I really think we should stop hammering the maximum risk button at every available opportunity or we will die for sure, so I'll approval vote against pushing in further and vote to bring Gisena. In term of powers, Sharp of Eye is not recommended, I'm not sure I really want Rune King and Root and Branch is pretty risky, due to the agi debuff, given what enemies we've seen in the temple. So that give this vote:

[X] Sweep the Outskirts
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Bring Gisena
[X] Apex
[X] Strong Sword-Arm
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[X] Push in Further
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Dreadnought - Echo, Dreadnought's Bearing
-[X] Sharp of Eye
[X] Strong Sword-Arm

Seems like there's a strong contingent of voters whose second choice is Strong Sword-Arm! Interesting that Einhander's not an option, the constitution boost would've paired very well with Vanguard and made Ruinous Valor less of a glass cannon, offsetting the risks of combining it with Push. Still, there are worse fates than becoming the One (Fell) Punch Man.

Edit: Right, we can approval vote for our actions as well. That's going to get messy, with everyone choosing two-thirds of the available options!
Giving up the eye is like a cool cyberpunk body modification; I'd much rather have a link to the infinite expanse of cyber-scape than my left eye, so the trade seems cool to me. I'm gonna switch my preference vote to:

[X] Dreadnought - Echo, Dreadnought's Bearing
-[X] Rune King
[X] Apex

[X] Sweep the Outskirts
[X] Search for Humans
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Hm. Sweep vs Push in is an interesting dichotomy. You guys may want to vote for less greedy options (Dreadnought, Strong Sword-Arm) in the event that Push In prevails. Or just Search for Humans! There's still so much you don't know about the Temple and its environs!

I don't think Hunger is actually that pissed off at the Tyrant anymore. He did beat the Tyrant, after all. He is very pissed off at the Hidden Ones, but knows he can't express his vengeance meaningfully for a while yet. You should consider how you're going to survive in the still extremely dangerous Temple rather than discussing luxuries like how few compromises one is willing to make in the face of superior vengeance! Especially if you take one of the greedier options and Push In prevails!
Stranglethorn doesn't offer immediate safety, it's a greedy long-term option! The safe options are Dreadnought and Sword-Arm, the greedy options are Apex and Stranglethorn. You can tell because they're green!
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Root and Branch

Talking about how to proceed before I dump another crazy idea on y'all.

Push in Further is lame, why rush? I do approve of that proverb-mangling, though, very reasonable. Lots of incentives, there, but nah, slow and steady does it.

Going hunting again would be a "patient, unyielding strength" way. But gathering information first is fitting for an old and treacherous Hero.

Tactics... uh, the big blob of people are on the other side. Also, there are implications ("winnowing") that it gets harder the deeper you go, so. Make our way around the edges, because that's where the weaker people (the ones we can attract with Accretion) will be. Closer to the other side is better, but I'm not sure there's time for that.

Root and Branch has more votes post-consolidation that I thought. Cool. If I could vote for two things, I would vote for either Apex, Dreadnought (One- or Two-eyed), or Strong Sword Arm, which are tied for second place because they are cool but not stranglethrorn. I was going to do a pun run here, but.

Stranglethorn is an anagram of Star Throne, ngl.

There's no fucking way this is meaningful. I doubt my perception after I ranted about the psychic man-eating moon (although tbf it was kinda psychic, just not evil, and there's still a lack of life, so there), but, like. Dude. Vote Stranglethorn if you're a salty ...A Throne of Stars voter?

I mean, it's a Hunger option, Hunger the RIng, like the Ring of Truth that came from the first Throne of Stars option. Stolen, rather than given, I suppose. And Baenlixnaire didn't really have, uh, flesh, even if he was old and treacherous. But both tools of vengeance.
[ ] Hunger - Stranglethorn (4 picks)

Age and treachery made flesh.

The might of beasts is not the only province of the ring Hunger. It bears witness to a deeper and elder power as well, the strength of root and stem that bleeds life from the earth itself to thrust upwards towards heaven. The might of oaks, ancient and thousand-ringed, which crumbles stone and blunts steel, which repels the wind and absorbs the tide, which stands unscathed even in the face of heat and fury. That juggernaut stubbornness like a gnarled fist: the power to push through problems with patient, unyielding strength, to break them down and see them crushed beneath you.
[ ] A Throne of Stars (Req. An Archmage's Legacy) - What is not practical, may still be achieved. With ingenuity, cunning, ruthlessness, and hate. Rather than forging an Artifact improving your Diagram Magic, craft an Artifact to facilitate a necromantic soul-merger between yourself and Arch-Lich. Then, hollow out his willingly-donated essence to forge a true Object of Power, Artifice capable of elevating your combined Diagram prowess to unglimpsed-of heights. The resultant Artifact-Phylactery shall be a horror and wonder for Ages to come. See that you are not parted from it, lest you be sundered in twain.

You will be bound utterly to the cause of the lich's vengeance, though free to act otherwise. However, your personality will be influenced by the procedure. You will not turn evil, though you are likely to become significantly more unpleasant.

[ ] ...A Throne of Stars [1 Beyond Point]

"Whether you point to a little stalk or a great pillar, a leper or a beauty of legend, things ribald and shady or things grotesque and strange, the Way makes them all into one."

-The Zhuangzi

Primacy over quantity; salience over size. Vengeance, at any cost. A man is defined by his means, his methods, and his goals. As above, so below. Perhaps the sky is greater than the stars, but it is the stars that give it light, and in the constellations of their arrangement is meaning given to chaos. The Diagram to which all reason returns is the supreme centerpiece of his methods, the foremost purveyor of his means, the tie that binds the one goal he must hold above all others.

But a man is not a Diagram. He is not stars; nor is he a throne built from their like. He sits the throne. He is their master. A crown of light, a throne of stars, a halo like the nighttime sky: the raiments of a Philosopher-King.

As above... so below.

I'm gonna become the official conspiracy theorist at this rate. It makes perfect sense, but there's just no way.
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Stranglethorn doesn't offer immediate safety, it's a greedy long-term option! The safe options are Dreadnought and Sword-Arm, the greedy options are Apex and Stranglethorn. You can tell because they're green!

Dreadnought is definitely fighting with Stranglethorn as my 1st/2nd choice, but I do rather like that Root also has Undying Vanguard built in to the selection, which also means that we'd be taking Gisena and not Pushing, so the way I understood it, it seemed like a relatively safe(r) choice overall.

I suppose I could vote Dreadnought+Sweep or Search+Take Gisena, but things are rather split in the Dreadnought faction and I'm honestly not sure how to go about that. I'm pretty indecisive about this, and all I'm really certain of is that I want the Warrior Lord path.
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Moving beyond the arguments for the restoration of arm, eye, and lung, which have already been made, I also want to bring up the other reason I don't find Rune King to be desirable. I don't like the story it tells, because it rings a bit hollow to me.

I want to regenerate the maiming injuried that the Tyrant wrought, but I'm not against the sacrifice of physical characteristics as an option. I just want it to be on Hunger's terms, not accepting the terms of a dead man whose corpse we left for the crows. If, like Arthur, Hunger decides to feed his right arm into the fires of hateful gods in order to gain greater power still, I would probably vote for that; it's metal as fuck and it gives the sacrifice meaning to choose it.

I don't see Rune King as having any thematic value, because ultimately it stands of the premise of "I already lost an eye. That's good enough to count for sympathetic magic with the mythology of Odin." It's a decision to let what's lost remain lost, but it isn't really giving up anything in the moment, as it were; if Hunger didn't choose Rune King or Sharp Eye, he'd be down an eye. There doesn't feel like there's much weight to Rune King from a story perspective.

If he was to sit beside a pristine moonlit oasis deep within the endless wastelands despoiled by his Decimation and choose plunge the jagged edge of the Forebear's Blade into a long since recovered eye, catalyzing the very essence of Ruin into demolishing that visionary orb's potential for ever again existing, in order to gain magical puissance unimaginable, that'd be a whole different story.

I'd be on that hype train faster than the speed of light. But that's not the story here, so I'm not about it

Hm, I'm seeing a lot of people who have a strong objection either to Rune King or Stranglethorn. Why not consolidate around an option that avoids the downsides of both, like Apex? Or Sword-Arm?

Better yet, you can vote for both of them!
To be honest, I actually rather like both Sword-Arm and Apex. I've continued to support Dreadnought because I like it and I argued in its favor up until consolidation, but I would rather see it go than have Rune King succeed over Sharp Eye.

[X] Push in Further
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Dreadnought
- Echo, Dreadnought's Bearing
-[X] Sharp of Eye
[X] Strong Sword-Arm
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[X] Search for Humans
[X] Strong Sword-Arm
[X] Root and Branch
[X] Bring Gisena

My second pick was kind of torn between Apex and Sword-Arm, but thinking about it some more I think if we're adding in more magic focus (Not incredibly keen on that anyway) then might as well just take Rune King which is quite good but not really speaking to me. So I'll take Sword-Arm to preserve an opportunity for Push in in case I change my mind about approach.

As for our interactions with people there's a couple of ways we could go, probably the safest is just reheating the old "Call for weaklings" idea, these guys wouldn't be too useful but we could use the information they give us as a stepping stone to get a more focused approach for the higher risk social encounters like the Camp. If we could tell whether or not the base camp is a single organization or a conglomeration I'd be pretty willing to just walk in, seems like we couldn't get a good sense of that though, so even with form of rage it's still risky if it turns out to be some group monopolizing the tower intent of killing off competition.
Taking Stranglethorn is a dangerous option! Agility carried us through the Temple and now you want to debuff it? You are taking the riskiest option you match it with Push.

Vote Rune King and Sweep now! Grow stronger and farm those sweet magic systems!
I'm gonna become the official conspiracy theorist at this rate. It makes perfect sense, but there's just no way.

I should have written "a halo like the evening sky" in that blurb. Wouldn't that get the conspiracy engines revving...

Dreadnought is definitely fighting with Stranglethorn as my 1st/2nd choice, but I do rather like that Root also has Undying Vanguard built in to the selection, which also means that we'd be taking Gisena and not Pushing, so the way I understood it, it seemed like a relatively safe(r) choice overall.

You can still Push In with Stranglethorn, yes, since Undying Vanguard means you don't need to directly protect Gisena against most foes. If both Stranglethorn and Push In win, that's exactly what will happen!
I suppose we'll try out two-option Approval Voting one more time. But if it disappoints again, it shall be cast into the pit and never retrieved!

Oh, frabjous day! Master has given Dobby an Approval Vote! Dobby is free!

(The discussion about Dreadnought is stressing me out. Did not feel nearly as strongly about any vote up until now.)

[X] Sweep the Outskirts
[X] Push in Further

[X] Don't Bring Gisena

[X] Dreadnought
-[X] Sharp of Eye

[X] Strong Sword-Arm

The old double-down it is.
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Taking Stranglethorn is a dangerous option! Agility carried us through the Temple and now you want to debuff it? You are taking the riskiest option you match it with Push.

I wouldn't say it carried us through the Temple-- if our Constitution were just a bit lower, we'd be very dead right now (or proc Form of Rage). Why not become a huge fucking tanklord, and just never die?
Oh, frabjous day! Master has given Dobby an Approval Vote! Dobby is free!

(The discussion about Dreadnought is stressing me out. Did not feel nearly as strongly about any vote up until now.)

[X] Sweep the Outskirts
[X] Don't Bring Gisena

[X] Dreadnought
-[X] Sharp of Eye

[X] Strong Sword-Arm

The old double-down it is.
Bear in mind that Dreadnought and Sword-Arm are actually the two options that best favor the Push Ahead path, so you may want to consider that and approval-vote its inclusion.
I wonder what we're cutting? We really can't afford another fight after where the last one left us, no matter the build we pick. We're a bit weak, right now.

Even possessed of superhuman strength and speed, putting down the wurm was the brutal work of an hour, and digging free of its underground tomb several long minutes more. His wraithflesh was wreathed in sickly-gray acid burns, and the contours of his ghostly outline had grown faint and uneven, but in the end he'd prevailed, reaping a solid bounty of power from his victory. He could only hope that no further monstrosities intercepted him on his way back to the antechamber.
Like I said, not really in the condition for another fight. That was Brutal. ...but probably worth it, all things considered. Well, unless we get the option that shall not be named because Gahhhhhhh! And agreed, Hunger. I really don't want to deal with another fight. We're already weakened by so much and Rage is far less reliable than we expected, so we can't actually rely on it triggering if we get a second unlucky interrupt.

Luck, or perhaps merely the wariness of the Temple denizens, was with him this evening, as he returned to that marble-lined hall without further incident. For all that he was badly injured, it had been a singularly productive day, and in the morning he would be whole and hale again to start anew.
Do these things even have wariness? They seem to attack all other living things on sight! There's a reason we've found the temple utterly devoid of life. Perhaps something sufficiently stronger can intimidate them, though... But we really are at best mid-tier for this place. When at full health.

Still, having the additional forms and the form of healing that provides is good. Though I do think we need some kind of more immediate healing, if we ever get the chance. This version is... awkward. Maw would literally let us still be waltzing around at full health and corporeal, probably.

Hunger made his way past the comforting radiance of the braziers, up to the great gates which barred his way out, and saw that the moon-sign hung upon the steel was nearly filled. He sat down on the unyielding tile, basking in the antechamber's welcoming warmth, and allowed himself to slip briefly into reverie.
Ah, so the gates are on a timer. If it wasn't for Rihaku saying Hunger believes the Anteroom safe I'd be wary, here. This feels like the kind of thing that could be a trap if we approached at the wrong time. A short rest will be enough for the moment, I suppose.

He was torn on whether their coming to this Temple had been a mistake. The inhabitants of this unnatural place were fearsome opponents, well beyond his own level at the start of the day, and it was only by grit, cunning, and the all-killing power of his Blade that he'd prevailed today. Would it be wiser to retreat, despite the impairment of the false moon's Calling, content with the strength he'd gained today?

It was a mistake, but one we shall make the most of. I hope. Still, it would be nice if Hunger would, you know, actually give us the option to leave because this place is terrifying.

Perhaps. But it was not within him to yield so easily. A decade of stubborn insurgency against the Tyrant had seared his psyche with hatred and determination in equal measure. He was fully aware of that, but felt no need to change his essential nature. To give up now merely because the threat was dire would be a refutation of everything he was, the personal legend that comprised his supernal shadow, his much-vaunted "Astral Rank." Faced with a threat like this, he could only rise to the occasion or die trying. To cut through, even if the problem could not be cut.
Unfortunately Hunger isn't the type to back down just because it is ridiculously suicidally dangerous. How did he manage to stand against the Tyrant so long if he was willing to face such long odds? The dice must truly be weighted in his favor. Still, though, this place has immense potential gain for us. The potential cost though... I hope we can stay wary. I really do.

But that did not entail a wholesale rejection of strategic thinking. That he had resolved to finish the matter was one thing; how he chose to go about it was another entirely. In his war against the Tyrant there had been countless fewer sallies than withdrawals, countless fewer triumphs than bitter retreats.
Well, that explains somewhat how he handled the Tyrant. He was mostly fighting retreats where he couldn't yield even if he wanted to. That would do much, for forcing one to decide to never back down unless they absolutely must.

The moon-gauge on the doors had come full. He rose, and raised his hand to the ponderous gates, ring-light blazing. As if in response to his will, deep gears whirring in the walls, the doors opened with a click, revealing the empty plain beyond, bathed in the light of the stars. He stepped out, and the Calling intensified, strobe of the humming with nearly-painful urgency. Grimacing, he put it out of mind and walked forth.
...The door wouldn't have opened if we didn't have the Ring, would it? No wonder the other Adventurer's don't use this door. They'd probably all actually be stuck, and this Anteroom is a trap for all it is safe enough. And the calling makes it known that it really doesn't like us leaving the Temple. Come one, False Moon, let us rest a bit!

Letrizia was parked several kilometers away, in a small outcropping next to a grove of rugged, sinewy trees. She and Gisena were having a mid-evening picnic, ration bars illuminated by campfire and temple-grasped moon.
I'd wonder how he found them, but the answer is obviously his Rank. Though that bodes ill if any of the adventurers know to try to seek us out. They probably could through rank alone.

"You're hurt!" Gisena rose, coming to his side. He'd wrapped himself in the Evening Sky to conceal the worst of his wounds, but perhaps there was no hiding from her Sorcerous sight.
Way to state the obvious, Gisena. It's closer to "We're barely aliveish right now so shhh." Though I suppose it's heartening that Hunger cares enough for his companions in turn he tries to his how injured he is from them. Though honestly the fact he's a wraith at all says the temple-trip did not exactly go smoothly.

"It's manageable," he dismissed, waving off her concern. "More importantly, I'm hungry. Do we have any fish left?"
Not... technically a lie. As long as we don't get any fights by morning we will be fully healed.

"Just a little!" Letrizia said, taking a thin sliver of smoked meat from the picnic basket. She stared at it pleadingly, as if willing it to multiply before her plaintive gaze.
Letrizia, I'm pretty sure you don't have food multiplication magic. Unfortunate, but probably a good thing we didn't take Feast... Or maybe we're in this situation because we didn't. Hmm, this bears considering.

"Barely a mouthful," he scoffed. "Shall we split it?"

Hunger is such an asshole. And nice. Huh. Nice to see them bonding, he really does care!

"Okay!" Letrizia delightedly cut the meat into thirds, quickly swallowing her own portion. She smiled contentedly, luxuriating in the taste. Faintly salivating, a forlorn expression crossed her face as she remembered there was no more.
I like how she greedily goes after her third out of sheer delight for how good that fish is.

"Say aaaah, hun!" Gisena teased, sandwiching her portion between finger and thumb and presenting it to him.
And Gisena continues to tease Hunger. Those two, man.

He raised an eyebrow. "If you're offering."
Hunger, hunger, hunger. You should know better than to rise to her bait. :V

He ate it swiftly, before she could retract or protest. King fish meat was too valuable to be wasted.
And that's Hunger for ya. Took the teasing bait so he could steal the fish.

Gisena giggled. "So greedy! How do things taste in spirit form?"
That is a good question. I wonder if it depends on the spiritual properties of the food?

"I am called Hunger," he shrugged. "And they taste mostly the same. A bit lighter, more delicate. The ghostflame is replicating the effects of my physical body, or I would be mostly incorporeal."
Interesting, so even as a wraith Hunger is more there than... not. Explains why his phasing is limited and required focus.

"Hmm, how boring."

You tell him Gisena!

"You're one to talk about powers that are boring, Miss Nullity Sorceress."
Hey! The power to prevent things is not bor... Okay, it kinda is. Awesome, but still boring.

"It's Lady Nullity to you, Lord Hunger!" Playfully she huffed, turning her face. "And I'll have you know, I don't need powers that are wondrous to make something extraordinary!"
Tease, tease, and more tease. Also this is true, Gisena. Your cooking doesn't require wondrous powers, and it is so terrible it is extraordinary! :V

"I believe you." He said, looking up at the stars. "If we live through this, then someday, you'll make great things."
Hunger hasn't forgotten to keep looking ahead, I see. Good.

"Aww, you!" She hugged his arm, laying her head on his shoulder. "I like this ghostly form of yours. It's much nicer than your real body!"

I don't think he behaves any different, Gisena. Maybe you should see a doctor?

"As you said. I'm vulnerable to dispellation right now."
Ooh, ouch.

Would he be able to build great things as well, one day? Or had the funnel of his experiences shaped him only into a destroyer? It was an illogical fear, now that the power of Progression was open to him. But for some reason he couldn't quite shake it. Even having gained this power, most of what he'd done with it was to make himself a more perfect killer. And if the greater part of that had been necessity, still there'd been the element of desire as well. The power to hurt others was also the power to protect them; that was one lesson of countless that Blade and Tyrant had imparted to him.
Power itself is not a Sin, hunger. Not even the purpose of that power is. It is the purpose you put it to that is good or evil, necessary or unnecessary, etc. You can become what you wish to be, if we can managed to get in line with it, eventually.

Was that enough to justify strength of such magnitude, turned only to the power of murder? In his old Earth they'd feared the power of the atom bomb, a weapon so terrible as to threaten the end of war. Had the weight of that threat succeeded, or had they only destroyed themselves?
Power does not need justification to be had. Why would it? It is a part of you, as surely as your hand and feet. As I already said, it is what you choose to do with that power that decides if you are justified or not.

Half a day ago the giant knights had been peer-level opponents. Now, having killed maybe a dozen of their number, he was their unambiguous superior. That was, as the Accursed had promised, growth beyond his wildest dreams, power beyond all reason, progression without plateaus or bottlenecks, the endless perfecting march against which neither law nor obstacle could stand for long. He was unaccountably lucky to have been chosen, unaccountably graced, but what did it mean for the Accursed to believe that power such as this was appropriate for him?
Indeed. Progression cursebearers are strong beyond imagining. Still, there was a reason the Accursed offered you power. I cannot tell you what it is, because I don't know. But something like that? It has a plan. And if you survive you will play a part. Maybe one day the Accursed will regain enough of himself to do what he meant to do before he was crippled at the start of all this?

The hour was late. His body was weary, be it flesh or ghost. In the embrace of his cloak which mirrored the heavens above, he drifted off, dreaming of sword-light.
Good night, Hunger. And be more careful in the future! You got your flesh body killed largely because you didn't see the knight suddenly turning aggressive coming! Expect that! The Temple hates intruders! And ones with the intent to rescue it's prisoner? Those won't do at all.


1010 word.
Current vote count?

I don't see Rune King as having any thematic value, because ultimately it stands of the premise of "I already lost an eye. That's good enough to count for sympathetic magic with the mythology of Odin."

Mm, he's not sacrificing the eye itself, that's already gone. He's sacrificing a fragment of the Progression which would otherwise allow him to heal his eye in time, in exchange for the power To Shatter Heaven.

I wouldn't say it carried us through the Temple-- if our Constitution were just a bit lower, we'd be very dead right now (or proc Form of Rage). Why not become a huge fucking tanklord, and just never die?

Dreadnought is actually harder to kill than Stranglethorn (more AGI, +Protection, comparable CON, more INT, more WIS) by a considerable margin! The ++AGI is especially relevant.
[X] Search for Humans
[X] Bring Gisena
[X] Root and Branch

Gisena makes a triumphant return to the updates by feeding us fish and snuggling! Top quality banter as always.

I favour search here so we can find out just how managable the tyrants curse is in a setting where it's probably fine if everything goes tits up and we have to fight to the death. It would also be nice if we could get some info about enemy types and locations and what exactly the go is here.

Bring Gisena obviously since we need to do some science on the calling plus nullity and she's better at social. Plus with vanguard we can throw her at our enemies to distract them.

Root and Branch because it's the only option that takes Vanguard and Stranglethorn is pretty potent as well! Lots of stats for us and our companions plus being a lord is part of our title so we should probably work on that.
To anyone interested who is currently not voting to bring Gisena I'm willing to trade votes in other quests for a vote to bring Gisena with us!