[X] this is the magic I chose. If people think it's weak, then I just need to make it strong. I'll prove the whole world wrong if I have to. It's as simple as that.

It feels like a dodge of the question, but is also too shonen for me to pass up.
All these shonen answers, but which one to choose? Hmmmmm

Agnes' thing is being stubborn, but a lot of those answers appeal to that. Speaking of, look at that roll! Agnes' good rolls are a nice change from Honda's bad luck lol. That poor guy haha.

I think I'll go with [X][Regret] this is the magic I chose. If people think it's weak, then I just need to make it strong. I'll prove the whole world wrong if I have to. It's as simple as that.

Magic is part of the soul and it only needs a strong soul to be strong and such and such. This answer doesn't really have a defined goal but 'Wizard Saint' seems a tad limiting to commit to right now.
[X][Regret] this is the magic I chose. If people think it's weak, then I just need to make it strong. I'll prove the whole world wrong if I have to. It's as simple as that.
[X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."

It was… a fascinating read to say the least. Certainly more interesting than the previous article. But that wasn't because of the full-body modeling foldouts! No sirree! It was just that the writing style of the article was much better! That was it!

Vice: Thirst :V
[X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."
I don't really like the (currently) winning option, but oh well..
Adhoc vote count started by Pittauro on Jan 5, 2020 at 4:46 PM, finished with 46 posts and 33 votes.

  • [X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."
    [X][Regret] this is the magic I chose. If people think it's weak, then I just need to make it strong. I'll prove the whole world wrong if I have to. It's as simple as that.
    [X][Regret] "I don't care about any of that. This is the path I chose and this is the path I'll follow. From now until the end."
    [x][Regret] "Just because something is impossible, doesn't make it any less worth chasing."
    [X][Regret] Magic comes from your soul. If your soul is a weak one, then it doesn't matter what type of magic you wield, it would never be 'strong enough'. On another hand if Cleaning magic perceived as weak it just meant that I need to make it strong. I choose Cleaning magic because i think it awesome, becoming one of Wizard Saints should be a good way for showing it to everyone, don't you think so?
    [X][Regret] Magic comes from your soul. If your soul is weak then it doesn't matter what type of magic you wield, it never would be 'strong enough'. On another hand if Cleaning magic perceived as weak it just mean that I need to make it strong. Becoming one of Wizard Saints would be a good start for it, don't you think.
    [X] [Regret] Nuh uh! Cleaning magic is great. You said that people copying people who were already strong were on a good path, but thats just cause they're copying someone whose already walked it. One day when I'm famous you're going to have to tell everyone what a great path it is, and you'll feel really silly that you thought it was poor just because no had done it yet.
    [X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me. Just because something is impossible, doesn't make it any less worth chasing"
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[X][Regret] "I don't care about any of that. This is the path I chose and this is the path I'll follow. From now until the end."
[X][Regret] this is the magic I chose. If people think it's weak, then I just need to make it strong. I'll prove the whole world wrong if I have to. It's as simple as that.
Listen, fellas. We can't avoid it, but we have something.

We get to define our dark history.

Starting at an age like this, we can put Agnes through all the amusing phases we want! Goth! Camping! Boy bands! Cleaning slam poetry! Think of the possibilities!
You know if it bothers you, you could just explain why you think it shouldn't be picked. Might sway some people.
I think it gives the wrong message.

"I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."

To me it makes it sound like we don't care at all about becoming strong, while in my mind Agnes CARES about becoming strong, but simply believes this is a viable path, or that any magic is. Viable path to strength.
To me it makes it sound like we don't care at all about becoming strong, while in my mind Agnes CARES about becoming strong, but simply believes this is a viable path, or that any magic is. Viable path to strength.
Thank you for elaborating, and that is indeed a valid reasoning. Crossed my mind too when I voted!

But, to me this answer is just "strength isn't the main goal". It doesn't shut it off, just asserts that it isn't the most important thing. Doesn't mean we won't be strong though. The difference is between "the cleaning magic witch, who is strong" and "the strong witch, who uses cleaning magic".
Thank you for elaborating, and that is indeed a valid reasoning. Crossed my mind too when I voted!

But, to me this answer is just "strength isn't the main goal". It doesn't shut it off, just asserts that it isn't the most important thing. Doesn't mean we won't be strong though. The difference is between "the cleaning magic witch, who is strong" and "the strong witch, who uses cleaning magic".
100% this. Being strong doesn't matter until you have something you need strength for.

Strength to clean the world is worthy.
Strength for its own sake just doesn't appeal.
[X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."
[X][Regret] "I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."
I think it gives the wrong message.

"I'm not doing this for strength, but for what I believe in. And that's good enough for me."

To me it makes it sound like we don't care at all about becoming strong, while in my mind Agnes CARES about becoming strong, but simply believes this is a viable path, or that any magic is. Viable path to strength.

I actually don't care about strength, I care about utility. Which is why I voted for cleaning magic. The fact that we'll become strong anyway is just a bonus.
Fair enough, and cleaning magic is certainly more versatile than, say, dragon slayer magic.

Or it will be once we develop it more.

One of my favourite magic is probably Levy's word scripts, for example. And that analysis/computer-like magic from that one blue Pegasus guy

Talking of something else, I have to say this last encounter makes this guild a lot more appealing than I thought it would be.

Also, i'll give a shot to try and develop training steps for a couple of possible new spells.

1) starting from the one given in the example

Can generate solution from hands -> Can create from feet -> Make it extra slippery -> Practice 'skating' by generating substance from feet as move -> Practice be able to remove solution left behind -> etc -> etc

I'll add the steps "practice generating the solution through shoes, so that we don't have the remove them every time" and "practice making the solution appear out of nowhere further from your body, first while making the appropriate gestures, than without them". This will also make it a good crowd control move.

2) steps for another move

-Change the composition of the "solution" from a cleaning solution for floors to something more suited to the body (body wash, shampoo...it obviously need to be less acidic, more "skin-friendly").

-Slowly add up to the volume of solution you can create and maintain control of at a time, up to at the least the content of an average bath tube "or if that's too much at least enough to cover most to all the surface of an adult body.

-Practice moving the solution telekinetically, so that it's possible to, for example, having the equivalent of a shower or a bath just with our magic everywhere. We need a way to always be clean afterall!

-Practice making the solution disappear, drying everything it made contact with.

-Experiment with the temperature, density and composition of the solution to maximize the comfort and the feeling of relaxation from the "target".

-practice changing the scent of the solution, so it can mimic various fruits/flowers/herbs. Focus on the more "relaxing" ones.

Possible uses: are we dealing with people angry/in a bad mood? We can magically relax/pamper them to make them more friendly to us.

While it's certainly weird to suddenly use our magic to clean someone, mages in fairy tail regularly do weirder things, especially in fairy tail. And if the target basically went through a spa treatment for free it will probably be in a good enough mood that it won't care about it (as long as we're good enough).

it can even be one our social tic/weirdness.

gray loses his clothes, Cana always drinks, Elfmann goes "manly!" To much, and we clean everyone who talks to us while daring to be dirty!

once it's relaxing enough it could reach the point to apply a malus to our target in battle, basically applying a negative status effect to our enemy due to them being "too relaxed to move/act effectively" kinda like that cp9 agent in one piece, Kalifa if I remember correctly.

This could end up being a good spell to capture targets alive too, and once we become strong enough we could apply it to multiple targets.

I'll probably think of something else later. There was an interesting idea for a shield mentioned by someone before, taking advantage of water's surface tension..
This could end up being a good spell to capture targets alive too, and once we become strong enough we could apply it to multiple targets.
It might be better to encapsulate someone in a bubble using a surface tension trick on a bubble instead. It would probably be more reliable to trap someone rather than using scents to ensnare. We don't want out capture fouled by someone having a cold or something.
Possible uses: are we dealing with people angry/in a bad mood? We can magically relax/pamper them to make them more friendly to us.
I do see how that could be useful, but I kind of doubt it would be.

As for one, Agnes would first have to completely soak someone while they are fully clothed and already in a bad mood.

It also feels like a lot of training for a "calm down person" spell. I am not sure I would even want such a spell for that purpose. It feels more like a luxury thing for Agnes to use on herself and friends to relax. Keep it in mind for later though, that may be a good stepping stone for something else or good for playing around once Agnes has a few more important tricks ready.
While it's certainly weird to suddenly use our magic to clean someone, mages in fairy tail regularly do weirder things, especially in fairy tail.
Oh, please remember that this is an AU and that may no longer be the case, or at least no longer of the same severity.