every iota of self, turn every faculty of purpose, bind every testament of will towards a single, unswerving ideal: that is what it means to do one's uttermost. There are no compromises for he who walks the path of the blade.

Do, even if it cannot be done.

Defining Advancement. You may only have three Defining Advancements.

Cannot mitigate the Doom of the Tyrant beyond its original state

Expends and sacrifices the Form of Rage

Increase by 30% the value of all Rank +s

Reduce by 30% to the value of Luck, Protection, Wisdom and Charisma +s

+++++++Willpower, ++All Other Stats

First Blade: Restores the Forebear's Blade. Apply the effects of the Fell-Handed Stroke, including modifiers, to all basic attacks with no surcharge. You may upgrade [A Thousand Cuts] to [Cut Through] for the difference in their Arete costs.
Lots of immediate power, but it forfeits all prospects of Doom of the Tyrant Mitigation for the sake of memes and Kill 6 Billion Demons style philosophy, completely ignoring the lessons of Vanreir Amarlt's life. To the people who supported this... no regrets, may we never encounter a Sorceress Council analog. Hopefully there will be a way to make this worth it *Salty rambling*. Null Slice is a voting option at the time I was writing this, it could have great potential with Azure Moon as a way to get exotic crafting materials and gets us started on the road to paring infinities with the Blade of Want.

[ ] Hunger - Stranglethorn (4 picks)

Age and treachery made flesh.

The might of beasts is not the only province of the ring Hunger. It bears witness to a deeper and elder power as well, the strength of root and stem that bleeds life from the earth itself to thrust upwards towards heaven. The might of oaks, ancient and thousand-ringed, which crumbles stone and blunts steel, which repels the wind and absorbs the tide, which stands unscathed even in the face of heat and fury. That juggernaut stubbornness like a gnarled fist: the power to push through problems with patient, unyielding strength, to break them down and see them crushed beneath you.

Defining Advancement. You may only have three Defining Advancements.

Increase by 20% the value of all Rank +s

Double the value of Strength and Constitution +s

Double the value of Willpower +s

Reduce by 20% the value of Agility +s

Establishment: By committing meaningful resources towards a given context, and staking out a solid position, you slowly but increasingly accrue power and influence within that context, becoming ever-more inescapable and impossible to dislodge.

This would have made Linear Halo farking awesome, and could in theory have led to a synergy with Inheritor where they cancel each other's weaknesses. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on what you were fighting for at the time, it didn't provide enough immediate power to pass muster.
@BrainInAJar No Regrets, the Pact is sealed, Omakestorm incoming(Currently in support of Investigate the Schools+Opalescence because I want the Evening Sky to be relevant again)
God yes. Please. It's 33% of our panoply and it's fucking garbage currently, because everyone always goes "it's weak tho" and doesn't pick Opalescence up.

Yeah, if you never pick the prerequisites you can't pick the later options, and it stays weak. And then you keep not picking it, and it turns out one day that 33% of Hunger's portfolio is shit-tier and he dies, because y'all decided to minmax and made "making things not hurt me" your dumpstat.

Pick Opalescence! Christ's sake
@Conjured Blade: You're going to be putting a lot of Omakes. Please spoiler them.

Very well, future omakes will be spoilered.

Edit: I'm done now. Omakestorm complete.

Reaction Circa Honor Unstained. 2698 Words.



2355 words
I tried reading some of My House of Horrors, and that's definitely not a bad idea. For those who haven't checked it out, it's like Haunted House Ownership meets The Gamer meets Chronicles of Darkness style horror adventures. I've got an idea of my own though. If Rihaku's interests somehow returned to fanfiction instead of original work, what if he did something set in the Craft Sequence universe by Max Gladstone?

It's Magitek fantasy, the big leaguers who aren't gods or their close servants are immortal magical Necromancer Lawyers called craftspeople, and the Craft's analogue to court bears an uncanny resemblance to a cage match. The Craft is what enabled mortals to challenge the gods, they were sufficiently successful in the war that ensued after the discovery of the craft that the world is now divided between Gods and Deathless Kings/Liches who are essentially the apex of a Craftsperson's magical evolution and have enough power to call Gods peers.

The Craft can't do everything though. Things like giving, charity, and altruism are alien concepts to the Craft. Gods are still needed. Inability to pay your student loans for a graduate of the Hidden Schools(they got set up to float in the sky to hide during the God Wars and you need some Craft knowledge to get a bridge to them to learn more and become a Craftsperson properly) can get you turned into a mindless debt zombie. Money is literally metaphysical power because people use chunks of soulstuff as currency. There's also funky nightmare stuff, dream communication, etc. It's a giant capitalism metaphor where resurrection of a dead god can be analogous to corporate bankruptcy proceedings.

AN: Rihaku-666 subsists off a diet of nerd terror-sweat and street-level tragedies with bad endings as mortals who can't powerlevel must outwit, scheme, and run from things that easily kill them.
The Rihaku of this reality causes his fair share nerd terror sweat too, given what is going on right now as we're trying to talk our way out of fighting with Vanreir Amarlt of the transcendent thrust. I agree he could probably pull off horror.

"There is no escape from death. No escape in death. You, of all people, should know."
Ouch. The question is what the precise ouch is. The Underworld from Geist the Sin Eaters 2nd Edition is not a pleasant place, ghosts that run out of essence get eaten by the walls.

Shenzhang City. Caught between the ancient and the modern, the fastest growing economic centre of the North.
So a city in Northern China. Fitting given what prompted this alternate universe quest.

Its people grow unwieldy with wealth, its resources tapped, skyscrapers emerging like the teeth of maturity from the rice fields, trumpeting the coming of modernity. And like teeth they displace their predecessors, deride them as the mere interstitial stage of civilisation, an embarrassment.
And like a predator's maw, the teeth of this city devour the weak and the unwary. But of course this is a horror setting, some of the things they deride as embarrassments will turn out to be entirely sensible practices that existed for good reason.

In this new world, there is no room for farmers or priests, necessity transmuted to sufferance.
Necessity transmuted to sufferance? Interesting turn of phrase. Brings to mind the urban vs rural pissing contests you'd find if you wandered into the right SB thread. The priests is the really unfortunate part though given again, this is a horror setting though modernity refuses to admit it. The old folklore has a point in this setting, the priests are genuinely necessary.

The face of success has changed: cleaner teeth, whiter skin, colder eyes, taller, slimmer, rich. The concrete fingers of the free market worm through and over the hills and valleys, and the clever ride with it, daring to dream. A more expensive meal, a prettier wife, a new brotherhood, an unending world of leashes awaiting dogs.
Money will not buy happiness for the person with no concept of what they want. Moloch's fingers are supposedly ten armies and it often gets analogized to capitalism. They're riding with Moloch and it won't help them in the end either. "From Modernity you will find no quarter?" They're as miserable as everyone else, it's like... I don't know Geist 2e. That's a setting where Buddhism is essentially 95 percent, if not completely correct. You can't have attachments or you become a ghost and risk getting eaten by the walls of the Underworld. They're only setting themselves up for more misery I guess?

But the higher the towers climb, the longer a shadow they cast. Evil lurks the streets as it once lurked forest and dale, but it was never the forest that was evil.
No that was humans obviously. Nature is for better or worse, amoral. Outside of morality.

Missing persons cases rise by the hundreds. The streets ring with sirens, violent crimes units working day and night. Behind every door is cruelty. Behind every eye is wickedness. Behind every man is his future thief, conman, killer. And behind every death is a life truncated, potential cut loose to snarl and twist, becoming a monster man has forgotten.
You're definitely getting the Chronicles of Darkness as a mortal style atmosphere across here.

The city rolls on, a behemoth ripping free of its creators and rolling them under tread, blood for the gears. From modernity you will find no quarter; no matter how bright the light, you will find the shadows just as deep.
Moloch is strong here. It has devoured the world whole and the horror elements mean it's only going to get worse.

One day, you will be consumed. You will join the ranks of those you bled so hard to quell. But you will not go quietly.
*Lights a candle for the Vigil*

Make no mistake. Yours is a black path through the night. But who was the walker?

[ ] The Enthusiast - Young, naive, optimistic. A diligent and filial son, excelling in every objective you chose to pursue. Your sole vice: an embarrassing interest in foreign horror films. Your parents are labourers, your family poorly educated; you are the first of your cousins to graduate with a dual college degree. Your move to Shenzhang was predicated on the rising tech industry, but openings are scarce or denied to the entry-level. While working odd jobs to pay rent, you notice a persistent stain in your bathroom wall...

*Young and fit, with a strong heart. Can take a shock or two.

*You are book-smart! You are not street-smart.

*You possess a dual degree in STEM fields achieved overseas on scholarship. Though reality has proven less practical than previously assumed, technology yields to your expert hand.

*Your overseas degree was mostly so you could watch American films. Nevertheless, you are fluent in English and have a patchy cross-section of Western cinema. You aren't a banana, but you're banana-adjacent. A plantain, perhaps.

*You have an uncanny instinct for navigating dangerous situations. It's not something you've developed, but that may change.

*Your love of horror has given you a near-encyclopaedic grasp of horror tropes and conventions. Aside from that, you're also well-versed in navigating net forums and sifting information from trash, a skill that comes in handy when you need to research something obscure.

*Regrettably, the number of years you've been single equal your age. You are Unsullied. Take care, for a virgin's flesh is a delicacy in some circles...

*You don't have a car! Opportunities are limited based on transportation. Your Lair is a Communal Apartment.

*Special Skill: I Played College Ball: Once per mission, you may sprint five hundred metres across any terrain.

*Playthrough leans more on mystery than horror. Depth of route before retirement: 10%--40%.

So this route, I guess we're a Horatio Alger who got stymied, interrupted, etc and need the money. The route is mystery more than Horror so we're more likely to deal with mundane killers than anything actually supernatural. We're a Chen Ge figure, or an analogue to somebody who posts on boards like this one. Given the depth of the route before we can get out I guess we don't have much incentive to go deep. We retire once we have a job we actually like. I don't think I'm remembering this correctly but for whatever reason the bathroom wall stain is giving me echoes of Silent Hill 4.

We've got a middle of the road constitution. Unless we're willing to get cursed we've got one spiritual gift at Beginner strength. I'm not sure how to develop them but given we're more likely to deal with mystery scenarios than supernatural horror scenarios on this route, we could take the Stony Liver, maybe get free meals out of Restaraunt Spicy Food Challenges if they have those, then when we take it up a notch to Novice and get protection against Serial Killers trying to poison/drug us and save money on winter clothing.

That's kind of petty though. Our big strength on this route is internet knowledge/genre savvyness. We could take Thief's Ear to leverage this fully, we can speak ghost if we run into any and have the skills to research what we learn from them. We could also take Blood Eye for the intention reading abilities and aura perception to compensate for our lack of street smarts, and get better ability to function in the dark too.

If I had to take a curse/artifact with this character, it would be the Wishing Pen or the Corpse Ink. Wishing Pen for Thief's Ear to improve our ability to ask it questions, Corpse Ink if we took Blood Eye as a Specter defense tool so we can target properly. As for our curse, I'd take Cowardly Tenor or Impurity of Heart. Cowardly Tenor synergizes with our sprinting ability. If I was taking a second spiritual gift instead of an artifact it would be Stony Liver to go with Blood Eye or Thief's Ear.

[ ] The Entertainer - Look, you went somewhere you shouldn't have. The things you saw in there, what happened to your crew, it doesn't bear thinking about. If only your damn camera hadn't been rolling. Now you're the most popular livestream channel on the net, and your producers are leaning on you to make more just like it: original, riveting, inimitable. Nobody said it was easy at the top, but your crew (whatever's left of them) are happy to push you off...

*Nearing the dessert days of your youth. You're starting to think of things like blood pressure and cholesterol.

*You're sharp as a tack! Fastest joke in the East, they call you.

*You used to have quite the temper, and your fists still remember how to talk for you.

*Your sense of humour helps settle the nerves.

*You've always had a sixth sense for when things felt wrong.

*Look, you've been around the block a few times. Money may not buy love, but it can buy its spitting image. You are Sinful.

*You're a grown adult with your own transport and housing! Increased latitude and freedom. Your Lair is a Townhouse.

*You're not poor!

*Special Skill: It's Just FX: Once per mission, you may concoct an elegant deception to simultaneously calm others while directing them to your instruction.

*Depth of route before retirement: 30%--90%.
This is a route where we actually have reason to stay in the game. We don't have any second career option to pivot into for retirement like we do with the Enthusiast and are presumably too old for things like reskilling. We need to find another source of wealth or get brutally killed trying.

We've got excellent social skills, fistfighting ability, resources, and a sixth sense. What we don't have though is spiritual purity for whatever precisely that entails in the setting. This guy's route gives me echoes of the host of Mysterious Mysteries on Invader Zim after the ending of that episode only the world is extremely dangerous instead of the stupid inherent to the Zimverse.

We shouldn't be banking on our constitution without something to boost it. We've got one spiritual gift at beginner strength and it's harder to decide in this person's circumstances. I guess Blood Eye is a good option so we can find interesting things to stream about? If we took a curse to get a second Spiritual Gift I'd go with Thief's Ear so that we might one day turn our social skills against the specters. If we took an artifact to go with the curse I'd take the Moon Mirror. With resources and a production crew we could afford the blood needed to use the mirror without risking our own health.

[ ] The Exorcist - Grandfather's appeal to the Ministry of Culture failed, and the highway demolitions proceeded as planned. When the construction workers were found hooked from the seal-pillars, some very insistent questions began to be asked. Now you've slowed down, having shaken the trail, but in a foreign city with no papers to your name. But one thing's the same: wherever the sun shines will cast a shadow, and the shadows here are deeper than you think...

*Extremely fit. Excellent cardiovascular health.

*Skilled in martial arts.

*A masterful calligrapher.

*Experienced in forestcraft.

*You are vegetarian.

*You are an adept reader of people in the individual and group, an innate talent honed through occupational training. Though you lack official accreditation, your knowledge and grasp of the human mind rival clinical psychologists produced by prestigious universities renowned for such.

*Your dialect marks you as a foreigner. Your rustic clothing and attitudes are unfashionable. You were raised in a rural village, and unfamiliar with technology later than the horseless omnibus. You are the opposite of cool.

*You have no official documents of identity, and very little money for a city life. You're technically a fugitive, but if you keep your head down it's unlikely anybody will draw connections.

*You have lived the life of an ascetic; the stain of hypocrisy does not mar your soul. You are Pristine, maintaining your prenatal innocence.

*You are trained in locating passages to the Blood World, and educated on the nature of its denizens. You are a master of rituals.

*The Blood World is sick here. Finding treasures to leverage will be dangerous.

*In your escape, you seized an Artifact from the family record room.

*You begin with no Lair.

*Special Skill: Ancestor's Binding: Once per mission, you may invoke the name of the Patriarch, borrowing his wisdom in the fields of Swordsmanship, Courage, Exorcism Science, and Blood World Lore. If your spiritual condition is Pristine, you may use this binding to compel a Specter into slumber. This invocation persists until the hour of dawn.

*Depth of route before retirement: 100%--170%.

This is the route where we get to see just how deep the rabbit hole of this world really goes. We're significantly more badass, have clinical psychologist level understanding of people, we're in good health, we have excellent spiritual purity, we know the Blood World exists and how to get in without needing Blood Eye. That place sounds exceptionally dangerous, whatever precisely it's like. The problems though are big to compensate for our badassery. We are a walking anachronism. Horseless Omnibus? I digged around in Wikipedia and those are basically late 1800s early 1900s carriages. We are poor and homeless, don't officially exist, and have to keep our head down lest we attract government attention. The problems we get to go with actually having some power to deal with the supernatural horrors are serious doozies that open us up to a lot of mundane horror. Our Forestcraft skills won't help us much in a city.

For the starting spiritual gift I'd take Stony Liver because we're homeless and need to be able to eat anything we can get and forage around in the Blood World. Combined with the environmental protections like Frostbite resistance it'll make it much easier for us to live as a homeless person. If I was going for something with more esoteric/supernatural relevance I would take the Thief's Ear to read Spectral Characters and mimic voices to fool unperceptive spirits, or Pale Fingers for the Psychometry powers. I would take the Corpse Ink for our starting artifact to reveal/harm ghosts since we aren't taking Blood Eye with this build presumably. Also because our special skill is something that can only be used once per mission.

For my curse preference if we took a Curse of Karma, I'd take... I don't know this one is a doozy so all I can say is anything but Impurity of Heart. For a second spiritual gift to go with the curse assuming we take Stony Liver as our first gift, I'd take Thief's Ear, and if I was taking a second Artifact I'd take the Golden Compass so we can pull a Harry Dresden for people occasionally by tracking down missing people.

Select one of the following Spiritual Gifts. For the Enthusiast and Entertainer, skill in the Gift will be at Beginner level; the Exorcist will be trained to employ his Gift at Journeyman level.

[ ] Blood Eye - By design or circumstance, your eye is damaged. The resulting blood contaminating the vitreous humor does not impair vision, but instead renders its owner able to perceive the Blood World. In the daylight, you can observe the presence of Specters and the true intentions of others. At night, your vision is unimpaired by total darkness or blinding light in succession, and you fully perceive Specters.

Beginner - See traces in daylight, perfect night vision, perceive Specters.

Novice - Perfect vision, detect passages into the Blood World <1 hour old, perceive the aura of humans.

Journeyman - Directly perceive the Blood World from the mortal world. See distant objects with negligible loss of detail.
This one seems most useful for the Entertainer, and is kind of weird zig-zag wildcard for the Exorcist. The Exorcist explicitly knows that the Blood World is sick so being able to see it from the mundane world is useful to investigate. However, they know how to get into the Blood World, regardless of if they take the eye. I'm not sure that "See the true intentions of others" thing got quantified here though. Which skill level is that unlocked at? Is it part of "perceive the aura of humans"? I'm not sure how to parse "unimpaired by total darkness or blinding light in succession" unfortunately.

[ ] Stony Liver - A calcification is embedded in your hepatobiliary system, emanating vigorous energies. An unnatural fortitude suffuses you. Your digestion of dangerous foods is enhanced.

Beginner - Eat spicy food up to 100,000 Scoville Heat Units without impairment. Experience no indigestion from poor diet.

Novice - Withstand freezing temperatures without frostbite. Moderate resistance to pain. Cannot be poisoned by mundane toxins.

Journeyman - Consume Blood World flesh without issue. Survive without food or water for a week.

This one is the Exorcist's best friend and has some potential value for the Enthusiast. For those curious what we can tolerate at 100,000 Scoville Heat Units, what that actually means is that we can tolerate low intensity Habanero chili, and high intensity cases of stuff like Malagueta pepper.

[ ] Thief's Ear - Once in your youth, you were stung on the ear by a blue-winged wasp. Though it eventually healed, there remains a small discoloration, though lately it has spread. Like a bat, you can navigate without eyes, relying purely on the sounds of the wind.

Beginner - Sharper hearing, ability to comprehend the Spectral Tongue.

Novice - Echolocation, immunity to deafness.

Journeyman - Voice mimicry, ability to read Spectral Characters. Yes, that's right, read with your ears.
Considering two of the options give us improved ability to navigate in the dark, it's fairly obvious this is going to be relevant. The question is superhuman hearing or vision? With the Exorcist or Entertainer this could be good for a Specter befriending route I suppose. Also voice mimicry seems like something that can be overwhelmingly, ludicrously powerful with the right mindset. The Entertainer may be able to get that mindset, with lower odds for the Exorcist and the Enthusiast in last place.

[ ] Black Marrow - Instead of red, your blood is black. While you pass it off with makeup and claim a genetic disorder, your tone of flesh disturbs others. Nevertheless, you are as energetic as any other red-blooded human. You are unable to make a Blood Door.

Beginner - Can substitute blood for ink. Can hold breath for fifteen minutes. You scab instantly.

Novice - You are able to persist with half your normal blood volume. Your resting body temperature is elevated to 39 degrees Centigrade.

Journeyman - Black blood is an omen of heavenly malfeasance. Feeding your blood to a Specter briefly elevates their capabilities.
I'm not sure what a Blood Door is. Is this how people reach the Blood World without detecting passages with Blood Eye? If so this is a big no for the Exorcist. This might be beneficial for the Enthusiast if they have to escape from a serial killer with a fondness for exsanguinating people. It could help any character if they need to hide underwater from hostiles or the building spontaneously catches fire and they need to find a way to escape without choking on the smoke.

[ ] Pale Fingers - An incident in your youth amputated your fingers, and they had to be surgically reattached. Miraculously, aside from minor circulation issues, you retain full motion and dexterity.

Beginner - Can touch Specters. Can grasp freezing objects.

Novice - Can perform psychometry on cursed objects. You do not bleed from wounds to your upper limbs.

Journeyman - Can perform the Corpse Grip, a clenching exertion capable of tearing steel.
If we take exorcist with this route we get some measure of knife resistance if we have to take a blow on an arm. They aren't invincible though, we just don't have to worry about bleeding to death. The Martial arts and psychometry route where we can if the time calls for it, just punch the ghosts if we took a curse with Blood Eye, or took Corpse Ink as our artifact and used it.

If you are an Exorcist, select one of the Artifacts below. If you are an Enthusiast or Entertainer who has taken a Curse of Karma, your selection will change aesthetically to match modern provenance, but is otherwise functionally identical.

[ ] Moon Mirror - A circular mirror of shaped bronze, meticulously maintained save for the reflective obverse, which is indelibly corroded. By filling its pitted face with blood, it is able to reveal the unseen.

*Takes 5cc to form a minimally reflective surface, 40cc to make it smooth enough for visual use. Users with Black Marrow must double the costs.

*By filling it to its original surface depth (100cc), the Bronze Mirror can be activated to capture any Specter that gazes upon their reflection. Wearing the Bronze Mirror from that point on will deter any Specters of lesser power to that contained within. You are unable to use the Mirror to reflect the Blood World while it contains a Specter; gazing into it will cause the Specter to possess you. Blood must be donated to restrain the Specter (400cc/month), or else it is released.

*Modern forms include a shattered compact mirror or car wing-mirror.

The average human adult has 4.5 to 5.5 liters of blood in their body according to a cursory google search. 5 cc is 0.005 Liters, which translates to assuming a human body with 5 liters of blood in it(.005*100/5), costing .1 percent of their blood. 40 cc is .04 liters, or 0.8 percent of their blood(.04*100/5). 100 cc is 0.1 liters, or 2 percent of their blood(0.1*100/5). 400 cc is 8 percent of their blood(0.4*100/5).

Keeping a specter safely imprisoned singlehandedly looks like it's extremely unhealthy. 400 cc is pretty close to a mundane blood donation which takes 10 percent, and according to the NHS article I found, people should wait 12 weeks if they're male, and 16 weeks if they're female between blood donations. Because of this, the Entertainer is the only character who has any business using this artifact to imprison a specter. Still, if the Entertainer takes this artifact, they can get away better with not taking Blood Eye, given how it can be used to see into the Blood World.

[ ] Corpse Ink - A gargantuan inkstick, one chi in length, capped with a heliotrope medallion. Compressed from the soot and fat of burned humans, the figures of its victims are preserved with vivid detail. When ground against a rough surface, it releases a fragment of that funereal flame, revealing and scorching Specters. Ink rendered from this inkstick is especially effective against Immolated Specters.

*Leaves a greasy stain on the fingers.

*Erodes slowly, if at all. Segments can be "burned" at once for significant effect.

*The Blood World is quite wet; you may find it difficult to find a dry surface.

*Modern forms have the images of cows and juvenile poetry.
Well this is a macabre artifact but I suppose it fits given the setting. For those who don't feel like googling the unit of measurement, this inkstick is a third of a meter, or slighly over 1 foot. The Entertainer and the Exorcist are the most likely characters to be able to benefit from this artifact, The Exorcist less so given his interest in the Blood World and his special ability but it still could help in a multi specter scenario.

[ ] Wishing Pen - An aged calligraphy brush of poplar wood and human hair. Ask it a question, and it will write no lies.

*Will answer within ten characters or less! Functions without ink.

*Information concerning the motivation or true disposition of people is more accurate than environmental data or combat capabilities.


*Cannot be lost. If misplaced, will reappear in nearby pockets or hidden spaces.

*Modern forms include pagers or text messages from unknown numbers.
This one has some value as a crutch for somebody who took the socially impaired curse of karma, it needs a character well suited to utilizing information to be able to use it to its full potential though. This means Blood Eye, Thief's Ear, or possibly Pale Fingers if you're the Exorcist who can use Psychometry instead of the Enthusiast who's able to ferret around for obscure information on message boards. This one seems good for somebody with an Enthusiast+Thief's Ear Build I suppose.

[ ] Golden Compass - A luopan modified with additional rings denoting geographical and coordinate data. A superb tracking tool; by placing a symbolic piece of your target in the place of the needle, you will locate them in space and time.

*Can live-track a human in the past year perfectly, and imperfectly project their future. Tracking beyond this window exhausts the Compass for a day.

*Appears to function globally.

*Works imperfectly in the Blood World.
This one gives us something that while it resembles Dresdenverse Thaumaturgy when applied to tracking, in some ways like determining where somebody was at a given time in the past year, it's actually superior. If we're the Enthusiast we probably couldn't use this to play Harry Dresden and help the police with missing persons cases because we'd soon end up a suspect. It'd be an atmospheric prop for the Entertainer without sayyy... Thief's Ear to know who specters have grudges against and track them down, but that role seems like it'd fit more with the Exorcist. Having to livestream kills your ability to use the compass stealthily and it could help him rescue normal people trapped in the Blood World.

Take on a Curse of Karma for an additional selection of a Spiritual Gift or Artifact, up to three. It is not recommended to take more than one.

[ ] Zodiacal Malediction - An unrighteous marriage, a poisoned bloodline, whatever the reason, Heaven itself turned its face away the moment you were born. Unless directly named, you are automatically excluded from all protections, rituals, and benedictions laid into the bedrock of the continent. Your only protector is the eye of the noonday sun, who discriminates no wretch.
Wow. This one is nasty. I'm not sure what to think about this one.

[ ] Impurity of Heart - You were not steadfast in thought and deed, and performed ill-workings to others. Lower your Spiritual Purity by one level.
This one kills the Exorcist's special and so is a big no for him. Not sure what this would do to the entertainer.

[ ] Cowardly Tenor - You are more easily shaken, weak-stomached and frail. In times of crisis your mind will turn to flee from peril.
For this curse to be worthwhile the protagonist needs to be fast enough to flee first. This means it's a bad idea for the entertainer but a semi-decent option for the Enthusiast or the Exorcist.

[ ] Perverse Hungers - You are wracked with forbidden desires. To some Specters, you may strike an intolerable resemblance.
This one is bad for any route that tries to befriend specters I guess. There's an anti-synergy between this curse and Thief's Ear. The anti-synergy only gets worse if this curse is taken on a Thief's Ear+Entertainer build.

[ ] Rationalist - You are convinced there is no power greater than the human mind, no engine more excellent in its function than reason and intellect, the eternally self-crafting work. You're in the wrong genre, friend. Increased difficulty in rituals, slow to adapt.
The Exorcist is a master Ritualist, so maybe he could afford to lose some aptitude for them. The Entertainer can hire a ritual specialist so this means it may be a viable curse for him, and this just seems like too much of a bad idea for the Enthusiast if they ever run into a genuine supernatural occurrence.

[ ] Socially Impaired - You find it difficult to impossible to read people's emotions and motivations.
With the right build you can mitigate this. The question is whether or not the kind of benefits of a build you can take to mitigate this curse stand on their own as a good build. Do not take this if you are an entertainer, this kills one of his biggest strengths.

Enthusiast Build:

[]Thief's Ear
[]Cowardly Tenor
[]Wishing Pen

Entertainer Build:

[]Thief's Ear
[]Moon Mirror

Exorcist Build:

[]Stony Liver
[]Corpse Ink
[]Thief's Ear

Reaction circa the release of the update being reacted to.

Honor Unstained

As always, a blue horizon. The deep blue horizon of a mist-shrouded morning, the sky a callous gradient from black to bruise-blue, birdsong and a distant rumbling the only interruptions to the thick silence of this hour, a quiet thicker than the all-pervasive fog. A quiet like iron smog settling in the lungs. Even the detritus of the Inners is oppressive.
I'm getting echoes of the first era of Mistborn right now but I seem like the kind of person to draw connections to random things at the drop of a hat. Only its worse because the pollution is directly caused by the oppressive overclass as opposed to it being a thing their god-king did years ago. I'm also wondering if this shade of blue is significant somehow, like it's the shade of blue Verschlengorge uses or something, or is Verschlengorge's blue icier? Also, the fact they have an industrial civilization in the inner temple is kind of surprising.

He shook his head, blinking away his father's resentments. The contamination was worsening. For six hundred and seventy-six days, Vanreir had awoken at exactly this time to attend to his daily duties. He grabbed pail and cloth and began to scrub.
Ouch. Wonder what kind of Soul Evocation you need to have for something like that to be a problem? Also it's a sign of how inner temple society has been farked up for a while if his father resented them too. Translating how long he's been doing this into Earth years, it's about 1.85 years. By modern civilization standards about half of an enlistment in the US Army or a Presidential term. If it's that bad now he's definitely not going to live another two years.

There were those for whom duty was a prison and habit its cage, but he considered both more as scaffolding, the bedrock structure on which a life could be built.
So basically, this guy has attained the Sorceress ideal, he exemplifies the implicate duty, relishes in it. I suppose in that sense it's a good thing we didn't bring Gisena since we're trying to social him. Gisena would have been helpful for combat though.

Meticulously he cleaned his room, the light of his soul kept coiled and inert, and moved steadily onto his sister's.
He eats, sleeps, and breathes military discipline, his soul is like a spring, or a viper, the inert thing though... I get the feeling there's greater significance there but can't quite put my finger on it. Like he isn't enjoying his life or something like that.

"Mm..." Erii was sleeping still, wrapped protectively around her plush pillow, and he maneuvered around her with quick, efficient movements, wiping down the weathered wood of the floors and carefully organizing her toys and knick-knacks.
This interlude is... a warning this guy is a serious badass from a narrative standpoint? A message that the desire to avoid your enemies getting humanized is something that only happens at the sufferance of the GM because he can find ways to work in interludes when he pleases?

"Brother?" She murmured groggily, slowly sitting up. She was growing more alert, even as his own body continued its slow decay. One day they would meet in the middle, and then irreversibly diverge. But not today.
It is going to suck if we have to kill this guy.

"Hush, small one. Go back to sleep." He smiled and placed a hand on her head. Today, he could still keep her safe.

"M'kay. Love you." She nuzzled his hand affectionately before settling down to sleep.
In spite of how few words have been used, cuteness has been conveyed reasonably well. Lets hope the diplomatic route works.

It is all on your shoulders now, my son. Everything I am, I leave to you. Let my soul be your guide. Let your soul be my tomb. And let this be enough, to awaken that which was promised. Please... let it be enough.
This would have been Baenlixnaire's endgame if we hadn't talked him into sacrificing himself fully I imagine. What was promised though? What roused his father's hate and resentment so badly?

Finished with his task, he walked past the now-empty master bedroom and towards the water closet. Their home was presentable, time to work on himself. A simple, linear routine was best. Fluctuation was the predecessor to instability.
Unfortunately for us, we are not an analogue for Araris Valerian from Codex Alera, who only needed to think in curves to defeat his linear thinking enemy. Given this bit about fluctuation though, I like the ideas for screwing him up by farking with his blood potency assuming it comes down to combat.

In the distance, the Star-forges of the Inner Ring began their spinup, ceaseless clanging like a bell endlessly rung. They would not stop until well after the sun went down. Were the Inner Residents inured to the clamor, or did some miraculous artifice render them immune?
Star-forges? Those seem like some pretty badass technology. The fact that they keep the benefits of industrial civilization to themselves like that though... the Attack on Titan vibes I've been getting are now getting mixed with God Eater, especially given how powerful some of the adventurers coming for them are. Is there some kind of Aegis project analogue or is getting to move into the inner ring the Aegis project analogue?

One day, they would know the answer. One day, they would live Inside as well. Soon, if he proved himself. If he made just one more step forward. They were such wondrous rumors of the Land Inside, and yet the veil of secrecy was profound, so much so that even an Outrider of his exalted rank didn't warrant concrete details.
Poor guy. I guess they don't let mass produced YA dystopian fiction or stuff like Attack on Titan/God Eater past the inner ring boundaries if they have it. The cake is a lie, the grass is always greener on the other side, the people with high security clearance in Paranoia are just as miserable as the people with low security clearance, etc. They're probably stringing him along too without any intention of letting him in as well.

Of all the scattered peoples who'd come together around the Ring, his House had had the most precipitous fall. Once a legend, now a cautionary tale.
Scattered? Like a mass isekai event? Also I suppose the Ring was always where it was in the Voyaging realm?

His father had lived Inside, but Vanreir had never seen past the cerulean shell that marked the Inner Perimeter, and by the time of his birth his father had been unable to speak of matters beyond the sword and his legacy. Nonetheless, he didn't resent those who'd engineered their fall. Why wallow in bitterness, when one could move forward instead? He would dispatch them, like any other opponent, when the time came. One policy for all enemies was simplest.
Cerulean... a trait of the moon ring or a trait of Foremost hardware? While I don't envy his father's lot, I'm glad his son found some measure of enlightenment? Unfortunately his enlightenment is of a limited sort and he's in the wrong genre for it. This is more like Kill Six Billion Demons, shatter the gods and topple their thrones, hate is a source of strength, moral ambiguity is everywhere, even if all the lights in the sky are your enemy then you need to strike them all down. This is the Rihakuverse and that is why his enlightenment will not bring him happiness.

His sigil hummed, and Vanreir suppressed a frown. The coordinators were well aware of how the light of his soul operated. They knew he was not to be bothered in the morning, regardless of the urgency of the task. An even, regular routine was necessary to stabilize the power within; for all the sharpness of his light, it could only ever move in one direction. He did not consider such a fault. That which was linear, was also stable. That which was simple, was also strong.
Sigil? Like the same sigils that supposedly immunize you against the Call of the False Moon? They have communication functionality? On another note, could he have something analogous to Nasuverse Gawain's Numeral of the Saint or Escanor's power from Seven Deadly Sins? Or is he just that much of a creature of habit? Is the routine what he needs to keep his soul in the inert state that was mentioned earlier as opposed to striking against those that have wronged him?

"First Blade," the sigil spoke, and he recognized the cadence of Chief Coordinator Thran, whose normally-jovial disposition was utterly absent now.

"How can I help?" He said. As he spoke he continued to move, shaving cream applied to the throat with circular whisks of his horsehair brush.
Horsehair? When the inner temple has the benefits of industrial civilization? We need to chew these bastards out or find out what the fark is going on there. On another note, can the sigils they give people be used as bugs? I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

"There's been a major incursion. Your services are requested."
Organized, formal terminology. We are dealing with a state here and we are the guerillas.

"Is it the Brutes again? I thought Gondar had dealt with them."
Aww... a pity we didn't try joining them.

"No. The Fairbright."
They know of her then. They've probably got dossiers on everybody who gets far enough into the temple. What's her deal, also this triggered a dramatic dun dun dun in my head.

Shocked as he was, his movements did not stop. Fluidly, effortlessly he drew the razor over skin, allowing himself to enjoy the satisfying schlick of the blade as it scooped cream and hair from skin. There, all done. Faultless and bloodless as always. His hands had never been so steady before his father's death.
Wow such discipline. No Cuts. Wow.

He flicked away the last daub of shaving debris and slapped a hand across his cheeks, examining his reflection coolly. Eyes of storm blue.
We've got more of these thematics with the color blue here.

Hair of storm grey. His body's discorporation had not yet become apparent, his secret unrevealed. Time enough for two souls to do what one could not. Give us just one year more. One year, and Erii would be safe.
So he's turning into a ghost and only needs one more year of his planned enlistment term to get what he wants? Tangentially, for him to be called First Blade, he must have proven himself real badass, real fast to get where he is in less than two years.

"The Fairbright," he finally said, voice level. "Her stay of execution's been lifted?"

"The Inners decided they want no part of her. Make it clean, First Blade. The stain on your House has almost been lifted."
So Gabrielle Fairbright gets exiled for her safety by the Fates from Even Further Beyond. She may or may not be the only Fairbright. She washes up in the Voyaging Realm, joins the ring exploitation society, and then she gets disillusioned and goes rogue. She had connections shielding her from getting killed before then but they've lost the desire to do that. That's where the First Blade they're stringing along comes in.

His eyes widened slightly. "Faster than I'd expected. It hasn't even been two years. Will this be the last, then?"
Are Outrider duties measured in minimum number of incursions repelled then?

"No. But we've detected two other R-types in the region. Bag them both and the Tribunal has agreed to review your case."

"Don't give me false hope, Coordinator."
Maybe they are? He's totally giving you false hope though. On another note and for those who didn't catch it when Rihaku said it earlier, R-Type refers to combatants with the capability of rapid advancement. The classification system also gives me echos of the way Titans get classified by size. Perhaps this is a dehumanization technique the inners are using?

"Experience has shown your abilities to be anything but false, Sir Amarlt. Keep this up and you'll be Lord Amarlt by day's end. Your grandfather would be pleased."

"And my father," he said.

The Coordinator coughed uncomfortably. "Er, yes. And... him. Good hunting, First Blade."
Does the coordinator guy remember whatever incident got his Father and his family kicked out of the inner ring? What happened back then? On another note... AMARLT? As in Catherine's House? *Regret at not exerting more effort for Twice Great, for example offering markers, intensifies*

Unfortunate. He was far from peak condition, with his morning routine interrupted so. Still, this calibre of enemy did not demand his utmost. A junior Fairbright, her power barely tested. Mighty as their bloodline was, it could not compare to the light of his soul, much less his father's.
Who the fark was House Amarlt to be able to think they can curbstomp a Mary Sue like that?

Seven decades had Justinan Amarlt trained to erase the disgrace of his youth. He'd never succeeded, but Vanreir was his legacy in form and in truth, the sword of their composite soul unfurling in perfect unity. Justinan the Blade. Vanreir the Unerring. They were hilt and tang, bullet and blasting-cap: helpless apart, but together unstoppable. Artificial as it was, they were the Unerring Blade returned, the Amarlt inheritance resurgent at last. As had been promised, if the successors were true and the hour was dire. Look through the cycle, and where I am needed, there you will find me.
This is the second heroine prospect with bullshit tier sword skills if Catherine's Soul Evocation was the Unerring Blade. Is this a recurring pattern, related to some ontological truth of fated heroes in the Rihakuverse? What is the Cycle?

Sometimes he wished that their forebear's standards had not been quite so high. Sometimes he thought that his father's life had been too high a price to pay, simply prove the sincerity of their cause.
So their forebear demanded human sacrifice and death to allow them to attain his power? Was he named Moloch or something? Does he have any connection to the forebear from our sword?

But he cast such thoughts quickly out of mind. Sincerity was simple, that did not mean it was easy. For a disgraced line, even this minute Return was grace undeserved.
You've probably internalized a lot of the stuff the inners have said that you shouldn't have. Odds are they are wrong and you are right.

His father had bent everything to their restoration. Some would say he had gone too far. They would never understand the nature of a Blade. This, son, is the essence of our Thrust...
Humans who see themselves as swords, living weapons? Not an enviable lot. Plus, a sword needs a worthy wielder because it lacks the ability to wield itself in most cases.

Lightly he took his sword from its rack and stepped out the door. Dawn's first rays graced the horizon, the gold commingling with the blue. He spun his blade gently, crystal-steel trapping and refracting the light, sunbeams shattered into a dizzying spray.
How Gawainesque.

They painted the cobblestones and the world-worn walls of the Middle District and slipped futilely off the Inner Perimeter just beyond, its matte-blue opacity obdurate and unchanging.

Erii would be behind that sturdiest of walls soon enough. She was able, empathic and wise, already skilled in political maneuver. One day, she would ensure that House Amarlt could stand on its own legs once more, without the First Sword of the Outriders looming over its foes. On that day he would relinquish his father and join her for whatever years he had remaining. Until that day, there was only one thing that he could do.
Who did Erii have to practice against then? What kind of educational material do the inners release to middle temple residents. I've got a sinking feeling there's a lot of stuff you are missing here and she's not as prepared as you think she is.

Gabrielle Fairbright fell without incident. The blood of ten thousand heroes sang in her veins, choirs of the Astral had descended to shield her, her blade of legend had blazed like a second sun, plain become glass before its incandescence; and yet none of that had saved her from the ordinary thrust of his blade, which with unerring force struck true. That was his pride and culmination, the sole point and purpose of his existence, for which his father had given his life and his mother had died in despair. Strike a thousand times, or make one strike that tells.
A pity. I would have liked to see her magic before she died, and for her to die against somebody like this is... kind of disappointing. She deserved a flashier opponent. At least Division from Kill Six Billion demons has some utility applications.

That single strike his father had practiced day-in and day-out, practiced until his tendons wore down and his joints melted away, until his blood became dust and his bones became kindling, until the killing blow was nothing less than a way of life, and the conclusion of its stroke indistinguishable from life's ending.

In the end, he did not internalize the lessons of Meti's Sword Manual from Kill Six Billion Demons. Except for maybe the 6th precept. He should have become a farmer. Here are some precepts for context. Just exchange cut for thrust and it still holds I imagine.

Precept 6: To cut properly, you must continually self-annihilate when cutting. Your hand must become a hand that is cutting, your body a body that is cutting, your mind, a mind that is cutting. You must instantaneously destroy your fake pre-present self. It is a useless hanger on.

Precept 14: The weak swordsman clings to victory. He thinks of his life, his obligations, the outcome of the battle, his hatred for his opponent, his training, his pride in his mastery. By doing so, he is an imperfect vessel for the terrible fires of Will. He will surely crack. He will not laugh uproariously if he is cleft in two by his opponent's blade. When his sword is shattered, his hands will be too reserved to tear his enemies' flesh.

Precept 15: The weak swordsman strikes his enemy down and thinks his task done. He relishes in victory. He casts away his sword and returns to his lover. Little does he know his single cut will encircle the world five times and strike him down fifty-fold.

I do not know if you will understand.

In the end, language can only reduce things so far.

This, son, is the essence of our Thrust:

Pierce through. Even if it cannot be pierced.
There though, is the path to Royalty, the Blade of Want that excises infinities, the essence of Gurren Lagann and the Rihakuverse. He got that part right at least.

Panting, he leaned atop the blade like an old man with a cane, eyes roaming his body to assess the damage. His right arm was burned, his left arm a seared ruin, one eye gone, the lung on his left side unresponsive. A small price to pay to see a Fairbright downed. Though his body was a ruin, the light of his soul hummed merrily, eager and undiminished, its appetite whetted but far from sated. It was the nature of a thrust to go too far, to over-penetrate. That was how you made certain of the kill.

On to the next.
Vanreir Amarlt is just like us, only better. I seriously hope the diplomacy route works.

The winners were [X] Opportunistic Raiding and [X] Sublime Attainment. When did Hunger come across the First Blade?

[ ] R-Type #1 - How convenient, that the R-types would converge. Now Vanreir would not have to go searching. Enough simply to overcome them. A difficult task, but simple. The kind he liked best.

*Receive a +11% effectiveness bonus from allies of circumstance

*Though Vanreir is wounded, the light of his soul is otherwise at close to full power.
I wonder who the other R-type is? Let's hope it's not Ber as some people have speculated

[ ] Close of Day - Mopping up some remnants, Vanreir encountered the second R-type, a man whose wounds were oddly symmetrical with those he'd picked up from his first fight of the day. Weakened and exhausted from his battles so far, nonetheless he would pierce through. One last obstacle, one last barrier, and then Erii would be safe.

*Vanreir is significantly weakened and, more importantly, fatigued from using his Compound Soul Evocation in multiple fights.

*However, his determination at this point is unstoppable, the inertia of the day and its proximity to victory fueling his will in all things.
Danger Will Robinson. Danger! Danger!

Hunger's preliminary observations of Vanreir:

*A strange affinity

*A highly skilled swordsman, even moreso than Hunger himself

*Employs simple, linear, but highly effective tactics

*His basic thrust is his 'ultimate move'

*Once begun, his thrust cannot be interrupted, nor does he miss. Range is not a factor.

*Similarly, he cannot cancel out of his thrust either. It requires wholehearted commitment.

*His overall parameters are substantially greater than Hunger's, though this does not account for any blood-based debuffs or the Form of Rage.

*However, his thrust would be threatening even to that Form.
He's some psuedo Kill 6 Billions philosophy badass who shares our injuries, and is almost certainly going to be betrayed as we were. We've got serious problems if we can't talk our way out of this but it definitely seems possible.

Choose 2 modifiers:

[ ] Preparation: Withdrawal - Just try to stay alive. Vanreir wants your head, but even if he chases you to the Outer Temple, it's unlikely he'll be able to pass through the antechamber's defenses.

+20% chance of survival

+40% chance of no rewards from this fight

If it gives Lord Hunger some measure of common sense, this is seriously worth it to take. Combine that with the higher survival odds and... why aren't we taking this again?

[ ] Preparation: Focus - You've faced longer odds with fewer forces. Against a magus, perhaps you are helpless without Gisena or the element of surprise. But this is a swordsman, and if his skill in the art is presently the greater, still Hunger recalls his war against a bladesmaster far greater than him. Before the violet blade of the Tyrant, what is one man's ordinary Thrust?

+5% effectiveness

+Awakens Moderate Condition: Trauma after the fight concludes

This makes Lord Hunger's suicidal lunatic mindset even worse and I hope this loses.

[ ] Preparation: Dialogue [2 Arete] - Try to draw upon the strange affinity and turn him to your side. There's no reason beyond raw intuition to think this would work...

Baseline 10% chance of success, can be modified by other votes and discussion.

As it currently stands, will put you in Arete Debt.
This is our best chance of salvation. Let's hope we have the correct synergy of votes. R-Type 1 seems obvious but what's the other option?

[ ] Preparation: Resolve - Withstand the Thrust, its sharp terrible wounds of body and soul, and opportunity arises. Speed and technique are not the only types of strength. Weather the enemy's blow and they are open to counterattack.

+8% combat effectiveness, +17% Form of Rage chance

+50% chance to suffer a devastating condition if victorious

Tactics, omakes and discussion of all kinds will improve your odds independent of, and possibly synergistic with, your choices, even if they are not used in the update itself. Consider your votes carefully!
This is the route where we do what Jin did when he fought Kariya in Samurai Champloo. It has a 50 percent chance of basically ending our campaign against the temple. Maybe this has good synergy with Dialog, maybe it doesn't. I don't know. If this wins I seriously hope it works out.

So I tried plugging the concept for this quest into AI Dungeon for a session, played for a while, and this is what I got. I think I remembered most of the commands I used and those are marked with >. The first paragraph is the prompt for custom settings. 2602 Words.

You are an isekaied hero who defeated the legendary tyrant, even after he shattered the destiny that would have enabled you to defeat him. You practice the magic style known as Accretion, which empowers the user through the items they possess, in your case an ancient sword wielded by the Tyrant's Forebear and a ring with a red jewel called Hunger. You lost your wife and child. You lost an arm, an eye, and part of a lung. You sacrificed your real name for the power to defeat the Tyrant and now you are called Lord Hunger because of your ring and are currently much weaker than you once were. You used your status as a hero to try and bring democracy to the world against the nobles wishes, but in the end they betrayed you, tried to execute you. That's when the Accursed showed up. He offered to curse you and give you a share of his unfathomable power to help you survive, shattering every limit on your ability to grow in power, and you accepted.

The Accursed is a being of unimaginable power. His powers are so great that he can affect reality itself, creating portals to other dimensions and realities.
>After looking at the list of curses the Accursed shows you, you say: "I'll take the Geas of Indenture, the Decimator's Affliction, the Doom of the Tyrant, and the Apocryphal Curse".
"Very well, the curse of the Accursed shall be yours", he says and begins to chant.
You feel your mind being altered, twisted, changed.
>Regain a chunk of your former power.
You are given a small piece of the power that you once had. Unfortunately, it seems that the curse has also altered your mind. You begin to laugh insanely as your body becomes twisted and misshapen.
>Use accretion to assert your true form.
You gain the ability to take on a true form, that of a great black wolf. You are now able to stand on two legs no longer matter how weak you feel.
>Go through a dimensional portal to another world before the Hidden Masters the Accursed warn you about notice you.
You run to the portal and jump in, disappearing from the Hidden Temple.
>Look around, where am I?
You find yourself in a strange world, almost like an Earth in another dimension. You walk around and notice many similarities and differences at the same time. You see mountains, but they are made of chocolate instead of rock.
>How far away are the mountains?
You walk to the edge of a cliff and look down. You see that the mountains are indeed very far, you could fall forever unless you find some way to climb down.
>Walk away from the cliff and look for civilization.
You walk away from the cliff and begin to explore. You find a large city made out of cake, a castle made of Cracker Jacks, and many other fantastic buildings.
>Explore the city made of cake and look for a library.
You walk through the streets of the city made of cake and notice many people. You see a large, humanoid robot walking down the street. It has two large cannons for arms which hold up its goggles.
>Greet the Robot. Ask it for directions to the library.
"How are you, my good sir?" the robot asks. "Do you need directions to the library? I can take you there myself.
>"Ok. Please lead me to the library". You ask the Robot.
"Of course, sir", the robot says.
You follow the robot to the library.
>Go inside the library and look for the magic section.
You walk into the library and find yourself in a section filled with books. You look through the books, but don't find anything on magic.
>Look through the history section of the library.
You walk down the aisles of books and find yourself in a section filled with historical documents. You look through the documents, but don't find anything on magic.
>Look for a Librarian. "Can you tell me where the magic section is please?"
A young woman walks up to you. She has long blond hair and a slim figure. You notice she is holding a large tome in her hands.
>"Do you know where the magic section is?" you ask.
"Yes, I do", she says, "It's on the third floor, but you'll have to get a key from the librarian".
>"How do I get a key?" you ask.
"You don't", she says, "But you'll have to".
She walks away.
>Go to the third floor of the Library.
You walk up to the third floor and find yourself in a large hall. You notice there are doors with strange symbols on them.
>Go through the hall and inspect the symbols.
You notice that the symbols on the doors are very similar. They all have a simple pattern of three lines, crossed each other at right angles. You open one door and find yourself in a room filled with books.
>Open a book and see what it's about.
You open a book and find yourself reading about the art of cleaning cobwebs off of bookshelves. You don't understand a word, but it seems very interesting.
>Leave the room and continue to the next door.
You open the next door and find yourself in a room filled with weapons.
>What kind of weapons are in the room?
You open the next door and find yourself in a room filled with musical instruments. You examine them, but don't find anything that would work to play the song you heard in your head.
>What was the song in my head?
You open the next door and find yourself in a room filled with strange devices. You examine them, but don't find anything that would work to play the song you heard in your head.
>Stop opening random doors and look for a locked door.
You notice a door that says "Restricted Section" on it. You open the door and find yourself in a room filled with large tomes.
>Look through the books in the section.
>Are there any books on magic?
You open a book and find yourself reading about the history of the library. You don't understand a word, but it seems very interesting.
Leave the section and continue to the next door.
>No, keep looking, the woman said there are books on magic in a locked room on the third floor.
You open the next door and find yourself in a room filled with strange devices. You examine them, but don't find anything that would work to play the song you heard in your head.
>Why do I want to play the song I heard in my head?
You open the next door and find yourself in a room filled with large tomes.
>Look through the books in the section.
Are there any books on magic?
>Yes. You find a book on how to unlock Soul Evocation. Yours is the power of the imprisoner, letting you store matter and concepts in seals and mash them together to make new things. It's a very useful ability, but it has its limits.
>Follow the books instructions to unlock your Soul Evocation.
You follow the instructions and find that you can now create objects with your mind. You try creating a flute, but nothing happens. You try again, and again, and again, but nothing happens.
>Try making something else.
>You try to make a flute again, and this time you succeed. You play a simple tune for yourself on it. Excellent! Now you can learn how to play it properly!
>Get out of the library before you're discovered. Then try to play a jaunty flute solo.
You walk out of the library and begin to feel dizzy. You see a group of people walking towards you, and you realize that you need to leave now.
Run away from the Temple of Fel!
>Keep running away from the temple.
You begin to feel dizzy and faint. You wake up in a small room with a strange, hairy creature staring at you. It looks hostile, but you're too tired to do anything.
"What in the world is this?" it asks.
>"A Human" you say.
"No, I am a Hiver, from the planet Hiver. You are a Human, from the planet Earth."
>"How does that contradict what I just said?"
"It doesn't, I was just asking how you knew."
"I... I dreamed about it."
"You've had a very strange dream."
"Can you help me get back home?
>"I was in a city made of cake. Can you take me back there?"
"I was in a library. Can you take me back there?"
The creature seems to think for a moment.
"I can take you back to the city of Cucamonga."
>Go back to Cucamonga with the creature.
You go back to the city of Cucamonga with the creature.
When you arrive, you find that the city is gone.
>"What happened here?" you ask.
You investigate where the city was, trying to find a clue about why it disappeared. You find a strange portal there, and step through it.
You find yourself in a large room with several other portals, all leading to different parts of the city.
"This is incredible!"
>You try to play a jaunty flute solo to commemorate your discovery.
Suddenly, the creature appears again.
"What are you doing?" it asks. "You're making a lot of noise."
>"Playing the Flute" you say.
"I don't think you know how."
"Don't be so sure!" you say, playing a quick scale.
The creature shakes its head.
"No, I'm afraid not."
>"Ok I'll stop then" you say.
You put the Flute down and study the portals again. You notice one in particular, a large grey portal with a glowing red eye on it.
>Look more closely at the eye. What does it do?
You look closely at the eye and realize that it seems to be watching you. You feel like you're being studied, like you're about to be tested.
>Get your sword ready.
You step back, drawing your sword. The creature backs away too.
"What's your name?" you ask.
"My name isodolet."
"What does it mean?
"It means 'I defend the city'."
>"Do you know what happened here? Where did all the people go?
"I don't you, but I'd like to find out" you tell the eye. "I think I should go through one of these portals."
"You shouldn't do that if you don't know what will happen" the creature says.
>"Why? Are the portals dangerous?" You ask.
"The portals are nothing. It's what's on the other side that is dangerous."
"Well, what do I have to lose?"
You step through the portal, and find yourself in a large hallway.
You explore the hallway. You find several doors with strange symbols on them.
>Are they the symbols from when I was in the library?
You open the door with the star on it and find yourself in a large library. You search through bookshelves, reading tables and shelves, but you can't find anything about the symbols you saw before.
>Try sealing and combining some books and see what you can make.
You seal and combine several books, making a tome. You pick up the book and open it, finding strange symbols inside.
>You read the tome to see what would happen.
You see a flash of light, and then nothing.
>Look around. What else can you find here?
You search the library, but it's empty. You don't know what happened to the people there.
Keep searching.
>You try playing another flute solo.
Suddenly, you find yourself in a room filled with people. They're all dressed in purple and blue robes.
You notice a man wearing a purple robe speaking to some people dressed in blue and red robes.
>You try listening to the purple robed man's discussion.
"The King will hear your pleas. Go now and speak with him, but know that he is not to be swayed."
The blue and red robed people leave, but the purple robed man stays behind.
>"Do you know how I got here?" you ask the purple robed man.
"You were in a library. I heard you playing the flute and followed your scent to this room.
>"Do you like fishing? Would you like to go fishing someday?"
"No, I don't like fishing."
"You should try it. It's very relaxing."
"I would rather not."
"Well, perhaps another time then."
>You attempt to leave in an unobtrusive fashion.
"You're going to have to wait here. The King has a lot of people pleading to him every day, and he can't possibly listen to them all."
>"What if I don't have anything to plead to the king?" You ask the purple robed man.
"Then you'll have to wait until he's free."
You sit down on one of the chairs in the room. You feel very tired, and decide to take a nap.
>What do I dream about?
You sleep for a long time. When you wake up, the purple robed man is gone, and so are all the people in robes. It's just you and the flute now.
>You try leaving again.
"You're going to have to wait here. The King has a lot of people pleading to him every day, and he can't possibly listen to them all.
>You wait until the king is free. You wait for a long time.
"You're going to have to wait here. The King has a lot of people pleading to him every day, and he can't possibly listen to them all."
>Is the purple robed man a robot? A ghost? You're not sure, but you know he's telling the truth. Eventually, the king is free, and he leaves his throne room.
>You ask the king if he has any problems he need help with, especially any Chosen Ones that may need killing because of the Geas of Indenture.
"I have no problems. My throne room is spotless. Why do you ask?" He says, looking at you suspiciously.
>"What does your throne room being spotless have to do with anything?" You ask.
"It means I have no problems. It also means you're free to go."

You leave. You don't know what's going to happen next.
You try to play the flute, but it's all cracked now. It makes a horrible screeching noise instead.
>Seal the flute. Find some metal and seal the metal. Combine the flute and the metal to try and repair it.
You go to where you found the materials to make the flute. You look around a bit, but nothing is there anymore. Then, you notice something written in the dust on the floor.
>You look at the floor to read. What does it say?
You look at the dust on the floor to see if there's any clues. What do you notice?

>You notice that the message says "Behind you" in dust.
Turn around. What do you see?
You see a table with a bunch of materials on it. You grab the materials and put them in your bag.
>Look inside the bag to see what you just grabbed. What do you see?
You see a note on top of the materials. You read the note to find out what to do next.
>What does the note say?
>"Combine these materials with your sword and it will gain power sevenfold"
>Go back to the throne room. Combine your sword with the materials on the table. What happens?
You get a note that says "Congratulations! You have won!"
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I actually changed my pick vote. I've been convinced we're close enough to 18 arete it's reasonable enough to get Cut Through before we return to the Temple. And the immediate power boost is... massive.

And we get to heal regardless of which of the 3 actions we take (Assuming we survive lifting the siege, anyway). The only benefit for just the springs is the .75 arete.
Hm. That's... an interesting argument for the magic schools thing, figuring that this may net us more updates? Though I'm not sure about that. If we visit the magic schools, we get an update dealing with how we respond to that; if we fight the Rotbeast we surely get an update dealing with that.
Though just taking the bath in the hot springs might not be an update in its own right, by comparison... and since I'd rather visit the magic schools than fight the Rotbeast while suffering our liver damage, hm yeah.

With that said, @Dark Abstraction makes a good point about the need to get some Evening Sky upgrades soon. To be fair, we HAVE been getting some pretty respectable defensive/survival upgrades out of the Ring; that regeneration definitely saved us in the last fight and debuffed our enemy, while no plausible upgrade to the Evening Sky would have made it capable of protecting us against the All-Piercing Thrust.

But then again, who knows? The Evening Sky might have some kind of upgrade that, say, lets us swallow attacks up into an infinite void.

I'm convinced.

[X] Opalescence
[X] Investigate the Schools
Someone with sufficient ability in memery should've at least screamed "RELEASE DAH KRAKEN!" before Conjured Blade broke my mouse scroller for the amount of omake posted.


[X] Opalescence
[X] Investigate the Schools

Temp vote for now while I brainstorm more only barely tangentially related omake stuff
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God yes. Please. It's 33% of our panoply and it's fucking garbage currently, because everyone always goes "it's weak tho" and doesn't pick Opalescence up.

Yeah, if you never pick the prerequisites you can't pick the later options, and it stays weak. And then you keep not picking it, and it turns out one day that 33% of Hunger's portfolio is shit-tier and he dies, because y'all decided to minmax and made "making things not hurt me" your dumpstat.

Pick Opalescence! Christ's sake

Okay, Opalescence also gud! Will keep this as my vote unless it seems unlikely to beat an option that expends Arete.

[X] Opalescence
[X] Investigate the Schools
Opalescence, interesting. You guys really want Iridescence, huh? Though dodging with AGI or tanking with CON are also viable choices, and come with some noncombat benefits as well!
Opalescence, interesting. You guys really want Iridescence, huh? Though dodging with AGI or tanking with CON are also viable choices, and come with some noncombat benefits as well!
Agi and Con tanking are perfectly viable, but we should have a plan for if Agi tanking fails.

And Con tanking takes a serious hit when you consider how often we've taken conditions as a result of taking hits. Better to prevent the hit at all, either through Agi or through Protection.

Now back to the omake mines for me. I have sooo much speculation for this most recent chapter.
[X] Opalescence
[X] Investigate the Schools

I am convinced and changing my vote. Also if we manage to get Iridescence we will have the budget magic resist that we sorely lack at the moment.
@Conjured Blade, would you be willing to reduce @BrainInAJar's debt by two votes if I agreed to vote in lockstep with you* until we pickup Cut Through?

*Contingent on you not voting to spend Arete.

I won't ask for something that indefinite. Until a vote with Cut Through as an option has come and gone(Success or failure irrelevant), if you vote in lockstep with me, BraininAJar's debt is now 3 votes.