[x] Treason Couse

Edit: Honestly, even with the questions it will likely bring up, I think it would be better if we didn't use the nihil spear, if we can avoid it.
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And now, to the full moon!

-Vote Closed!-

We just need to get past this, and then on to a month that I've had lots of time to prepare for. And which I've needed to do so in order to not go months without seeing any sort of plot-important battle. (I mean, the floor guardians are great, but... they're not as interesting. Probably due to just being groups of regular Shadows, with the exception of things like the Rampage Drive, which I swear just rolled in from Inaba one day and never went back.)
Towering Pair- Part 1
For a moment, you consider bringing the spear you got from your dream to the battlefield. While you haven't had that much chance to adjust to actually using it in battle, at least you wouldn't have to worry about it shifting into something useless.

On the other hand, you have yet to think up a good explanation for how you somehow acquired another weapon, and this probably isn't a good way to get into the sort of things that happen in your dreams. And so, after much consideration, you pick up the piece of solidified void, wondering just why neither of your spears are objects that you can prove to be real.

Ikutsuki is normally informed of your affairs involving Shadows, but he hasn't come back since his visit after Akihiko-san recorded that one security tape. It's not really a loss. You aren't really sure what he can give, actually, when you still aren't certain he knows that Morgana exists. Let alone what he'd be willing to give.
It probably shouldn't be so easy to think of him as an enemy. He hid the fact so much better last time.
Morgana is coming along this time. You suppose he can't just stay on the sidelines forever. And you haven't really gotten the chance to see Zorro properly before.

As for Elizabeth, she stands near the door, flipping through the pages of her old book. It sort of reminds you of Akira, and how he always has a book about a certain thief on hand. Except, just by looking at it, you sense that this book is something much more important than some adventure story.

"I will do my best to assist if things get out of hand," She promises, quietly, adjusting the pin in her hair. "But I will not endeavor to do more than that."

"Really?" You aren't sure Morgana believes her.

"While I am on a Journey of my own, that is not sufficient reason to meddle unnecessarily in the Journeys of others. The Attendants of the Velvet Room may not interfere too closely with the choices of the Guests. I may have left those constraints, but a Fool's Journey is sacrosanct." The cat looks at her with eyes that appear determined to pick apart everything she says, but he doesn't continue the conversation.

"By that logic, we should have made Makoto-kun the leader," Yukari-san points out. "I mean, I guess we could still do that..."
Because, you know, it's clearly impossible for a Wild Card to be crushed under responsibility. ...Actually, that would explain a lot.
"...Let's not." You don't actually know if Mitsuru-san bothered considering it or not. "Yuki doesn't need to make his schedule any busier, and you are doing a more than satisfactory job as it is."

For some reason, Yukari-san spends the next several moments wordlessly opening and closing her mouth. This does not hinder your ability to get out the door in a timely manner, but it's still something you take note of.

You aren't exactly within sight of Gekkoukan when the Dark Hour hits, but Tartarus is something that can be seen from across the bay, or basically anywhere in Iwatodai with a view of the sky in that direction. Possibly farther, depending on what the weather's like.
We are on the tail-end of a ten-year dry spell, minus the occasional storm. Since when have you ever had to worry about clouds?
It's sort of glowing. This isn't a new observation, but it's a bit more obvious tonight than it usually is. Maybe because of the size of the moon?

Yamagishi-san summons her Persona the instant that the Dark Hour hits and she no longer has to worry about some random person seeing her and freaking out. "There's two Shadows- big ones- coming out of Tartarus? Or... wait... they were below Tartarus."
...There were Arcana Shadows hiding out in Monad!? No wonder it's like that!
"...Does the school have a secret basement or something?" Junpei-san asks. Mitsuru-san shakes her head.

"Not since the explosion a decade ago." ...Okay, then. You'll have to sort through the implications of that later.

"...Wait, what!? I was joking!"

"Grandfather never did seem to understand the concept of workplace safety. Or ethics. Or human rights violations. That's why the robotics department was shut down." Since when was there a robotics department?
I'm more wondering how it lasted long enough to create Aigis-san.
"...Because it wasn't safe?" Yukari-san suggests, hesitantly, more apprehension in her voice than you could have ever expected.

"Because of human rights violations." You make a mental note never to accept an offer to explore the Kirijo Group's laboratories. Something tells you you wouldn't return. "Of course, then they moved on to human testing..."
...Mitsuru-san? Are you okay?
Before Mitsuru-san can continue giving you all a lesson on her family's company's sordid history, a pair of Shadows come into sight, moving toward you as if they'd known you'd come to them and have a significant grudge against one of your members. One of them is round and feminine in appearance, the other tall and thin, with long arms that nearly reach the ground.

You suppose that means this conversation's over.

Ken's HP: 150/150
Ken's SP: 225/225
Nihil Spear power: 42
Nihil Spear accuracy: 59

[ ] Attack the round one
-[ ] With the Nihil Spear.
-[ ] With a Card Scalpel.
-[ ] With Bless magic.
-[ ] With Lightning magic.

[ ] Attack the tall one
-[ ] With the Nihil Spear.
-[ ] With a Card Scalpel.
-[ ] With Bless magic.
-[ ] With Lightning magic.

[ ] Stick to supporting for now.
Oh dear, this pair. I think this was the Full Moon operation where I got BS one shorted by the Emperor from max health. Now, if I remember correctly, the Empress, which is the fat Turkey one, is weak to all Physical damage, and the Emperor, the tall lanky one, is weak to all Magical damage.
I'd say that we leave the Physical damage to some of our more Capable teammates, and use Magic on the Emperor.

[X] Attack the tall one
-[X] With Lightning magic.

I'm not too sure about Bless working here, though I suspect that it may be neutral, unlike the Priestess before who was resistant. Still though, why experiment when we could use Old reliable?
. Now, if I remember correctly, the Empress, which is the fat Turkey one, is weak to all Physical damage, and the Emperor, the tall lanky one, is weak to all Magical damage.
I'd say that we leave the Physical damage to some of our more Capable teammates, and use Magic on the Emperor
You're forgetting that they can also shift their weaknesses on account of this being the debut boss of Fuuka.
[x] Attack the tall one
-[x] With Lightning magic.

He is right, but they can also change their weaknesses with Paradigm Change. But that is what Fuuka is for.
[X] Attack the tall one
-[x] With Bless magic.

Pretty sure we are better with bless than with eletric, at least tematically.
Okay, today I'm going to present an unofficial trivia quiz, because why not. Unlike last time, I'm going to stick to things that actually have answers you can find. It just may take a bit of effort.

  1. At what point was it first hinted that Shinjiro would gain the ability to summon Castor freely?
  2. Makoto Yuki, Shinjiro Aragaki, Goro Akechi, and Ken 'Nemi' Amada have all done the same impossible thing. What was it?
  3. How was the shape of Ken's Persona originally determined, and why?
  4. How many Persona Users has Ken managed to unsettle?
  5. Where did Elizabeth acquire her current Personas?
  6. What did Nemi do that eventually led to Akihiko learning about the time travel?
  7. When was it first hinted that Elizabeth would eventually show up?
  8. How many Persona Users currently live in Iwatodai?
  9. What's the longest amount of time Makoto Yuki was able to stay with any one relative?
  10. What is the name of Lavenza's currently-favored Persona?
What did Nemi do that eventually led to Akihiko learning about the time travel?
Pretty sure that was in one of the motivational speeches where we talked about the sister who died a long time ago.

As for blessing atack, i am voting for it more for roleplay reasons in order to increase the chance of getting a different awakening persona, or to at least change some of the elemental affinities, since we have been using heal a lot, then going into eletric and almost never bless, but bless is one element i would like to use a lot in order to perhaps unlock an ultimate bless magic in holy spear style.
Honestly I'd argue that the first hint is Lavenza complaining that the last person with the time travel thingies was Elizabeth. There may be other hints but Elizabeth and time travel when the MC is time travelling is the type of thing that pops back up.
More or less, though, of course, her being in the same timeline as Ken wasn't set in stone at that point. (Tagging along with FeMC to PQ2 would have been weird.)
Does 'All of them' count as a correct answer?
No, it does not. Among other things, Ken has yet to unsettle Koromaru.
Pretty sure that was in one of the motivational speeches where we talked about the sister who died a long time ago.
Yep. More specifically, he brought her up to Shinji, who very definitely never talked to anyone about her, and Shinji then went to Aki, who also doesn't really talk to anyone about her, and there's no one else who would have said a thing to Ken, so... Ken still doesn't really know the full story, other than that it's something he doesn't really need to know about, and that's probably for the best, really.
All right, on to attacking.

-Vote Closed!-

Every element currently available to SEES is part of your opponents' rotation. Psy and Nuclear are presumably on there as well as water, earth, etc., it's just never going to be relevant because they're not going to show up here. None of the adult Persona Users live in this part of the city.
Towering Pair- Part 2
This is the first time you've seen Shadows this large.

Shadow Morgana is the closest you can really remember, and even he only came up to the Empress' chest. The Emperor- and you can see their masks now, they're closing the distance- is even larger than that, if apparently prone to stumbling over his own legs, which are far too thin to be practical.
They're Shadows. Symbolism trumps practicality every time.
Yamagishi-san, hidden away in the confines of Lucia, is probably safe. The bubble she rests in appears more solid than a Persona normally would be.

Everyone else... well, everyone else is preparing for battle as well as they can when they don't have any information on the Shadows yet except that they are very big, very strong, and clearly have it out for you. Or at least one of you, but you can't imagine they can really tell humans apart from the distance at which they noticed you.

You're not going to let them land the first strike.

You summon your Persona as quickly as you can, picking out a target with your eyes. You can't see any weak points directly, but you can recognize some pretty likely places.

The tall one's legs, for example. While you're aware that Shadows don't necessarily have to obey many laws of physics, gravity's one of those ones that they tend to at least pay lip service to, and the ones that outright defy it tend to be recognizable, as they go about simply floating everywhere. Not exactly difficult to notice.

If this Shadow is walking along the ground... then it must be tied to it. And that's a connection you can easily take advantage of. You consider Cruel Attack, but... if it's not injured, Kouha would probably work better.

...Actually, Kouha would probably work better either way, you're far more confident about your skill with magic than anything you can do that relies on physical strength, and... you're overthinking this again. You throw the spell.

You are then greeted with the amusing sight of an incredibly powerful Shadow tripping over its own arms. Amazing. You have no idea how that just happened, but something tells you you're never going to see that again without the assistance of more time travel.

And you really don't want to deal with more time travel. Once was enough. Not that you have to worry about that. After all, what are the odds that you'll end up breaking time or something?

A powerful blast of wind hits you from ahead. Right, the other Shadow. Morgana changes into his more cartoonish form and starts throwing pellets at it with his slingshot. You still have no idea why it was approved for him to get a slingshot, but you guess it's doing something.

"Okay, I've got it!" Fuuka-san informs all of you. "The Emperor is weak to all magic, but he can't be hurt by physical attacks. And the Empress is the opposite- don't use magic on her. There's some other things they can do, as well, but I'm not sure what they are."

You can already hear Akihiko-san working out in his mind whether or not he and Caesar can do two separate things. You assume that, whatever the answer is, he's going to punch a Shadow. He's predictable like that.

There's also probably going to be lightning involved whether it does anything or not, but you assume Makoto-san and Yukari-san know this already and are taking precautions.

Still, as long as they know what they're doing, it's not your problem.

[ ] Keep doing what you've been doing.

[ ] Stab a Shadow.

[ ] Maybe there should be someone on support? Everyone else seems pretty excited to attack things...