But, on the other hand, it means you will likely give up on Immortal Awakening. For one path to bloom to its full potential, another must be curtailed...
I need to know what Immortal Awakening is so bad.
We finally got the Truth, and the Logos is old news, so Rihaku needed a new mystery box to torment us with. Over the next couple weeks he will slowly tease out hints about what it is and what it does, until finally the thread is half-mad with anticipation.
Turns out, Rihaku tormented us for a bit longer than "the next couple weeks", unless you think that "a couple weeks" means 65 god damn weeks spent wondering what cool new shiny toy awaits us on the next page of the thread.
I will never give up on immortal awakening.
Current theory: All power so far is thematically flavored by an age and a ring. Age of Might, Age of Truth, Age of Grace, and so on, each with their own ring. The final pinacle of every kind of power is a ring, and Immortal Awakening is no exception; Immortal awakening is where you make your own ring, a Ring of Nameless. And maybe you get your own age too.
It's basically the One Ring from Lord of the Rings. Unlike the others, the One Ring wasn't a tool to be used, it was him, the greater part of his soul and his spirit, and anyone who wore the ring turned into Sauron. The Ring of Truth makes you more true and makes everyone else see your truth, the Ring of Strength makes you strong and makes everyone covet your strength, but Immortal Awakening creates a ring that makes everyone who wears it act like you, and you act like yourself.
It also explains why the ring of Truth works with Immortal Cultivation but the Ring of Strength does not; Truth lets you discern your true identity more effectively, which is helpful for making a ring of the self, while the Ring of Strength just gives power.