A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

Apologies for the confusion. @Nanimani died.
Well there goes one of my two people to follow -_-

Anyhow, "Captain of the Guard" makes me think they might have either been the Cop or the Jailer. Those are the actions that seem like would be in their jurisdiction.

We also seem to have some kind of RB sorcerer or magician on either Town or Scum side, though the role usually is more a Mafia role than a Town role. Evenstar's N2 claims of magic vines add up with Nani's N1 claims of magic vines.

Finally, I still find myself rather skeptical of Comi's Survivor claim, though I am not sure if I am skeptical enough to pursue back a lynch yet. I will have to think more heavily on that.
Player List:
  1. @mesonoxian
  2. @-Rosen Lynched Day 1. They were Nigel, one of the castle scribes of the Kingdom of Merovin.
  3. @Look to the Left Lynched Day 2. They were a monster of the Bloodletter Brotherhood going under the form of a butler by the name of Lysander Roth.
  4. @Cyricubed
  5. @PyrrosWarrior
  6. @Est
  7. @QTesseract Killed in a gruesome fashion over Night 1. They were Old Basset, the castle gameskeeper of the Kingdom of Merovin.
  8. @InterstellarHobo
  9. @1KBestK
  10. @Nanimani Killed over Night 2 with a shattered jaw and pulverized rib cage. They were Orton Vastare, captain of the guard of the Kingdom of Merovin.
  11. @TurtleDucks Replaced by ComiTurtle Day 2
  12. @Nictis
  13. @Happerry
  14. @DimensionalGuy
  15. @BanTheFairyKing
  16. @Absum
  17. @Evenstar
Updated player list. These are my edits, since the player list hasn't been updated by the QM.
@Absum how is their flavor not maf?
Could also just be someone else doing the kill though, if they were maf. Because tbh if they were maf I really doubt they'd all have this flavour.

I don't think atm we can know for sure and if one of you does analyse their posts with maf in mind I don't think that'd hurt, but I won't be doing that myself.

The form of the aged butler is torn to shreds as another figure erupts from within the suit of skin, throwing itself at the crowd and burrowing into their ranks like an arrow into a wound. All anyone can glimpse are flashes of claws and fangs and sun-bronzed muscle as the monster rips its way through the ranks of the soldiers, before eventually dropping from the dozens of wounds it sustained during its rampage.

Cautiously, the corpse is approached and examined. They prove to be one of the half-beast savages from the far south, which would normally raise questions as to "what the fuck is it doing here?", but the sigil of the Bloodletter Brotherhood etched into its flesh answers that question quite handily. It seems somebody left an assassin running around without calling them off.

I' m pretty sure LttL was a third party. The flavor makes it pretty explicit that they aren't expected, and the "Bloodletter Brotherhood" is given coloring like Merovin was, indicating it's probably also a faction.
Weaker evidence includes: dude erupted from a skinsuit- I'm guessing this means he would have registered to cops as "aged butler, don't mind me." This seems a solo-party esque power.
Dude is explicitly an assassin. This could easily indicate a goal of killing one specific target.

Anyhow, "Captain of the Guard" makes me think they might have either been the Cop or the Jailer. Those are the actions that seem like would be in their jurisdiction.

I'd actually guess Nanimani was some sort of bodyguard. He seems like an odd nightkill choice otherwise.
Not that that's good evidence, Cop and Jailer are also very plausible
Guard captain reads to me as a protective role. I expect a cop in this game, but I'd assume it'd be flavored more towards being a spymaster or something, and if we have a jailer (noone has claimed being jailed iirc) I'd assume they'd just be called a jailer.
I'd actually guess Nanimani was some sort of bodyguard. He seems like an odd nightkill choice otherwise.
Not that that's good evidence, Cop and Jailer are also very plausible
Guard captain reads to me as a protective role. I expect a cop in this game, but I'd assume it'd be flavored more towards being a spymaster or something, and if we have a jailer (noone has claimed being jailed iirc) I'd assume they'd just be called a jailer.
My thoughts for why they could be Jailer or Cop were focused on the authority of the captain. The captain would have the authority to order someone to be detained overnight as Jailer, whilst he would be in a high enough position to recognize various people if he were Cop. I dismissed him being a non-Jailer protective role because that would more typically be the role of the captain's underlings. If we have someone who is a regular guard in lore, I'd expect them to be either a Bodyguard or Veteran in role rather than the captain, though more likely Bodyguard than Veteran if the scum actually are as few in number as has been hypothesized from total player numbers.
I'm going to back up Evenstar and suggest that the roleblocker reveal themselves, otherwise I believe it certain to call that slot scum.
Not disagreeing, but what makes you say that?
I say that for the same reason I don't beleive there's an unrestricted vig: it's too easy to screw over yourself. On top of that, given that we've been basically outright told that scum are trying to kill a specific target, it makes sense for town to have protective roles, and for scum to have a RBer to help deal with them.
The only way I see the RBer not being scum is if they know the roles/names of their allies, and that seems kinda broken to me.
The only way I see the RBer not being scum is if they know the roles/names of their allies, and that seems kinda broken to me.
I see. I was thinking you had determined their scuminess from their choice of target. I didn't consider what roles would make sense in terms of game balance. Thanks for the insight.
[X] Lynch Happerry

@Happerry I really need to hear something more from you.
Right now currently I'm mostly standing by what I said 'yesterday' back here, and not... well, if anything I feel less enlightened right now then then. I wasn't expecting either of Turtle's roleclaim or LTTL actually being scum, even if I agree that the fluff sounds more like 3rd party scum then mafiascum, and another agreement that the roleblocker is probably scum.

Though I don't believe Evenstar ever replied to my question from back there...
...Is it wrong that I feel that that null was too cheaply gotten, and you probably should have pressed me more as just because I know I'm innocent doesn't mean you know that, and there's not exactly any blatant leads right now? Ugh, I need to find the mental energy to go poke at people's posts in depth like I keep meaning too...
...Is it wrong that I feel that that null was too cheaply gotten, and you probably should have pressed me more as just because I know I'm innocent doesn't mean you know that, and there's not exactly any blatant leads right now? Ugh, I need to find the mental energy to go poke at people's posts in depth like I keep meaning too...
My concern is was that it is easy to forget about someone who isn't posting. If you're scum, letting you fade into the background would be a real problem. If you're town, well more bodies in the water never hurts :)

And it isn't like the null actually prevents me from revoting you if need be. I just didn't want to leave it on since I don't have any good grounds for voting for you apart from inactivity.
Evenstar: Town
Mesonoxian: Error, type Null. Certain Doom or Certain Town.
QTesseract: Haunting me.
1K: Wish I knew why I can't seem to be suspicious of her. Town.
Pyrros Warrior: Who? (Checking to remember) So, not a whole lot of stuff that feels either Town or Scum, but he's attentive and there's a certain lack of something that is going to make me say most likely Town. As far as my actual read without that bit, seems like a good person.
Cyricubed: Is still alive? Nani?
Nani: Is not alive. Soka.
Est: Slips out of my thoughts like water. Need to check on them as well T: (Checks) ... So aside from a bit more QT digging than I like, I got nothing. I cannot seem to form a read on Est.
InterstellarHobo: Town
TurtleDucks/ComiTurtle: Scum. Likely Serial Killer.
Happerry: Feels good. Town...ish.
DimensionalGuy: I don't recall. (Checking Posts) Low activity, but good activity. Was the first person to vote LttL and did a good read through of Est. Town...ish.
Ban: I'm used to him being dead by now.
Absum: Probably scum, either aligned with Turtles or Turtles is an SK who wanted to use Absum for Day Cover.

Have a thing. Also, can someone give me their thoughts on Est? I don't know why but I can't seem to form any thoughts on them.
Ooh let me hear this SK theory. I'd love it.
So far, there's been only a single kill both nights with matching flavor to indicate it's from the same faction, so with only one faction killing and no signs of an unrestricted Town Vigilante it's rather unlikely for the same target to be attacked twice unless if they're the one that scum need to kill. In order for your claim of bulletproof Survivor to be night killed, Scum would need to waste two nights attacking a third party that they don't even need dead. With the setup as seen so far, your Survivor role has no challenge in it and it only serves to delay things.

As for activity, TurtleDucks constant hinting at being a Survivor, being a friend to all, and being aligned with anyone who is reading their posts, all definitely read as a Survivor and got the point across. Then he decided to open himself up to attacks from Scum by claiming Town and saying that Absum is the same. There's no real reason for a Survivor to do this, it's just buddying up to whoever is Town Reading you, an attempt at getting backup for the Day phase. The lie is also more likely coming from a Serial Killer than a Survivor, and the reasoning of "Wanted someone to say they couldn't be night killed" doesn't really hold up when it would just pull attention from a potential Strongman and otherwise would be shown if he was ever attacked. Honestly? It seems more like new scum trying to defend a teammate or buddy up than an SK specifically, but Absum's interactions with your slot don't feel aligned, so I'm going with SK. (Plus, SK having Night Immunity is a basic trait that really doesn't help your case here)

Blegh, I'm too tired to have this be coherent if I go any further. Plenty of time in the Day this game.
So far, there's been only a single kill both nights with matching flavor to indicate it's from the same faction, so with only one faction killing and no signs of an unrestricted Town Vigilante it's rather unlikely for the same target to be attacked twice unless if they're the one that scum need to kill. In order for your claim of bulletproof Survivor to be night killed, Scum would need to waste two nights attacking a third party that they don't even need dead. With the setup as seen so far, your Survivor role has no challenge in it and it only serves to delay things.

As for activity, TurtleDucks constant hinting at being a Survivor, being a friend to all, and being aligned with anyone who is reading their posts, all definitely read as a Survivor and got the point across. Then he decided to open himself up to attacks from Scum by claiming Town and saying that Absum is the same. There's no real reason for a Survivor to do this, it's just buddying up to whoever is Town Reading you, an attempt at getting backup for the Day phase. The lie is also more likely coming from a Serial Killer than a Survivor, and the reasoning of "Wanted someone to say they couldn't be night killed" doesn't really hold up when it would just pull attention from a potential Strongman and otherwise would be shown if he was ever attacked. Honestly? It seems more like new scum trying to defend a teammate or buddy up than an SK specifically, but Absum's interactions with your slot don't feel aligned, so I'm going with SK. (Plus, SK having Night Immunity is a basic trait that really doesn't help your case here)

Blegh, I'm too tired to have this be coherent if I go any further. Plenty of time in the Day this game.

I've never claimed attacked, I've never even received a massage since I've replaced in. Not to mention I'm pretty sure that the SK is dead.
TurtleDucks/ComiTurtle: Scum. Likely Serial Killer.
I don't believe we have an SK. We have either a single overlapping faction of invaders as scum with the Brotherhood being their allies or mercenaries (thus being under one faction), or the Brotherhood and the invaders are two separate small scum factions with the Brotherhood being something related to an internal powergrab with the death of the king. My money is on one large faction with the Brotherhood aligning with the invaders.

If they are one large faction, however, that does beg the question why they weren't simply named after Reim i.e. the name of the invaders according to the OP. Thus, I am not completely convinced for certain that they are one large faction even if I am currently leaning in that direction.

Either way, I don't believe there are SKs this time around. They neither fit what we do know so far, nor do they fit the existence of the Bloodletter Brotherhood as a faction. Likewise, I don't believe there to be third-party Survivors either and therefore must assume that Comi is non-SK scum.