You know, it never fails to amaze me how I can put almost anything in the spaces above the actual vote, and yet nobody comments on it if it has nothing to do with the contents of the vote itself.

Or maybe everyone's just used to the Kirijo Group being shady and Akira's family situation being terrible.
Ideally we could do something on both cases, but apperantly we are a few Social Links or Stat increases away from the solutions, so the only thing we can do is continue as normal untill we find said solutions.

Or perhaps there is something we can do now and we're misunderstanding something integrall about the quest that prevents us from seeing the solution.

Either way we were already expecting all the shadiness from cannon and you have been foreshadowing all of Akira's parents assholory from the very begginning, so it's not really a surprise.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Maiko and Akira.

[X] Practice Channeling
-[X] Dia
--[X] With Mitsuru-san and Morgana

[X] See if Lavenza wants to go anywhere.
I get that Amada is a nice guy and all, but...why, exactly, do Akria's parents not deserve a thoroughly angry Mitsuru pointed at them?
Unrelatedly, we really should tell Maiko and Akira if the world ever goes green to stay inside and come to us in the morning.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Dec 11, 2019 at 2:03 PM, finished with 19 posts and 12 votes.
All right, let's see how this goes...

-Vote Closed!-

At the very least, it doesn't take much effort to get Lavenza to do something interesting. Now, convincing her to stop, on the other hand...
December 29-31, 2008
Since Shinjiro-san started making food for him as well as yourself, you've taken to spending your lunch breaks with Akira and making sure he actually eats. He keeps promising to pay Shinjiro-san back for it, but you know for a fact that he's never had money in all the time you've known him, so you're not going to hold him to it.

You probably wouldn't have either way, given that he's your friend and all, but that's the reason you're going to give if anyone ever asks. Also the fact that, if this continues, you doubt Akira's ever going to have enough money to make up for it.

You don't tell him that, though, because odds are he's only saying it to make himself feel better.

Honestly, you're sort of worried about what's going to happen to him if this sort of thing continues over spring break, but if you're lucky you'll be able to get his address by then. Maybe. But that could just as easily end with Mitsuru-san deciding to freeze everything, and you aren't sure if it'd ever be a good time of year for that.

Explaining this all to Maiko, of course, is even more complicated than setting this whole thing up turned out to be.

"That can't be right," She says, looking more at her own food than at either of you. Given how... sad... the whole meal looks, you're half-certain that she's mostly here to see if she can't swap out a few things with you. "Are they allowed to do that?"

Akira shrugs. "Why shouldn't they be?"
You mean, besides the fact it's unhealthy?
"Because it's not nice to starve kids," You remind him. You really shouldn't have to tell him this, but the way things are with Akira have always been pretty far removed from how they should be, and this is just another reminder of that.

Maiko seems to be concerned about this. Fair enough, considering you are as well. "Shouldn't we be telling an adult about this?" Probably, but between the missing pieces of your own situation and the lack of anyone available who would both listen to you and be someone you could trust, that's not exactly going to happen anytime soon.

"Why would anyone believe us?" Akira asks. "They're adults, and I'm..." He stops before he can say anything else, and you aren't actually sure you want to hear his opinion of himself.
If it's anything like Shinjiro-san's...
"It can't hurt to try!" She insists. And, for her, it probably can't. It's just that she's the only one fortunate enough to have a living situation which is definitely legal and not at risk from being looked in on.
I mean, it should be fine if we can keep our name away from things, but... Why risk it?
You don't really have any idea how to explain this to her, but she also doesn't seem to know what adult she should go to, so you guess it ultimately doesn't matter at the moment.

It'll probably come up again eventually, but... you can deal with that when the time comes.

Can't be that much harder than facing Shadows.

Then again, given that your main preparation for fighting Shadows is practicing your healing spells, you may be understating the sort of threat they pose just a bit.

"Why is it that just about everyone here can heal, anyway?" Morgana asks, sprawled out on the couch. You've all pretty much given up on keeping him off the furniture, though Koromaru remains perfectly well behaved.

You decide to blame the other timeline's Akira for this. It's not like he's here to defend himself.

"Well, in Akihiko's case, it happened to fit with his original Persona's mythology," Mitsuru-san recounts, "Though, for the most part, it seems to be a happy coincidence. It's better for everyone to be able to handle their own injuries."

You don't disagree. Having to pull healing duty is stressful. At least with your own injuries, you know for certain that you're doing it right.
Yeah, if it's not personal, let's not mess with broken bones or anything. I'm not sure we wouldn't just make it worse.
"And then there's Shinjiro-san," You add. "Who never lets anyone heal him but Akihiko-san. And sometimes me, but..." You glance at Mitsuru-san. "Was he always like that?"

"Unfortunately..." You aren't sure if you should be relieved by that or not. On one hand, it's nice to know that not all of Shinjiro-san's issues are indirectly your fault for existing, but at the same time... "If he didn't have such a quick natural healing rate, I would have started worrying a long time ago."

"A year isn't a long time?" Mitsuru-san doesn't seem fully amused by your quip, if the snowball you have to duck under is any indication, but you honestly think it was a valid point.

A bit more irritating is how she decides to see how quickly you can heal an entire group- the answer to which turns out to be instantaneous, as you appear to have picked up a new variation of that spell at some point.

Mitsuru-san is pleased with this development. "I was wondering when you'd begin developing new abilities," She says, as if you're more a point of scientific curiosity than a teammate, at the moment. "It tends to happen on occasion, especially if you've been in combat recently."

"Really? What was the first new spell you got?"

"Marin Karin." That explains a bit. "Of course, it's not all that practical in everyday life, so I haven't had that much practice with it outside of combat, but it's still a useful spell to have."
All in favor of not being the one to tell her?
You think you're just going to take her word for it.

"We found Morgana," You declare to Lavenza the next time you meet with her. You think she might be surprised by this, but you're not sure, because whatever emotion was on her face is gone just as quickly as it appears.

"How is he?" She asks. "And, more importantly, the state of his Persona?"

"Mitsuru-san says it's stable now, but he's not as strong as he used to be. It's probably because of what happened with his Shadow..." And if you didn't have the silver-haired girl's interest before, you do now.

"His Shadow? It managed to manifest?"

"I mean, we were in Tartarus at the time, so it'd be sort of strange if it didn't." You think that's how it works, anyway. "He said it wasn't him, it got mad... and then Akihiko-san and I knocked it out with lightning, and he got his Persona back afterward. I'm... not really sure what it's called, right now." It comes to mind that you should probably ask about that at some point. Even if you doing that the first time sort of set off that particular link in the chain.

"...I suppose he wasn't an entirely lost cause after all." That might be the closest thing to praise you've ever heard Lavenza have for someone who wasn't a Guest of the Velvet Room.

You aren't going to point this out, though, because you don't want her getting mad at you. "So... is there some place you wanted to go today?" You're already here, you might as well ask.

She smiles. "I'm glad you asked. Today is the last day of the year, is it not? I would... like to see how humans observe the passage of time. Past Guests have described it, and Margaret has attended a celebration before, but I have never experienced it for myself."

You aren't sure you're the best person to be asking about this. Back when Mom was alive, she'd take you to the shrine, but you weren't able to do that last year because curfew, and now the shrine isn't even there, and you aren't actually sure if the people you live with are doing anything.

Still, Lavenza isn't the sort of person who takes no for an answer, so you're going to have to think of how you'll handle this.

[ ] Point out that she probably shouldn't be out all night, and that's probably what this would turn into.

[ ] Just let her follow you to the dorm and hope she doesn't break anything... or anyone.

[ ] Take her to where the shrine used to be, give her a basic explanation, and then bring her back.
[X] Take her to where the shrine used to be, give her a basic explanation, and then bring her back.

Probably shouldn't have her and Morgana re-meet this soon anyways, though I'm worried about this outcome...
[X] Maybe The Mall has something that goes on? Besides, it shouldn't be to much of an issue if Lavenza stays out a little late, right?

Because I just want to see the world Megidolaned or something apparently.
[x] Take her to where the shrine used to be, give her a basic explanation, and then bring her back.

"So, uh. This is were the festivities would normally be held, but it sort of got mysteriously destroyed and I don't know what's going to happen now."
[X] Maybe The Mall has something that goes on? Besides, it shouldn't be to much of an issue if Lavenza stays out a little late, right?
[X] Maybe The Mall has something that goes on? Besides, it shouldn't be to much of an issue if Lavenza stays out a little late, right?
[X] Take her to where the shrine used to be, give her a basic explanation, and then bring her back.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Dec 12, 2019 at 2:03 PM, finished with 9 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Take her to where the shrine used to be, give her a basic explanation, and then bring her back.
    [X] Maybe The Mall has something that goes on? Besides, it shouldn't be to much of an issue if Lavenza stays out a little late, right?
    [X] Just let her follow you to the dorm and hope she doesn't break anything... or anyone.
[X] Maybe The Mall has something that goes on? Besides, it shouldn't be to much of an issue if Lavenza stays out a little late, right?
All right, so a less cheerful event, then.

-Vote Closed!-

Then again, the less exposure your friends have to the Velvet Room, the safer they'll be, really. Less chance of Elizabeth.
Lavenza Outing #6: New Year's
There's a lot of different ways that people can handle the new year. Just as many that you could try and introduce Lavenza to. But the fact is that there's only one particular celebration you know anything about, and it's not happening this year for obvious reasons.

Still, she's asked you to take her somewhere, and you still think it'd be rather unhealthy to deny her, so you just gesture for her to follow you and set off.

"I'm probably not really going to do anything special this year," You admit, only giving a cursory glance to make sure she's following you. It's not like you have to worry about losing her, she's fairly conspicuous. "But I can take you where I'd normally go, and tell you what happens there?"

"That would be agreeable." You breathe a sigh of relief, hoping that she doesn't hear it, because you have no idea what you were going to do otherwise.
I'll view the night as a success so long as there are no Megidolaons.
If you're lucky, you'll even be able to get yourself home before nightfall. Because sure, you could stay up late just to prove that you can, nobody's going to stop you, but the Dark Hour makes staying up until midnight a lot less enjoyable.

Honestly, the whole idea just seems a lot less special when midnight's the time you use to climb a tower filled with Shadows.

But Lavenza wants something close to a normal human experience, so you don't think now is the time to mention that. You'll just... bring it up if it ever becomes important.

You highly doubt it will ever become important.

"What happened here?" It comes to mind that you've never actually told Lavenza about this.

You shrug, glancing out over the expanse of black. They've announced that it's going to be rebuilt eventually, but they haven't even started yet, and you think it's going to take a while. "I don't know. I mean, it's pretty obvious there was a fire of some sort, but other than that..." It's not like there's anyone you can really ask about it. "...You can see why I'm not really doing anything this year."

She nods, reaching down to trace the scorched stone with a finger. "What would you do, if the requisite facilities were still intact?"

"Well... when Mom was alive, she'd bring me here and we'd draw fortunes. She'd dress up nicely, too, but I wouldn't, because she never had the money to get me an outfit. It was... pretty nice, I guess." You remember being excited about it, at least. "I didn't really do anything last year, but that's mostly because the adults where I was staying didn't like me going out at night." There was also a bit of magic practice and trying and failing to understand the time travel, but you think that's a bit less important. And confidential.

"I see. That is... a fair bit less exciting than the impression that Margaret gave me." She seems to be disgruntled with that. You should try and fix things.

"Well, it's not the only way people celebrate, it's just... how I remember doing it." And you honestly have no idea where Margaret would have been, anyway, so it's not like you have any idea what she would have been doing. "And it's... the sort of thing you have to do yourself, I think."

"...Then perhaps I will come here next year." You don't say anything to that. If you're lucky, she'll have forgotten all about it by this time next year.
The question is, do you think we're that lucky?
Still, there's nothing for you to really do here, so you escort Lavenza back to the mall and then head home.

The first few days of the new year are... you'll call them 'interesting.' At least, in the sense that the second floor ends up completely covered in static for some reason. You know Akihiko-san's trying to make some kind of point, but you have no idea what it could be aside from the fact that it might be a good idea to stay out of it.
Or out of the building entirely. Safer that way.
As Mitsuru-san and Takeba-san are currently unable to get as far as breakfast without their hair being messed up, basically the entire dormitory has the air of an approaching storm- somewhat literally, with the cold temperatures, occasional gusts of wind, and enough ambient electricity to power the building.

You aren't entirely sure what the main cause of this is, but you're also sort of scared to ask. Maybe you'll just... avoid the others until this all settles down. Maybe. (Pick up to three.)

[ ] Spend time with friends.
-[ ] Akihiko-san.
-[ ] Mitsuru-san and Takeba-san. (+Expression)
-[ ] Shinjiro-san, Morgana, and Koromaru.
-[ ] Akira.
-[ ] Maiko and Lavenza

[ ] Practice Channeling
-[ ] Zio
--[ ] By yourself (+Diligence)
--[ ] With Akihiko-san
-[ ] Kouha
-[ ] Hama
-[ ] Cruel Attack

[ ] Study (+Knowledge)

[ ] Read about mythology. (+Empathy)

[ ] Talk to the librarian.

[ ] Explore the library. (+Courage)

[ ] You want more custom outfits.
I'm vibrating in excitement to see what happens during the game. The school year is in its final term, and Door boy will arrive in 3 months.

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Shinjiro-san, Morgana, and Koromaru.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Akira.
[X] You want more custom outfits.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Shinjiro-san, Morgana, and Koromaru.

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Akira.

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Mitsuru-san and Takeba-san. (+Expression)
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Shinjiro-san, Morgana, and Koromaru.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Akira.
[X] You want more custom outfits.