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I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast axleless wheels of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered windshield lies, whose frown,
And worn bumper, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The door that mocked them, an engine that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozyvandias, car of cars:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
-Porsche Shelley​
Car-acter creation, part I
In The Shadowbear Slave Camp
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast axleless wheels of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered windshield lies, whose frown,
And worn bumper, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The door that mocked them, an engine that fed:
And on the pedestal these words appear:
'My name is Ozyvandias, car of cars:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
-Porsche Shelley
Once upon a time, a vehicle was assembled.

[]Mighty and proud, the Tank promised glory in battle, when the time came to take the throne.
But Subtlety was not his strong spot, and Diplomacy eluded him; And even the Mightiest rulers cannot strike true at a foe that is more Agile than them.
(Extremely High Martial, moderate Piety, moderate-low Learning and Stewardship, low Intrigue/Diplomacy. Slow. High Personal Combat. Does not require Modification to be combat-viable.)
[]Humble, yet dignified. The Hearse spoke of a end soon to come, even if it was made by wheels that wished to deny it, and a solemn funeral.
He was no fighter, and could not balance books; Yet he could go unnoticed to all, for he was not the only Hearse, nor even a visibly distinct one.
(High Piety and Intrigue, moderate Learning and Diplomacy, low Martial and Stewardship. Moderate speed. Stealth-capable.)
[]Lavish and sleek, the Limo spoke of wealth and status. A delicate vehicle, for certain.
Neither pious nor valourous, but brings a certain touch of skill that may well see such unneeded...
(High Stewardship and Diplomacy, moderate Learning and Intrigue, low Martial and Piety. Fast speed, but clumsy maneuverability. Vulnerable in combat, even while Modified, owing to size.)
[]Snazzy and eccentric, the Concept spoke of reckless assembly or a insane combination of luck and skill. And yet...
How did he function? Who knows, but he's certainly a interesting model...
(Extremely high Learning, other stats determined based on a subvote in which the specific concept car is picked out.)

(Stats as follows:
Extremely high:25
All numbers given will total to 85; stats can be adjusted up and down by up to 4 points in either direction each as long as that's the end total.)

A/N:Go ahead. Call me mad.
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With this post, I do henceforth declare this thread:Open for business!

I mean, it's also a reserved post, but i'll worry about that if/when it's needed.
[X]Lavish and sleek, the Limo spoke of wealth and status. A delicate vehicle, for certain.
[X]Snazzy and eccentric, the Concept spoke of reckless assembly or a insane combination of luck and skill. And yet...
[X]Mighty and proud, the Tank promised glory in battle, when the time came to take the throne.
Tank is tank, need i say more
[X]Humble, yet dignified. The Hearse spoke of a end soon to come, even if it was made by wheels that wished to deny it, and a solemn funeral.
[x]Snazzy and eccentric, the Concept spoke of reckless assembly or a insane combination of luck and skill. And yet...

The way to the future :V
[X]Humble, yet dignified. The Hearse spoke of a end soon to come, even if it was made by wheels that wished to deny it, and a solemn funeral.
Grub you mad lad. This beautiful miracle should never have existed, but now it does. Bless you.

[X]Humble, yet dignified. The Hearse spoke of a end soon to come, even if it was made by wheels that wished to deny it, and a solemn funeral.
[X]Snazzy and eccentric, the Concept spoke of reckless assembly or a insane combination of luck and skill. And yet...
[X]Humble, yet dignified. The Hearse spoke of a end soon to come, even if it was made by wheels that wished to deny it, and a solemn funeral.
This is utterly mad and therefore perfect.
[X]Humble, yet dignified. The Hearse spoke of a end soon to come, even if it was made by wheels that wished to deny it, and a solemn funeral.
[x]Snazzy and eccentric, the Concept spoke of reckless assembly or a insane combination of luck and skill. And yet...
[x]Snazzy and eccentric, the Concept spoke of reckless assembly or a insane combination of luck and skill. And yet...
[x]Snazzy and eccentric, the Concept spoke of reckless assembly or a insane combination of luck and skill. And yet...
[X]Humble, yet dignified. The Hearse spoke of a end soon to come, even if it was made by wheels that wished to deny it, and a solemn funeral.
God speed you glorious mad bastard.
[X]Snazzy and eccentric, the Concept spoke of reckless assembly or a insane combination of luck and skill. And yet...
[X]Snazzy and eccentric, the Concept spoke of reckless assembly or a insane combination of luck and skill. And yet...
[X]Humble, yet dignified. The Hearse spoke of a end soon to come, even if it was made by wheels that wished to deny it, and a solemn funeral.
[X]Humble, yet dignified. The Hearse spoke of a end soon to come, even if it was made by wheels that wished to deny it, and a solemn funeral.