I don't think we're at that point in our relationship yet. She has to hold our hand before we let her hold our soul.

Moreover, what would be the point? She doesn't have the stats to be a primary melee combatant and her nullity would probably neutralise the magic of the blade, even if she could wield the power of ruin. I guess it could be useful if we have some kind of Ambition style advancement when they wield it, empowering them and ensuring their actions are turned to our purposes.

It does seem romantic, in a bizarre, high fantasy bullshit kind of sense though.
[X] Yes, Obviously.
[X] Echo of the Forebear
[X] Feat: Apex - +.2 Astral Rank (2 picks)
[X] A Thousand Cuts [7 Arete]
[X] Retreat to the Antechamber

Thinking on it, i'm changing to this. As Rihaku stated, more power efficient, and rank is the most powerful stat, with .2 being quite an significant boost at this stage.
[X] Yes, Obviously
[X] Forebear's Blade - Dreadnought's Bearing
-[X] Sharp of Eye
[X] Retreat to the Antechamber

Giving up on Gardener's for my second choice. This is a reliable option whose boosts are widely applicable. I think it helps a great deal against Ber, which was our core purpose for going here.
[X] Yes, Obviously.
[X] Forebear's Blade - Dreadnought's Bearing (7 Arete, 3 picks)
-[X] Sharp of Eye
[X] Keep Up Momentum

With medium health and additional defense of Dreadnought's Bearing, we could just bull through low-level encounters.

Against stronger enemies, Rage looks more likely to proc compared to the worm fight - there Hunger was intercepted during his retreat to the antechamber and wasn't in the mood for more fights. Being splattered by a giant dumb worm was probably a more depressing than rage-inducing thought in that situation. Here, he is seeking out enemies of his own accord, properly motivated for a life or death (probably more death than life) struggle or two.

Aftereffects of Form of Rage will be mitigated as well, allowing him to (more or less) safely withdraw even with Tired.
Random thought I had. If Accretionverse Forebear is a multiple form transcendant brute JRPG boss, what is Seven Seals universe forebear? Or Battle Mastery forebear?
[X] Yes, Obviously.
[X] Echo of the Forebear
[X] Feat: Apex - +.2 Astral Rank (2 picks)
[X] A Thousand Cuts [7 Arete]
[X] Keep Up Momentum

A hard choice because I really love all these options, but I want to beat this Temple and this build is our best bet to accomplish that.
A hard choice because I really love all these options, but I want to beat this Temple and this build is our best bet to accomplish that.

I like having either Bearing or Gisena to mitigate exotic magical effects on us.

Gisena or Bearing would also help us against any puzzles we happen across. I like the combo of Valor with Vanguard because that gives us Gisena and offense in the strength bonus.
I like having either Bearing or Gisena to mitigate exotic magical effects on us.

Gisena or Bearing would also help us against any puzzles we happen across. I like the combo of Valor with Vanguard because that gives us Gisena and offense in the strength bonus.
We can barely survive here, so thinking about solving puzzles at this point is weird. What we need is a strong offensive ability so that we can kill more shit for shinies and so that we can actually reach any puzzle shit.

An strong offense also means more shinies and picks faster.
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So why not pick Stranglethorn? It literally doubles our Strength. In terms of burst options Thousand Cuts might be better, but in terms of overall improvement to our damage it's likely the most powerful option. Only gets better with time too.
[X] Yes, Obviously.
[X] Echo of the Forebear
[X] Feat: Apex - +.2 Astral Rank (2 picks)
[X] A Thousand Cuts [7 Arete]
[X] Retreat to the Antechamber
Are you interested in vote trading? If you take undying vanguard this vote, I'll vote for whatever you want for the next three votes as long as it doesn't cut Gisena from the quest.
We can barely survive here, so thinking about solving puzzles at this point is weird. What we need is a strong offensive ability so that we can kill more shit for shinies and so that we can actually reach any puzzle shit.

The puzzles are a nice bonus, being able to resist/dispel exotic attacks could be huge for our survival here. We need offense, but I'm afraid to spend a large amount of Arete and be better prepared for something like that.
If we take stranglethorn and vanguard we'll be so strong and Gisena will be so tanky from all the extra con we'll be able to throw her at our enemies! One Gisena at sufficient velocity can beat anything!
We can barely survive here, so thinking about solving puzzles at this point is weird. What we need is a strong offensive ability so that we can kill more shit for shinies and so that we can actually reach any puzzle shit.

An strong offense also means more shinies and picks faster.
with the power of Ruin and our fell-handed stroke, increasing our endurance does increase our offensive ability; attrition is a viable strategy for us
So why not pick Stranglethorn? It literally doubles our Strength. In terms of burst options Thousand Cuts might be better, but in terms of overall improvement to our damage it's likely the most powerful option. Only gets better with time too.
Shitty agility is too big an price for me. Perhaps, if we were really lacking in option I would vote for it. But we have an chance to get Thousand Cut and + 0.2 Rank which doesn't require sacrificing our agility and being forced to have an weakness that Apocryphal curse can take advantage of.

In the medium term, there are options that Synergize amazingly well with Thousand Cuts, Fall Of Night + Ruinous Valour. So I am hoping that TC + Rank will be enough to let us kill another strong opponent and get those, hereby locking down the offense part of our build so that we can start focusing on defensive and utility picks.
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So why not pick Stranglethorn? It literally doubles our Strength. In terms of burst options Thousand Cuts might be better, but in terms of overall improvement to our damage it's likely the most powerful option. Only gets better with time too.
Technically we could take both at once. Stranglethorn is 4 picks and Thousand Cuts is 0 Picks & 7 Arete.

with the power of Ruin and our fell-handed stroke, increasing our endurance does increase our offensive ability; attrition is a viable strategy for us
Has better synergy with our Intelligence too. Not much place for clever improvisation in an alpha-strike build.
If Gisena can hold the forebears blade and project nullity in front of her as a wave we could use her as an anti magic bullet by throwing her at things.
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Shitty agility is too big an price for me. Perhaps, if we were really lacking in option I would vote for it. But we have an chance to get Thousand Cut and + 0.2 Rank which doesn't require sacrificing our agility and being forced to have an weakness that Apocryphal curse can take advantage of.

In the medium term, there are options that Synergize amazingly well with Thousand Cuts, Fall Of Night + Ruinous valour. So I am hoping that TC + rank will be enough to let us kill another strong opponent and get those, hereby locking down the offense part of our build so that we can focus on defensive and utility picks.
20% less is not "shitty agility". Especially now since it's not lagging behind our other stats currently. What, right now it would be -Agility, +++++Strength and ++++++++Constitution? That is completely worth it in the face of it. Not to mention that if you think Rank is so amazing; Stranglethorn would give us far more than a 0.2 boost over time. If you are worried about having weaknesses Apocryphal can exploit; you are too late on that by far. Apocryphal's already dangling anything remotely Tyrant-like it can find at us. No build will be without weakness, that's impossible. But the benefits of Strangle thorn far outweigh its deficiencies.

Technically we could take both at once. Stranglethorn is 4 picks and Thousand Cuts is 0 Picks & 7 Arete.
If we get 9 Arete, yeah; that'd be great. Likely better than taking Vanguard. But if we don't take it now we will have to wait until we kill something again; while using Vanguard to bring Gisena here can benefit us immediately. Hard to say.
Stranglethorn requires we take 'No' which costs 2 Arete, so we can't afford that build
Also this. Yes is winning so hard that stranglethorn is unviable and unlikely to be in an hypothetical consolidation as well for that reason. It's literally the equivalent of wasting your vote at this point.
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