[X] Bright Vanquisher
[X] Aggressive
[X] +.1 Rank

Hate this build honestly, but I just feel like Vanguard is close to non-viable. It mostly gives us utility when we need power. I didn't come here to fail.
[X] Aggressive
[X] Bright Vanquisher
[X] +.1 Rank

Voting for Bright Vanquisher since Murderer's Panoply is gone...

Don't really understand the popularity of Regiment + Conservative combo. Might sound strange since we're talking about the Temple, but this choice looks too cautious, like an instinctual swing back from the YOLO votes to the other extreme.

Regiment's defenses allow Hunger to tank much greater punishment, so it seems sensible to use it to its full potential, i.e. go into more dangerous areas of the Temple. Get the most bang for your Arete. Go Aggressive, tank traps and enemies with Con & Nullity, get enough XP asap to patch up the offensive hole in your build.

If we insist on playing it safe(r), might as well swap to Barest Cut: it actually greatly benefits from the lower danger of Conservative, leaves us with more Arete when we do move in deeper, and it's pretty safe for Hunger's companions.

On the topic of their safety, the combination of Regiment and Conservative also seems somewhat redundant for it.
  • With Conservative alone, Hunger will be close enough to help Letrizia in case of an attack (plus she would have Gisena's help). With Regiment alone, she will be protected automatically.
  • Considering Apocryphal, taking both might even endanger her more, since it has a higher chance of an Apocryphal strike when Hunger is deeper inside with Gisena, and Letrizia is alone outside.

Remember, we have less than two weeks until Apocryphal is active again. Ideally, we want to be done with the Temple by then, which is more likely with Aggressive. We already lost half a day going around the temple.

Staying around the entrance guts the momentum we got from the Quickest Route even further, both in time and effectiveness. "I am the Danger" bonus is very synergetic with Regiment build, with its comparatively low attack. Losing half its effect right from the start will lower Hunger's killiness, and thus his speed of afvancement, even more. Perhaps even more importantly, it will affect Hunger mentally. "This choice may substantially affect characterization". It feels like making Hunger so adverse to risks when he is a) on a timer and b) has the strong defensive capabilities of Regiment may negatively impact his future growth in the longer term, which is pretty bad for a Hunger Ring build and Apocryphal Curse.

Every minute, Ber is getting stronger. Remember the Draurg meme? The Temple was chosen in big part to stop it from happening. Let's maximize our gains while we can. Either by getting another major pick from Barest Cut, or by playing more aggressively.
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"Just what is its purpose?"
A very good question in relation to the Temple, but he seems to be pondering the village that sprung up around it? Does he need the "Money can be exchanged for goods and services" talk?

The Temple, anyway, has the purpose of being mondo bait, above all else.
"Always," he replied flatly. "But if you have doubts, there's no need to fish for agreement with me. Speak plainly."
That's just not true, Hunger, and potentially dangerous. Right? Please be self-aware of your limitations, she does have to be careful how she speaks to you if she wants to contribute.
Gisena nodded. "As I'm hopelessly out-Ranked, I'll defer to your supernal judgement!"
This is a nice line, because Hunger's judgment is indeed supernal. Not that it's always good, but it is Rank-backed and therefore could be described as celestial.
Most magical beings have some form of astral shadow, and great magicians will have a stronger one, though not to the extent of one who actively develops their Rank."
Which still doesn't give her supernal judgment, in that sense. But it's incredibly interesting; might Gisena start at a higher Rank if she figures out how to use it? Would it work in reverse, with Hunger finding some magics easier with his big shadow?
"That matches my own theorizing!" Gisena exclaimed. "I am pretty great, after all."
She really is. Maybe what I just said was part of what Sorcerous Advancement 1 was about? Not that I regret my choice to heal the robot, especially if Gisena comes inside with us.
"I'm glad you noticed! Humility is one of my greatest traits."
The banter is getting a bit repetitive in places, but isn't that just what a meme is? Again I'm tempted to overanalyze the conversations of Cha monsters, particularly since Gisena is being very blatant about avoiding Tyrant procs here. A warning of some kind? Zee seems a bit sullen, maybe deliberately being antityrannical after the Temple could be nice.
There was thick, mist-suffused woodland more jungle than forest, rocky outcroppings and unadorned grasslands, even stretches of arid waste bare of vegetation or fauna.
This is, of course, garbage. Only to be expected with all the spacewarping going around. I wonder what happens if you look too closely at that? Can you see the changes, or do gribblies get injected straight into your brain?
Would that I'd had a giant robot when running from the Tyrant. And some means of hiding it...
Or maybe just a very small robot, or maybe friends that weren't dead. Isn't it sad?
Hours passed. He brooded productively for a time. Night fell.
I guess brooding productively is what gave us .5 Arete, but it still seems almost like an oxymoron. Thinking of what would have been useful in past problems does seem to fit the bill, though. Does this mean that Hunger is aware of Arete? Or the building thereof, I suppose, the moment of brilliance like when he captured the evening sky was definitely obvious. No, no, I'm confusing mechanics for reality again.
Gisena came to sit beside him, luxuriantly stretching slender legs and toes in the cool air of evening. In the pale glow of the moon she seemed ethereal, languid and inescapable, and his peaceful reverie was thoroughly interrupted. He eyed her blearily, resentful of the distraction.
She has no shoes to throw at us this time, it appears. I worry that "ethereal, languid, and inescapable" applies to the temple as much as Gisena.
"...Are we really going to talk about the weather?"
Normally, Hunger seems to be roughly even with Gisena in the bants (though she gets bonus points for doing the hard work of being the aggressor), but he absolutely lost this one. Not only was it a lame comeback, but she had an excellent reason to talk about the weather! Step up your game, bro.

I don't have much to say about the moon being in exactly the right place from any angle that they haven't said. Paranoia intensifies. Watch out for fuckery.
The light of the sun was austere and heavy, heat without warmth, illuminating the stark wasteland sea that surrounded the Temple's frontal facing.
The sun, on the other hand, isn't welcome in the Temple of the Moon. Makes sense, but is the temple weaker during the day, or just more grumpy? Might have to find out the hard way.
This was the path they'd chosen, and they would see it through unless circumstances changed substantially.
What a mealy-mouthed resolution, but I agree. "Until the end" would be too bold, here.
She shook her head, her smile wan and soft. "Nope. They're pretty much doomed. Even if I were there to warn them, it wouldn't help."

"I'm sorry. My... friends sacrificed themselves so we could overcome the Tyrant. It was a close thing. Far too close."
And now I'm sad. Why can't there be happy endings? Here's hoping tomorrow's sun with bring warmth with its heat. We can make it so, if we don't die by taking stupid risks.
"We could try using Verschlengorge," he noted. "He wouldn't fit inside but he could break down the doors."
I normally approve of FULL POWER, MAXIMUM DESTRUCTION dungeon bypassing, but I really don't want to tick this thing off given our relative weakness. I'll pass. Cutting it open is even worse!
"No need!" Gisena finally said. "I think it'll let you through. Perhaps only you, but I could carve a path with my Nullity as well. There's an aura around the temple gates. The closest thing it resembles is that of your ring."
Luckily, this convenient and not-at-all suspicious thing happens! Would be nice if it let us out as easily, but I have my doubts. The relationship doesn't seem obvious to me; the Temple is greedy, holding the moon past its time. It offers challenge, which the Ring seeks. Moon and Ring are round, but that's shitpost logic. Blood in the Temple? Blood+Moon=Blood Moon (also menstruation, that's certainly not it), so combining with my time-based speculation, is there an eclipse coming up? Check with Zee, this might actually have potential.

Thinking back to the unwarm heat of the sun, the moon occluding it makes me more confident in this idea.

Definitely getting Hobbit vibes here, although the Ring there wasn't connected to the moon and the door.

"Letrizia," he said, "Remember what we talked about. And find a good location to hide and secure Verschlengorge. If I can leave after venturing inside, I'll return every day to check on you if feasible."
That "If" is something I feel is more relevant the more I read this. Hopefully (I've been thinking that word a lot) she and Verschlengorge are alright, and that we are. Won't be much of an Immortal Vanguard if we prove that none of us are actually immortal.

Fanwork#803 Words

This update had a lot to make me think about, but not as much to type about as I thought. @Unelemental wrote way more, looks like stepping up the speculation game and nostalgia is the way to really flesh reactions out and make them work.

Seriously, though, eclipses gotta be important.

Edit: The Temple resonates with the Ring and not the awesome Evening Sky? I want a refund. :p
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Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by runeblue360 on Jun 5, 2020 at 6:05 PM, finished with 423 posts and 54 votes.
Why so little support for Absolute Focus? It gives a flat percentage increase that seems to trump the mystery box, and the marginal power level increase. While it does cost some growth it allows for a superior chance of success.
I find it more strange that more Conservatives didn't vote for Ring affinity. If one focuses on careful exploration, wouldn't it make sense to actually try and follow the puzzle?

The full moon of January. I'm curious to know where this theme is coming from; the Diagram had the stars woven into their existence from our first introduction but known of our powers seem particularly Moon adjacent except for our Mitigation. Probably not Evening Sky, which seems much more holistic in general. Is this due to our general night/sleep theme?

Letrizia was hurt and they had no means of supernatural healing. Gisena as well, though not so profoundly. His own state was nothing to envy; the charred husk of his arm could barely maintain its grip on the Forebear's Blade. Despite all they had lost, there had been gain as well. He was beginning to better understand the power of Progression that manifested in him, the lens through which it channeled his growth.

With each enemy beaten he grew in power. He could use that power to spin away parts of that enemy's legacy, taking them for his own. The jackal-dragon had given him a dragon's longevity. The King Fish, its furious might. The pirate captain's armor had become his cloak of stars. Already some fraction of Seralize's speed had invested him, reflexes heightened to keening sharpness.

I'd talked about it in this vote's argument but it's interesting how Hunger conceptualised his Progression as a form of harvest. I suppose when your growth so far has been so intimately tied to combat, that makes sense. But now I'm curious to see how the nature of the choices offered change when we stop powerleveling through murder. Would out talking an enemy let us learn lessons from them? Could high stakes crafting make us better at McGuyvering? How about commanding troops?

Regardless, we should head to Letrizia's civilization as soon as possible. I don't really like the idea of Hunger associating combat and combat alone with strength, we'll need to be more flexible to actually complete our Geas task.

That wasn't all. He could direct that power towards an existing aspect of his panoply instead, enhancing the Blade's destructive might or his Evening Sky's protection.

If he could find a beast with the power of healing and harvest its strength for his own, Letrizia's left side could be mended. She would not suffer the horrific pain and permanent damage of her burns. It was more than worth the risk.

I'm glad to see Hunger's reasoning isn't too self flagellating or otherwise unproductive. He's doing this because he doesn't want Letrizia to suffer pain, not because of any misplaced guilt or responsibility. He assessed the risks of this course of action both to him and to them and decided the expected value was worth it.

Glad we didn't go with Tyrant Beast now, I can't imagine the mentality required to think "lol I'll leave them alone for 10 hours and intentionally trigger the Apocryphal because I feel so bad that she got hurt". That would probably be a much less pleasant version of Hunger to play as.

"Watch her," he told Gisena. "I'll find something that can heal."

"All right," Gisena said quietly. She laid a hand on his own. "I'll keep her safe. Don't push yourself too hard, hero."

He smiled. "Look who's talking. Next time, just wake us up instead of spending an hour blasting away at the empty air."

"And interrupt your beauty sleep? I couldn't bring myself to do that. But don't worry, all I'm going to do is sit here and wait! The very picture of restraint and poise." She winked.


Daw, he really does care about her. I'm enjoying the male tsundere energy we've got going on with Hunger. They're becoming closer on a more emotional level now, presumably after the romantic moonlit night of soulful staring. Given Rihaku's previous comment that +s could translate to power in sufficient quantities or with an appropriate ability, I'm wondering if we can unlock perks for them with enough +s. Is that why a consistent strategy when picking thread participation bonuses is a good idea?

He sped off, tacking past the lake and into the wetland mire beyond, past the murk and gloom of woods thick with rot, the sea-brine estuary wind stinging his nose and cheeks. Deep in the swamp he felled creature after creature, cleaving stringy muscle and shell-sloughed carapace in pursuit of his monstrous grail. This was not blind ambition: the murder of Seralize had restored a portion of his Rank alongside his speed, and he willed now the same world that had given him the Lake produce a monster worth the killing.

Damn Hunger, just gonna destabilise an ecology right off the bat, huh? I really didn't think he'd go for carving a path of destruction through a bunch of innocent fantasy woodland creatures would have been his go to, though given he took the Decimator,I suppose he can't give much of a shit about the environment. Not that there's much of an environment to ruin here. I imagine we wouldn't have had to do that with King of Thieves. I really regret not grabbing some supernal stealth honestly, it was super strong for a 2 Arete option. And the additional magical systems would be pretty overrated anyway, Accretion is more than enough for us now.

Also, given how it can manipulate encounter rates, Rank proves itself to be the only stat that really matters. Except for Luck, which we should also start raising immediately. Considering how the hero's life has gone, his is probably in the negatives.

After an hour's steady slaughter it finally appeared, roused by commotion or simple deprivation of prey. A sinuous fusion of direwolf and alligator, its fangs ivory knives, its flesh living stone, with a tail of corded muscle half again its length. Ghostfire flickered in its eyes, and every wound he struck seemed hollow and inconsequential, the flesh separate from the animating force.

But the Forebear's Blade could pierce more than physical flesh. As it asserted itself with an indolent swipe, confident in its invincibility, he plunged his blade-shard into the soft meat beneath its shoulder-plates, channeling fell power to bleed mind and spirit directly. At this the beast finally reacted, yowling in surprise and anguish. He backed away, evading its retaliatory swipes with newly-bought speed, and darted around the back to strike another gap in its armor with the same technique.

Good of Hunger to carry his thoughts from his fight with Seralize here, getting this thing to let down its guard with a bunch of pointless attacks before landing a truly telling blow. Interesting that the power of ruin can attack spirits themselves but perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised. Hmm, could that be another potential series of upgrades? Expanding what we can target with the power of ruin? Maybe some kind of phantasmal sword intent to strike at the mind or an aura of ruin that empowers the attacks of our allies and acts like explosive ablative armour against the weapons of our enemies.

Also, what an incredibly rad monster. Yet another thing I like about Rihaku's writing is the ability to imagine up shit like this on the fly, making it fit both the name of the option and the powers it coughs up.

Slowly and piteously it fell, deathless strength yielding to the attrition of the Blade. As he took its heart, its ghostflame resilience passed into the ring, an unearthly light that bound essence and corpus together. The knowledge came to him: those who bathed in its glow would recover even from grievous wounds, as whole in body as they were in spirit.

Huh, no wonder the Mire Wolf got absolutely wrecked when we could strike directly at his spirit, I'd imagine he'd just kick it as a ghost if we hadn't. Does that mean enemies that can strike directly at our spirit can damage our Second Form? Because that would be deeply unfortunate, especially if Pristine Star just doesn't work on wounds of the spirit. Hopefully, further progression will allow us to fix both of those things.

But a few days ago he'd speculated about continuity after death, persisting as a being of spirit so long as his artifacts survived. He'd expected such an achievement to be the product of years, but perhaps if he focused it into the Blade, most deeply connected of all artifacts...

Yes. He and the Blade were one. So long as it persisted, he could survive even decapitation as a semi-physical wraith, though he'd remain vulnerable to physical harm. The fulsome density of ghostfire that animated his "corpse" would restore his body in a matter of hours, leaving him healed and rested upon resuming human existence.

Damn it, Hunger! When we talk about making a phylactery, this is absolutely not what we mean. Becoming a punch ghost is rad and all but it's not even close to lichdom. I guess we've still got the ring for that and the Forebear wasn't a little skeleton nerd so I suppose it's not irredeemably bad.

To continue the speculation above, I wonder if we can switch between healing ghostfire to the power of ruin? I imagine passing through someone when you're made of the essence of destruction would really fuck up their day and probably the rest of their life.

He plunged the Blade into his heart, assuming the state willingly, eager to test its bounds and limitations. Ghostfire flickered, emerging from his body like an unfurling flower. A pale simulacrum of his right arm filled out the seared and skeletal husk of its physical presence. His left, cleaved away by the Tyrant's own blade, did not appear at all, nor did his missing eye.

When I first read this, I actually let out a startled "holy shit" because I was absolutely not expecting to go from "I now have a rad spirit form" to "better kill myself so I can take it on a test drive." Seriously Hunger, what if you'd gotten attacked by something actually dangerous?

I get that you're eager to test your magic ghost powers and all but there's no need to be in such a rush to become one. Could you not have waited at least until you had access to some level of medical attention and also maybe not stabbed yourself in the fucking heart?

The ghost-flesh was light but also effervescent, incapable of exerting quite as much force as his true body. But that was also its strength, capable of phasing momentarily through solid matter at a substantial cost in stamina. That it required the temporary death of his body was a major inconvenience.

>death is a major inconvenience

I had to laugh. Is it, Hunger? Are you sure? Because considering how eager you where to kill yourself, I'd have thought you'd think of it as a minor hassle more than anything else. I suppose the clothing damage might be an issue, what with you stabbing yourself in the heart and all. Too bad Pristine can't fix that up.

More seriously, is the stamina required for phasing spiritual? If it's not, then this is great since intangibility is a pretty useful movement option and we'll get better at it as we up our CON. It's not like the people of this universe can infuse locations with Pressure or anything, though I suppose a significant enough place might have a level of conceptual weight in its own right.

Nonetheless, it was good enough. This would work. By his wraith-form's light he navigated the gloaming dark of the swamp, returning swiftly to the shores of the lake. Gisena waved at him from a distance. Swift as an evening wind he billowed across the lake's surface, too light and fast for gravity to drag beneath, and reached her in the span of a breath.

Ghost Hovercraft is some powerful energy. I wish it came with some more developed spectral powers but hopefully that will come in time. At the very least, we should be able to possess people and shit.

And now, time to massively over analyse dialogue.

"Oh my." Gisena looked down forlornly. "Are you Hunger's pale shade, come to bid us a final farewell?"

"Only because I can't tolerate your company any longer. My new life as a ghostly adventurer beckons."

I wonder how Gisena would react if she actually found out that we stabbed ourself in the heart intentionally to take on this shape when we were basically fine otherwise? She puts on a great facade of chill and banter most of the time but it can't be easy to see someone you care about throw themselves into terrible peril due to a lifetime of exactly that. Especially when you find out all his friends died for him and he's probably got some issues over that.

Would be cool to see a conversation between the two just talking about their pasts and their life but since wordcount is limited I suppose that must be left for omakes.

"Poor Letrizia. Better for her to think you dead, than abandoned so abruptly!"

"You won't guilt me out of this." He dropped to a knee, laying a semi-corporeal hand against her forehead.

"...How is she?"

I think Hunger would've been a good father. He seems like the type of person who needs someone to care for to remain mentally healthy*, which is good because Letrizia needs and deserves to feel cared for. I wonder if she's an orphan or if her parents are just cold hearted bastards? Regardless, five +'s seem like a lot to earn over the course of a week but perhaps that's just our top tier charisma putting in work. Really curious to learn more about the circumstances of her life now.

*after his family died, he just did the big dick Odyssial thing and decide to care about everyone in the world. What a hero.

"Alive," Gisena said, "and blissfully unconscious on my lap, as you can see. It's supremely comfortable, as I said! Jealous?"

"Should I be?" He raised an eyebrow.

Gisena giggled. "I hope your current state's not permanent!"

"Me too," he deadpanned. "But the light it gives off will slowly heal Letrizia, and that's all that matters."

Eyyy, maybe it's just the shipping goggles now welding to my face but this seems like a very different response to earlier. Hunger is actually flirting back and not just ignoring her completely. How fortunate. Do your best Gisena, the Hunger route might seem long but he's really not as cold as he pretends to be.

As if in response, Letrizia mewled quietly, curling up in Gisena's lap, charred flesh crinkling softly. Her pain assuaged by the ghostfire's light, she did not awaken.

The cutest in the universe.

"Hmph," she brushed a finger against the wraithflesh, marveling at it semi-corporeal state. "You'll have to be careful in battle. Your very person is vulnerable to dispellation now."

"Worse, I'm constantly just a little bit cold," he remarked. "Maybe I'll switch back in the morning."

Time for a play by play:

>she touches us

>she warns us that we're vulnerable to her powerset and she could extinguish our life accidentally

>we respond by saying that we consider a minor inconvenience to be a worse problem

Was this an actually very sweet low key expression of trust between the two? Because that's adorable and made all the better for being hidden in the usual banter they share. Man, if this is what +social gets us, we should take it more often. It's good stuff.

Or maybe I'm just hallucinating all of this.

"The conquering hero's return," Gisena smiled softly. "I'll have to think of a proper reward."

Nope, I'm 100% correct, that ++Gisena vote is probably our best choice yet. Definitely worth using a marker to get. Might we have ended the waifu war before it could even begin? I suppose an overwhelming alpha strike is one way to get peace in our time.

"So long as it's not your cooking."

Hunger is deeply uncomfortable with the sentiments sincerely expressed and so decides to deflect by poking at an entirely and accepted weakness of hers.

"Maybe I'll make you something! Would you prefer a bouquet of flowers? A triumphal wreath, some laurels for you to rest on?"

Subtle hint from Gisena telling our boy to heed her previous advice and be temporarily content with the success he's found? Or just banter? If it's the former, it's unfortunate we took the Temple of the False Moon, she might have to stage an intervention for us at this rate. Would be neat to see Gisena in srs bsns mode, even if the circumstances surrounding it wouldn't be ideal.

"Flowers would be wonderful, thank you."

"Great! I know just the prettiest arrangement," she raised a finger perkily. "Look forward to it! You'll wake up literally smelling of roses."

"I can hardly wait."

Real talk, other than cooking, what skills does Gisena not know? And which ones has she just not gotten around to mastering yet?

P.S: 1681 words.

The laser cannon goes without saying, but we gotta get Gisena a hoverboard. And a few backups. For now she can be our backpack again, I can't believe I forgot that.

Worrying about Ber is for people who aren't Temple-entering lunatics, we'll be ahead of the curve if we aren't dead.

Cut has to kill a monster, I recommend cutting it. Rage is weird to plan for, but better if planning is a total failure.

I'm scared.
CursedLand has several privileges for certain classes of membership, including preferred terms of address/conveying of information. What terrible things Mr Law has endured to awaken such a desire for being slapped and yelled at by a beautiful woman, I dare not contemplate. Let's all pour one out for him in respect.

Poor Seram. Don't worry, wanting beautiful women to step on you is an omniversal constant. I doubt anybody will judge you for liking a little bit of rough stuff after the shit that the Geas would take them through. Could this be a defense of his purity? Virginity is what gave him Progression, why would he ever give it up for such a temporary and meaningless thing as sex? Better to condition yourself to flinch away from those you might be attracted to entirely. Or maybe he tried to do the latter and it resulted in the former.

Anyway, a webnovel I enjoy is My House of Horrors, notable in that it's a Chinese webnovel that's not fuckin xianxia, and also that it's pretty spoopy. I tell you this because many a night do I lie awake, thinking, "man that webnovel about ghostbusting to renovate your theme park attraction sure would be even more terrifying if it were competently translated in english"

Sometimes, when you read translated literature, you get the impression that what you're reading has genuinely lost a lot in the process of translation. Not for your generic, forgettable xianxia but never have I wanted to know Chinese more than when I read Nightfall because that seems like a story that would be genuinely amazing in the original language, considering how good it is when in English. My House of Horrors is another novel like that, though perhaps part of the problem is my reluctance to read it as night with terrifying music playing in the background.

Cowardly, I know.

This is only partly relevant to the following.


2355 words

Agreed, but only after he does the Rihakuverse Battle Fantasy High School Dating Sim AU quest that we've all been waiting for. I think he'd be quite good at horror too, considering his comedic timing and ability to create tension in the voters. Those skills don't perfectly translate to a new genre but I don't think it would take too much to adapt them. And god help us when he turns his imagery to describing violent murder.


"There is no escape from death. No escape in death. You, of all people, should know."

Ah, the worst part of supernatural horror: the end is never the end. In these worlds, being slain beyond the possibility of recovery is a luxury.

Shenzhang City. Caught between the ancient and the modern, the fastest growing economic centre of the North. Its people grow unwieldy with wealth, its resources tapped, skyscrapers emerging like the teeth of maturity from the rice fields, trumpeting the coming of modernity. And like teeth they displace their predecessors, deride them as the mere interstitial stage of civilisation, an embarrassment. In this new world, there is no room for farmers or priests, necessity transmuted to sufferance. The face of success has changed: cleaner teeth, whiter skin, colder eyes, taller, slimmer, rich. The concrete fingers of the free market worm through and over the hills and valleys, and the clever ride with it, daring to dream. A more expensive meal, a prettier wife, a new brotherhood, an unending world of leashes awaiting dogs.

But the higher the towers climb, the longer a shadow they cast. Evil lurks the streets as it once lurked forest and dale, but it was never the forest that was evil. Missing persons cases rise by the hundreds. The streets ring with sirens, violent crimes units working day and night. Behind every door is cruelty. Behind every eye is wickedness. Behind every man is his future thief, conman, killer. And behind every death is a life truncated, potential cut loose to snarl and twist, becoming a monster man has forgotten.

One of my favourite TRPG campaigns I ever played was as an entirely normal mortal in this kind of urban horror setting, though that was less paranormal and more cosmic. This part is so effective at setting up that exact kind of atmosphere, where you live in a world filled with murderous sociopaths, psychotic bastards and people so desperate to survive that they're willing to do whatever it takes.

What I really love though is how it then tacks on "and also ghosts exist, which sucks too, huh?". It's a very "mortal in the World of Darkness" vibe, which is more or less what I got out of My House of Horrors, though Chen Ge is absolutely, 100% an Ascension Mage in most of the ways that really matter, if one with a weird paradigm.

The city rolls on, a behemoth ripping free of its creators and rolling them under tread, blood for the gears. From modernity you will find no quarter; no matter how bright the light, you will find the shadows just as deep.

One day, you will be consumed. You will join the ranks of those you bled so hard to quell. But you will not go quietly.

Fuck yeah.

Make no mistake. Yours is a black path through the night. But who was the walker?

[ ] The Enthusiast - Young, naive, optimistic. A diligent and filial son, excelling in every objective you chose to pursue. Your sole vice: an embarrassing interest in foreign horror films. Your parents are labourers, your family poorly educated; you are the first of your cousins to graduate with a dual college degree. Your move to Shenzhang was predicated on the rising tech industry, but openings are scarce or denied to the entry-level. While working odd jobs to pay rent, you notice a persistent stain in your bathroom wall...

*Young and fit, with a strong heart. Can take a shock or two.

*You are book-smart! You are not street-smart.

*You possess a dual degree in STEM fields achieved overseas on scholarship. Though reality has proven less practical than previously assumed, technology yields to your expert hand.

*Your overseas degree was mostly so you could watch American films. Nevertheless, you are fluent in English and have a patchy cross-section of Western cinema. You aren't a banana, but you're banana-adjacent. A plantain, perhaps.

*You have an uncanny instinct for navigating dangerous situations. It's not something you've developed, but that may change.

*Your love of horror has given you a near-encyclopaedic grasp of horror tropes and conventions. Aside from that, you're also well-versed in navigating net forums and sifting information from trash, a skill that comes in handy when you need to research something obscure.

*Regrettably, the number of years you've been single equal your age. You are Unsullied. Take care, for a virgin's flesh is a delicacy in some circles...

*You don't have a car! Opportunities are limited based on transportation. Your Lair is a Communal Apartment.

*Special Skill: I Played College Ball: Once per mission, you may sprint five hundred metres across any terrain.

*Playthrough leans more on mystery than horror. Depth of route before retirement: 10%--40%.

Probably the easiest and most likely to lead to real happiness and success for our protagonist. Plunder the surface levels secrets of the supernatural for an insurmountable advantage in mundane affairs. You don't need to have Chen Ge's menagerie of horrors to massively improve the quality of your day to day life in this kind of hell world.

Trouble with an interview? Just figure out what your interviewer likes ahead of time with the Pen Spirit and customise your approach. Rival at work? Terrorise the fuck out of them with your ghost buddy until they can't even think straight, let alone compete with you. Mysterious disappearances in your town? You're not a clueless chump and have disposable income, you can just leave.

Moreover, this one is well suited for that kind of cursory foray since he's going to be pretty good at dealing with low level shit. Instinct for danger and knowledge of tropes would let him avoid triggering the worst sorts of traps and hauntings while running skills would let him escape fairly well whenever he fucks up. And even after his first spoopy encounter, he can keep going since he's not a total coward.

His weaknesses are pretty easy to deal with too since both can be resolved with money; just dip your toe into one or two supernatural events, use whatever resources you get to find a job. From there, hiring a prostitute and getting a more secure place with some transport is pretty easy, even if the former might lower our spiritual purity.

Of course, it's that exact easiness that limits his route's potential; this guy doesn't actually have a reason to stay in the game outside of thrills. The first time his life is in actual, mortal danger he's going to bail. Honestly, getting to 40% completion would be pretty crazy under these conditions. Therefore, while it might lead to happiness and a good ending, it's not really my thing. 3 Star are the very most.

[ ] The Entertainer - Look, you went somewhere you shouldn't have. The things you saw in there, what happened to your crew, it doesn't bear thinking about. If only your damn camera hadn't been rolling. Now you're the most popular livestream channel on the net, and your producers are leaning on you to make more just like it: original, riveting, inimitable. Nobody said it was easy at the top, but your crew (whatever's left of them) are happy to push you off...

*Nearing the dessert days of your youth. You're starting to think of things like blood pressure and cholesterol.

*You're sharp as a tack! Fastest joke in the East, they call you.

*You used to have quite the temper, and your fists still remember how to talk for you.

*Your sense of humour helps settle the nerves.

*You've always had a sixth sense for when things felt wrong.

*Look, you've been around the block a few times. Money may not buy love, but it can buy its spitting image. You are Sinful.

*You're a grown adult with your own transport and housing! Increased latitude and freedom. Your Lair is a Townhouse.

*You're not poor!

*Special Skill: It's Just FX: Once per mission, you may concoct an elegant deception to simultaneously calm others while directing them to your instruction.

*Depth of route before retirement: 30%--90%.

The top streamer in the world? Jesus, that's a lot of money, even if it does rely on him putting himself into likely mortal danger. Hopefully we can leverage that initial burst of immense popularity into something more sustainable that a life or death exploration of a haunting every single time. Maybe by documenting his preparations and general vlogging stuff?

Wouldn't draw as big of an audience as putting himself in mortal danger but it would be a good stopgap and give him time to rest without entirely abandoning the thing that made him so popular. While he'll have to reinvest a lot of it into actually purchasing various lifesaving materials, he might still have enough on the side to put away into stonks or something to prepare for retirement.

And this guy is absolutely, 100% going to retire. While the threat of starvation and the temptation of success will keep him going on this road long enough to get into the real shit, I doubt he'll make it to the Blood World or anything or if he does it'll only be an unplanned accident that happens when a stream goes horribly wrong.

Still though, until then the money would do a lot to make him much safer, especially if he picks up an ablative meatshield or three. Between strong social skills, the fame of his channel and being old enough to have the naivety beaten out of him, I think he'd be able to recruit and direct them as necessary. Would pair well with an option that improves his read on people.

I'm leaning towards this one. Resources mean we don't have to deal too much with mundane bullshit while their source gives us a clear direction to keep heading. Most importantly, while he's going to delve deeper than the Enthusiast, he's not nearly as in the know as the Exorcist. That's ideal since a little bit of mystery can add a lot to a horror story.

[ ] The Exorcist - Grandfather's appeal to the Ministry of Culture failed, and the highway demolitions proceeded as planned. When the construction workers were found hooked from the seal-pillars, some very insistent questions began to be asked. Now you've slowed down, having shaken the trail, but in a foreign city with no papers to your name. But one thing's the same: wherever the sun shines will cast a shadow, and the shadows here are deeper than you think...

*Extremely fit. Excellent cardiovascular health.

*Skilled in martial arts.

*A masterful calligrapher.

*Experienced in forestcraft.

*You are vegetarian.

*You are an adept reader of people in the individual and group, an innate talent honed through occupational training. Though you lack official accreditation, your knowledge and grasp of the human mind rival clinical psychologists produced by prestigious universities renowned for such.

*Your dialect marks you as a foreigner. Your rustic clothing and attitudes are unfashionable. You were raised in a rural village, and unfamiliar with technology later than the horseless omnibus. You are the opposite of cool.

*You have no official documents of identity, and very little money for a city life. You're technically a fugitive, but if you keep your head down it's unlikely anybody will draw connections.

*You have lived the life of an ascetic; the stain of hypocrisy does not mar your soul. You are Pristine, maintaining your prenatal innocence.

*You are trained in locating passages to the Blood World, and educated on the nature of its denizens. You are a master of rituals.

*The Blood World is sick here. Finding treasures to leverage will be dangerous.

*In your escape, you seized an Artifact from the family record room.

*You begin with no Lair.

*Special Skill: Ancestor's Binding: Once per mission, you may invoke the name of the Patriarch, borrowing his wisdom in the fields of Swordsmanship, Courage, Exorcism Science, and Blood World Lore. If your spiritual condition is Pristine, you may use this binding to compel a Specter into slumber. This invocation persists until the hour of dawn.

*Depth of route before retirement: 100%--170%.

Wow, I didn't know we'd get to play as a Cursebearer candidate.

I'm guessing this is a bit more action/horror than pure spoops or maybe those spoops will come from the terrible, terrible conditions of life as a homeless person. Sadly, our spiritual condition likely precludes the possibility of abusing the supernatural for secular gain. Maybe find sanctuary in an underground church group? I'm sure there's some things we can do without being unethical.

On the paranormal side of things, I'm guessing this is our route to the ultimate final true ending where we figure out what's wrong with this place and try to fix it. Despite being stronger in almost all attributes than the other two, this might actually be the hardest route of them all. The lack of resources hampers our ability to utilise our knowledge severely and our fugitive status makes finding a sufficiently powerful sponsor much harder than it would otherwise be, as does the lack of ID.

Select one of the following Spiritual Gifts. For the Enthusiast and Entertainer, skill in the Gift will be at Beginner level; the Exorcist will be trained to employ his Gift at Journeyman level.

[ ] Blood Eye - By design or circumstance, your eye is damaged. The resulting blood contaminating the vitreous humor does not impair vision, but instead renders its owner able to perceive the Blood World. In the daylight, you can observe the presence of Specters and the true intentions of others. At night, your vision is unimpaired by total darkness or blinding light in succession, and you fully perceive Specters.

Beginner - See traces in daylight, perfect night vision, perceive Specters.

Novice - Perfect vision, detect passages into the Blood World <1 hour old, perceive the aura of humans.

Journeyman - Directly perceive the Blood World from the mortal world. See distant objects with negligible loss of detail.

A strong option, even at the level of a Beginner. Perfect night vision alone does a lot to up our survivability and being able to perceive Spectres makes us less likely to blunder face first into horrible death. The intel on the Blood World would do a hell of a lot for an Exorcists trying to figure out what's wrong or attempting to exploit it. And of course, understanding humans better is useful for pretty much everyone.

I'm guessing future advancements might lead to a level of precog, postcog and pericog involving violence or ghosts and perhaps the ability to perceive the sins of others through the lens of metaphor. It's a really strong option, even if the eye might throw some people off or make the Exorcist easier to identify.

[ ] Stony Liver - A calcification is embedded in your hepatobiliary system, emanating vigorous energies. An unnatural fortitude suffuses you. Your digestion of dangerous foods is enhanced.

Beginner - Eat spicy food up to 100,000 Scoville Heat Units without impairment. Experience no indigestion from poor diet.

Novice - Withstand freezing temperatures without frostbite. Moderate resistance to pain. Cannot be poisoned by mundane toxins.

Journeyman - Consume Blood World flesh without issue. Survive without food or water for a week.

Good pick with the Exorcist since it manages to mitigate the worst parts of being homeless and makes the Blood World significantly easier to deal with logistically., important for the pick that's most likely to go on expeditions there. I don't think the other two benefit quite as much from this but the resistance to pain and ghost chills is pretty strong given how relatively soft they are. That it has no external signs is also nice but not being able to get drunk is kinda rough.

Future advancements might include improvements to stamina, the ability to derive strength from their consumption,

[ ] Thief's Ear - Once in your youth, you were stung on the ear by a blue-winged wasp. Though it eventually healed, there remains a small discoloration, though lately it has spread. Like a bat, you can navigate without eyes, relying purely on the sounds of the wind.

Beginner - Sharper hearing, ability to comprehend the Spectral Tongue.

Novice - Echolocation, immunity to deafness.

Journeyman - Voice mimicry, ability to read Spectral Characters. Yes, that's right, read with your ears.

Damn, being able to communicate with spectres clearly is great and echolocation is on the level with darkvision. Could be really good for a ghost army build since it lets you get right into the negotiations immediately. Also helpful for the Exorcist, both to free ghosts from their torment and to get some sweet lore on what the fuck is up with this place.

I'm guessing future advancements involve speaking the Spectral Tongue, supernaturally good foley work and ventriloquism, maybe a charisma boost. Solid for a social build

[ ] Black Marrow - Instead of red, your blood is black. While you pass it off with makeup and claim a genetic disorder, your tone of flesh disturbs others. Nevertheless, you are as energetic as any other red-blooded human. You are unable to make a Blood Door.

Beginner - Can substitute blood for ink. Can hold breath for fifteen minutes. You scab instantly.

Novice - You are able to persist with half your normal blood volume. Your resting body temperature is elevated to 39 degrees Centigrade.

Journeyman - Black blood is an omen of heavenly malfeasance. Feeding your blood to a Specter briefly elevates their capabilities.

Deeply, deeply suspicious of any option that involves black blood, especially when the sick blurb meant to sell it calls it an omen of evil. Being able to draw in ink on the fly could be helpful for rituals though, as is the general survivability it has. Could feeding enough of our blood to a Specter over time rank it up permanently? Would be nice to have if we managed to snag ourself a Zhang Ya. Best for an Exorcist build, don't think the others have the skills to really take advantage.

Beyond Journeyman, I can see increased blood generation, making your blood more metaphysically potent, perhaps a level of control or influence over those Spectres that consume it.

[ ] Pale Fingers - An incident in your youth amputated your fingers, and they had to be surgically reattached. Miraculously, aside from minor circulation issues, you retain full motion and dexterity.

Beginner - Can touch Specters. Can grasp freezing objects.

Novice - Can perform psychometry on cursed objects. You do not bleed from wounds to your upper limbs.

Journeyman - Can perform the Corpse Grip, a clenching exertion capable of tearing steel.

Who needs artifacts or sensory powers when you can PUNCH a GHOST in its stupid FACE! Make like a Dr. McNinja and just beat the shit out of the spoops with your bare hands, literally squeeze their heads off with your kung fu action grip. Probably not optimal but definitely hilarious; I'd love to take it with Enthusiast and turn it into a classic revenge story where he trains to destroy the people that killed his crew and then retires on the royalties from his book + movie deals. Probably not enough to defeat a Red Specter of serious power though, no matter what additional artifacts he might get.

Further advancements clearly include the Ghoul's Claws, the Reaper's Chokehold and becoming Yasutora Chad. More seriously, maybe an upgrade to the psychometry to expand the domain and accuracy of the results, a chilling touch that repulses ghosts and possibly a vitality drain effect.

If you are an Exorcist, select one of the Artifacts below. If you are an Enthusiast or Entertainer who has taken a Curse of Karma, your selection will change aesthetically to match modern provenance, but is otherwise functionally identical.

[ ] Moon Mirror - A circular mirror of shaped bronze, meticulously maintained save for the reflective obverse, which is indelibly corroded. By filling its pitted face with blood, it is able to reveal the unseen.

*Takes 5cc to form a minimally reflective surface, 40cc to make it smooth enough for visual use. Users with Black Marrow must double the costs.

*By filling it to its original surface depth (100cc), the Bronze Mirror can be activated to capture any Specter that gazes upon their reflection. Wearing the Bronze Mirror from that point on will deter any Specters of lesser power to that contained within. You are unable to use the Mirror to reflect the Blood World while it contains a Specter; gazing into it will cause the Specter to possess you. Blood must be donated to restrain the Specter (400cc/month), or else it is released.

*Modern forms include a shattered compact mirror or car wing-mirror.

Not great for the Enthusiast, who isn't going to head to the Blood World and who could be seriously affected by the anemia. Nor is any Spectre he'd have a chance of capturing be worth the effort and care necessary to make use of it.

The Enthusiast might find it a bit easier, if only because he can afford for people to donate blood to him. Repelling minor Specters is the opposite of what his job needs him to do though so it becomes significantly less viable.

The Exorcist could really get some use out of this thing though. The ability to see into the Blood World lessens the need for the Eye and not being subject to attrition while within would do a lot for his survival chances.

[ ] Corpse Ink - A gargantuan inkstick, one chi in length, capped with a heliotrope medallion. Compressed from the soot and fat of burned humans, the figures of its victims are preserved with vivid detail. When ground against a rough surface, it releases a fragment of that funereal flame, revealing and scorching Specters. Ink rendered from this inkstick is especially effective against Immolated Specters.

*Leaves a greasy stain on the fingers.

*Erodes slowly, if at all. Segments can be "burned" at once for significant effect.

*The Blood World is quite wet; you may find it difficult to find a dry surface.

*Modern forms have the images of cows and juvenile poetry.

Probably the best for the Enthusiast. He's unlikely to have a long career anyway so its finitude doesn't matter that much and he's not going to end up in the Blood World either. Given that, this is a good lifesaving treasure since it does double duty of allowing us to perceive the monsters and then dunking on them.

That said, it's not bad for either the Enthusiast or the Exorcist. A trump card is always helpful and a chi is like a foot long so it won't get used up too quickly. I don't think it's worth taking for a Curse of Karma in the former's case though and the latter has the knowledge and skills necessary to survive anyway.

[ ] Wishing Pen - An aged calligraphy brush of poplar wood and human hair. Ask it a question, and it will write no lies.

*Will answer within ten characters or less! Functions without ink.

*Information concerning the motivation or true disposition of people is more accurate than environmental data or combat capabilities.


*Cannot be lost. If misplaced, will reappear in nearby pockets or hidden spaces.

*Modern forms include pagers or text messages from unknown numbers.

Pen Spirit is really powerful, being the only form of semi-precise divination available. Having the ability to prep for encounters is invaluable for all builds, as is an insight into those around them. It's even stronger if it can divine the history and nature of Specters, though I doubt it would work on any spirit of significant power.

[ ] Golden Compass - A luopan modified with additional rings denoting geographical and coordinate data. A superb tracking tool; by placing a symbolic piece of your target in the place of the needle, you will locate them in space and time.

*Can live-track a human in the past year perfectly, and imperfectly project their future. Tracking beyond this window exhausts the Compass for a day.

*Appears to function globally.

*Works imperfectly in the Blood World.

Could be really helpful for the Exorcist or Enthusiast since perfect tracking is an incredibly valuable service to offer. I'd say something about wacky supernatural police procedurals but… I don't think now is a good time. Good for PvP against other people in the know or against serial killers and such.

Take on a Curse of Karma for an additional selection of a Spiritual Gift or Artifact, up to three. It is not recommended to take more than one.

Literally all of these are (appropriately enough) horrifyingly bad. Letting people take three is insane, even one is a burden that would define your playstyle. Then again, the greedy are often the first punished in a horror story.

[ ] Zodiacal Malediction - An unrighteous marriage, a poisoned bloodline, whatever the reason, Heaven itself turned its face away the moment you were born. Unless directly named, you are automatically excluded from all protections, rituals, and benedictions laid into the bedrock of the continent. Your only protector is the eye of the noonday sun, who discriminates no wretch.

Ouch. I'm assuming this disables your ability to use all the traditional rituals and superstitions that get passed down. Probably a death sentence for the Enthusiast, without access to common spirituality he had absolutely zero defense against the supernatural, being ignorant and dirt broke. Not ideal for the Entertainer either; while he can afford to purchase protective items and wards, he doesn't have the ability to sift through the bullshitters and charlatans.

The Exorcist might be able to get by; he's enough in the know to realise what the issue is and potentially take countermeasures. Could be a cool story too, the newest Exorcist seeking an end to a curse placed on his line by some ancient evil his ancestor defeated long ago.

[ ] Impurity of Heart - You were not steadfast in thought and deed, and performed ill-workings to others. Lower your Spiritual Purity by one level.

Obviously nonviable for the Exorcist. I don't know what the tier below Sinful is but I'm sure it can't be good, so the Entertainer is out too. Might be alright for the Enthusiast though, that guy's naivete could do with a little bit of tarnishing.

[ ] Cowardly Tenor - You are more easily shaken, weak-stomached and frail. In times of crisis your mind will turn to flee from peril.

Obviously trash for the Exorcist. Might shorten the route for the Enthusiast if he doesn't even have the ability to stand a few spooks and scares, even if his running ability makes his escape pretty likely. Not sure how it interacts with the Entertainer's danger sense but if it makes us chicken out before we get good footage, that's gg for our streaming career. Or maybe his obvious mortal terror will be entertaining to the masses, I'm not sure.

[ ] Perverse Hungers - You are wracked with forbidden desires. To some Specters, you may strike an intolerable resemblance.

Can't get murdered by a serial killer if you are the serial killer thonk.jpg

I imagine picking this with Exorcist leads to the Kotomine route, which would be as awful as it would be hilarious. Bad for the streamer too, the public's attention is laser focused on him and he doesn't have the connections or resources to ignore a serious scandal while still having the will and ability to indulge.

Have absolutely no idea what this would look like in the Enthusiast though. Does he just become a true banana? Does he feel a longing for everything American, from guns to apple pie to cowboy hats to extrajudicial murder? I don't know if I can live that life.

[ ] Rationalist - You are convinced there is no power greater than the human mind, no engine more excellent in its function than reason and intellect, the eternally self-crafting work. You're in the wrong genre, friend. Increased difficulty in rituals, slow to adapt.

Kinda tempted to take this with Excorsist, to just see what happens. Would our boy become tsundere towards his family traditions? "I don't actually believe in you or anything b-b-baka!"

Probably best with Enthusiast though, he's already been shaken by spirits in the past so he'd be less stubborn about it and it pairs well with his special ability. Moreover, he's got the money to hire other people to do rituals for him. Can't tell how it would go with the Enthusiast; either he'd lose all his genre savvy or he'd be unaffected due to reflexive defiance of horror movie tropes despite his disbelief. Not worth the risk in that case.

As a side note, does the difficulty mean that rituals are powered by or in some way connected to the individual's belief?

[ ] Socially Impaired - You find it difficult to impossible to read people's emotions and motivations.

If this also applies to Spectres, it might be the worst disadvantage of them all. You can get a hell of a lot of mileage out of allying with them. Also makes our boy a lot more vulnerable to serial killers or manipulative sociopaths, which the intro makes clear are just as serious of a danger as the supernatural.

In the end, I gotta go with:

{X} Plan Hail Satan
-{X} The Entertainer
-{X} Pale Fingers
-{X} Blood Eye
-{X} Rationalist

Probably not optimal but Mr. Satan as a Ghostbuster was just too tempting of an idea. Blood Eye lets us see Spectres and build up a good support crew while Pale Fingers lets us just punch them. Meanwhile, Rationalist should make him a bit less afraid if he assumes everything he sees is fake, which could offset the weaker heart. The tactic of vlogging our preparations might make him less likely to go out half cocked while the Eye might make him stick to people who genuinely believe they have power and away from hucksters.

P.S: 2922 words
P.P.S: Working on the other omake, it's just slow going.
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The Temple of the False Moon is going to fucking eat us.

Quickly it began to discorporate in the oxygen of the naked air. Though you've sheltered it with the Evening Sky, it slowly continues to disintegrate.
There is no atmosphere on the moon, and why would hiding it in the Sky protect it from air? Smh Hunger, why would that work.
There was thick, mist-suffused woodland more jungle than forest, rocky outcroppings and unadorned grasslands, even stretches of arid waste bare of vegetation or fauna.
The terrain fuckery has an obvious correspondence to the sun/moon cycle, trees=sunlight and waste=moonlight.
The light of the sun was austere and heavy, heat without warmth, illuminating the stark wasteland sea that surrounded the Temple's frontal facing.
There is no vegetation around the Temple of the False Moon. Photosynthesis aside, the Temple has drained the life in the area. The Hunger parallels are more obvious now.
Surprisingly there was no activity, human or beast, upon the promenade. It was as thoroughly deserted as the earlier outpost had been bustling.
Which is why nobody stays there. If only someone could have warned us, lol. Tell Zee to hide further away.
The curve of its central dome was like the skull of the world itself jutting free; a hundred cities could shelter under that ivory sky with abundant space for all.
"The skull of the world itself jutting free" is possibly more true than I would like it to be, if this thing is a virus on the planet about to burst free. It's a false moon.

Update is called the solitary moon... because it kills everything else? Warning that there's only one moon, and this isn't it? I don't understand the exact relationship between the "moon" and the moon, but anyway we're getting Decimated right now.

Edit: Sharp Ellipsoid=Tooth? Fishing? The bait is fractal.
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Well, this vote is really close. Immortal Regiment has solid arguments and fanworks with more votes, but Bright Vanquisher has a substantial lead on fanworks overall now... the question is if that's enough to bridge the gap!

The update will be somewhat later tonight, maybe around 2 AM EST like yesterday, so the vote won't close for a while yet. In the meantime, it's still useful to brainstorm tactics for the two builds assuming that Conservative wins like it looks like it will.

I suppose we can go ahead and eliminate the Barest Cut as it doesn't quite have the support to compete with the two leading options.
[X] Immortal Regiment
[X] Conservative
[X] Ring Affinity

In light of that, Ring Affinity might be important. Also maybe Aggressive, to spend less time here? But I'm not switching on that yet, gotta think. Also bringing Gisena in seems less great now. Hm.
Interesting that the power of ruin can attack spirits themselves but perhaps I shouldn't have been surprised.

That was the basic Fell-Handed Stroke, actually.

Also, what an incredibly rad monster. Yet another thing I like about Rihaku's writing is the ability to imagine up shit like this on the fly, making it fit both the name of the option and the powers it coughs up.


[X] Immortal Regiment
[X] Conservative
[X] Ring Affinity

In light of that, Ring Affinity might be important. Also maybe Aggressive, to spend less time here? But I'm not switching on that yet, gotta think. Also bringing Gisena in seems less great now. Hm.

Raw power is rather important too, you know! Some might say much more so, in these trying circumstances...
I suppose we can go ahead and eliminate the Barest Cut as it doesn't quite have the support to compete with the two leading options.

Sadness. Well, I'm equally lukewarm about both builds, since my only real preference was Cuts, but I don't think either are strong enough to compete in Aggressive.

[X] Conservative
[X] +.1 Rank
But surely someone would have noticed or said somethaaaaahhh
But the most alluring traps carry the most valuable bait.
He who survives the march of eons does so by clear-headed calculation and gauging of risks.
But there's something comforting about it as well.
[ ] The Really Scenic Route - This route of medium length passes through a horrifying expanse of murderous beasts and perilous traversals. It is the suggested route on the map. The scenery does look rather beautiful.

*Travel time: 5-7 days
*Danger level: Extreme
*Bonus: Death or Glory. +Gisena, +.25 Rank if you survive.
*Bonus: Halcyon Expanse - +1 Arete from inspirational landscapes
He eyed her blearily, resentful of the distraction.
How mindfucked are we right now? Is the temple giving us the Arete? Is this why Rihaku was arguing so hard against the town, and not that we have different views on human behavior?

Gisena Null us null us nullus

Edit: Actually that might be good standard practice
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But surely someone would have noticed or said somethaaaaahhh

How mindfucked are we right now? Is the temple giving us the Arete? Is this why Rihaku was arguing so hard against the town, and not that we have different views on human behavior?
It was "inspirational" landscapes on a "really scenic" route. While it's possible we've been hypnotized to he'll and back, Occam's Razor says it was just irony. EFB experience tells us we get Arete for doing awesome stuff and acting in line with our nature iirc. The second hasn't been applicable all too often lately, though circumventing the camp has been one such case, but going YOLO on the way to the Temple fits the former pretty well.
I find it more strange that more Conservatives didn't vote for Ring affinity. If one focuses on careful exploration, wouldn't it make sense to actually try and follow the puzzle?
Agreed! That is what I've been after!
Which is why nobody stays there. If only someone could have warned us, lol. Tell Zee to hide further away.
I think it's actually just the front door is not a good place to enter if you don't have an invitation. Gisena can act as our +1, and the temple open its door for us.

Most other adventurers probably would face whatever hidden guardians the front door certainly has.

Or it may be like the dungeon from Wandering Inn where the secondary entrance lets you skip right to the looting - at a massive increase in immediate danger and difficulty retreating.
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Wait a minute. We get to Focus Absolutely, and not gain Arete (which is to say, mindfuckery/moonmadness), for an effectiveness bonus? Sold. Get the fuck out of my head.

[X] Immortal Regiment
[X] Conservative
[X] Absolute Focus

If you guys are willing to take the Quickest Route, the Really Scenic Route is not that much more dangerous and offers tremendously greater rewards! After all, with Quickest there's a 50% chance of getting nothing better than a moderate competence bonus and 1 more pick than the Scenic, and an additional 20% chance of that, but with an additional debuff! If you guys want something aggressive like a 3 + 1 pick build with a large variety of choices, that would be the province of the Really Scenic route, you're just not likely to get it from the Quickest Route!
Ah, there it is. Hunted down that post that stuck in my mind, because it was bizarre. Nobody could possibly think that was true, unless they were...

...a lunatic. *shades*

Rihaku's egging us on has been biased, so as to simulate the moon's hypnotic effect. (I think The Forbidden was the opposite, to be fair, with him trying to bail our sorry asses out. Pity nobody went for it).

I've been shitposting a bit, but I'm absolutely serious. The lunacy is real.

As @Wolfy so eloquently said,


Edit2: Guys? The way nobody is responding to me is making me feel like a crazy person screaming about how the psychic moon is going to eat us. I was going to mention my idea of eating the moon before it could eat us (+Tactics! Can we dump Satiation?), but I don't wanna double post. :(
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