[X] You're... actually pretty okay with what you're doing, right now.
-[X] "I know you know Koromaru and I are your friends, and if you give them a chance everyone at SEES would gladly be your friend! All of us here want to help people, and that includes you too!"
@DarkKing98: If Morgana didn't mean any of what he said, then saying "you're not me" shouldn't have done anything. There's a difference between knowing you messed up, and actually agreeing with what you're told.
He got riled up by an exaggerated form of his emotions, insecurities, and fears. I think you forget that as much as Shadows claim to be the True Self, they are basically the amplified emotions that the being holds deep inside of themselves, hiding from the world and ignoring them.

You cannot talk down a rampaging Shadow. It's not that it has never been tried, it's that you generally can't. Mostly because rampaging Shadows tend to be a little bit very murdery and can interrupt what they view as you just spouting bullshit. And even if rampaging Shadows could be talked down, do you seriously think Ken of all people would be the one that Shadow Mona would listen to?
[X] You're... actually pretty okay with what you're doing, right now.
-[X] "I know you know Koromaru and I are your friends, and if you give them a chance everyone at SEES would gladly be your friend! All of us here want to help people, and that includes you too!"
He got riled up by an exaggerated form of his emotions, insecurities, and fears. I think you forget that as much as Shadows claim to be the True Self, they are basically the amplified emotions that the being holds deep inside of themselves, hiding from the world and ignoring them.

You cannot talk down a rampaging Shadow. It's not that it has never been tried, it's that you generally can't. Mostly because rampaging Shadows tend to be a little bit very murdery and can interrupt what they view as you just spouting bullshit. And even if rampaging Shadows could be talked down, do you seriously think Ken of all people would be the one that Shadow Mona would listen to?

Okay then. But what do we loose or risk by saying it?
Okay then. But what do we loose or risk by saying it?
We can say it while also contributing to the ongoing fight, even if it's just healing anyone who gets hit. Rather than turning on autobattle like we're doing now.
In any case, might as well fight the bandwagon:
[X] He's weak to lightning. Exploit that.
Okay then. But what do we loose or risk by saying it?
How about actually fighting the rampaging Shadow instead of continuing letting our asses get constantly beat and dying to it? Because that's what's currently happening. Our asses are dying out here, and all we did was an ineffectual poke with our spear and participate in an All Out Attack. When instead we could either be zapping Shadow Morgana to keep him down in order to allow Yukari more time to heal everyone, or join Yukari in keeping people alive.
@DarkKing98: Seeker gave that post of mine an Insightful, so it seems like we actually do need to make sure Morgana accepts himself. Shadow Mona would likely notice if Morgana tries tricking him into re-merging.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by SeekerofDreams on Dec 3, 2019 at 2:01 PM, finished with 31 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] He's weak to lightning. Exploit that.
    [X] You're... actually pretty okay with what you're doing, right now.
    -[X] "I know you know Koromaru and I are your friends, and if you give them a chance everyone at SEES would gladly be your friend! All of us here want to help people, and that includes you too!"
    [X] You're... actually pretty okay with what you're doing, right now.
    [x] ...There's a teleporter nearby. If you could get your Morgana closer to it, you could... well, okay, there's a decently high chance it'd involve a berserk panther on the first floor of Tartarus. But it could still work!
    [X] Takeba-san clearly can't handle everyone's healing needs on her own. You should help her with that.
@DarkKing98: Seeker gave that post of mine an Insightful, so it seems like we actually do need to make sure Morgana accepts himself. Shadow Mona would likely notice if Morgana tries tricking him into re-merging.
And we can't talk with Morgana after we disable his Shadow at the moment because WHY? Because you say so? Since that's basically the only thing I'm hearing. Seriously, we can talk AFTER the murderous rampaging Shadow Mona gets chilled for five minutes.
And we can't talk with Morgana after we disable his Shadow at the moment because WHY? Because you say so? Since that's basically the only thing I'm hearing. Seriously, we can talk AFTER the murderous rampaging Shadow Mona gets chilled for five minutes.

I mean, Shadow Mitsuo disappeared after about one minute in-universe, so reconciliation with a Shadow Self really can't be put off for long. In general I'm rather empathetic, so I'm legitimately worried for Morgana's wellbeing.
I mean, Shadow Mitsuo disappeared after about one minute in-universe, so reconciliation with a Shadow Self really can't be put off for long. In general I'm rather empathetic, so I'm legitimately worried for Morgana's wellbeing.
...Ya know Shadow Mitsuo was rejected again after being defeated, right?
...Ya know Shadow Mitsuo was rejected again after being defeated, right?

Yeah, whereas the Investigation Team were already set on accepting their Shadows so there was no danger of the Shadow Self disappearing. I rather not leave Morgana unsure about his own Shadow for any stretch of time post-victory.
All right, I can probably slip this dialogue into the rest of the fight... I'll give it my best effort, anyway...

-Vote Closed!-

At the very least, giving the Shadow another target between himself and his main one helps. And while talking might not assist in the battle itself, it'll make wrapping up a bit less messy.
A Sudden Gust of Wind Before Your Eyes- Part 4
Okay, your current position isn't great, but thinking about it, things really could be a lot worse. Morgana might not have talked all that much about his exploits as a Persona User, but you were led to believe that he was fairly powerful. You aren't sure how much of that has transferred over to his Shadow, but you're well aware that he could probably be stronger than this.

Though, even if the others had this particular perspective, you can't imagine they'd change what they're doing, either. "Senpai, could you hit him with that spell again?" Yukari-san asks, continuing with the trend of finally taking charge against a tough enemy after a night of that not being the case.

...Well, okay, you suppose she tried, against the birds, but her bravado more or less vanished after the first time she missed, you so don't think you should count that.

Akihiko-san nods. "Got it. Tarunda!" So that's what it's called. You'd been wondering about that, he doesn't use it very often.

As if annoyed by the spell- or maybe just not wanting to get zapped again- Shadow Morgana lunges at Akihiko-san slashing down with both claws and knocking him to the ground. Leaping back, he then proceeds to hit the group with another cyclone, causing all of your summoned Personas to shatter.

This isn't much more than an inconvenience- you all still have your Evokers- but it's annoying and gives you even more of a headache than if you'd dismissed Nemesis normally. Or maybe it's just the fact that you've been hit with a cyclone. It might be that.

You're sort of having problems standing, so you Channel Dia in an attempt to clear your head. You aren't the only one who's having trouble, though.

(Takeba! Heal Akihiko!) Mitsuru-san orders. (He can't take another hit like this!)

You half expect Akihiko-san to protest and say that he's fine, but he has been getting a lot better about that recently, or maybe he's just a bit too hurt to pretend he's not.

Either way, it's Koromaru who's next to summon his Persona again, but this time, instead of attacking, he starts casting some sort of spell on everyone else. You let it take hold, because you trust Koromaru, and suddenly, the world seems to slow down, just a bit.

Well. Sort of. You see another spell take hold on Takeba-san, and her pace moves to match yours, but Shadow Morgana seems almost... sluggish. Like you can tell what he's about to do.

On the bright side, if he turns to you again, you probably don't have to worry about his attacks connecting.

"Ken..." The regular Morgana has apparently gotten up the strength to speak again, somehow, though his voice seems to be faltering. Of course, that could just be the spell that you're under. It's hard to tell. "Why are you... still here?" Just like his Shadow.

You take a moment to consider whether you should space out your words to compensate for the spell, before deciding that it probably doesn't matter. "I know you know that Koromaru and I are your friends," You say, quietly, not entirely sure if he can hear you, but unwilling to stop, in case he can. "And, if you gave them a chance... I think everyone in SEES would be, too."

You can't say for sure. For all you know, one of them might just not like cats, and not have mentioned it before now. But there's probably not all that much to worry about.

The Shadow lashes out at you again. But he seems so slow compared to before that you can just duck out of the way of the claws and stab at him. It hits, and he tries jumping away again, but your second attack manages to connect this time.

...You have no idea what the spell that Koromaru cast on you even was, but so far, it's working out pretty nicely.

It also probably explains how the dog can jump and properly slash at the panther's tail with a knife, come to it. Given that Morgana's probably the one who taught him how to use a Persona, you guess this could be considered payment, of some sort. If any of you cared about that.

Shadow Morgana thrashes his tail, probably trying to crush Koromaru under it, but he never manage to land a hit. "Why won't you stop!?"

You think you're supposed to say something now. "All of us here want to help people!" You insist. "That means you, too!" And now the Shadow's gaze is fixed on you.

Something tells you that having his attention isn't a good thing, especially when Akihiko-san and Koromaru's spells have worn off by now. Use of your Evoker it is. "Persona!" As soon as Nemesis appears, you cast Zio, and he once more falls into a twitching heap. You'd think he'd look out for electricity, knowing that you can wield it, but... apparently not.

Koromaru slashes at him with his knife again. It should probably be concerning that the dog knows how to wield a knife so well when this is his first trip to Tartarus. You might have to ask your Morgana about that later.

(He won't be able to get up again for a bit,) Mitsuru-san reports.

"That's... just great..." Yukari-san sighs, fatigue clearly setting in. "Senpai? Amada-kun? How much lightning can you...?" She doesn't even have to finish the question. Not when you know exactly what she wants.

Sadly, despite the numerous bolts of lightning that would, if he'd been standing up, have knocked him down, that doesn't stop him from getting up after a few more attacks, albeit seeming heavily winded.

"You... You... Why don't you just give up!?" The Shadow sounds more confused than infuriated now, which... you think is a good sign? "He can't give you anything! He won't be able to help you! What can he do that you can't already!?" You don't think he's actually looking for an answer to this, which is good, because you can't come up with one at the moment.

But his words are probably less important than the shimmering barrier he constructs around himself.

(As long as that's up, he won't be weak to lightning anymore. Actually, he'll resist it.) Just great.

Ken's HP: 44/45

Ken's SP: 45/75

Nihil Spear Power: 66

Nihil Spear Accuracy: 71

[ ] So... stabbing time?

[ ] ...You haven't tried using Bless yet...

[ ] Yukari-san might be running out of magic... Which, given that she's your healer, is not good. Maybe you should take over for her.

[ ] ...Oh, right. Cruel Attack. You have that.

[ ] The Shadow attacks you often enough that waiting for him to come to you is an actually effective strategy. Don't fix what's not broken, right?

[ ] You probably won't have to retreat with how things are going, but it's best to prepare just in case. Or have a way for Mitsuru-san to come up here if she has to. Either one's good, really.
[X] The Shadow attacks you often enough that waiting for him to come to you is an actually effective strategy. Don't fix what's not broken, right?
-[x] Because Morgana is my friend, and that's a good enough reason for me. I don't know what happened with Kurusu-san, but that's not important right now, what's important is helping my friend.
[X] Yukari-san might be running out of magic... Which, given that she's your healer, is not good. Maybe you should take over for her.

We probably don't want death to not be a hunter unbeknownst to its prey even if it is a reaload to last week's save file.
[X] The Shadow attacks you often enough that waiting for him to come to you is an actually effective strategy. Don't fix what's not broken, right?
-[x] Because Morgana is my friend, and that's a good enough reason for me. I don't know what happened with Kurusu-san, but that's not important right now, what's important is helping my friend.
To preempt Darkking, hitting autobattle when the other healer is risking running out soon probably isn't a good idea.
[X] Yukari-san might be running out of magic... Which, given that she's your healer, is not good. Maybe you should take over for her.

We probably don't want death to not be a hunter unbeknownst to its prey even if it is a reaload to last week's save file.

To preempt Darkking, hitting autobattle when the other healer is risking running out soon probably isn't a good idea.
Eh, I've given my two cents, chances are we could just pacify the poor guy, and save us any problems.
[X] Yukari-san might be running out of magic... Which, given that she's your healer, is not good. Maybe you should take over for her.
-[X] Because Morgana is my friend, and that's a good enough reason for me. I don't know what happened with Kurusu-san, but that's not important right now, what's important is helping my friend.

Don't got a better speech, since my plan was more-or-less the same: that friends help friends because they're friends. Anyways, Mercurius Resists Bless, so hurling Kouha wouldn't be effective.
Don't got a better speech, since my plan was more-or-less the same: that friends help friends because they're friends. Anyways, Mercurius Resists Bless, so hurling Kouha wouldn't be effective.
Resistances can differ between Shadow Selves and the resultant Persona, but I wouldn't risk it myself.
[x] Yukari-san might be running out of magic... Which, given that she's your healer, is not good. Maybe you should take over for her.

"You... You... Why don't you just give up!?" The Shadow sounds more confused than infuriated now, which... you think is a good sign? "He can't give you anything! He won't be able to help you! What can he do that you can't already!?" You don't think he's actually looking for an answer to this, which is good, because you can't come up with one at the moment.

Wow, I actually called this.
Resistances can differ between Shadow Selves and the resultant Persona, but I wouldn't risk it myself.

Speaking of, Mercurius would Block Wind, so Yukari would have to rely on her weapon. So all we really accomplish is ensuring more regular healing, since Yukari doesn't have any other usable Persona Spells/Skills.
Speaking of, Mercurius would Block Wind, so Yukari would have to rely on her weapon. So all we really accomplish is ensuring more regular healing, since Yukari doesn't have any other usable Persona Spells/Skills.
Her weapon's also ranged, which outside of gameplay should give at least a bit more reaction time for melee attacks. And ensuring healing is a good idea given I don't think we have revival yet.
[X] Yukari-san might be running out of magic... Which, given that she's your healer, is not good. Maybe you should take over for her.
-[X] Because Morgana is my friend, and that's a good enough reason for me. I don't know what happened with Kurusu-san, but that's not important right now, what's important is helping my friend.
If you're going to add dialogue, just say that Morgana doesn't need to do anything special and that he's fine as himself. And if he wants to help, another Persona user, no matter the skill set, is a huge benefit.

Morgana's major hang up is his usefulness. Tackle that.