[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."
Life is the greatest game,
The World being the biggest playground,
Goals the most fullfiling type of Quests,
What is our reason to live? That's what living is for you fool.

[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."

Some slay Monsters, others conquer their Fears and some even drown their Demons.
We? We clean all three at the same time as a part-time job.

Friendship Magic is overrated.
[Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."
[Phantom] ...A monster of ash and dust, its hands stained crimson, eyes of pale gold glowing softly in the dark.

These are the answers we've given so far. So I'm going to go through the options and pick the one I feel most appropriate given how we've already built Agnes up thus far.

[][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
This answer, this dream, I can see simply due to the fact that Agnes's choice of cleaning magic initially can be said to stem from her Phantom, and that her beliefs have been shaped through the good times and bad since then learning and expanding on her knowledge of that magic. She wants the world to be safe and good and clean, because she was scarred by a time when it was none of those things. When it was dangerous and bad and stained in blood. It's a pure dream, an ideal, and it is beautiful and tragic for those reasons. A solid choice.

[][Tail] "...Want everything to be happy. Like before."
This, this is the voice of a young girl who has lost everything that made her childhood good, has lost that innocence of youth, and it fits well with the Phantom. But it doesn't match up so well with her Regret choice, her statement of following her path for what she believes in regardless of strength. It's a desire, not a goal, at least that's how it feels to me.

[][Tail] "...Want to prove that my magic isn't weak."
While this could work, I feel it isn't Agnes. It also, as with the above, doesn't quite match up with the Regret answer. It's about strength, and Agnes has already stated she cares more for her beliefs than strength.

[][Tail] "...Want to reach the end of my path. Wherever that may be."
This is a good one on the surface, but it is very vague. What path is she talking about? Cleaning Magic? Personal growth? Life? Her wandering after leaving her home country? There's no clear goal here, and no way to really say how it fits with the other two answers.

[][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."
This, this works with both in a very sad way. It states that Agnes doesn't have a reason to live right now. That even her pursuit of Cleaning Magic isn't a reason to live. That her Phantom haunts her this deeply. Agnes is just going through the motions, not truly living, but unwilling to just lay down and die for reasons she maybe can't understand. So she pursues her beliefs, hoping they'll give her something to hold onto, having already gained the wisdom to know that strength will not help her here. This one is more about personal, emotional growth. It would fit best with Phantom Lord, I think, as as a match between guild and dream.

[][Tail] "...Want to make people's days brighter, wherever I go!"
This is my write in option. I'm not...too sure of it, in comparison to Reason to Live and Good, Safe, Clean...but it's a goal that's both lifelong, achievable, and difficult. It involves both becoming better at magic and at social - Agnes wants to leave smiles in her wake wherever she goes. I feel like this is a beautiful goal, one that would help her battle her Phantom, and suit her beliefs. However this could simply be seen as another version of Good, Safe, Clean - it's simply that this option prioritizes happiness, which does not necessarily fall under the other option. Bit pedantic of me, I suppose, but I felt the need to put it out there.

[][Guild] "...I want to join Mermaid Heel."
This is, I feel, a limiting and yet freeing option. There isn't much mandatory interaction with the canon plot until several years down the line but we are free to pursue what we want to when we want to without worrying about that until then.

[][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
This would be fascinating to explore. To see the man Jose was before he lost to his Phantom, and perhaps maybe even prevent the war with Fairy Tail entirely. But beyond that I'm not sure what this really offers that the other two options don't, other than perhaps combining a lot of what Mermaid Heel offers in terms of initial freedom with the option to join Fairy Tail down the road if the war happens.

[][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
The hype choice. We dive headfirst into the plot and fight to contribute and make positive change. Possibly the one that leads to the fastest combat growth, but also would run the risk of Agnes being ironically mess-making for a Cleaning Magic user. Or she becomes the golden child for having magic that doesn't cause destruction everywhere she goes. Lots of faces we already know, things to stick our noses into, and weird shit to fight.

[][Guild] "...I want to see a few more places before choosing."
Putting it off. Seeing other options, developing Agnes further with more Guild Master Questions, establishing her base character more firmly.

Gah, it's tough to choose. But I'm going to go with:

[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."

My second choice would be Reason to Live paired with Phantom Lord.
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
[x][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."

That was the easier choice. But this other one is a bit problematic. Mainly because the guild I was most interested in is no longer an option (That being Quatro Cerberus. The mention of them dealing with magical equipment was interesting to me) as most people seem to have made up their minds.

So, Fairy Tail and Phantom Lord. I really liked the dynamic we got going in the latter, but I like the former's theme more. Might have helped if we had talked to a member of Fairy Tail first and not just gone straight to the Guild Master. In fact, that was probably a problem with Mermaid Heel too. Phantom Lord is the only one where we inserted ourself into the common members role. And that weighs heavy.

Going tentatively with Fairy Tail as I'd rather pursue the dream than conquer the fear.

[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."

[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail
[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."

Had some stuff written up, but then i accidentally restarted my browser and lost it all! So, uh, to paraphrase: Mermaid heel cool, whine whine, Grandma Terrifying, Phantom Lord + Reason to live good for hurt/comfort.
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."

At least right now, I don't feel that Fairy Tail is a good fit. And of the other two Phantom Lord has shown a more interesting set of interactions. The whole room got in on the joke of their Master being some terrifying figure... who was basically an old man out fishing on a lake.
As for the Tail, it feels more poignant of a note to leave on. Makarov sees a sweet kid who looks on the Guild's pronouncement with awe. Who then proceeds to show somewhat of a melancholic maturity before walking out. A child who he may see as the age to begin chasing a Dream, to instead be looking for a reason to simply not lay down and die.
Looking back at the previous scenes, Agnes has twice now faced the terror brought by the power of Guild masters and didn't truly even freeze up. She was still moving even when the phantoms of her past were sitting in her mind's eye.
[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."
[X][Tail] "...Want to reach the end of my path. Wherever that may be."
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."
[X][Tail] "...Want the world to be safe and good and clean. For everyone."

[X][Guild] "...I want to join Fairy Tail."

I'm fine with all the guilds, but I prefer Fairy Tail to Phantom Lord because we really seem more like a "pursue dream" character than a "overcome fear" character.
Wouldn't have thought that the concept of doing something without the potential of actually achieving the goal would be so weird for her.
I'm glad someone actually caught that! That was specifically put because, no matter what experiences she has gone through, Agnes still is a child. So being hypocritical/wish-washy on things is a given, she still is trying to figure out her ideals and beliefs.
I'm glad someone actually caught that! That was specifically put because, no matter what experiences she has gone through, Agnes still is a child. So being hypocritical/wish-washy on things is a given, she still is trying to figure out her ideals and beliefs.
Eeeeeh, I'm afraid this is a bit of realism that doesn't really aid the narrative. The whole point of this arc was setting up our motivation, goal and difficulty (although not in that order).
All it really achieves is to undercut the characterisation and ideal that questors voted for.
Eeeeeh, I'm afraid this is a bit of realism that doesn't really aid the narrative. The whole point of this arc was setting up our motivation, goal and difficulty (although not in that order).
All it really achieves is to undercut the characterisation and ideal that questors voted for.
I can not put into words the exact reasons at the moment, but I disagree with this. It fits perfectly fine in my opinion.
[X][Guild] "...I want to join Phantom Lord."

[X][Tail] "...Want to find a reason to live. To stay living."