I mean, choosing Quickest due to that extra pick can be argued to be sunk-cost fallacy, but The Temple itself is highly dangerous, so we would be well served by leveling up a bit. Especially considering the high break-points in power from a 2-pick option to a 3-pick option. Getting something like Rain or Valor would be huge for our chances, so I kind of think we have to risk it.
The tally can't differentiate between the two Scenic options, it seems.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by BrainInAJar on Jun 2, 2020 at 8:10 PM, finished with 43 posts and 16 votes.
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Interesting. My initial inclination is to jam Risky, It's what I had imagined from the outset and I can't think of anything that would justify the other two.

As to the route we take... My initial thoughts are leading to the fastest option. The free +10% effectiveness is mega nice, the worst enemy we face is the tamest possibility of "scenic"...

With Rihaku saying that the quick route could easily kill us, I'm not interested in pushing our luck with the "scenic" route.

I didn't mind the idea of the true scenic route at first, but I'm not sure it gets us the power we need. The more I think about it, the more I feel that if we take the scenic route we're sure to not die in transition, but we're banking on high rolling the freebie to scale us into the temple proper.

Pushing fast powers up our boi, but pretty much leaves Letrizia out to dry. She may end up being another sacrifice in our hero's quest for power... I think it's way to risky to give her gisena.

Forgive me

[X] The Quickest Route
[X] Risky
"Scenic" is too crazy, Scenic is too slow.

[X] The Quickest Route
[X] Risky

The Quickest Route allows for relatively fast power levelling before we meet the crazy dangerous Temple. The powerups should be of greater improvement to our survival odds in the Temple than the increased Safety of Scenic.

Plus we'll save like, 7 days we can use to outscale Ber. If we went Scenic and then got forced to retreat by the Temple we might well be meeting a powerlevelled Ber without much advancements of our own, which would be extremely bad.
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I'm a simple man, I see Gisena I vote.
I can see an argument for Quickest, speedily clearing the Temple to swing the power : time expended ratio in our favor, gaining an additional pick and 10% efficacy bonus along the way. But "Scenic"? The best outcome is equivalent to the lowest ten percent of Quickest! Liking a character is all well and good, but both of us have to survive in order for there to be future scenes with them! In that regard, "Scenic" isn't a very apt name at all.
[X] The Quickest Route
[X] Conservative

Quickest Route is a good balance between gaining power and risking ourselves. Conservative because I don't want to leave Letrizia by herself when she's injured. We know that both Risky and Abandon have a risk involved, while Conservative is more risky to us. But we have second form and whatever we can get from the Quickest Route, so it's safer for us to shoulder the risk then Letrizia.

I really don't like all the votes for taking Gisena into the temple, if we come back out and Zea got hurt I won't be able to take it.
Loved the update again. Gisena was a treat and even Zea despite her current position as worst girl was okay. I found it interesting that being a cursebearer unlocked Verse's functions for us though. Were the armaments designed specifically with cursebearers in mind?

Voting risky because out of the three of us I care least if Zea dies, and from the sounds of the temple we're going to need all the help we can get whereas Zea will presumably be facing just run of the mill astral beasts.

I like the "Scenic" route best because not only does it give +Gisena, possible findross insights, arete and rank but it also gives 3 and 4 pick beasts as possible fights. If we manage to beat one of those we can gain access to some of the powerful multipick options that Rihaku showed us earlier which would be immensely useful going forward. Apparently defining advancements are mostly gated behind 3 or 4 pick beasts so we should be trying for a 3 pick and "Scenic" gives us the best chance.

Quickest is also pretty good in general for our chances of beating the dungeon since it gives a 10% boost to our rolls going forward. It'd be my second pick after "scenic" since it still has a 10% chance of encountering a 3 pick monster which would be enough to get ein or zweihander.

Regular scenic is nice because +Gisena, but only has a 10% chance of really benefiting us and is probably not aggressive enough at accumulating power with which to face the dungeon and Ber.
I can see an argument for Quickest, speedily clearing the Temple to swing the power : time expended ratio in our favor, gaining an additional pick and 10% efficacy bonus along the way. But "Scenic"? The best outcome is equivalent to the lowest ten percent of Quickest! Liking a character is all well and good, but both of us have to survive in order for there to be future scenes with them! In that regard, "Scenic" isn't a very apt name at all.
It might be that the Temple's expected dungeoneer level is a little higher than ours.
I can see an argument for Quickest, speedily clearing the Temple to swing the power : time expended ratio in our favor, gaining an additional pick and 10% efficacy bonus along the way. But "Scenic"? The best outcome is equivalent to the lowest ten percent of Quickest! Liking a character is all well and good, but both of us have to survive in order for there to be future scenes with them! In that regard, "Scenic" isn't a very apt name at all.
We want to fight a 3 pick beast though? They're about our strength level and unlikely to be able to kill us and with the 5-7 day travel time we'll be healed by the time we get to the temple. One of the three pick options gave us our arm back which would probably be good to have in a dangerous dungeon! Also I think multiple dangerous monsters is probably the easiest outcome on that route assuming it's following the same naming structure.
[X] The Quickest Route
[X] Risky

Unsure on the last option since it feels like Gisena might also be too vulnerable at this point. Companions really need investment to be useful and we haven't done much of that. But just going to take what Rihaku said about risk at face value.
[X] The Quickest Route
[X] Conservative

Ritz hasn't healed on this route, so Gisena stays with her. This way we should get 3 picks and bonus countering the debuff from our bad roll last time before entering the Temple, balancing safety/greed.
We want to fight a 3 pick beast though? They're about our strength level and unlikely to be able to kill us and with the 5-7 day travel time we'll be healed by the time we get to the temple. One of the three pick options gave us our arm back which would probably be good to have in a dangerous dungeon! Also I think multiple dangerous monsters is probably the easiest outcome on that route assuming it's following the same naming structure.
Exceptionally is a 4 pick beast with power level around ours.
[X] The Quickest Route
[X] Conservative

Pair not healing our mecha pilot all the way to full with extra defense for herself.
If we 'die' then immediately start heading back, going through walls?

Actually, Rihaku, is there a reason why we can't make it to the temple and then just wait outside long enough for the full heal?
We'd be able to fight anything attracted during the interim with the three of us together plus a giant mecha, and if something could get past that then they'd be dead without us. Plus we'd have a 10% bonus until it actually kicks us out, if I'm understanding it right?
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[X] The Scenic Route - This route seems very safe and quite beautiful, but its cumbersome circumlocutions will take several days to navigate. Plenty of time to get to know your companions better.
[X] The Scenic Route
[X] Risky
- You + Gisena in the Temple, Letrizia in Verschlengorge by Herself

Oh god, please don't actually go for the extremely dangerous route with significant risk of death or Conditions immediately before we go for the extremely dangerous dungeon delving . And especially don't leave our ticket to civilization outside and injured as well. To Gisena Gang: do you think she'll be particularly impressed at us getting a kid killed because of the incredibly reckless actions she just warned us against taking?
Oh god, please don't actually go for the extremely dangerous route with significant risk of death or Conditions immediately before we go for the extremely dangerous dungeon delving . And especially don't leave our ticket to civilization outside and injured as well. To Gisena Gang: do you think she'll be particularly impressed at us getting a kid killed because of the incredibly reckless actions she just warned us against taking?
Also, if we're operating under the assumption that the cartographer's malicious (as I think we must), when the "Scenic" route plays directly into their hands. The only scenario where it's beneficial is if it would win the 'approval' of whatever's within, and honestly? Fuck those guys.
As is standard, "Scenic" = Scenic.
Adhoc vote count started by Shard on Jun 2, 2020 at 8:45 PM, finished with 64 posts and 23 votes.

  • [X] The Quickest Route
    [X] Risky
    [X] The Quickest Route
    [X] Conservative
    [X] The "Scenic" Route
    [X] Risky - You + Gisena in the Temple, Letrizia in Verschlengorge by Herself
    [X] The "Scenic" Route
    [X] Conservative
    [X] The "Scenic" Route
    [X] Risky - You + Gisena in the Temple, Letrizia in Verschlengorge by Herself
    [X] The "Scenic" Route
    [X] Abandon Verschlengorge - All humans in the Temple, Verschlengorge by Himself
    [X] The "Scenic" Route
    [X] Risky - You + Gisena in the Temple, Letrizia in Verschlengorge by Hersel
    [X] The "Scenic" Route
    [X] Conservative
    [X] The "Scenic" Route
    [X] Risky
    [X] The Scenic Route - This route seems very safe and quite beautiful, but its cumbersome circumlocutions will take several days to navigate. Plenty of time to get to know your companions better.
Manually counting:

"Scenic": Romans, Shaper47, LordofMurder

Everyone else shown as "Scenic" are voting for Scenic. So we have 8 votes for Scenic, 3 votes for "Scenic" and 12 votes for Quickest.