I'm not a fan of Affliction of Slumber. It's the most severe personal constraint of all the Curses, sacrificing more than half of our life. I wasn't pleased with Arthur becoming the Slumber.
I wasn't pleased with Arthur in general, but crossing that bridge heralded the end of the quest. Glib remarks aside, yeah, Slumber's a serious disadvantage. But the additional three Lesser Remittances can likely pay for an increase in our growth that outweighs the lost time. To Shatter Heaven cost Seram 1 RV for a 400% rate of increase in his GotY power training rate. Sure, he was Progression-type, but I'll eat my hat if there aren't blurbs aplenty to make it worthwhile. Healthy, baseline humans already accept spending a third of their total time asleep.
Freedom will depart from this world just as Vengeance does, since Freedom lacks the power to oppose the hidden masters. Best leave as soon as you can, especially if the Accursed's not around.
Interesting and ominous. Unsurprisingly, this makes me want to take the fight to them! Too soon for my next face-heel turn, though.
Y'know what, Orm Embar is right when he said the action with the most positive utility is taking as many Curses as possible to help the Accursed. People don't seem too enthused about Vengeance and want our character to be more traditionally heroic. After Luseng, I don't want comfy-nation building ever again.
Ah, yes,
Luseng. I'd almost forgotten...
With the revelation that it's not safe to stick around and try to salvage the wreckage of our home, we could try swapping Slumber for Indenture to hit the road, but honestly I'd sooner excise the cancer that is the Tyrant's Doom from the protagonist. There's enough unpleasantness inherent in the build's implications.
The biggest argument against Freedom, the thing that really sticks in my craw from a character standpoint? Not going
straight for Three Wishes and resurrecting the Hero's wife and child is close to indefensible under most interpretations of his character. From an OOC standpoint, kneecapping our Primary Remittance is painful. Sacrificing power for a black box waifu and the baggage of a child? Miss me with that shit. But in choosing not to do this, we commit to being someone who chose not to.
@vali has a poignant character argument that reconciles this with Vengeance, which would be compelling and tragic to play. What fig leaf does Freedom have? Genuine question there, I'm wracking my brain and coming up empty.
@Orm Embar if I can't convince you to adopt this, can you at least not support Slumber. It is directly in the way of exploring the Praxis, which seems to be the objective of your plan. I think just dropping the Curse would gey us more value than the additiona Lesser Remittances
Apologies, but I think I'm going to stick with my choice for a while. It's important that people who vote by plan name without enumerating sub-votes can rely on the plan maker not to edit the original too frequently and shift things beneath their feet.