Romance of the Three Dynasties (Dynasty Warriors Multicross)

Turn 1/Month 1: Sent to a New World...Again.
Well then, it looks like that's it.

At the very least, you don't seem that bad from what I've learned. With you around, China might actually have a chance of coming out of this.

Then again, I might just be counting my chickens before they hatch.

See you around.

….Hmm? Who am I?

In the grand scheme of things, I'm not really that important.

Consider me a well-meaning third party who wants to help out.

Whether you believe that or not, is down to you.

We probably won't be seeing each other again.

So, good luck, Lina Inverse.

Your eyes shoot open, and you jump to your feet immediately. Your hands are held out as you scan the area around you, fireball spell at the ready.

This isn't the first time you've woken up with the last thing you remember being some weird voice in your head, telling you about how you're in a world different from your own!
You've been through this once before and you're not going to let yourself be caught off guard this time!

"Ok!" you draw a line in the ground with your boot, while taking up a stance to intimidate anyone who might be watching, "If you're out there, come out and I promise I won't burn this place to the ground with you in it!"

You're partly bluffing here.

Not because you have an issue with setting fire to the whole area, but because something like that tends to draw attention. No one's going to ignore a sudden forest fire in the middle of nowhere if the smoke cloud it makes is big enough.

And the last thing you need right now is a bunch of unwanted attention from people who might not appreciate a stunning sorceress like yourself suddenly appearing from thin air!

You keep that stance for as long as you dare, waiting so long that you start feeling cramps in your arms and legs. You don't drop it until the pain moves to your stomach, at which point you stop and drop your guard. No one comes out to attack you the moment you do, so it looks like you're alone here.

"Alright, that's good," you say while patting down your clothes to get all the dirt and dust off them, "now, let's see where exactly I got dropped this time."
You smirk, stretch to get the kinks out, spread your legs, look up towards the sky, and shout, "Ray Wi-"

A loud growling sound suddenly reverberates throughout the forest. It causes the birds to fly into the sky, rabbits, and dear to go running for the hills, and all manner of insects to scurry back into their burrows.

You blink twice before placing both your hands on your stomach.

"Heh, heh," you chuckle in embarrassment, "Guess using magic is out of the picture for now."

Your face furrows in anger, then you kick up some of the dirt from the ground, "Damn it, Gourry! I called dibs on that meat before he even laid his eyes on it!"

Your stomach growls again, making you hug it in pain. You hurriedly scan the area, keeping your ears open for....aha!

You turn left and start jogging towards what can only be the sound of running water. And if there's water, there's bound to be fish, and fish means meat!

The thought of being able to eat something makes you run even faster. A manic smile is on your face.

You swallow a cooked fish whole, savoring the taste as the fire crackles before you. The cave you found is lightly lit by the sun as the sound of rushing water echoes.

Ok, now that you've got some food in your stomach, let's examine the situation.

One, you've been sent to a new world that you know nothing about...again.

Two, you don't have any money.

Three, Gourry, Zel, and Amelia are not with you, so they're either back home or somewhere around here....again.

Four, you have no money.

Five, your magic still works, you've got your clothes, your dagger, and those amplification gems you traded Xellos for.

Six, you. Are. Out. Of. Money.
You place a hand on your head in frustration. Why is it that every time you get sent to a different world, you never have any money? Or get dropped right in the middle of town where you can at least get something to eat?

...Oh, well.

You grab another fish on a stick and swallow the dead animal whole with a smile on your face. If whatever that...thing that was talking to you said was true, you've got yourself a classic case of "War Torn Kingdom."

And you wanna know what pops up during war? Bandits.

And who would you be if you didn't take it upon yourself to get rid of such troublemakers?

While making a profit off it in the process.

After You'll figure it out when you come to it.

Current Status:

Job: Free Officer
Goal: Get some Money, Possibly find your Companions, Go from there
Gold: 0
Materials: 0
Infantry/Men/Army: 0
Turn 1/Month 1

Strategy Phase:

[] Search: You need to figure out exactly where you are, what towns are nearby, and who owns the place you're in. A quick fly into the sky with Ray Wing should be enough, but should you keep the search general, or are you looking for something specific?
- [] General Search (Find a mix of anything useful, Random Even DC: 90)
- [] Search for a town (Find a town and learn more about it, Random Event DC: 75)
- [] Search for Trouble (Find Mooks to beat up for cash, Random Even DC: 50)
- [] Search for Ruler/Political Big Wig (Find the Territory's Owner, Random Event DC: 60)
- [] Search for one of your Companions (DC to find an Officer: 20, DC of it being a Companion: 70)

[] Practice your Magic: You can still use your magic, but you're not sure how far you can push it. It might be a good idea to be sure you can pull out your big spells when you need to. (Learn more about Magic, How the World Works, and otherwise, Random Even DC: 50)

[] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)

Ok, here's how things will work:

- Every Turn you guys will have the chance to do 1 thing. Each Turn is considered a Month. After 12 Turns, a year will go by. During this time, other characters will be doing their own things. You can gain the ability to do more than 1 thing per Turn through specific actions.

- Right now, your options are very limited. This will change as the game goes on, you become more aware of what your situation is, you meet new officers, and overall explore the War Torn Land of China with Isekai-ed characters from fiction in it.

- Whenever you do something, you will succeed at it. You're in Dynasty Warriors and you're not a nameless mook. You always succeed at trivial task. However, whenever you take an action, I will roll 1d100 (sometimes more depending on the action). If this roll is over the Random Event DC, then a Random Event will take place. What this Event is depends upon how much the roll passed the DC. If it doesn't pass the DC, the action will simply succeed.

And that's about it. Any Questions or Criticism are welcomed.

Let the Quest Begin!
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[X] Search: You need to figure out exactly where you are, what towns are nearby, and who owns the place you're in. A quick fly into the sky with Ray Wing should be enough, but should you keep the search general, or are you looking for something specific?
- [X] Search for Trouble (Find Mooks to beat up for cash, Random Even DC: 50)

Time to kick cash and take ass!
[X] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)
If our character falls to the lich king, how likely would it be for our character to be turned into a Lich under his control.
[X] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)
[X] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)
With you around, China might actually have a chance of coming out of this.

[X] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)
If our character falls to the lich king, how likely would it be for our character to be turned into a Lich under his control.

Lina has spells that can rip holes in universes, has faced necromancers before, probably knows a bit of necromancy, and can call upon the literal Universe itself to give her power.

So, the Lich doesn't stand a chance.

However, since everyone has been nerfed to Dynasty Warriors levels to be on equal footing.....well, I'll say this to the Lich King:

"The Game was Rigged from the Start."
Lina has spells that can rip holes in universes, has faced necromancers before, probably knows a bit of necromancy, and can call upon the literal Universe itself to give her power.

So, the Lich doesn't stand a chance.

However, since everyone has been nerfed to Dynasty Warriors levels to be on equal footing.....well, I'll say this to the Lich King:

"The Game was Rigged from the Start."
"...and so, the Sorceress who had cheated death in Slayers cheated death once again, and China was forever changed."
[X] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)
[X] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)

Ok, now that you've got some food in your stomach, let's examine the situation.

One, you've been sent to a new world that you know nothing about...again.

Two, you don't have any money.

Three, Gourry, Zel, and Amelia are not with you, so they're either back home or somewhere around here....again.

Four, you have no money.

Five, your magic still works, you've got your clothes, your dagger, and those amplification gems you traded Xellos for.

Six, you. Are. Out. Of. Money.
You place a hand on your head in frustration. Why is it that every time you get sent to a different world, you never have any money? Or get dropped right in the middle of town where you can at least get something to eat?

...Oh, well.
Spoken like an experienced Isekai protagonist haha.
[X] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)
[X] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)
[X] (Perk: Sorceress Supreme) Scry the area: You don't even have to leave the safety of your cave. With some water, a leaf, and a bit of magic, you can whip up something that'll tell you everything you need to know right here. Though, if there's any magically inclined person nearby, they might see you. (Find most of the Search Options, Random Event DC: 60)