A Game of Crowns (Mafia)

Confirming. Does this get me bonus rewards? Optional objectives usually do :p
Dawn of the First Day
The invading forces descend into chaos within minutes. The loss of chain of command, the inability to distinguish friend and foe, and a few inciting comments from the locals all combine to turn the disciplined army into an unruly mob. A very upset unruly mob, carrying a lot of sharp objects.

Some make their way forward to the front of the crowd, seeking to restore order, or exploit the herd mentality of the crowd, or perhaps simply escape the throng before they got stabbed somewhere important. Regardless of motivation, seventeen people find themselves the target of the majority of attention, faced with demands for a course of action and someone to blame.

It's quite clear from the tone of the shouting that any scapegoat chosen will meet an untimely end in short order.

Day 1 has begun. Day ends at:
Last night, at 12:32 CDT, Lost Deviljho PM'd me to let me know I was town.
I responded at 6:36.
This morning, at 6:56, Lost Deviljho liked my response.

You all see the obvious conclusion, yes?
That's right, Lost Deviljho doesn't get enough sleep.
[x] Lynch InterstellarHobo

This is clearly bait guys don't fall for it!
I got the timezones wrong but this isnt too bad

FYI I go to work around this time and I will be afk for 7 ish hours but beginning next week is my vacation so will have more activity then
I thinkkk we all have meso. Seems to be all coordinated with a special start time and all
I dont know anybody here, what about the rest? Whove you played with, what do you think of their playstyle?
I've played with Rosen and Meso before but not much. 1k and I have played more together, and honestly our styles don't mesh much. There was a game when she was pretty much a confirmed cop and I still thought she was sus 🤷‍♂️
Okay I've got some questions, if I may. I don't want to meme around for very long and my two posts is more than enough for me, so let's jump into it.

1) Is there a player in this game you think you can read better than anyone else? If you'd like to share, why do you think so?
2) The opposite question: is there a player you find harder to read than anybody else? Why so?
3) If neither are applicable, give me a wild guess at a full scum team as compensation :)
I've also played with some other people but that's it for those who've spoken so far
I've played with Rosen and Meso before but not much. 1k and I have played more together, and honestly our styles don't mesh much. There was a game when she was pretty much a confirmed cop and I still thought she was sus 🤷‍♂️
Actually, this is my first game of mafia, ever. (Unless you count playing Werewolf in person in the fifth grade.)
Personally I'd say u can read Nictis better than anybody here, and I have the hardest time with Naninami. I have minimal experience on SV though so these answers are a bit raw based on what I've seen
I've never played a Mafia style game before at all, though I have read 1 or 2. For the most part, however, this is completely uncharted territory for me.
Okay I've got some questions, if I may. I don't want to meme around for very long and my two posts is more than enough for me, so let's jump into it.

1) Is there a player in this game you think you can read better than anyone else? If you'd like to share, why do you think so?
2) The opposite question: is there a player you find harder to read than anybody else? Why so?
3) If neither are applicable, give me a wild guess at a full scum team as compensation :)
This is my first SV mafia game, so... in order, no, no, and -Rosen is every scum!

[X] Lynch -Rosen
I've played with Rosen and Meso before but not much. 1k and I have played more together, and honestly our styles don't mesh much. There was a game when she was pretty much a confirmed cop and I still thought she was sus 🤷‍♂️

Why did you think 1K was sus?

Or a link would be fine too.
Okay I've got some questions, if I may. I don't want to meme around for very long and my two posts is more than enough for me, so let's jump into it.

1) Is there a player in this game you think you can read better than anyone else? If you'd like to share, why do you think so?
2) The opposite question: is there a player you find harder to read than anybody else? Why so?
3) If neither are applicable, give me a wild guess at a full scum team as compensation :)

1. Lol, no. I mean I wish, but no.
2. Pawn isn't playing, so again no.
3. Let's see... Well, this feels like a game with neutrals tbth. The invading thing gives a lot of leeway for non-town non-invaders. With that said, I don't think there's another team of people we need to lynch. So... Probably 6 invaders? As to who they are, that's more obvious.

Me, you, Pawn, LDJ, Comi, and Oshha
1. Lol, no. I mean I wish, but no.
2. Pawn isn't playing, so again no.
3. Let's see... Well, this feels like a game with neutrals tbth. The invading thing gives a lot of leeway for non-town non-invaders. With that said, I don't think there's another team of people we need to lynch. So... Probably 6 invaders? As to who they are, that's more obvious.

Me, you, Pawn, LDJ, Comi, and Oshha
Thoughts on Evenstar in relation to the second question? I know those two talk each other up on a pretty regular basis so I'm wondering what other people think about that dynamic.
Actually, this is my first game of mafia, ever. (Unless you count playing Werewolf in person in the fifth grade.)

...ah whoops. The elections and my first Mafia game happened around the same time, must have mixed your name up.

Why did you think 1K was sus?

Or a link would be fine too.

Her play - and I've only seen her as town, keep in mind - seems to be to kinda hideback a bit, then once she has some info go full aggressive, sometimes a bit caustically. I don't like it when people lay low, and when they then make huge bold plays out of nowhere I get suspicious at what has changed.