I'm not going to swap to Apex, because Stranglethorn is my one and only love (the rest are only my likes). However, I do appreciate that, if it does win, EchoX2 will have won three build votes in a row. Rihaku did tell us Echospam was good... I guess we'll stop doing it when it stops working?
El Stats, winning from beyond the grave.

Also something something more picks than Arete something
I'm willing to flop back to Root or switch to an Apex build, Sharp seems like a lost cause now that I catch up with the vote tallies/discussion.

also, on the waifu discussion: Man, talking about shiny new waifus when Hunger has a wife with whom he wanted to start a family with, and who sacrificed her life and the life of their unborn child for, just seems like maximum disrespect. I don't hate Gisena, but I want to know what Hunger's wife was like too.

Why not support both? Root and Apex, the truest of green votes.

Gaze upon the majesty of his aesthetic and tremble!
I'm not opposed to the aesthetic, in fact Rune King lets me continue to be lazy and not change the character design for now! But I don't feel like mage builds suit my mental image of Hunger, if that makes any sense?

I didn't vote in time for it, but I wanted Muscle Wizard and Accursed damn it I will go for the next closest thing
[X] Strong Sword-Arm

Was planning on using approval voting to support all the options which helped curing Hunger's wounds (or at least didn't make them unhealable in the future), but since it looks like that would split my voting power I'll just focus on getting back our arm to become a murder blender of ruinous destruction. Getting back our eye would have been nice yes, but nothing wrong with starting with the other physically and psychologically impairing wound. :tongue:
[X] Strong Sword-Arm

Was planning on using approval voting to support all the options which helped curing Hunger's wounds (or at least didn't make them unhealable in the future), but since it looks like that would split my voting power I'll just focus on getting back our arm to become a murder blender of ruinous destruction. Getting back our eye would have been nice yes, but nothing wrong with starting with the other physically and psychologically impairing wound. :tongue:
At the moment approval voting for two options has been allowed for this vote.
There's always Sword-Arm; that's actually incredibly competitive in votes, unlike Apex. Sword-Arm has 19 votes to Dreadnought's 28, while Root has 18, and Apex only has 9.
You know what, it's the other non-mage build, I'll take it actually.


[X] Search for Humans
[X] Strong Sword-Arm
[X] Bring Gisena

Going with Bring Gisena since it looks like Search is winning, and the next contender is Push and I don't really wanna do that at the moment.
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There was a reason I said "explicit"

You desire a power that's "never easily defined" to also be "explicit?"

This isn't QQ, you know!

You know what, it's the other non-mage build, I'll take it actually.


[X] Search for Humans
[X] Strong Sword-Arm
[X] Bring Gisena

Going with Bring Gisena since it looks like Search is winning, and the next contender is Push and I don't really wanna do that at the moment.

Interesting, you prefer warrior instead?
Do YOU want to go and Search for fellow humans? Then get Rank!
  • It just outright makes us better at Social! We can stand behind Gisena, pull out our Rank and be m e n a c i n g
  • Do you want to find the best deals and the spiciest artifacts in that giant ass camp? That's right, just pull your rank and walk straight to them! No more need to ask strangers for directions, how useful is that!
  • Do you want to have enough Arete to snag Royal Praxis or some other powerful magic system that would stack exponentially with what we have? We've got your covered fam, for Apex leaves 7 Arete in bank for all your shopping needs!
Remember, Rank is your answer to everything*!

*side effects may include ranklet jealousy
[X] Apex
[X] Strong Sword-Arm
[X] Search for Humans

Rune magic doesn't need my support right now. It's winning handily. But still I might change my vote later.
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Nah, you can always vote for two things but when Rihaku allows approval votes, it means there's no longer dilution.
For only this vote, yes. You are allowed 2 picks.
Thank you for informing me then! :grin:

[X] Strong Sword-Arm
[X] Apex

I have my own issues with Root so I'm not voting for it (it's mainly about the boost occupying one of three very limited slots, want to see what other Defining Advancements can offer us first), while Apex seems to be gaining ground and promises an adequate all around boost while conserving Arete, making sure that if we get some nice looking but costly options next updates we'll be ready for them.
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Bring Gisena
[X] Root and Branch

[X] Strong Sword-Arm

I'm still really fond of the "old age and treachery" part of root and branch so I'll vote for it here, it just really fits hunger and I want it to stay. The stat stuff is nice and all but that's the part that draws me to root and branch.

On the other hand I just like swording good, and now you can sword good with Two hands! That's like twice the swording action!*

*second sword not included, terms and conditions may apply.

Meanwhile bringing and gisena and looking for humans just sounds like a grand ol' time.
You know what, fuck it. Let's get Sword Strong Arm and put all of this shit off.

Maybe if Hunger starts to heal Mentally people will agree to not make his physical scars permanent.
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Conjured Blade on Jun 8, 2020 at 3:54 AM, finished with 341 posts and 57 votes.
I like Sword-Arm a lot, I was a big champion of it before consolidation. But for all it's offensive power it doesn't give us much potential.

If we take Rune King we have a ridiculous amount of potential and can try to conquer the dungeon and any other options are extra. Sure some kind of unique magic would be sublime, and maybe possible, but we could honestly get unlucky, run into a huge fight and retreat and be fine.

We go back to civilization, take Wreath, and use Rune King to progress.

If we take Sword-Arm we are going to be stuck here searching for that potential. Dreadnought was a rare pick that both used up 3 picks and cost 7 Arete. The likelihood of us getting it again and being able to pick it aren't great. Gone unsaid is it make Iron Curtain's active permanent.

[ ] [Iron Curtain] - 7 Arete. The Forebear could not be dissuaded, nor could he be stopped. To dissent was folly, to resist was death. The laws of the Forebear were as natural law, and just as inevitable. When active, ++Willpower, +++Protection, ++Constitution, Ignore Wounds, Deflect Exotic Attacks. Become Tired afterwards.

Look how good it is. Ignore wounds? We would both Deflect and use Con to weather Exotic Attacks (not really sure how that would stack mechanically).

Dreadnought is so good we could walk away from here happy, it leaves retreat open as a viable option that doesn't hurt us too bad. It's greatest strength is the power to walk away if we're put in a position to.
Foremost scientist have noticed the issue of "Rank remorse" - basically, the higher your Rank the greater remorse your feel for not picking Rank options in the past!

I wonder where the power of Accretion comes from. Does it adhere to some internal expression of the soul that allows us to exude Pressure, or is there some kind of Overstory/Grand Narrative (kind of like the Practical Guide to Evil? maybe?) that takes note of the notable through deeds and word of mouth?