A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

I don't believe we have an SK. We have either a single overlapping faction of invaders as scum with the Brotherhood being their allies or mercenaries (thus being under one faction), or the Brotherhood and the invaders are two separate small scum factions with the Brotherhood being something related to an internal powergrab with the death of the king. My money is on one large faction with the Brotherhood aligning with the invaders.

If they are one large faction, however, that does beg the question why they weren't simply named after Reim i.e. the name of the invaders according to the OP. Thus, I am not completely convinced for certain that they are one large faction even if I am currently leaning in that direction.

Either way, I don't believe there are SKs this time around. They neither fit what we do know so far, nor do they fit the existence of the Bloodletter Brotherhood as a faction. Likewise, I don't believe there to be third-party Survivors either and therefore must assume that Comi is non-SK scum.
*Oh yeah, I forgot to say that the lack of two kills on either N1 or N2 also calls into question the potential of two scum factions or an SK for me, as we know that Nani was targeted by an RB N1 and Evenstar claims it N2 so they wouldn't have been roleblocked N1 as an explanation for their lack of kills, and scum factions don't typically give up a night unless their actions are limited. There also isn't typically multiple roleblockers as far as I know so that is unlikely to be an explanation.
@ComiTurtle where are you flavored as being from?

Still from Merovin, down as Citizen of Merovin.

I've provided good armor to the brave knights here but I'm a craftsman with a skill not a staunch loyalist. character thinks as long as he survives I can use my trade for the enemy so they won't kill me.

Personally as always I'd prefer town to win though I've just been doing a bad job at it so far.
My first day in my first game I got a fellow townie lynched. I think you're doing pretty well, all considered.

I'm a bit confused about how Absum fits into all this. Without saying anything else about their role, do you think (for whatever reason) that Absum is town?
Forgot to mention, but don't beat yourself up for lynching a townie. We're all wrong sometimes, and d1 lynches are especially hard, if not impossible to get right. Sure, it sucks, but it's just part of the game.
I don't believe we have an SK. We have either a single overlapping faction of invaders as scum with the Brotherhood being their allies or mercenaries (thus being under one faction), or the Brotherhood and the invaders are two separate small scum factions with the Brotherhood being something related to an internal powergrab with the death of the king. My money is on one large faction with the Brotherhood aligning with the invaders.

If they are one large faction, however, that does beg the question why they weren't simply named after Reim i.e. the name of the invaders according to the OP. Thus, I am not completely convinced for certain that they are one large faction even if I am currently leaning in that direction.

Either way, I don't believe there are SKs this time around. They neither fit what we do know so far, nor do they fit the existence of the Bloodletter Brotherhood as a faction. Likewise, I don't believe there to be third-party Survivors either and therefore must assume that Comi is non-SK scum.
Last game we got tricked into thinking Goku was gonna be a player, but it ended up being a red herring. Not saying this is the same, but it's possible that the scum aren't from Reim.
Still from Merovin, down as Citizen of Merovin.

I've provided good armor to the brave knights here but I'm a craftsman with a skill not a staunch loyalist. character thinks as long as he survives I can use my trade for the enemy so they won't kill me.

Personally as always I'd prefer town to win though I've just been doing a bad job at it so far.
Yep. Definitely lying. I know for a fact that not every citizen of Merovin has to be a knight or someone important, because I am an ordinary citizen without reason to stay aligned to the kingdom other than living here like you claim to be yet I am not a Survivor.

[X] Lynch ComiTurtle

Forgot to mention, but don't beat yourself up for lynching a townie. We're all wrong sometimes, and d1 lynches are especially hard, if not impossible to get right. Sure, it sucks, but it's just part of the game.

Last game we got tricked into thinking Goku was gonna be a player, but it ended up being a red herring. Not saying this is the same, but it's possible that the scum aren't from Reim.
The thing is though, whether they are from Reim or not doesn't really change my calculations. Either they are one large scum faction, or they are two smaller ones. Scum is scum, and therefore a threat to the kingdom.
Yep. Definitely lying. I know for a fact that not every citizen of Merovin has to be a knight or someone important, because I am an ordinary citizen without reason to stay aligned to the kingdom other than living here like you claim to be yet I am not a Survivor.

[X] Lynch ComiTurtle

The thing is though, whether they are from Reim or not doesn't really change my calculations. Either they are one large scum faction, or they are two smaller ones. Scum is scum, and therefore a threat to the kingdom.

Welp you're town, was hoping to get more out of this ploy and play it until late game to make scum think they have victory with me.

Really wanted to get more analysis out of this but at least I have you confirmed town now.
It's unfortunately impossible to transcribe an eye roll in text, so I am unable to accurately demonstrate my opinions of these latest events.
Woo, not a phone post.

K let me explain myself as I said early I wanted to play this out longer for more bits but I legitimately can't beat Pyrros's logic, my mistake for assuming there wouldn't be real civilians, should've made up a country to hail from, certainly did think of being from the enemy kingdom when I first devised this plan, but felt that would get me killed, probably would've been better and stopped it from happening here, but Pyrros is town that much I can say with more confidence then I've ever really given any living player, especially this early with this little information.

So the plan was simple: Claim survivor, because well my predecessor set up the building blocks for the claim, it should've been believable, and I wasn't going to get what I really needed based on my performance so far in-game. But I could set a trap, a trap for myself to analyze how others reacted to my claim, and if it stuck if I made it to the point when scum would have vote majority if I helped them I'm certain they'd give me the offer openly and that when I'd strike and reveal myself as proper town, didn't work really wanted this to be a slow burn. But I'm impatient.

I do not wish to reveal my true role but I've literally been lying to you all, so while I disagree with Lynch-all-liars I do think I'm going to have to die at some point because I've made myself an untrustworthy liability.

However I find the way specifically Nictis has been playing around my claim fascinating, I would've sworn they would be able to call my trickery as town trickery and not scum. Them also not believing that LTTL isn't an SK based off that end and description and then trying to suggest such strange set-ups makes me look at them differently I'm going to have to reanalyze my previous town read of them.

I didn't get enough out of this to really tell if scum would want to push me or ally with me early though... probably should've not revealed the goose this early. Its undone, another mistake no matter. I enjoy the heat under me.
I do agree that you revealed your ruse too early, but this explanation does make me feel better about the (shoddy) way you handled/resolved it.
I wanted the end of the last day phase tally. ^

Okay, so scum has chosen to target, QT and Nani, so both individuals that are experienced. Normal scum technique, there only thing you can super analyze from that is forms of wine, but killing players that can be a danger from just existing and don't really have much heat makes sense... but Nani died and was technically the second most votes, 3 vote difference and the lynch was just an inactivity vote. That is interesting.

If you assume, as I do, that LTTL is 3rd party there isn't much to really dive into with the voters on that besides we know Nani a town member was on it. If we assume they are instead scum its an interesting thing to analyze, those starting that train probably aren't scum in turn in such a case, DG and then Nani (confirmed non-scum) later votes can be seen as jumping on the wagon to not get suspicion thrown their way a bit, though Mesonexian doesn't seem to fall into that category, and frankly I've not seen enough of Hobo to assume they'd jump on their scum ally so I'll consider in mafia LTTL all of them fairly clear, I do not extend this read to Nictis though, the vote felt strange at the time and semi-pointless a bit opportunistic, but I wouldn't normally relate Nictis to that form of sloppy play. Even if I'm having some pretty sloppy play, but I'm known to be inconsistent. :V :C

Absum and Evenstar being on the Nani lynch is something to mention, I've not had a town read on Absum, but I've had one on Evenstar so far. Though Evenstar relates very interestingly to the Nictis strangeness since they do both seem to be playing on levels of information above others, but at least Evenstar has a given reason "neighborhood."

On that subject, @Evenstar has your QT continued to not grow in size?

Then we have the straggler votes, which don't give me much of anything I do want to hear more from @Cyricubed but they've been busy with contacting me IRL so just get in here when you can my dude.

I had a positive view of Est, but haven't seen anything from them today, which is a little frustrating, and Ban feels kinda background. They're given interest in Absum's suspicions of Nictis is noted though.

Whenever the next scum does pop up in our graveyard though, I think things are gonna blow open for analysis.
Still awake, still really tired. Mergle.

I've never claimed attacked, I've never even received a massage since I've replaced in. Not to mention I'm pretty sure that the SK is dead.
That is not what I've said, and I disagree on the SK mention. There has been no reason to think that LttL is an SK, the flavor disagrees, the faction name disagrees, the continued killing disagrees.
So @Nictis - If Turtles All The Way Down is an SK, where was their kill for two nights in a row? Did they holster?
Right here.
@QTesseract is found within his quarters, a pulped mass of blood, bone shards, and grey matter where his skull used to be. Examination of his clothing and effects reveals him to be another Kingdom native: The castle gamekeeper, Old Basset.
The new corpse is discovered shortly after dawn. Despite the shattered jaw and pulverized rib cage, it is still identifiable as that of Captain Orton Vastare, head of the castle guard. Quite certainly a loyalist of the Kingdom of Merovin, but sadly not who many in the crowd are seeking.
[Pyrros and 1K Stuff]
Why are people so focused on trying to make sense of what the setup is with fluff, but also ignoring the GM basically outlining what a scum goal is?
Yep. Definitely lying. I know for a fact that not every citizen of Merovin has to be a knight or someone important, because I am an ordinary citizen without reason to stay aligned to the kingdom other than living here like you claim to be yet I am not a Survivor.

[X] Lynch ComiTurtle
... Why is that your reasoning? Unless if you have like, the same role title that Comi just claimed instead of claiming Armorer or Smith, I don't see why you would call it out on that? We've already talked about how you can't call Survivors for fluff.

Also, I am not happy with you claiming over that.
Welp you're town, was hoping to get more out of this ploy and play it until late game to make scum think they have victory with me.

Really wanted to get more analysis out of this but at least I have you confirmed town now.
I lied about my role. You've all been tricked.
Yes, I am aware you lied about your role.

So Comi is scum and Absum is the roleblocker, which is fun.

[x] Lynch Absum
Anyway I'm unsure who to vote on now because I want to vote for either Nictis or Comi but from all this they don't seem to be in a team so one of those choices would have to be wrong

I also still really need to check up on 1K, Est and Ban.
I'm not sure if I want to bother putting together a post on Comi or not.

And if so, I'm not sure what I would want to focus on for it. I could point out how the wonderful plan of 'Pretend to be a Survivor until LyLo' would have Scum mislynch him. I could focus on how his 'lie' would be a continuation of TurtleDuck's lie, which is a perfect fit for a Serial Killer fake claim. I could point out the issue with his piss poor flavor and immediate retreat when counter claimed, both of which cut into his baiting of Town. Or hell, I could probably even showcase the mention of continuing TurtleDuck's strategy and how this is mirroring it with the slight difference of caving to pressure instead of just switching claim on his own.

Point is, I call bullshit and don't really feel like making a large post on why right now. (And phrasing stuff like this helps me get it out)
Better reasoning on Absum would be great, but I think we can all independantly find reason enough to suspect ComiDucks
Better reasoning on Absum would be great, but I think we can all independantly find reason enough to suspect ComiDucks
Don't really feel like making a big post on that one either, and while I'm tempted to just sorta wave my hand at it and say 'REASONS', he's already dismissed it in a way that I can't completely deny? I'm still feeling a scum Absum, but honestly I've read through his stuff enough times that I'm kinda feeling sick of digging through it for more quotes.

Absum is an Assassin, ComiTurtle is an Invader Serial Killer. 85% Sure. 70%. Something.
[X] Lynch Nictis

So Comi is scum and Absum is the roleblocker, which is fun.

Like I don't trust Absum, but literally I can't see a basis for this argument, ignoring the fact that I'm town.

Honestly, I'm kinda staring at that myself and trying to figure out where I made the connection right now.

Probably because you're aggressive scum trying to eliminate one of us, for some perceived reason. Maybe you think Absum is this VIP that your faction is after.

And if so, I'm not sure what I would want to focus on for it. I could point out how the wonderful plan of 'Pretend to be a Survivor until LyLo' would have Scum mislynch him. I could focus on how his 'lie' would be a continuation of TurtleDuck's lie, which is a perfect fit for a Serial Killer fake claim. I could point out the issue with his piss poor flavor and immediate retreat when counter claimed, both of which cut into his baiting of Town. Or hell, I could probably even showcase the mention of continuing TurtleDuck's strategy and how this is mirroring it with the slight difference of caving to pressure instead of just switching claim on his own.

Really this is showing your hand, scum like survivors and if I did better in my fake claim and kept at it longer I'd be probably able to last that long on the keep survivors alive niceness, scum would die at LYLO if I did my job right not kill me because they would need me alive as an "additional" member of their faction.

So following Nictis's own logic that LTTL is mafia proper, I believe that Nictis must be a scum that got on their buddy's lynch just so they could get some town credit.

Nictis just wants to control the narrative of the game, which I think is plainly obvious has been Nictis's plan from the beginning without me quoting everywhere they have done so.
@Nictis, I think I just figured out what you think is going on.
You suspect that the "mafia" doesn't get night kills, that this is very close to an assassin in the palace type setup, and the deaths we've seen so far are the work of a single serial killer. Is this a correct representation of your beliefs?
(If so, I think you're wrong.)

As for Absum- I suppose that's fair enough. Can you provide the reasoning sans citation? General behaviours, vague descriptions of specific incidents, or otherwise something we can do the legwork to examine for ourselves?
@Evenstar, same? Some reasoning on something would be rather nice.