But risky is the most likely to keep Gisena and us alive!

Us, maybe. Gisena? Do you think taking her into the extremely dangerous and completely unknown dungeon will be a safer place for her than outside with predictable monster attacks and Vershlengorge as backup? To say nothing of how unimpressed she'll be if we end up getting Letrizia killed. You've seen their almost mother-daughter interactions, do you think she'll be totally cool and fine if we come out to find a corpse?

No, she'll probably think we're a callous moron and be absolutely right in doing so.
Btw guys, presuming you are willing to spend said Arete (9 with Really Scenic, as you get the Arete bonus before the route ends!), the Really Scenic Route's "multiple dangerous monsters" phase isn't substantially different in risk from its "epically dangerous monster" phase, since the Experience and power you'll get from the first monster will make you far more likely to prevail against the following monsters. In that way it's actually kind of a good outcome, since you'll end up with more total picks by the end! If you're spending all your Arete anyway, might as well get the most out of it, right? And the increased Rank will certainly serve you well, both in the Temple itself and against Ber!
Are we allowed to optimize a bit? Since the map has 7 days left we should be able to hunt around the not-horrifyingly-dangerous quick route leading to the temple. With a full week of additional growth that should mean Letz is in a much better state and we have gained enough strength to actually challenge the place.
If we're going into the Temple alone and we have the opportunity to make a purchase, I suggest taking something like Iron Curtain or Pitiless Maw for more protection/safety.
Btw guys, presuming you are willing to spend said Arete (9 with Really Scenic, as you get the Arete bonus before the route ends!), the Really Scenic Route's "multiple dangerous monsters" phase isn't substantially different in risk from its "epically dangerous monster" phase, since the Experience and power you'll get from the first monster will make you far more likely to prevail against the following monsters. In that way it's actually kind of a good outcome, since you'll end up with more total picks by the end! If you're spending all your Arete anyway, might as well get the most out of it, right? And the increased Rank will certainly serve you well, both in the Temple itself and against Ber!

While it's tempting, I just flat-out refuse to take any choice that has any % of chance of us dying horribly. Just personal preference.

Frankly, if people want to take a risk, fine, do so, but at the very least can you burden the risk yourselves, like a proper hero? Not put your companions in stupid danger?

I have a feeling that the thread will keep pushing risk after risk until it gets someone killed, with bad enough luck, perhaps even us.

I think I'm starting to get a bit too salty with the choices.
Btw guys, presuming you are willing to spend said Arete (9 with Really Scenic, as you get the Arete bonus before the route ends!), the Really Scenic Route's "multiple dangerous monsters" phase isn't substantially different in risk from its "epically dangerous monster" phase, since the Experience and power you'll get from the first monster will make you far more likely to prevail against the following monsters. In that way it's actually kind of a good outcome, since you'll end up with more total picks by the end! If you're spending all your Arete anyway, might as well get the most out of it, right? And the increased Rank will certainly serve you well, both in the Temple itself and against Ber!

Hmm, 50% easily worth it (Seeing as it also might lead to Findross for Gisena), 45% ehh... 5% Dead. Was Seralize closer to Exceptional or Epic? She seems like the sort of encounter where Hunger only won because he intuited the exact right strat, but maybe I overestimate her overall specs.
[X] The Scenic Route
[X] Conservative

I wanted +1 Pick so I would avoid feeling pressed to choose suicidal options for power. Social options are great, mystery boxes are fun, and being guaranteed in good condition for the Temple is absolutely wonderful.

Seems like it might taint discussion just slightly.
Yeah, it wouldn't be much of a vote if we all knew to choose it!
Btw guys, presuming you are willing to spend said Arete (9 with Really Scenic, as you get the Arete bonus before the route ends!), the Really Scenic Route's "multiple dangerous monsters" phase isn't substantially different in risk from its "epically dangerous monster" phase, since the Experience and power you'll get from the first monster will make you far more likely to prevail against the following monsters. In that way it's actually kind of a good outcome, since you'll end up with more total picks by the end! If you're spending all your Arete anyway, might as well get the most out of it, right? And the increased Rank will certainly serve you well, both in the Temple itself and against Ber!

This is pretty compelling, actually. An epically dangerous monster might be sufficiently subjugated by a purchase of Thousand Cuts, or something similar, which leaves 95% of outcomes acceptable for me. Something in my monkey brain tells me that 5% risk is acceptable, but 10% isn't? Maybe I trust a d20 more than a d10-- icosahedrons are just much more respectable than decahedrons, after all.

[X] The Really Scenic Route
[X] Conservative
Btw guys, presuming you are willing to spend said Arete (9 with Really Scenic, as you get the Arete bonus before the route ends!), the Really Scenic Route's "multiple dangerous monsters" phase isn't substantially different in risk from its "epically dangerous monster" phase, since the Experience and power you'll get from the first monster will make you far more likely to prevail against the following monsters. In that way it's actually kind of a good outcome, since you'll end up with more total picks by the end! If you're spending all your Arete anyway, might as well get the most out of it, right? And the increased Rank will certainly serve you well, both in the Temple itself and against Ber!
[X] The Really Scenic Route
[X] Risky

I'm sold! I want to spend the arete anyway so sounds good to me. Plus this way I don't have to feel the pain of missing a +Gisena option.
Hmm, 50% easily worth it (Seeing as it also might lead to Findross for Gisena), 45% ehh... 5% Dead. Was Seralize closer to Exceptional or Epic? She seems like the sort of encounter where Hunger only won because he intuited the exact right strat, but maybe I overestimate her overall specs.
Seralize is Highly Dangerous, given by the fact that we had a 3 pick option. Of course, that was while we were exhausted, and also included killing the construct and Elizabeth. So Highly Dangerous objectively, but probably Exception/Epic after considering our Exhaustion and such. Rihaku did say she was a superior combatant to us.
Us, maybe. Gisena? Do you think taking her into the extremely dangerous and completely unknown dungeon will be a safer place for her than outside with predictable monster attacks and Vershlengorge as backup? To say nothing of how unimpressed she'll be if we end up getting Letrizia killed. You've seen their almost mother-daughter interactions, do you think she'll be totally cool and fine if we come out to find a corpse?

No, she'll probably think we're a callous moron and be absolutely right in doing so.
But if she stays outside we don't get to see her until we finish the dungeon! We'll have to go through the whole thing with just Hunger's depressing mopey monologue to keep us company.
Seralize is Highly Dangerous, given by the fact that we had a 3 pick option. Of course, that was while we were exhausted, and also included killing the construct and Elizabeth. So Highly Dangerous objectively, but probably Exception/Epic after considering our Exhaustion and such.

I was meaning factoring in exhaustion/injury relative yeah. Though now that I think about it I'm not sure if our advancement does or not? If it does and she and the rest were worth only a 3 pick after we'd been effectively 'level adjusted' downward then that turns me way off Epics. If it's indifferent to our temporary status and we get experience based on how difficult it would've been for full power Hunger then I might be more willing.

Seram didn't really change level downward even when he got nullified iirc so I think it's probably indifferent?
[X] The Quickest Route
[X] Conservative

Updating my vote. I'd still like to be able to hang around outside the temple for a few days training before we recklessly dive in.
Also, if we're operating under the assumption that the cartographer's malicious (as I think we must), when the "Scenic" route plays directly into their hands. The only scenario where it's beneficial is if it would win the 'approval' of whatever's within, and honestly? Fuck those guys.
My take is that, considering we had to considerably exert ourselves to kill that fish, this zone is simply meant for someone stronger. If the fish had been casual prey for us then this route wouldn't be such a problem.

This is pretty compelling, actually. An epically dangerous monster might be sufficiently subjugated by a purchase of Thousand Cuts, or something similar, which leaves 95% of outcomes acceptable for me. Something in my monkey brain tells me that 5% risk is acceptable, but 10% isn't? Maybe I trust a d20 more than a d10-- icosahedrons are just much more respectable than decahedrons, after all.
My judge of Rihaku's descriptions of those fights puts our chance of death is closer to like 15-20% here if we take Really Scenic!!
We've had very little productivity for tactics dicussions.
Also, if we're operating under the assumption that the cartographer's malicious (as I think we must), when the "Scenic" route plays directly into their hands. The only scenario where it's beneficial is if it would win the 'approval' of whatever's within, and honestly? Fuck those guys.
I agree with the idea that 'Very Scenic' route is for people who casually killed the Fish (So the danger is rather lower). Mind, it might also be created by the Apocryphal.
Some good points have been brought up regarding Really Scenic Route, but that 5% death chance scares me.

Regardless, we definitely don't want to pick Scenic Route, because that only gets us a small amount of power, and it's already been stated that we're going to have to spend Arete like crazy to get through the Temple with everyone alive. I can't see how one would justify taking the lowest-power option when this is our last chance to grind before we do the thing that gets the Apocryphal Curse to go "Lol I don't even have to do anything."