We did not, in fact, sneak up on her and start laying the psychological beatdown unprovoked. We didn't even, as you implied, just start breaking her when she was already down. We started the psychological beatdown when she was still trying her best to kill us, and for the most part stopped after she was down.
Spears of light surrounded you before you circles yourself with shields. They pierced your defenses but they never reached you. You simply looked at her with the same glassy eyes.
I'd say that at least right about here the battle was pretty decidedly over, after we no sold her strongest attacks with our barriers.
She looked up before you struck her across the face with your pistol. Olga fell down on the ground before you stepped on her stomach.
"You must have had many chances. But you made all the wrong decisions. You are alone. Unloved, unwanted, undesired, a failure, a disappointment..." You continued as she looked up at you with tears in her eyes, "You are a waste of skin. Pathetic. It is all your fault."
You pressed your gun to her forehead and rested your finger on the trigger. Olga parted her lips as she could only look at you.
"Fa... Father... Forgive me. Father..." She gasped as her eyes turned unfocused.
"No. There would be no forgiveness," you replied as you looked down on her, "Not from your family, not from your father, not from the people you have killed. There will be nothing."
"Stop... Please..." Olga whimpered as her influenced over the artificial constellations faded and her hold on the spell disappeared, "Please..."
The heavy weight on your body slowly disappeared as you kept your gun aimed for the girl's head. Time to put her out of her miser-
But even the most generous interpretations show we absolutely kept torturing her once she was no threat.
I'm not advocating torturing someone when they've been defeated, or even killing them after they've been defeated
Well thats weird cause this
Considering she was doing her utmost to murder us when we were doing this, yes it was the right thing to do; I'd take breaking her psychologically over her murdering us any day. Heck, we didn't even kill her when we could have (still think we should have).
says otherwise so I'm not really-
(by the way, since Olga was still supporting Assassin, I consider Olga to have not been defeated; she could have told Assassin to stand down but she didn't)
-oh so I guess we're doing
that type of thing. Look, you're arguing that during battle it's perfectly fine to torture someone in a fight for their life. I'm arguing that there
is no situation where that is acceptable, or that at the very least, Olga has certainly not done something that this is the proportional response to.
It's fair game. Also, what Medb is doing is, in fact, not as serious as the varying degrees of mass murder many of the other masters are practicing.
I mean first off, you keep using the phrase "mass murder" but I'd be surprised if the victims even numbered in the double digits; Olga purposfully made it seem like Assassin needed more prana so as to lure Masters into her bounded field trap under the assumption she was weak. Given that we went after her specifically because the murders were noted by Ruler, and that after our first fight no more mentions were made from Ruler, it's unlikely that she continued so as to maintain a low profile.
Secondly, Medb's
direct victims number in the dozens, if not triple figures. We're absoultly in the hundreds if we caculate people indirectly effected, and that's assuming our mind whammy on the police doesn't effect them in a negative manner in regards to their job. You say that it's "not as serious" but at what point does the sheer quantity of her actions outweigh the supposedly much worse murders? Are the people who lose their jobs or their relationships not worth even a tenth of a murder victims? What about the people whose lives spiral and end up homeless or just ending it all because of Medb's Charm?
Are people saying that doing horrible things doesn't matter because everyone (except Shirou and to a degree us) is doing horrible things? That such things can be forgiven because everyone is doing them? That really bothers me.
Nobodies saying that. We're saying that it's throwing stones in a glass house. Brie has been characterized as not wanting to kill and showing a bit of a conscience in comparison to some other Magus, but primarily she cares about herself and her friends, and doesn't care to look too closely at the widespread effects her and her friends actions might have, either legally or morally.
Pre -emptive edit cause my ass is sloooow
You're kinda getting it, but missing some of the forest for the trees. This line:
This is what it revolves around. If you do something bad, you really shouldn't try to present yourself as doing something good. The idea is nobody does anything bad. So presenting a lesser evil as being better, period, is like going for the 'I'm not racist but' introduction. It's not just missing some critical nuance, it's taking a giant step in the wrong direction. So in making an argument about how to handle Assassin, it's vitally essential to nail that clear division between 'I am a good person' and 'I am a better person'. And you've kinda been missing that.
We're not a good person. We're not free of sin, no matter what side of the Olga argument one takes. The saying we have shit taste for falling in love with Medb isn't just bullying our girlfriend. It's turning a dark admission of ourselves into a punchline. That's a fact which can't be overlooked at any phase of the discussion.
^This, so much this. I'll also admit that the whole
If people are voting to visit Assassin and Olga to apologize, they shouldn't bother. They don't deserve an apology. Committing mass murder of innocents kind of destroys any moral ground they may have had.
style messages are what is really bothering me though. Trying to present your preferred vote as the morally superior platform bugs me because A.) Brie is (barely) a "good guy" but not really a "good person". As well as B.) to me at least it comes across as trying to guilt people into voting for your option which is a sore spot for me. The other stuff I'd just shrug and write as difference of opinions but that type of stuff tends to set me off when I'm better off just taking a step back.
Eh, fair enough. I'll do that.
one of these days I'll post in a timely manner.
that day is not today.