A Story has a beginning... a beginning that only those who look closely, through legend and history can find.
Yours begins here. In a world rife with chaos... strife... and above all else, change.
The Dragon longships cut through the waves of the sea, the rivers and the unknown.
Let your legend begin.
But first... we must know which legend we follow.
Your Legend.
What is your Name?
[]Write in
What do you look like:
[]Image here
Where do you Hail From?:
[]Write in, must be from within Europe, Western Asia or the Near Middle East.
What is your religion:
[]Write in
[]Screw that noise, let's not get into that pesky thing. (Religions will be ignored)
What is your age:
[]Write in (must be older than 15, but younger than 30)
Are you Literate (It will be in Latin The lingua Franca for Western Europe, Arabic, Norse Runes or Greek):
Can you do math? :
What is your education?:
[]Diplomacy (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]Martial (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]Stewardship (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]Intrigue (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]Learning. (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]Personal Combat. (Increases your Base Stat roll for this stat by +2)
[]I am Uneducated. (You get two extra good traits during Trait selection)
Do you have a Family:
If you have a family, who is in that family:
(Can choose up to 3)
[]It was an older man helping you up onto your feet, his hands rough, but his smile was warm. Your Father
[]It was an older woman, her eyes filled with compassion as she bandaged your arm, singing a song that simple words could not describe. Your Mother
[]It was a young boy resting on your back, his tiny breaths filling you with pride as you held him close. Your Little brother
[]It was a young girl, her smile was infectious in the way only innocence can make them. Your Little Sister
[]It was a young man, his voice carrying all over a lake… and he has stood beside you, through everything you have been through since the very beginning. And would be beside you till the very end. One of Your Best Friends.
[]It was a young woman, someone who was by your side since the very beginning, lost and filled with wonder, and a lust for gold. A friend until the end. One of Your Best Friends
AN: Enjoy, and please vote in plan format.