A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Nanimani on Oct 16, 2019 at 12:57 PM, finished with 199 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Null
    [X] Lynch Evenstar
    [x] Lynch BanTheFairyKing
    [X] Lynch Nanimani
    [X] Lynch Look To The Left
    [X] Lynch Absum
    [X] Lynch Comiturtle
    [X] Lynch 1KBestK

@mesonoxian Most of your interactions have been with Rosen, I was wondering if you had any thoughts on the events of today? You felt pretty good to me Day 1 but the near disappearance Day 2 is concerning.
@Nanimani Got two questions for you, is it a good time to share the 'Reasons' you were voting Rosen Day 1, and did anything interesting happen Night One that you want to share?
@Cyricubed how are things progressing over there?
@ComiTurtle Got any thoughts on the overall game, setup, etc? Wanted to ask now to see how things change later.
Sorry, I have been working more than usual the last few days. I'll try to post something more before day ends.
Hum. I'd normally go for Ban or 1K off that tally, but I'll wait for Ban to actually participate tomorrow like they said they would. And I'd just feel bad going on 1K, especially with no one actually posting reasons for them.

Absum's claim really is rather off, but at the same time, their actions don't feel sus to me. Kinda like a Nega-Evenstar.
Gah, this isn't about pressuring anymore but finding an acceptable vote.

[X] Lynch Look to the Left

Inactivity votes are there for when there's nothing better. We're at that for the second day in a row, which is not a particularly good spot to be in, if I'm being honest. Still, it's the only thing I can think of. Got way too many people with no data points in my notes even this late. Should push tomorrow. Should. We'll see if I can actually work up the energy.
2: I said I was roleblocked, you know. If you want the flavor, thorny vines of magic binding me. Sharp thorns. Ow thorns. Mentioned my trying to get out of them got me bleeding. Disappeared when the sun rose.
This seems pretty important to me? This means the RBer is likely Town, no? Not per se ofc and I don't want to fall into a trap here but I do think it's noteworthy. Though atm it doesn't really affect any actions.

ngl, I am actually really okay with this lynch as well. I think that Absum is scum, but I'm also trying to figure out why that would be the interaction as scum. @ComiTurtle thoughts?
Well, idk which interaction you mean, but if you can't find anything consider if Town would have a reason to do it, and then consider if/how much it would hurt scum to fake? Looking town is always an option after all.
Absum's claim really is rather off, but at the same time, their actions don't feel sus to me. Kinda like a Nega-Evenstar.
I haven't actually claimed anything. Well, I suppose I have now claimed a tiny bit of flavour, but that's pretty vague.

Inactivity votes are there for when there's nothing better. We're at that for the second day in a row, which is not a particularly good spot to be in, if I'm being honest.
D1 was not an inactivity vote though. Unless you're talking about your own vote mb?
ngl, I am actually really okay with this lynch as well. I think that Absum is scum, but I'm also trying to figure out why that would be the interaction as scum. @ComiTurtle thoughts?

Okay this should be a quick thing to respond to.

Evenstar scum in Neighborhood :
Unless scum are in multiple neighborhoods their initial suspicion on all the team talk is pretty weird from scum but Evenstar is a strong player and knows that some overt paranoia can look town on future looks and it heavily pushes them towards their claim if they are wrong. (Less likely theory is disorganized mafia signaling but I'd assume there is better ways to do that.) This concern is also strengthened by them stating that they don't believe the flavor makes sense for multiple neighborhoods down the line seems incongruent with their initial suspicions.

Now as I've said in my wall of text, the rationale for scum Evenstar to make the reveal and have such public suspicions even if unfounded is the following: Attempting to convince the people in their neighborhood that they are in fact town by kinda shoving the paranoia and revealing themselves openly, making themselves seem the most townie of however many people are within the chat, and becoming their pubic voice if need to which gives Evenstar room to manipulate them and gain free town cred from the people in the neighborhood.

So basically the play is all about positioning themselves to get some people unknown or known more likely to consider her town and trustworthy. It doesn't have exceptionally strong other uses in my opinion, even though it does give me a town read of her.

Also on the LTTL lynch vote, like I get it, I still have no quotes on them at all in my notes, but it does feel like an exceptionally easy lynch right now that grants us no information really... unless they are scum I guess in which case quite an oddly informative inactivity lynch, but I have nothing besides absence that pushes me towards that conclusion and there are a ton of people plainly inactive, myself can easily be included in such a list to be honest.
Just putting down some thoughts on my phone at work so no quotes or anything.

For the reasons @1KBestK explained to me there are several ways to read the decision to NK QT, which gives us little to go on.

I am still confused about the Absum/Comiturtle thing but it looks like no further info is forthcoming, unless someone else has some insight into the situation.

A couple questions about role blocking. I assume town role blockers could accidentally block town PRs, right? Would the person being blocked see anything if they didn't have a night action to block? And does the blocker normally get any feedback about whether they blocked an action or just wasted their move?
This seems pretty important to me? This means the RBer is likely Town, no? Not per se ofc and I don't want to fall into a trap here but I do think it's noteworthy. Though atm it doesn't really affect any actions.
So why do you say the flavor indicates Town? Is it the ritual alone? I know my own flavor wasn't much in the way of making me think this is good.

Also on the LTTL lynch vote, like I get it, I still have no quotes on them at all in my notes, but it does feel like an exceptionally easy lynch right now that grants us no information really... unless they are scum I guess in which case quite an oddly informative inactivity lynch, but I have nothing besides absence that pushes me towards that conclusion and there are a ton of people plainly inactive, myself can easily be included in such a list to be honest.
Yeah, it ain't really an informer lynch. But at the same time, I'm actually looking forward to participation off other people. Only one I can think of who says much but gives me nothing is Est, but I've seen someone townread them. Entirely possible I missed shit.
You fall into the category of "Wait for the thing they're gonna do." If you don't actually post your analysis, that'd be one thing, but you're still working on it.
A couple questions about role blocking. I assume town role blockers could accidentally block town PRs, right?
That is how RBers usually work, yes.
Would the person being blocked see anything if they didn't have a night action to block?
This feels like fishing, and I don't like it. Also, it depends on the game, IIRC. However, also IIRC, seeing a block when they have no night action to send is more likely than seeing nothing.
And does the blocker normally get any feedback about whether they blocked an action or just wasted their move?
I've never known an RBer who got any of that kinda feedback.
I have no real read on Happery, LTTL, DG, or PyrrosWarrior just from lack of data.

Thoroughly confused on Absum and Comiturtle.

I've got a pretty strong town read for Nictis and InterstellarHobo.

That leaves 1Kbest, Evenstar, Nanimani, Ban, Cyriccubed and Est. Of them, I have a tenuous town read on Nani and ES.

No strong scum reads yet. And given my track record, I am not anxious to announce even weak scum reads without a lot more evidence than I have right now.

I have tried to proofread this mess a couple times, but I am phone posting so sorry in advance for typos and crimes of autocorrect.
Twenty-one hours and seven minutes remaining.

Oh christ

This seems pretty important to me? This means the RBer is likely Town, no? Not per se ofc and I don't want to fall into a trap here but I do think it's noteworthy. Though atm it doesn't really affect any actions.

No. It means we have a roleblocker and they blocked Nani...ahh...hmm...idk what to make of this now...

I finished my ISO's...but honestly...

I found almost entirely NAI stuff...like...ugh...

The worst things I found was Evenstar's really unprompted Neighborhood claim, the points Nictis already pointed out on Absum, and some weirdness from Nani that honestly I'm not sure what to make of it...

Like, I could quote everything like I did with TD/Absum but honestly...most of it(90% of it) is noise with no value.

@Look to the Left hey do stuff. *Poke*

[X] Lynch Absum

I hate to say this but I think I'm sheeping with this one...I iso'd Nictis along with Even, Nani, and Absum and I found that despite Nictis being everywhere this day phase and tbh I'm a bit disappointed my ISO didn't end up pointing out more(I just wanted more insight on what I could have done better honestly) I have a confidant town-read on Nictis. That said, I'm gonna trust Nictis here in the absence of...well...anything.
So why do you say the flavor indicates Town? Is it the ritual alone? I know my own flavor wasn't much in the way of making me think this is good.

Yeah, it ain't really an informer lynch. But at the same time, I'm actually looking forward to participation off other people. Only one I can think of who says much but gives me nothing is Est, but I've seen someone townread them. Entirely possible I missed shit.
You fall into the category of "Wait for the thing they're gonna do." If you don't actually post your analysis, that'd be one thing, but you're still working on it.

That is how RBers usually work, yes.

This feels like fishing, and I don't like it. Also, it depends on the game, IIRC. However, also IIRC, seeing a block when they have no night action to send is more likely than seeing nothing.

I've never known an RBer who got any of that kinda feedback.
Sorry, didn't mean to be fishing. I just wasn't clear whether saying "I was roleblocked" was equivalent to "I had a role and it was blocked" or just "somebody used a roleblocking power on me". It seems it is the latter.

That's why I didn't tag you specifically to ask. It doesn't benefit us to give any clues about PRs at this point. But I needed to know what was implied by your claim. It is one of the handful of clear sources of information from this whole day, and the only one that makes sense to me. I would have asked in the general mafia thread but I didn't want to look like I was discussing the game outside this thread.

So it appears all this tells us is somebody is a roleblocker or jailer.
So it appears all this tells us is somebody is a roleblocker or jailer.

Vines seems much more Roleblocker than jailer, jailer generally has some flavor of being protected in some form, like being shoved into a barrel, or locked in a room/building. Thorns kinda suggests tied up open for people to eliminate. Certainly not impossible but the flavor Nani gives indicates RB much more strongly.
So my (semi-old?) reasons for the Nani lynch:
  • The Doctor thing at the start (sorry but I really don't like that kinda play)
  • Interactions wrt Evenstar (this, this and this, and this one especially in how it relates to the Ban vote)
  • The timing and Reasons (though on current ISO I do actually like the now provided actual reason) of the -Rosen vote and importantly the timing of leaving the -Rosen vote, especially when combined with this post later (which also defends ES again btw)
Defending ES is imo not scum indicative on it's own, but as I personally am still sus of her it does look sus to me. That I'm not voting ES over it is mostly down to her being busy and not really having naything aside from that. You could see that as a reason to vote her but well voting inactives who've said they're busy makes me uncomfortable so yeah that's just how I am.

Having done a quick ISO to refresh myself on this though, Nani does also have content I do like. My other option at Day start was Cyricubed, but while I think (no ISO yet) I have seen less I like of them, I also feel I'd have even less of a case? Only really that I think the bait D1 was bad and that they went too hard. Which isn't really much of anything :/
Just to repeat and summarize a bit: At Day start I considered voting Nani, Cyri, or Evenstar but I'm an idiot and did nothing instead. I don't really want to vote ES now and my case against Cyri feels too weak.
And if it comes down to it I will in fact vote on LttL to save myself/prevent a tie, rather than on ES. Though I guess now that I'm saying that I'm doubting myself. But that's the current plan anyway.
And if voting on someone not me would cause a tie, I'd rather that became clear soon so I could actually claim and explain myself in full before everyone is asleep.
And actually because I love talking about myself (lol) @Nictis can you please detail why you think I am scum? Like I understand that you think I pretended to be a specific role (I don't entirely agree with your interpretation but w/e I should have paid more attention to my own posts) but I don't really see the jump to scum here?
A couple questions about role blocking. I assume town role blockers could accidentally block town PRs, right? Would the person being blocked see anything if they didn't have a night action to block? And does the blocker normally get any feedback about whether they blocked an action or just wasted their move?
Depends on the GM, but usually yes on the target being informed, and no on the blocker being told. Your attempt at knowing if Nani is a Power Role is noted however.

Gonna need to look at this whwn I grt off work, phone posting doesn't work well with links on SV.
And actually because I love talking about myself (lol) @Nictis can you please detail why you think I am scum? Like I understand that you think I pretended to be a specific role (I don't entirely agree with your interpretation but w/e I should have paid more attention to my own posts) but I don't really see the jump to scum here?

Depends on the GM, but usually yes on the target being informed, and no on the blocker being told. Your attempt at knowing if Nani is a Power Role is noted however.

Beep Boop. Feels like a voicemail answer. :p

Maybe I should look more into Meso now, I'll do them along with 1K/Ban's sweep over instead of saving the newbies for the last sweep over.
Wait...I forgot Happerry was in the game again...and I forgot about Pyrros despite having a note here to look into them...I'M SO DISORGANIZED AUGHHH.
[X] Null

Not going to have my vote for the day be one made under duress. Absum I can't read properly, LttL is a pure inactivity vote. I don't like any of these lynches, but I think atm I prefer Absum because they're worth slightly more info (from the perspective of not currently seeing a lot of value in any of these lynches), but I'd need to refresh myself on the arguments first, which I won't be able to do for a few hours.