All right, not jumping right into the crazy stuff...

-Vote Closed!-

Still, this will probably help you maintain the ability to interact with him past spring break, versus him just running off to the library forever.
Going a Bit Too Far
"Come on, let's go talk somewhere else," You suggest. "Other people might be using the library for something."

It's not that likely, the place isn't exactly popular, but while you don't think Kyouma is as likely to run away and hide among the books as Akira, you don't know him well enough to be sure, and that isn't really saying a lot, anyway.

"You... want to keep talking to me?" He sounds pretty surprised, despite the fact that you were the one to approach him both times you've interacted so far.

You shrug. "Why not? I don't really have anything to do today." At least not that you'd ever tell someone about, and it's not like exploring the hidden library is all that urgent, anyway. It's probably been here for a while before you discovered it, it's certainly not going anywhere. "Come on, it's a nice day outside."

Kyouma doesn't really seem to believe your words about the weather, but then, he's never lived with Mitsuru-san. But he follows you outside, and it's not that cold, really, especially compared to the winter Dark Hour, when just about all traces of warmth seem to disappear. Not that you can tell him this.

"This is the first time someone's ever wanted to talk to me about this sort of thing." You aren't entirely sure if you're actually meant to hear this, or if he's just thinking out loud. "Especially someone older than me."

"Really?" Even if it can be a bit out there at times, what he says is interesting to think about, even if you'd rather it not actually be true. "Nobody?"

He shakes his head, right as a gust of wind blows his light blue hood up over his hair. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he'd planned that deliberately. "They all seem to think I'm crazy. Or that I'm making stuff up for attention, but that's never been the point of this."

"Then what is it?" You know he likes the idea of there being things everyone thinks is impossible, but odds are he's never had to actually face any of that stuff.
I mean, how many Dark Hour-aware kids could there be in this city at a time, anyway?
Of course, if he were, he'd probably be as quiet about it as you, so there's really no way to tell for sure unless you see him in the Dark Hour or something, but it's still a pretty safe bet.

"If people think something's impossible, they'll never think about it on their own. Even things that could definitely happen, they'll only consider it if they already knew about the possibility. So if I want to find new things, I can't let myself think things are impossible. That's... not too weird, right?"

You wonder if more people would be willing to hear Kyouma out if he lived in Mikage-Cho. They've already adapted to Personas, fairies, and probably all sorts of other things. Not that any information about it has managed to spread.

It's kind of strange, when you think about it. Surely someone would mention that kind of thing at some point.
At least the Dark Hour has the excuse that other people physically can't see it.
"I'm... not sure I'm someone you should be asking about that." Really, at this point, you aren't sure your definition of normal matches anyone else in the school's. "But... if you do find something, aren't you worried that nobody will believe you?"

From the look on his face, he hasn't actually considered that yet. All things considered, that sort of surprises you, even if it also makes you feel bad for bringing it up.

"Yeah, but if I have some kind of proof, they'll have to believe me. Or at least listen." You think Kyouma may care a bit more about people listening to him than he actually admits to. Just a hunch. "Say, Amada-senpai... why are you listening, anyway?"

"Because nobody really believed me, either." Why did you just say that? You can't even blame Nemi for it, you were definitely in full control of your voice right then.

"Huh? What do you mean?" The hood falls away right then, leaving his hair even messier than it was before. If that's possible. You're a bit concerned with the fact that, now you've mentioned it, odds are you're not going to get away with not elaborating, and it just wouldn't feel right to lie about this.
Don't expect me to help with this.
At least you don't have to tell him everything. That could only ever end in disaster. "Well... Something happened once, more than a year ago, and my mom died because of it. And- and nobody believed me when I told them what happened." And, thinking about it, there was probably a lot of money involved in covering it up, but that's a bit less important when it comes to the point you want to get across.

Actually, you could probably leave it here. While Kyouma still looks curious, he seems to be at least tactful enough not to ask you to continue. Which is good, even if you're sort of worried about just what might be going on in his head right now.

...Oh, well. It can't be any more concerning than your own.
I feel like I should be taking offense to that.
Still, you leave soon after just to make sure his curiosity doesn't overcome his ability to keep his mouth shut. Even if this means he'll probably come up with wild theories until you have to actually tell him the truth.

For obvious reasons, you really hope that day doesn't come.

Still, no matter how awkwardly it may have ended, spending time with Kyouma has, once again, made you feel like you should be doing something more important than poking around a section of your school that doesn't even officially exist.

Not that you should have needed that. Lavenza has also been talking about how there's going to be something important this year, and of course there's that whole mystery with Makoto-san to maybe figure out one day, hopefully before it becomes important.

But right now, you'll stick with the things that are a bit more immediately relevant. You'll just have to handle it one thing at a time.

[ ] It may be time to tell your older friends about Chidori-san...

[ ] It comes to mind that you could probably do with asking Takeba-san how she's handling the whole 'leadership' thing. (+Empathy)

[ ] Lavenza's not going to be available as often soon. This is probably your last chance for a while to try introducing her to Morgana again. (+Courage)

[ ] It's not really a pressing matter, but you're sort of wondering how Mitsuru-san realized Channeling was a thing.

[ ] If you tell Shinjiro-san about the other library, you're pretty sure he's the one least likely to try and stop you from exploring it. And you should probably let someone know where you are in case you go missing there one day.

[ ] You're honestly fine without knowing, but just how did Akihiko-san meet Mitsuru-san, anyway?
[X] It comes to mind that you could probably do with asking Takeba-san how she's handling the whole 'leadership' thing. (+Empathy)
[X] Lavenza's not going to be available as often soon. This is probably your last chance for a while to try introducing her to Morgana again. (+Courage)
[X] If you tell Shinjiro-san about the other library, you're pretty sure he's the one least likely to try and stop you from exploring it. And you should probably let someone know where you are in case you go missing there one day.

Shinjiro or Chidori. Those are the two big important things.
[X] Lavenza's not going to be available as often soon. This is probably your last chance for a while to try introducing her to Morgana again. (+Courage)

Granted, this could end in fire, but if we don't do it now we'll probably have to wait a long time.
[X] Lavenza's not going to be available as often soon. This is probably your last chance for a while to try introducing her to Morgana again. (+Courage)
[x] It comes to mind that you could probably do with asking Takeba-san how she's handling the whole 'leadership' thing. (+Empathy)
[X] Lavenza's not going to be available as often soon. This is probably your last chance for a while to try introducing her to Morgana again. (+Courage)
[X] If you tell Shinjiro-san about the other library, you're pretty sure he's the one least likely to try and stop you from exploring it. And you should probably let someone know where you are in case you go missing there one day.
[X] Lavenza's not going to be available as often soon. This is probably your last chance for a while to try introducing her to Morgana again. (+Courage)
[X] If you tell Shinjiro-san about the other library, you're pretty sure he's the one least likely to try and stop you from exploring it. And you should probably let someone know where you are in case you go missing there one day.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Dec 30, 2019 at 2:10 PM, finished with 11 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Lavenza's not going to be available as often soon. This is probably your last chance for a while to try introducing her to Morgana again. (+Courage)
    [X] If you tell Shinjiro-san about the other library, you're pretty sure he's the one least likely to try and stop you from exploring it. And you should probably let someone know where you are in case you go missing there one day.
    [X] It comes to mind that you could probably do with asking Takeba-san how she's handling the whole 'leadership' thing. (+Empathy)
    [x] It comes to mind that you could probably do with asking Takeba-san how she's handling the whole 'leadership' thing. (+Empathy)
All right, let's see if this works out...

-Vote Closed!-

At the very least, if they end up agreeing to it, it can't be as disastrous as the last attempt.
Back On Track
You are aware of the myriad ways this could go wrong. The others could disagree, there just might be time, it could lead to another confrontation with Morgana's Shadow...

But Lavenza, of all people, seems to know where the cat comes from. And while he doesn't seem too bothered by not knowing, you're sure he'd be happy to finally have some answers. So you push back your apprehensions and approach him anyway.

"Um, Morgana... you remember Lavenza-san, right?" You aren't sure there's a better way you could put it. You have no idea how much of his time before meeting his Shadow he's retained. You also aren't sure you've mentioned the girl from the Velvet Room by name before, but that's a secondary concern.

"Well..." He makes a great show of looking like he's thinking about something, even though you're sure he already has the answer by now. "She's... the one wearing blue, right?"

That's not exactly a specific answer. Aside from the fact that none of your other friends wear blue anyway, at least that he's met.

You're not entirely sure Kyouma counts as a friend, yet, anyway. You've only talked to him a couple times, you wouldn't be surprised if spring break went by and he completely forgot about you.

So, despite the lack of details, you decide that Morgana's answer is a good one, at least for your purposes.

"Yeah, her. I... think you should try and talk with her again." Even with how much of a disaster it was last time, learning about just what, exactly, your feline friend is can only be a good thing, right?"

"Why?" You're going to need a good response to this, clearly. Actually, you might as well go straight for the big thing, if you're not sure anything else can convince him.

"She thinks she might know what you are." It's a bit more complicated than that, but this is the bit that matters, right? "I know it's not the most important thing, but she won't be around as often soon, so we might not get another chance for a while." You're not going to specify time. He's waited at least one year to learn where he comes from, what's one more?

But you can see you've managed to get his interest, now, blue eyes gleaming despite the lack of any obvious light source for them to reflect. He doesn't even have a Bless affinity!
This is where you start questioning things?
"Really?" And then, as though noticing his own excitement, he reels it back in. "I mean... how can you be sure?"

"Well, she never said it outright, and I don't think she knows as much about this kind of thing as her family, but she's the best we're ever going to get. I mean, we could ask her siblings, but they scare me." Because you're not sure, but you think the one with the most free time might be Elizabeth-san, and that's not something you're really willing to risk.

You see the cat considering it, and decide to leave him be for a bit. It's a pretty big decision to make, after all.

Talking to Lavenza is a bit simpler, and she gives you a list of times that she'll be available through the next month, after which she will fully dedicate herself to preparing the Velvet Room for a new Guest, and then staying in the background of their Journey. It's nice to have an actual schedule for these things, even if it means she won't be around as often.

It's... actually kind of sad, given just how helpful she's been to you. But she has her job, and you know you'll be busy as well, so maybe you won't even notice.

...Or maybe you will. You've gotten used to having her around...(Pick up to three)

[ ] Spend time with friends.
-[ ] Maiko and Akira.
-[ ] Kyouma.
-[ ] Akihiko-san and Shinjiro-san.
-[ ] Mitsuru-san and Koromaru.
-[ ] Takeba-san.

[ ] Practice Channeling
-[ ] Hama
-[ ] Kouha
-[ ] Cruel Attack

[ ] Focus on studying. (+Knowledge)

[ ] Explore the hidden library. (+Courage)

[ ] Morgana has agreed to meet with Lavenza. Hopefully, this will all go well...

[ ] You want more custom outfits.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Maiko and Akira.

[X] Focus on studying. (+Knowledge)

[X] Morgana has agreed to meet with Lavenza. Hopefully, this will all go well...
[x] Spend time with friends.
-[x] Maiko and Akira.

[x] Practice Channeling
-[x] Hama

[x] Morgana has agreed to meet with Lavenza. Hopefully, this will all go well...
[X] Focus on studying. (+Knowledge)

[X] Explore the hidden library. (+Courage)

[X] Morgana has agreed to meet with Lavenza. Hopefully, this will all go well...
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Maiko and Akira.

[X] Explore the hidden library. (+Courage)

[X] Morgana has agreed to meet with Lavenza. Hopefully, this will all go well...
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Maiko and Akira.

[X] Focus on studying. (+Knowledge)

[X] Morgana has agreed to meet with Lavenza. Hopefully, this will all go well...
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Maiko and Akira.

[X] Explore the hidden library. (+Courage)

[X] Morgana has agreed to meet with Lavenza. Hopefully, this will all go well...