Romance of the Three Dynasties (Dynasty Warriors Multicross)

There any mecha about?​


There will be some Mecha Pilots here, either nerfed or buffed to Dynasty Warrior levels, but their mechs will need to be brought here through effort and hard work.

Spoken like an experienced Isekai protagonist haha.

Lina been around....seriously read some of the Slayers Manga. Lina been sent to more alternate universes and worlds more times than I can count.
How would they repair and maintain their mechs? I know this is DW, but... it's DW, not Megaman.

Basically, one end game option will be to open a hole in the dimensions and start bringing in elements/people/objects from the character's world into this one. This requires a lot of time and effort put into it, and is the big "Take this guy down" option.

So, by the time they're able to bring their mechs here, they can also bring in resources that let them repair them from their own world.
Scry it is!

Edit: Random Event Commence!
Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Jun 18, 2019 at 1:23 PM, finished with 17 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)
    [X] Search: You need to figure out exactly where you are, what towns are nearby, and who owns the place you're in. A quick fly into the sky with Ray Wing should be enough, but should you keep the search general, or are you looking for something specific?
    - [X] Search for Trouble (Find Mooks to beat up for cash, Random Even DC: 50)
LinkOnScepter threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Event Total: 85
85 85
Turn 2/Month 2: Scrying goes Awry and Planning for the Future
[X] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)

It didn't take you long to create the scrying tool. After all, you had all the ingredients right outside. One leaf plucked from a tree branch, a few rocks sitting on the ground, and the water from the river right next to you. You had all the materials you needed before the sun had even moved an inch in the sky.

You do need to put in a little effort though. Creating the bowl for the water to sit in needed a tiny bit of magic from you. Just a little elementalism to make sure it doesn't turn to mud while you're using it. Then you scooped some water in it, and place the leaf right in the middle of it all.

You smile at your work, feeling pride well up in your chest. You unclip your cloak from your back and lay it out on the cave floor before placing the bowl right in the middle. The sunlight reflects off of your pauldrons as you let them fall to the floor too. Only then do you close your eyes, holding your hands out to the small bowl on the floor.

A soft chant leaves your lips, invoking the various lesser gods and spirits that rule over divination. You feel the magic working its way into the scrying pool, but it doesn't get very far before fizzling out. You resist the urge to frown, thinking of how Amelia or Sylphiel would handle this. They're much better in divination and white magic than you are.

You take in a deep breath then begin the chant again. This time, you feel the magic take hold and secure itself within your tool. There's a small flash of light that envelops the cave for a brief moment before swiftly fading out. You let out a sigh and open your eyes while lifting the scrying pool up to your face. You stand up and walk out into the midday sun with your eyes glued to the leaf.

"Alright," you watch the water ripple as it gets close to your face, "let's start with something simple. Where can I find the nearest town?"

Soon enough the tip of the leaf points straight ahead. Within the water's surface, you soon see the juxtaposed image of what looks like a large town. You can't make out anything specific, but if the moving dots are any indication, it is at least populated.

And where there are people, there's food.

"Figures it'd be straight ahead of me," you say while rolling your eyes, "Now show me if there are any bandits, or wolves, or something like that around. Something someone will pay me to get rid of."

It takes a moment, but the leaf turns to point towards your west. The water ripples, showing a guy that has bandit written all over his face. His letting what you think are coins fall through his fingers in one hand, while his other is...petting a mangy wolf.

You frown at the image, placing a hand on your head, "Figures I'd get the literal interpretations. Ok then, who's the guy in charge here? Who do I need to talk to so I can know exactly what's going on here?"

The leaf doesn't move for a few seconds. You get impatient, "Come on. You were so quick to show me earlier. What gives?"

Again, it doesn't move.

You're thinking about tossing it, but then the leaf turns to point directly at you. You turn around but see nothing except the cave, which means they must be passed that. Sure enough, the leaf turns to point towards the cave, but something

You can feel....another magic user? Wait...two of them?!

Confused, you swiftly look into the bowl and-

"What have we here," the pale face in the bowl says to you.

You immediately take the leaf out of the water.

You wait a few seconds.

You put the leaf back.

"Um, hello?"

You take the leaf out.

"...That's enough of that for today," you dump the water out of the bowl onto the ground, before stretching up towards the sky, "Time to go do some fishing."

You spend the rest of the month scrying the area in general and getting a more specific idea of what's in the town. So far, you've seen a blacksmith, a stable, and plenty of taverns, restaurants, and other places where you can get some real food. Your mouth starts to water at the thought of it.

Now if only you had some money to spend. Fortunately, you've been able to find plenty of ways to alleviate your financial woes.

Most in the form of honest, hired work.

And some in the form of stealing from the bandits.

You made sure to shore up your magical defenses before scrying, of course. Don't want a repeat of last time happening again. You shake your head while taking another bite out of a fish you caught. Looks like there are other magic users out there besides you. Which could be a good thing...though your track record hasn't exactly been great with your fellow Sorcerers and Sorceresses. Barring Sylph, Amelia, and Zel, most of the Mages you've met turned out to be crazy and want you dead or worse.

But, who knows?

Maybe this time will be different?

....Yeah you're not holding your breath.

(New Options during Strategy Phase Unlocked, Town Discovered, Bandits and Wolves discovered, You've Been Discovered by two other Magic Users)

Current Status:

Job: Free Officer
Goal: Get some Money, Possibly find your Companions, Go from there
Gold: 0
Materials: 0
Infantry/Men/Army: 0
Turn 2/Month 2

Strategy Phase:

[] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
- [] Find the pale guy. Even in the water he looked pretty creepy. All the more reason to meet with him and see where the two of you stand.
- [] Find the little girl. She looks like a light breeze could take her down, and it's not good to be a little girl traveling alone in this kind of place. You need to find her before she gets into trouble.

[] Practice: You might be an amazing Sorceress, but you didn't get where you are without a lot of training. And even now you always make sure to get in some practice here and there. You lose it if you don't use it! (Practice your Magic, DC to Gain a New Perk: 70, Random Event DC: 70)

[] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)

[] Slay some Bandits: You know where the bandits are, you know they have treasure and gold, and you know that someone will be very happy they've been cleaned up. There's no reason for you not to go after them. Time to get back to work! (Enter Battle Phase, Random Event DC 30)

[] Head into Town: You might not have any money to buy things with, but you can still go into down and just look at everything. It might be a good way to get familiar with the locals. (Head into Town and learn all about it, Random Event DC: 50)

[] Move: You need to move shop. You know where the town is, two other people probably know your general location, and you can't stay in a cave all day long. You're gonna have to leave and find a new place to set up. You don't have much, so this won't be too hard. (Move to a new Adjacent Territory)
- [] Head South
- [] Head East
- [] Head West

[] Rest: After everything that's happened, you think you're just gonna rest for today. Need to keep your strength up, and you need your beauty sleep. (Rest to regain health and such, Random Event DC: 50)

To Explain the different Spoilers:

Personnel is about interacting with people, specifically Rulers, Officers, and Free Officers. All Officers will have a Trust Rating that shows how much they like you, and how loyal they are to you. It will start at 0 for most Officers you meet, with the Maximum being 100 and the Minimum being -100. However if both your Traits are compatible, they've previously heard of your character, or you've met them in battle, it could start at a higher rating. Likewise, if the Traits are contrasting or they've met you before but don't like you/what you did to them, then it will start at a Lower rating. You can increase Trust through interacting with Officers, throwing banquets, giving them gifts, defeating them in battle (and they like your skill), committing acts that they agree with, etc. You can also decrease Trust by ignoring Officers that have joined you, committing acts that they don't agree with, defeating them in battle (and they don't like your skill), etc.

Higher Trust means that the Officer is less likely to betray you if you recruit them, is more likely to accept if you try to recruit them and they're already working for someone, lead to them introducing you to other Officers, giving you gifts, and Special Events that can be chosen from the Strategy Phase or initiated by the Officer.

Lower Trust means that the Officer is more likely to betray you or leave you, won't listen to you when you try to recruit them, and they might start attempting to assassinate you.

If the Officer is a random named character, then it won't count as an Action for the turn, and their Trust will simply increase. If it's an Established Officer or an OCP, then it will be considered an Action, and there will be update revolving around it.

Military mostly focuses on your army and yourself. Since you don't have an army yet, all you can do is Practice. More options will unlock if you gain some troops.

Politics involves raising and spending your resources. Again, you only have access to Raise Money for now and will need to do more in the Quest to unlock more options.

Purchase is also self explanatory. You head into town to buy things from the Blacksmith (Weapons), Stables (Mounts/Animals), and Academy (Stratagems). Each of these will have different stock every month, and the quality of their stock will change based on what the current Warlord has improve in the Territory. Different Warlords will start with and improve different areas of their Territory. On top of this, specific Territories are the only places you can get specific items (such as Red Hare). If you don't like the selection in your current Territory, you can always move to a different one where they might have a better selection. However, you will need money to buy anything...which you don't have right now.

Battle is all about going into a fight. Whenever you choose an option from Battle, the next Update will go right into the Battle Phase. There are three types of Battle options that you will have access to, depending on how the Quest goes.

- Individual Battles: These are battles that your character just finds out about, and you decide to go fight them. An example would be the current option. What they give you will vary based on the mission, how you go about it, and what happens during and after it's over. Since it's a Battle you found and chose, you have full control over how long it goes and what you get at the end of it. However, you'll likely not get a fixed reward from it, and won't gain any Trust unless an Officer appears during the fight.

- Quest Battles: These are the Contracts. These are jobs that are posted up in the towns by local Free Officers, Officers, and Rulers for anyone to take on. They have a set objective, set Time Limit, and set reward you get for completing it. On top of this, completing it will increase your Trust with the Officer who offers the Quest, and any you happen to meet/beat up during it. However, you have less control over how the Quest will end, and can't change what reward you get. You can take Quest from the Territory you're currently in and two Adjacent Territories.

- Join Battle: These are the Territory wide conflicts. Whenever another Warlord invades a Territory you're in, the Warlord in your Territory invades another one, or two Warlords happen to be fighting nearby, you can go and join in these battles. When you choose to, you get to choose what side you want to be on. You can join one of the Warlords or come into the battle as a Third Party and fight everyone. If you join with a Warlord, you'll gain Trust with that Warlord and all their Officers while losing Trust with the Warlord and Officers you're fighting. Not only that, but you'll gain a reward from the Warlord when the battle is over. If you choose to do this, the objective will simply be to route/capture/kill the enemy Commander. Once this is done, you'll have won the battle. However, if you choose to fight both sides, then you won't gain any rewards and lose Trust with both Warlords. However, you will gain Infamy which I will explain if you ever gain it. If you fight as a Third Party, you'll need to defeat both Commanders of both armies in order to win.

One last thing: I changed Supplies to Materials cause that's what they actually are in the game. We're just gonna pretend that I didn't goof that up and that it's always been that way.

Alright? Alright.
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:o:o:eek::eek:.....Oh shit Berserk, please tell me that you didn't bring Griffith here as well....

[X] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)

We'll need money for any future troops we get, cause I'm not sure whether Lina can take all of the bandits by herself.
:o:o:eek::eek:.....Oh shit Berserk, please tell me that you didn't bring Griffith here as well....

[X] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)

We'll need money for any future troops we get, cause I'm not sure whether Lina can take all of the bandits by herself.
She probably could, but her bags are a bit light. Doesn't feel very comforting when you're crushing bandits yet your loot is little D: (little loot--> littoot?)

Plus money can be used for everything! Buying guards, bribing people, helping friends, injecting into the bloodstream... of the local economy!
[X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
-[X] Find the little girl. She looks like a light breeze could take her down, and it's not good to be a little girl traveling alone in this kind of place. You need to find her before she gets into trouble.

Minion get!
Plus a cute kid helps defuse Lina related issues.
[X] Slay some Bandits: You know where the bandits are, you know they have treasure and gold, and you know that someone will be very happy they've been cleaned up. There's no reason for you not to go after them. Time to get back to work! (Enter Battle Phase, Random Event DC 30)
Wow, I really bled voters didn't I?
Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Jun 20, 2019 at 6:21 PM, finished with 8 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)
    [X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
    -[X] Find the little girl. She looks like a light breeze could take her down, and it's not good to be a little girl traveling alone in this kind of place. You need to find her before she gets into trouble.
    [X] Slay some Bandits: You know where the bandits are, you know they have treasure and gold, and you know that someone will be very happy they've been cleaned up. There's no reason for you not to go after them. Time to get back to work! (Enter Battle Phase, Random Event DC 30)
Alright if anyone wants to vote for something feel free to do so within reason of course cause I'm sure there are more than 4 people watching this quest.
[X] Slay some Bandits: You know where the bandits are, you know they have treasure and gold, and you know that someone will be very happy they've been cleaned up. There's no reason for you not to go after them. Time to get back to work! (Enter Battle Phase, Random Event DC 30)
[X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
-[X] Find the little girl. She looks like a light breeze could take her down, and it's not good to be a little girl traveling alone in this kind of place. You need to find her before she gets into trouble.
Wow, I really bled voters didn't I?
nah some might be salty but others like myself are not sure what to actually vote for.
Adhoc vote count started by M3lk0r on Jun 20, 2019 at 10:13 PM, finished with 14 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Track down those Magic Users: No use avoiding it, you're gonna have to go meet with one of those Magic Users. They already know you're around, might as well take the initiative and meet them on your terms. Otherwise they're gonna come to you and that could end with a battle you're not ready to have right now.
    -[X] Find the little girl. She looks like a light breeze could take her down, and it's not good to be a little girl traveling alone in this kind of place. You need to find her before she gets into trouble.
    [X] Slay some Bandits: You know where the bandits are, you know they have treasure and gold, and you know that someone will be very happy they've been cleaned up. There's no reason for you not to go after them. Time to get back to work! (Enter Battle Phase, Random Event DC 30)
    [X] Raise Money
    [X] Raise Money: You don't have much, but with a little magic you could probably turn a few of the rocks in this cave into trinkets and crystals. Then it's just a matter of haggling with a merchant. And that's something you're an expert in. (Get 500 Gold)
Maybe they don't much of the main character, I mean I don't know much of her but I'm staying cause I would like to see what she can do with the setting.