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- Omniverse #1345
The power to one day move beyond even this. To one day move beyond everything. To one gain the will, power, skill, knowledge, and beliefs to surpass everything that has ever been before. The power to not simply erase our foes, but to ensure their ilk never touch another. To save the countless they have broken all the name of some stupid scheme. They will fail. Because we will make them.For a Cursebearer granted the gift of infinite Progression, that is the only true path; there is no accepting the dictates of cruel fate and foul foe. There is only the will of the Cursebearer, and what they would see done. The power born of accepting their diminishment is nothing before the endless growth laid before them on a path from which his feet cannot stray.
And I will not accept compromise. And accepting a wound they had a hand in dealing? That is just as much a compromise as letting them just have a few worlds to have dance to their strings. Never.