A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

I only claimed this early (well ""early"", I should probably have gone ahead with it sooner after all, held out hope a bit too long) because I didn't believe just pushing Comi would work well enough and different timezones means I only get this before I go sleep and by the time I'd be back home tomorrow we're 1 hour from Day end (and most of you are asleep anyway when I wake up, so even posting during the day wouldn't help).
Uh that is to say it's not on you to prevent this, especially when you weren't even voting me.

If anything it's on me, cuz like, I'm the one up for lynch :V.
I find that painfully unlikely and actively detrimental as a choice if town.

@Absum can you say whom you've targeted these two nights?
Nictis and Evenstar, funnily enough.

N1 was between Nictis and QT, no real other options for me. I was worried Nictis was baiting but felt I had to go for it anyway and only later (early D2 iirc) realized that there were probably other protectives (although ofc the hitns at VIP made it a lot more likely at that point) + that I should have given more weight to QT being silent.

N2 I was suspicious of all veteran active players so I had no real idea. Options considered were Nani, ES, 1K, or Cyri (I forgot about you cause you had switched in) and I decided Nani was too obvious. Had it as 1K at first (being fairly active and the only one of those I wasn't suspicious of), switched to ES later because I felt reputation had more weight after all.
As a reminder, I'm still a perfectly reasonable back-up lynch if people do wish to change to me. I promise I won't be too frustrated.
This sucks. My computer bluescreened on me and refuses to start up. I'm afraid I will not produce anything meaningful for the rest of the day. So, without any real motivation in me, have an extra vote Nictis. I trust you.

[X] Nictis

Just to be clear, this isn't me voting for Nictis, but me voting for whomever they vote for.
Do you have any reason to believe that Absum is telling the truth? If so is it something you can share?
No, I do not. I think there is a very solid probability this is just a ruse to try and get off the lynch.
Do we want to risk it though? If we're wrong, we lose. I think we need to make a decision one way or the other and commit to it at this point. There's a chance it could be a ruse, and a chance it isn't. If we don't lynch absum, scum will certainly be killing them if they're town. At the same time, if we listen to them and mislynch we have even less than our currently nonexistant chance to win. The case against them isn't concrete. In fact, we don't have anything concrete on anyone. Nictis and Even could be pulling one over us. Hell, it could be all three of them. But we're definitely close to the end of this game.
*deep breath*




1: Hope like hell that Absum is lying, which they probably are because only three votes and they forgot the roleblocker existed. They're not even self-presing onto ComiTurtle. They're scum trying to get us to let them live, and their target last night was me and I was roleblocked. Actually The Roleblocker? Lynch them; if they aren't scum it's gg.

2: Absum is lying but town, trying to draw the NK. Sure fine whatever. Don't think this is likely.

3: Absum is the genuine town doctor. We should leave them alive, and massclaim to try and lynch the scum RB.

... fuck it, I think it's 1. The real town doctor is not going to forget that claiming means we lose 100%, and if forced to claim they're going to immediately advocate hunting the RB. Massclaim is a losing scenario even if we do hit the RB somehow, so I'm going to take the option that still has a possibility of a town win.
All the possible plays are risky. I guess I'll bank on them being scum. If we lose, well, scum seem to have had the devil's own luck. I'm not giving up, but I'd rather know one way or the other if there's still a chance.

[X] Lynch Absum
Man I wish Rosen revealed what their role was... I'd be much more able to determine game design if I had a fully trustworthy source to base everything off of.

This is currently how I view the game:

Fair Scum Chance:

Unlikely Scum:
1KBestK (... that last vote... in the post above... moves them to Unlikely Scum instead of fair scum chance)
DimensionalGuy... barely in this tier.

Never Scum:

Gambitting Scum:

Also... my brain doesn't seem to want to work to put my arguments into words, so I'm going to smack my head with a hammer to see if it starts up. (This is a joke)
*deep breath*




1: Hope like hell that Absum is lying, which they probably are because only three votes and they forgot the roleblocker existed. They're not even self-presing onto ComiTurtle. They're scum trying to get us to let them live, and their target last night was me and I was roleblocked. Actually The Roleblocker? Lynch them; if they aren't scum it's gg.

2: Absum is lying but town, trying to draw the NK. Sure fine whatever. Don't think this is likely.

3: Absum is the genuine town doctor. We should leave them alive, and massclaim to try and lynch the scum RB.

... fuck it, I think it's 1. The real town doctor is not going to forget that claiming means we lose 100%, and if forced to claim they're going to immediately advocate hunting the RB. Massclaim is a losing scenario even if we do hit the RB somehow, so I'm going to take the option that still has a possibility of a town win.
1) There were 4 votes

2) I'm going to sleep soon

3) I did actually forget to consider what happens if there are no other protectives, only thought about that after the claim

4) I still think you and Nictis are scum

5) I didn't think I could stop myself from getting lynched otherwise (mostly because of 2) and if I die and you are Town it's even more over

It's fine if you think I was too pessimistic or should have tried harder or didn't think things through well enough. I think that stuff plenty myself. But please also allow some room for me to make mistakes. I'm not that experienced and I'll certainly never be that good.
Absum is in Fair Scum Chance.

And Est... should have a statement beside their name, where it says something like... I kinda town read them but not enough content recently to move them out of that tier.
5) I didn't think I could stop myself from getting lynched otherwise (mostly because of 2) and if I die and you are Town it's even more over

I mean if you are doctor and are lynched with the flavor you have provided it wouldn't reveal you as doctor which means scum may still hunt for the doctor despite you being dead, thus the game wouldn't be confirmed over unless scum took a chance. Within the theory that Nictis/Evenstar are in fact team VIP.
I mean if you are doctor and are lynched with the flavor you have provided it wouldn't reveal you as doctor which means scum may still hunt for the doctor despite you being dead, thus the game wouldn't be confirmed over unless scum took a chance. Within the theory that Nictis/Evenstar are in fact team VIP.
If there is no other protective they either gamble and win immediately, or they first kill ES and then gamble afterwards and win.

Like maybe that viewpoint is too subconsciously influenced by me knowing that I am the Doctor, but well I can't catch literally all my biases all the time and I don't think I'm the only one who had that happen.
1) There were 4 votes

2) I'm going to sleep soon

3) I did actually forget to consider what happens if there are no other protectives, only thought about that after the claim

4) I still think you and Nictis are scum

5) I didn't think I could stop myself from getting lynched otherwise (mostly because of 2) and if I die and you are Town it's even more over

It's fine if you think I was too pessimistic or should have tried harder or didn't think things through well enough. I think that stuff plenty myself. But please also allow some room for me to make mistakes. I'm not that experienced and I'll certainly never be that good.

... ugh.

Ok, what's your guess at who the RB is?
... ugh.

Ok, what's your guess at who the RB is?
Hmmm. As I said I don't actually trust your and Nictis' claims but if I assume both of you are Town I'd probably get something like DG/Ban/Cyri as scum? That's just working quickly, haven't checked if that fully works out.

Depends a bit on who is in your quicktopic, otherwise one of the people I have as options for that might be a candidate as well.

From those three uuuuh, DG I think?

I've also kind of forgotten about Comiturtle while thinking about this tbh. I'm super mixed on them because the claim is still very odd but I find it difficult to see them as scum otherwise.
N1: Nictis or QT. QT kind of feels like an odd one here given that he was rated at neutral while others were rated at a leaning Town, but not too unusual. (Preview Edit: Disregard this, with the other Town mentions being 1K, Est, and Meso it's pretty understandable)
N2: Veterans. Picked Evenstar over Nani because Wine.

I'll admit, I was digging because I thought I could call bullshit on him healing Evenstar, because I remembered Absum suspecting Eva. Instead I see hints at being the Doctor and the sus on Evenstar being linked to Nani which goes away when Eva votes him.

So... Blegh. Could be faking, but on review it feels legit. Particularly the bit for why he suspected Nani and thinking about Strongman.

Sorry for not doing more, I've been barely able to focus today, and I might be busy later.

Day ends in sixteen hours and sixteen minutes.