[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
ive seen all of 5min of the show so i have no idea whats coming but mermaid didn't leave much of an impression and Fairy was nice but didn't catch my attention as much.

cant decide on the dream though.
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."

I like dreams more than I like memes.

...Though I will not complain if we do get Phantom Lord. Agh, decisions.
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
Nah more like we get corrupted by the filth of Phantom Lord's hatred, consider the environment we will be staying in over time.

Honesty our mindset might get twisted by the time we meet fairy tail.
from what we saw there isn't that much hatred in the air yet.

If we manage to establish good relationships with the master and the other future s-ranks (element 4+ Gajeel) we can probably prevent that whole hate conflict.

Really, the way Phantom Lord acted was not just evil, but downright moronic.

No matter if they won or lost, they would have certainly been all arrested or, if they escaped, they would have become a dark guild. How is that compatible with "being recognized as the strongest guild"?

Also, objectively, if Laxus and/or Gildarts had been present they wouldn't have had a chance. Phantom Lord's s-ranks were a joke when you compare them to Fairy Tail's ones.

I mean, EVEN if the master was fine with becoming a dark guild, i can't imagine most of the mages in it would have been ok with it. Phantom Lord should have lost a lot of member right when the attack was decided!
Adhoc vote count started by Pittauro on Jan 28, 2020 at 7:14 PM, finished with 75 posts and 68 votes.
from what we saw there isn't that much hatred in the air yet.

If we manage to establish good relationships with the master and the other future s-ranks (element 4+ Gajeel) we can probably prevent that whole hate conflict.

Really, the way Phantom Lord acted was not just evil, but downright moronic.

No matter if they won or lost, they would have certainly been all arrested or, if they escaped, they would have become a dark guild. How is that compatible with "being recognized as the strongest guild"?

Also, objectively, if Laxus and/or Gildarts had been present they wouldn't have had a chance. Phantom Lord's s-ranks were a joke when you compare them to Fairy Tail's ones.

I mean, EVEN if the master was fine with becoming a dark guild, i can't imagine most of the mages in it would have been ok with it. Phantom Lord should have lost a lot of member right when the attack was decided!
Guess we will see, hope we don't get too bogged down Phantom Lord and that we give options to leave years earlier than the time they will attack Fairy Tail.
[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
The dream was an easy choice. For the guild, it was either Fairy Tail or Phantom Lord. I felt the latter would be more interesting and unique.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Ave Anathema on Jan 28, 2020 at 9:47 PM, finished with 80 posts and 70 votes.
[X][Tail] "...Want to reach the end of my path. Wherever that may be."

[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
Ooohh!! Fairy Tail's modus operandi fits really well with the answer we gave guild master Anna a few chapters back!! What was it we'd decided on? [X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."

^^^^ that fits Fairy Tail's schtick so well! I was really leaning towards Phantom Lord, because I'm super interested in seeing it explored, especially the FT vs PL conflict later on, but now I'm torn!

I think both guilds would give us closure for our past, in different ways. Fairy Tail would do the whole 'confront it, it doesn't define you, move towards the brighter future thing' and I feel like Phantom Lord would be all 'confront it, it can't control you, it's part of you but isn't you' thing. Hmmmm.

I think that Agnes seemingly running away from whatever happened in her past is super interesting, as she's been established as stubborn and willful: waiting out government officials, unhesitatingly stepping in between criminals, standing up to intimidating guildmasters, and so on. Whatever happened in her past must have shaken her whole world, for her to avoid even thinking about it. Whichever guild we choose will probably have a big hand in how her past coming to light plays out,,, hhhhhh

OOF. And I forgot!! I was just about to say FT but! Totomaru! Can we really just leave him? I liked him a lot! Dang, this is difficult.

Hrgh. I'm gonna go with

[x][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."

t's just really appealing to me how well her previous response fits with the guild's way of life!

As for the other choice... I don't know. For some reason, none of them really stand out to me as more Agnes than the other? I feel like she's sorta lost right now, without clear goals beyond progressing her magic, as well as running from her past, which is another reason I chose Fairy Tail. I feel like they'd help her find a sense of purpose? As demonstrated by Makarov asking what her goal is. As for the goal itself... maybe?

[x][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."

I think I like this choice the best, because it alludes to our past while also giving us some sort of purpose, which matches up with what we said to Anna. Even if the goal is super lofty, that's also kind of the point? Especially with what Makarov was saying.

Very nice chapter!!!
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Hrgh. I'm gonna go with [x][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail." it's just really appealing to me how well her previous response fits with the guild's way of life!


Hey, just letting you know that your vote options need to be on a separate line for the tally to pick them up.
Inserted tally

Anyways here's a tally by line which makes more sense in this vote in my opinion than the other we got.
Adhoc vote count started by exerty on Jan 29, 2020 at 8:20 AM, finished with 88 posts and 74 votes.
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."

Sorry, I'm not feeling Phantom has much... they may not be as cartoonish or evil as canon, but I like Fairy Tail more.
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