Royalty is a continuous cutting motion.

But let's not spend 7 Arete on another sword option, I don't want to do that to ImperatorV. With no more FoR, Vigor Itself and Fierce Quickening are both appealing to save up Arete for an EFB. Opalescence lost some of its value, but expanding the Sky's purview to magic defense with Iridescence is still valuable, we could take its prerequisite here so it'll be easier to snag down the road. Dominion's also a strong choice, though I don't think the +30% Rank applies to domain boosts?
Mystery box, perhaps?

But Vacation is just such a good option, really.

The question is which build vote gets the best possible result out of slacking off.

As far as I can tell, the candidates are

Dominion: Passion(We get supernaturally enthusiastic about relaxing. Something weird happens. Possibly Chill of the Grave Drops?)
Augment Dominion: Blood(The intensity of our relaxation combined with our Rank Boost gives us possibly mitigation of our liver damage)
Exalted Spirit(This one is just a gut feeling)
Take a moment to consider the odds of the thread not chasing after the most coolest fish they can find, one that is apparently stronger than the Outriders.
You know how i like doing the maths? There is actually zero chance of the thread NOT chasing after the most coolest fish we can find, one that is apparently stronger than the Outriders.

We gotta.

A ring domain on Passion would let us use the Ring in the attempt, and Quickening / Vigor are 0 Arete purchases for those who want to save up while improving our chances in the contest.

But might I interest you in some arguments for Slack Off + Augment Dominion?

  • Taking True Maiming was a gamble in hopes that we would be able to chill at least until the damage from strenuous exertion goes away. Slack Off is a safe way to ensure that happens.
  • Slack Off promises "Rest and Recuperation," which is the specific outcome that we are looking for.
  • Slack Off is important as a character beat; it establishes that Hunger is capable of having a personality aside from the relentless pursuit of power. We are capable of defending ourselves now so let's investigate what we are like when we feel safe.
  • Slack Off has a mystery box so we won't necessarily be left empty-handed.
  • Slack Off gives us the chance to observe Letrizia & Gisena conversations without a life-or-death struggle complicating things
  • Slack Off + Augment Dominion provides a narrative beat to explain why we get stronger with our current magic utility kit. We could get blurbs about observing our body knit together while Hunger gets first-hand experience about how healing works when outside combat.
  • Augment Dominion strengthens the Ring without spending Arete: we can save for Preeminence: War and be even closer to our first EFB
  • Slack Off + Augment Dominion might unlock synergy with the healing effects of the Evening Sky and hasten our recovery process
  • (I'm equally happy with Dominion: War/Passion, but we're in the rare position where saving Arete doesn't risk our life. Why throw that away?)
Royalty is a continuous cutting motion.

But let's not spend 7 Arete on another sword option, with no more FoR Vigor Itself and Fierce Quickening are both appealing to save up Arete for an EFB. Opalescence lost some of its value, but expanding the Sky's purview to magic defense with Iridescence is still valuable, we could take its prerequisite here so it'll be easier to snag down the road. Dominion's also a strong choice, though I don't think the +30% Rank applies to domain boosts?
I'm wondering if we can just straight up take Iridescence here since it's offered as a choice despite us having only one pick.

If we want to save we should probably ask Rihaku to share the [Cut Through] blurb which is said to be irresistible.
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While the fifth precept of Sword Mastery in Meti's Sword Manual from Kill Six Billion Demons is lost to us, I am finding myself semi-tempted by Null Slice. If we somehow reach 6 or 7 Arete I may vote for it. Since Uttermost won and people want to Divide Infinity with the Blade of Want so badly, lets get started on the road to doing that.

1. YISUN's glory is great, and you may know this by two paths, the sanctioned words, and the sanctioned action.
2. The sanctioned words are YS ATN VARAMA PRESH. The meaning of these words is YISUN and their attainment is Royalty.
3. The sanctioned action is to Cut.
4. To Cut means division by the blade of Want, that parer of potentials that excises infinities.

Doesn't the same manual state that swords are hideous instruments good only for separating men from their fluids and viscera, and that one should just learn to live self sufficiently by farming or Gardening perhaps?
Take a moment to consider the odds of the thread not chasing after the most coolest fish they can find, one that is apparently stronger than the Outriders.



I'm posting legendary fish, feel free to join in everyone.

Book of Imaginary Beings
God made the earth, but the earth had no base and so under the earth he made an angel. But the angel had no base and so under the angel's feet he made a crag of ruby. But the crag had no base and so under the crag he made a bull endowed with four thousand eyes, ears, nostrils, mouths, tongues and feet. But the bull had no base and so under the bull he made a fish named Bahamut, and under the fish he put water, and under the water he put dark- ness, and beyond this men's knowledge does not reach.
So immense and dazzling is Bahamut that the eyes of man cannot bear its sight. All the seas of the world, placed in one of the fish's nostrils, would be like a mustard seed laid in the desert. In the 496th night of the Arabian Nights we are told that it was given to Isa (Jesus) to behold Bahamut and that, this mercy granted, Isa fell to the ground in a faint, and three days and their nights passed before he recovered his senses.

Dominions video game
The Celestial Carp once dwelled in a decorative pond in the gardens of the Pantokrator. For eternities he lurked under the surface of those still waters, occasionally surfacing to spy on the ruler of all, learning forbidden names and the secrets of the divine. When he realized the Pantokrator had disappeared he decided to usurp the place of his master using the secrets he had gleaned during his patient wait. Used to feed on the flesh of those that displeased his master he has developed a hunger for the flesh of men, especially the clergy of other would be gods.

Book of Job
41:1 Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down? 41:2 Canst thou put an hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn? 41:3 Will he make many supplications unto thee? will he speak soft words unto thee? 41:4 Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever? 41:5 Wilt thou play with him as with a bird? or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens? 41:6 Shall the companions make a banquet of him? shall they part him among the merchants? 41:7 Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears? 41:8 Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do no more.


Changing to passion, since war is easier to get.

[X] Visit the Encampment
-[X] Visit the Official Fishing Contest
[X] The Ring of Power - Dominion - 2 Arete
-[X] Passion
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Hideous tools of violence are exactly what we need right now! After taking the Geas and the Apocryphal, it's a bit late to wistfully long for a peaceful life as a farmer.
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If we pick Slack Off, we can open up the path to DeadBeat Dad Jokes!

Just think of these amazing individuals: (Also reading the list may expose some spoilers and shit so try not to focus too much on that but it has been at least a year or something far as I'm concerned)
Gin or whatever Gon's dad's name was! from Hunter Ex Hunter
Virgil! From DMC
Sasuke! from Naruto
Naruto! from Naruto
Validar! from Fire Emblem Awakening
And the premier deadbeat, Goku! Who literally just gets called out by Gohan in Xenoverse with the following: "Oh hey it's Dad! And Goku!"

Hunger needs to experience all the pains of fatherhood, without understanding that he's living the life.
If you do insist on going into the Encampment, why not take Vigor itself? The value of Blood Advancements still exists since they were last offered! You can get back some CHA and improve your Might for Fishing!
Back to slacking off: I think it has the best chance of healing one of our complications.

[X] Slack Off
[X] The Ring of Power - Dominion
Actually... considering Gisena just went through the process, could we become a High Sorceror if we picked up Philosopher's Wreath and invested some time into it? That would provide a lot of immediate power for the Inner Temple (both due to Graces and +STATS), sooth the mage voters and help her develop her new abilities for a while yet. And we don't even need to get into a lethal fight; all we have to do is get into a social encounter, which is very doable with Vacation.

Anyone with me?
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Actually... considering Gisena just went through the process, could we become a High Sorceror if we picked up Philosopher's Wreath and worked for a bit? That would provide a lot of immediate power (both due to Graces and +STATS), sooth the mage voters and help her develop her new abilities for a while yet. And we don't even need to get into a lethal fight; all we have to do is get into a social encounter, which is very doable with Vacation.

Anyone with me?

I'm open to the idea.
[X] Heal Verschlengorge
[X] Augment Dominion: Blood
what a utter knife fight that last vote was wew
I think as a rule of thumb I probably won't do much on weekdays, because the mood of booting myself from zoom meeting to meeting and either cramming slacking or actually working between them is not really inspirational
plus my brain is already fried from being relatively incompetent and frantically playing catchup
anyway blood is super good and all, take blood
heal versch synergy too
Afflictions to handle:
Chill of the Grave
Lingering Paralysis
True Maiming

Slacking probably helps with these things in some regard?
Last fishing mini-game we took The Rod of Ages, maybe we'll have another shot at the mondo bait now?

To wield both rod and bait... such power! But don't be afraid. Remember, hubris is a coward's word.

A ring of power does not exert influence casually. It has its own will, its own preferences, and if that will should be inseparable from its owner's, its sway thereby shall be greater for it.

Life: The fish itself, swift and elusive, a being native to that alien aquatic world, whose flesh is richer than any merely mortal repast and whose scales promise supernal treasure.
Passion: To desire, to want, to strive for such a being is only natural.
War: To deprive both the fish of life, and the competitors of the prize.

Both man and ring aligned in this, the most sacred of acts. Draw the rod, set the bait, cast the line. Passion, war, and life, man and ring, all become one.
You do have I Am the Danger cancelling out Chill of the Grave, but under the circumstances it may be wise to vote for a build option that's safe regardless of what wins. Exalted Spirit is good in pretty much all these situations! Vigor Itself is also worth looking at.
wait what the hell why fish
please just wait out our mere 3-day vulnerability period in relative peace
encampment + not fishing is fine, even if we might proc tyrant we won't go all in on fishing
slacking off is fine
healing versch and slashing a bit is fine, though we might not even need to do that since both gisena and versch should be relevant in combat
vacation is also fine
but please don't fish
I suspect there are a sizable contigent of "please don't fish" voters from the "not dying" faction who automatically vote anti-fish due to trauma now speak up and stop this madness
You do have I Am the Danger cancelling out Chill of the Grave, but under the circumstances it may be wise to vote for a build option that's safe regardless of what wins. Exalted Spirit is good in pretty much all these situations! Vigor Itself is also worth looking at.
Can we buy Iridescence for 1 pick now even though we don't have Opalescence?