[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Akihiko-san and Koromaru. (+Empathy)

[X] Try meeting new friends at school.

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Mitsuru-san and Shinjiro-san.

We've kinda been neglecting Shinji recently, and I'm interested in seeing how he's doing, and his thoughts on recent developments.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Dec 8, 2019 at 2:02 PM, finished with 10 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Spend time with friends.
    -[x] Akihiko-san and Koromaru. (+Empathy)
    [X] Try meeting new friends at school.
    [X] Spend time with friends.
    -[X] Maiko.
    [X] Spend time with friends.
    -[X] Akira.
    [X] Spend time with friends.
    -[x] Lavenza and Narumi-san.
    [X] You'd like to read some books.
    -[x] Manga. (+Expression)
    [X] You'd like to read some books.
    -[x] Mythology. (+Knowledge)
    [X] Explore the library. (+Courage)
    [X] Spend time with friends.
    -[X] Maiko.
    -[X] Akira.
    -[X] Mitsuru-san and Shinjiro-san.
    [X] Spend time with friends.
    -[X] Takeba-san and Morgana.
    [X] Spend time with friends.
    -[X] Mitsuru-san and Shinjiro-san.
[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Akihiko-san and Koromaru. (+Empathy)

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Maiko.

[X] Spend time with friends.
-[X] Akira.
December 22-24, 2008
There are a large number of things you expect to see whenever you come home from school. For a while, you'd expect an empty dorm, or Shinjiro-san if he didn't have a club meeting that day. More recently, Takeba-san started showing up, and it took some time, but you've gotten used to it.

Koromaru you adjusted to almost immediately, and Morgana still hasn't said anything on whether he's staying here permanently or not, but you are no longer completely blindsided by his presence.

It's not all that common for Akihiko-san to be here, though. He's sitting on the couch, and Koromaru is right by him demanding headscratches, and you don't think you're imagining the fact that the shiba's fur is more than a little frizzy right now.

This probably means that Akihiko-san is stressed about something right now. It generally does.
I mean, he's the only completely dedicated lightning user I've ever met...
"Is everything all right?" You ask. Koromaru, as if sensing that you won't randomly zap him without thinking about it, runs over to greet you with a happy bark.

Akihiko-san blinks, as though he hadn't noticed you opening the door. "Oh, hey, Ken."

"You haven't answered my question." You've gotten a feel for how this sort of thing goes. He'll avoid the topic, and it's your job to convince him that he really should talk about it. It hasn't been happening as often these days, but still enough for you to know exactly what to do. "Is something the matter?"

"Don't worry about it." That's still not an actual answer. "I've just... got a lot to think about right now." Suddenly, a thought comes to mind that you've entertained before, but never actually gotten the nerve to bring up to him.
We will never get a better opportunity to ask this.
Still... It's Akihiko-san. It shouldn't be a problem. "Is it Mitsuru-san?"

He freezes. Almost literally, which is sort of concerning when the heat's working and Mitsuru-san herself isn't home at the moment. "...Did Shinji tell you?"

You shake your head. "Maiko-chan figured it out. Back in spring." She hadn't even met him yet, so that probably says something.

"How-? I didn't even know I liked Mitsuru until a couple months ago!"
Akihiko-san, with all due respect, there are mollusks that are more in touch with their emotions than you are.
You decide not to mention Nemi's most recent comment to Akihiko-san. "I don't really remember that well... I don't think she was all that serious, actually." She just happened to be right, and you're going to have to tell her that later, you're sure she'll be amused by it. "Have you asked her on a date yet?"

He shakes his head. "She... probably wouldn't say yes, anyway..."

"You'll never know unless you try!" You point out. "Hey, Koromaru?" The dog looks at you pleadingly, and you scratch him behind his ears for a bit. "Try and get him to actually say something to Mitsuru-san, okay?"

"Arf!" You're going to take this as a yes. If he succeeds, you think you'll even give him a treat.

Koromaru deserves all the treats.

Oh, and Mitsuru-san said 'yes.' But what's important is that you have a very good dog.

It comes to mind that, with the shrine gone, you and your friends probably need to find someplace else to play. Even if it ends up being rebuilt, that probably won't be for a while.

For now, you're all just gathered in Akira's classroom because it's as good a place as any. "Hey, Maiko-chan, you were right about Akihiko-san."


"You probably don't remember..." Or maybe she hasn't caught on to the character based on him. It's probably both. "But you said he might have had a crush on Mitsuru-san? They're going to go see the Christmas lights." You'd almost forgotten about the light display, even if the aftermath of last year's left... quite a bit to be desired.

Then again, that was less a problem with the display itself, and more with your choices.

"They are?" Maiko looks delighted to hear this, for all that she barely ever encounters either Akihiko-san or Mitsuru-san. "Really?"

You shrug. "Unless something changes in the next hour or so." Or if something happened with them at school. But you think it'll be fine. "I wonder if Lavenza-san is going to be out tonight." The idea sort of worries you, to be honest...

Still, you're sure Mitsuru-san and Akihiko-san can handle any problems that a small girl in blue could provide for them. Maybe.

...Okay, the idea really does scare you.

Go see the Christmas lights?

[ ] Yes.
-[ ] To stalk Akihiko-san and Mitsuru-san.
-[ ] To spend time with one of your friends.
--[ ] Lavenza.
--[ ] Maiko.
--[ ] Akira.

[ ] No, instead you'll...
-[ ] See what Shinjiro-san's doing.
-[ ] See what Takeba-san's doing.
-[ ] Walk Koromaru.
[X] Yes.
-[X] To spend time with one of your friends.
--[X] Lavenza.

We should give her a status update on Morgana, frankly.
[X] Yes.
-[X] To spend time with one of your friends.
--[X] Lavenza.
Oh, and Mitsuru-san said 'yes.'
I am forced to wonder if Mitsuru is aware it's a date.
[ ] Yes.
-[ ] To spend time with one of your friends.
--[ ] Lavenza.
laughs in shipper
I'm conflicted. I'd really like it if we were the one to inform Shinji of Aki's date to see his reaction.
Shinjiro is probably helping Akihiko prepare.
[X] Yes.
-[X] To spend time with one of your friends.
--[X] Maiko.
[X] Yes.
-[X] To spend time with one of your friends.
--[X] Akira
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Dec 9, 2019 at 2:05 PM, finished with 15 posts and 13 votes.
Okay, I think I'm awake enough for this...

-Vote Closed!-

So, let's see how this goes. At the very least, this year you don't have to worry about being locked out when you get back.
Christmas 08 with Akira
"You know, I've... never seen the light display before," Akira admits. "Everyone talks about it, but... " He shifts uncomfortably. "There'd be... a lot of people there, wouldn't there?"

You nod. "I think it's a bit busier at night, though. Or, well, that's when all the adults go." You aren't actually sure about this, but given that they're the ones without any sort of curfew... it makes sense. And it does look nicer once the stores have closed and turned off all the other lights. "Still... I think we have some time to see it now." You wouldn't be able to spend all that much time there, but it'd be nice to see if they're doing anything different this year.

If they're not... well, it's still pretty.

"That... would that really be okay?"

"Nobody really cares we're there during the rest of the year," You point out. "And, you know... that assumes they'd notice us."

To most adults, it's sort of like anyone under the age of sixteen doesn't exist, for some reason. You can't claim to really understand it, other than that it's annoying when you need something and helpful a lot of other times.

Still, maybe Akira has different experiences, because he just glances fearfully over the cover of his book and asks, "Wouldn't they?"

"Nobody ever cared before," Maiko remarks. "And Mommy and Daddy always take me to see them... well, it's just Daddy, this year..." You remember meeting Oohashi-san last year. It was just the two of them then, too. Still, you don't see any real need to bring that up. "I think I'll wait for tonight, but you two can go ahead if you want!"

Of course you can. There are plenty of things that can stop you from doing something if you put your mind to it, but not one of them is Maiko Oohashi. You suppose it could stop Akira though. There's still not much he wouldn't back down from, even if he seems a bit braver in general than he used to be.

Either way, you guess you have something to do today.

Akira seems to like the lights.

He doesn't go so far as to say it out loud, he seems to be scared of people overhearing him and noticing that he even exists, but it's easy to see how he's fighting the urge to get closer.

Given that it's his first time here, that doesn't really surprise you.

You don't think the displays have been changed up all that much from last time, but some of the colors might be different, or maybe you're just remembering things wrong. Either way, it still looks nice, and maybe that's the important part.

"See? It's like nobody can tell we're here!" You point out in a whisper, gesturing around at all the people who continually fail to acknowledge your existence. Akira nods, though his eyes slip to the ground.

"I... guess it's nice here. And they do this every year?"

You nod. "I'm... sort of surprised Lavenza-san isn't here, actually. Though... maybe it's good she isn't." For a moment, the two of you pause to imagine what someone as noticeable as Lavenza would do to this kind of event. It really is for the best that she hasn't made an appearance.

"Y-yeah, probably..." Akira's face is pale, and you can't help but wonder just what Lavenza did that has left him so terrified.

...This is one of those things he left out of his description of summer break, isn't it?

[ ] Press the subject. You're intrigued.

[ ] Continue discussing the lights.

[ ] Talk about something else.
-[ ] How your story is coming together.
-[ ] He has been getting enough to eat, right?
-[ ] He actually has new mittens. You shouldn't be surprised by this, but you are anyway.