Romance of the Three Dynasties (Dynasty Warriors Multicross)

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China is in peril.

The Han Empire has lost all its power, as it proves itself unworthy of the...


The One who Strangles Concepts to death
China is in peril.

The Han Empire has lost all its power, as it proves itself unworthy of the Mandate of Heaven. As the Old Guard crumbles and dies, a New Age of War and Strife dawns upon the land. The feuding Warlords shall fight each other to decide the fate of China.

Some fight for a righteous cause, seeking to unite China and prevent tyranny from taking hold.

Some fight for their own ambition, wishing to make China theirs, to end this chaos once and for all.

Some fight for their families, simply wishing to ensure their lineage has a future in this tumultuous time.

And still, others fight merely because they know nothing else.

Regardless of the reason, there is one thing that any and all who seek to rule China agree on; the future must be paved in blood.

….Oh yeah, and everyone has superpowers.

….For some reason.

But anyway, tell me, what kind of Scenario is China in right now? Who are the major players? What are the big conflicts? What state is the land in?

[] Historical Scenarios: Ah, sticking with the classics are we? One of the many actual scenarios that China found itself in during this volatile period. (Standard Scenarios, historical events will be followed lest you change them somehow)

- [] The Yellow Turban Rebellion: The powder keg that started it all. The sudden and swift rise of the Yellow Turbans has revealed how weak the Han has become. Now, various Warlords are all waiting for their chance to bring the scattered lands back to order...preferably under their banner.

- [] The Coalition Against Dong Zhou: The real catalyst behind all the events that befell China, this was the event that really convinced everyone "I need to do something about this." Of course, nothing will happen until after the death of Dong Zhou...which will probably happen any day now considering Lu Bu is with him...

[] Non-historical Scenarios: Bit of Alternate History type, eh? Alright then, let's try going to a China where things were...different (Alternate History Scenarios, historical events might not happen as they usually do, plenty of chances for you to change history)

- [] The Yellow Sky Rises: The Yellow Turban Rebellion....succeeded. Against all odds, the rising peasant class managed to beat back the forces of the Han and the various Warlords that were called to battle. The Yellow Turbans, now known as the Yellow Sky, have established their own Kingdom with their own form of government where the people rule. Will they be able to establish a new path for China, or will they become just as corrupt as the Han?

- [] Veni, Vidi, Vici: Hey, did you know that China had contact with the Roman Empire? Well, the thing is, Rome is known for conquering everything they set their eyes on. And China just so happens to be right in their sight lines. Just after Liu Bei establishes Shu with Zhuge Liang, he gets attacked from behind by an encroaching Roman Expedition. They have come to bring civilization to these "Eastern Barbarians", and aren't taking no for an answer. How will China deal with this sudden foreign invasion in the midst of the War of the Three Kingdoms?

[] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).

- [] A Gathering of Heroes: This is the "mid-ground" option. All the established characters and kingdoms are still around, it's just that they've been relegated to a single territory in China. The rest is owned by various random Warlords that are just asking for an ass-kicking. Scattered across China are a mix of OC Created characters, and characters from other fictional works that are just waiting for someone to convince them to join their "Let's Conquer China" club. It's the most Ordered Chaos you're gonna get out of this Scenario.

- [] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.
Character Sheet
Lina Inverse, Sorceress Supreme
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 18
  • Appearance:
  • Favored Weapon: Black Magic
  • Element: All
  • Trait:
    • Heart of Gold: Lina might seems kind of harsh and selfish....because she is. However, she does mean well in the end, and saves the world whenever she's called upon to do so. Mainly cause the world dying means she dies, too. Most people find her...bearable, though most would probably only stomach her for a short amount of time. Except for bandits. They're completely terrified of her.
  • Perks:
    • Sorceress Supreme: Lina knows every kind of magic under the sun. Shamanism, Nature Magic, Enchantment, Alchemy, you name it, she probably knows something about it. Though her main school is Black Magic, something that she has down to a science. If there's a spell that can destroy, blast, burn, or freeze, she can use it.
    • Lord of Nightmares: Lina is, for better or worse, an Avatar of the Lord of Nightmares. This gives her more power than many other Magic Users, and boost her physical capabilities beyond those of normal mortals. In addition, she can draw upon the Lord of Nightmares' power when needed using the Ragna Blade or Giga Slave. However, both of these could kill her and destroy the world.
  • Flaws:
    • Heart for Gold: Saying Lina is greedy is an understatement. While she has her limits, there's not a lot she wouldn't do for gold or a good meal if she's feeling hungry. If there's no reward involved, she's not likely to put in the effort to do something.
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Kingdom Information
Job: Free Officer
Goal: Get Some Money, Find Your Companions, Go from there
Gold: 0
Materials: 0
Men/Infantry/Army: 0


- Trust: 10/100
- Apperance:
- Age: ???
- Trait: ???
- Perks: ???
- Flaws: ???
- Favored Weapon: Staff
- Actions: 1
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Yes, I'm making a new Quest with @BurningLaugh help.

Sue us.

Anyway, welcome to a Dynasty Warriors Quest! This Quest will mostly be Narrative.

And...that's about it really.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

With that out the way, LET THE POSTING BEGIN!
- [X] The Coalition Against Dong Zhou: The real catalyst behind all the events that befell China, this was the event that really convinced everyone "I need to do something about this." Of course, nothing will happen until after the death of Dong Zhou...which will probably happen any day now considering Lu Bu is with him...

[X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).

Sounds hilarious.
[X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).

- [X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.
[X] Historical Scenarios: Ah, sticking with the classics are we? One of the many actual scenarios that China found itself in during this volatile period. (Standard Scenarios, historical events will be followed lest you change them somehow)

- [x] The Coalition Against Dong Zhou: The real catalyst behind all the events that befell China, this was the event that really convinced everyone "I need to do something about this." Of course, nothing will happen until after the death of Dong Zhou...which will probably happen any day now considering Lu Bu is with him...
[X] Non-historical Scenarios: Bit of Alternate History type, eh? Alright then, let's try going to a China where things were...different (Alternate History Scenarios, historical events might not happen as they usually do, plenty of chances for you to change history)
- [X] Veni, Vidi, Vici: Hey, did you know that China had contact with the Roman Empire? Well, the thing is, Rome is known for conquering everything they set their eyes on. And China just so happens to be right in their sight lines. Just after Liu Bei establishes Shu with Zhuge Liang, he gets attacked from behind by an encroaching Roman Expedition. They have come to bring civilization to these "Eastern Barbarians", and aren't taking no for an answer. How will China deal with this sudden foreign invasion in the midst of the War of the Three Kingdoms?
- [X] The Coalition Against Dong Zhou: The real catalyst behind all the events that befell China, this was the event that really convinced everyone "I need to do something about this." Of course, nothing will happen until after the death of Dong Zhou...which will probably happen any day now considering Lu Bu is with him...

[X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).

Sounds hilarious.

Probably should've clarified on this, crap.

The choices with the dashes (like the Coalition) are the Sub/Specific Scenario options. The ones without are the General Options that contain the Sub/Specific Scenarios.

So, usually, I'd expect Votes like @BurningLaugh, but since I'm going with the Empires style of games and dropping created characters into those Scenarios isn't unheard of, I'll allow this vote.

So, feel free to mix and match if you want.
[X] Non-historical Scenarios: Bit of Alternate History type, eh? Alright then, let's try going to a China where things were...different (Alternate History Scenarios, historical events might not happen as they usually do, plenty of chances for you to change history)
- [X] Veni, Vidi, Vici: Hey, did you know that China had contact with the Roman Empire? Well, the thing is, Rome is known for conquering everything they set their eyes on. And China just so happens to be right in their sight lines. Just after Liu Bei establishes Shu with Zhuge Liang, he gets attacked from behind by an encroaching Roman Expedition. They have come to bring civilization to these "Eastern Barbarians", and aren't taking no for an answer. How will China deal with this sudden foreign invasion in the midst of the War of the Three Kingdoms?

Just change a second after my original vote.
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[X] Non-historical Scenarios: Bit of Alternate History type, eh? Alright then, let's try going to a China where things were...different (Alternate History Scenarios, historical events might not happen as they usually do, plenty of chances for you to change history)
- [X] Veni, Vidi, Vici: Hey, did you know that China had contact with the Roman Empire? Well, the thing is, Rome is known for conquering everything they set their eyes on. And China just so happens to be right in their sight lines. Just after Liu Bei establishes Shu with Zhuge Liang, he gets attacked from behind by an encroaching Roman Expedition. They have come to bring civilization to these "Eastern Barbarians", and aren't taking no for an answer. How will China deal with this sudden foreign invasion in the midst of the War of the Three Kingdoms?
Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Jun 8, 2019 at 4:38 AM, finished with 11 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Non-historical Scenarios: Bit of Alternate History type, eh? Alright then, let's try going to a China where things were...different (Alternate History Scenarios, historical events might not happen as they usually do, plenty of chances for you to change history)
    - [X] Veni, Vidi, Vici: Hey, did you know that China had contact with the Roman Empire? Well, the thing is, Rome is known for conquering everything they set their eyes on. And China just so happens to be right in their sight lines. Just after Liu Bei establishes Shu with Zhuge Liang, he gets attacked from behind by an encroaching Roman Expedition. They have come to bring civilization to these "Eastern Barbarians", and aren't taking no for an answer. How will China deal with this sudden foreign invasion in the midst of the War of the Three Kingdoms?
    - [X] The Coalition Against Dong Zhou: The real catalyst behind all the events that befell China, this was the event that really convinced everyone "I need to do something about this." Of course, nothing will happen until after the death of Dong Zhou...which will probably happen any day now considering Lu Bu is with him...
    [X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
    [X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
    - [X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.
    [X] Historical Scenarios: Ah, sticking with the classics are we? One of the many actual scenarios that China found itself in during this volatile period. (Standard Scenarios, historical events will be followed lest you change them somehow)
    - [X] The Coalition Against Dong Zhou: The real catalyst behind all the events that befell China, this was the event that really convinced everyone "I need to do something about this." Of course, nothing will happen until after the death of Dong Zhou...which will probably happen any day now considering Lu Bu is with him...

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Jun 8, 2019 at 5:12 AM, finished with 17 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Non-historical Scenarios: Bit of Alternate History type, eh? Alright then, let's try going to a China where things were...different (Alternate History Scenarios, historical events might not happen as they usually do, plenty of chances for you to change history)
    - [X] Veni, Vidi, Vici: Hey, did you know that China had contact with the Roman Empire? Well, the thing is, Rome is known for conquering everything they set their eyes on. And China just so happens to be right in their sight lines. Just after Liu Bei establishes Shu with Zhuge Liang, he gets attacked from behind by an encroaching Roman Expedition. They have come to bring civilization to these "Eastern Barbarians", and aren't taking no for an answer. How will China deal with this sudden foreign invasion in the midst of the War of the Three Kingdoms?
    [X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
    -[X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.
    - [X] The Coalition Against Dong Zhou: The real catalyst behind all the events that befell China, this was the event that really convinced everyone "I need to do something about this." Of course, nothing will happen until after the death of Dong Zhou...which will probably happen any day now considering Lu Bu is with him...
    [X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
    [X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
    - [X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.
    [X] Historical Scenarios: Ah, sticking with the classics are we? One of the many actual scenarios that China found itself in during this volatile period. (Standard Scenarios, historical events will be followed lest you change them somehow)
    - [X] The Coalition Against Dong Zhou: The real catalyst behind all the events that befell China, this was the event that really convinced everyone "I need to do something about this." Of course, nothing will happen until after the death of Dong Zhou...which will probably happen any day now considering Lu Bu is with him...

Adhoc vote count started by Japanime on Jun 9, 2019 at 5:36 AM, finished with 38 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] Non-historical Scenarios: Bit of Alternate History type, eh? Alright then, let's try going to a China where things were...different (Alternate History Scenarios, historical events might not happen as they usually do, plenty of chances for you to change history)
    - [X] Veni, Vidi, Vici: Hey, did you know that China had contact with the Roman Empire? Well, the thing is, Rome is known for conquering everything they set their eyes on. And China just so happens to be right in their sight lines. Just after Liu Bei establishes Shu with Zhuge Liang, he gets attacked from behind by an encroaching Roman Expedition. They have come to bring civilization to these "Eastern Barbarians", and aren't taking no for an answer. How will China deal with this sudden foreign invasion in the midst of the War of the Three Kingdoms?
    [X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
    -[X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.
    [X] A Gathering of Souls
    - [X] OCP Invasion
    [X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
    - [X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.
    [X] Historical Scenarios: Ah, sticking with the classics are we? One of the many actual scenarios that China found itself in during this volatile period. (Standard Scenarios, historical events will be followed lest you change them somehow)
    - [X] The Coalition Against Dong Zhou: The real catalyst behind all the events that befell China, this was the event that really convinced everyone "I need to do something about this." Of course, nothing will happen until after the death of Dong Zhou...which will probably happen any day now considering Lu Bu is with him...
    [X] Non-historical Scenarios: Bit of Alternate History type, eh? Alright then, let's try going to a China where things were...different (Alternate History Scenarios, historical events might not happen as they usually do, plenty of chances for you to change history)
    -[X] The Yellow Sky Rises: The Yellow Turban Rebellion....succeeded. Against all odds, the rising peasant class managed to beat back the forces of the Han and the various Warlords that were called to battle. The Yellow Turbans, now known as the Yellow Sky, have established their own Kingdom with their own form of government where the people rule. Will they be able to establish a new path for China, or will they become just as corrupt as the Han?
    [X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
    - [X] A Gathering of Heroes: This is the "mid-ground" option. All the established characters and kingdoms are still around, it's just that they've been relegated to a single territory in China. The rest is owned by various random Warlords that are just asking for an ass-kicking. Scattered across China are a mix of OC Created characters, and characters from other fictional works that are just waiting for someone to convince them to join their "Let's Conquer China" club. It's the most Ordered Chaos you're gonna get out of this Scenario.
[X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
-[X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.

I don't know......this one looks more fun than the other scenarios to me.
So quick question, how exactly is this gonna play out? I get the gist but I could use some confirmation.
So quick question, how exactly is this gonna play out? I get the gist but I could use some confirmation.

Think Dynasty Warriors Empires...sort of.

Basically, once we get the Scenario down, you'll get a choice of either playing as a Established Officer (Cao Cao, Pang Tong, etc), Creating your Own Character, or Choosing a Character from another Fictional Work (nerfed to fit Dynasty Warriors standards of course).

Depending on the choice, we'll either drop right in or go into character creation. Either way, you'll choose whether you want to start as a Free Officer, Ruler, or Officer employed by a Ruler.

From there, you guys will mostly have free reign. Depending on your choices during character creation, you'll have a few starting Goals to help you out, with the main one being Taking Over China. However, you can pretty much do what you want. You can pull a Lu Bu and become so infamous that everyone in China is gunning for you if you want.

Since this is mostly Narrative, I will be expecting some semblance of tactics and strategic thinking from the character. I don't want to go into too many details just yet. Just know that we're following Dynasty Warriors rules, so no matter what character you get, you can paste 1000 Mooks as a warm up.

It's when you fight named officers that I'll expect some actual fighting tactics. This doesn't mean you can just breeze through every fight. You won't be limited by game mechanics, but neither will your enemies.
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[X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
-[X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.

I don't know......this one looks more fun than the other scenarios to me.

I'd need to know what exactly "random" means in this case. Like, is there a list of settings that the QM is going to pull characters from? I'd like to know who I could actually get before I vote for this.
I'd need to know what exactly "random" means in this case. Like, is there a list of settings that the QM is going to pull characters from? I'd like to know who I could actually get before I vote for this.

I do plan to make a list, but it will mostly be from things I know.

To give a broad idea:

Devil May Cry, Fate Series, Hellsing Ultimate, Various Mecha, Final Fantasy, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, etc.

Of course, I will allow write in characters if there's someone that people expressively want to see. I will do everything in my power to make sure I get their character right if it's someone I don't know.

However, keep in mind that, whoever they are, they will be nerfed to Dynasty Warriors standards. So, someone from DBZ will not be able to bust the planet.
[X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
-[X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.

All right then, f*ck it.
[X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
-[X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.
All of that bad advice I gave you in the Ideas thread and I don't even get as much as a "This is going live, vote now." warning. The ingratitude of some people!:cry::cry::mad:

[X] Non-historical Scenarios: Bit of Alternate History type, eh? Alright then, let's try going to a China where things were...different (Alternate History Scenarios, historical events might not happen as they usually do, plenty of chances for you to change history)
-[X] The Yellow Sky Rises: The Yellow Turban Rebellion....succeeded. Against all odds, the rising peasant class managed to beat back the forces of the Han and the various Warlords that were called to battle. The Yellow Turbans, now known as the Yellow Sky, have established their own Kingdom with their own form of government where the people rule. Will they be able to establish a new path for China, or will they become just as corrupt as the Han?

The Communist party has always been the party of true China. :V
[X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
-[X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.

This sounds hilarious. Let's go full on random. Historical quests based on this era are boring anyway.
[X] A Gathering of Souls: I'll be straight with you, these Scenarios? Complete chaos. Liu Bei has been adopted by Cao Cao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are Sworn Brothers with Sun Ce. Lu Bu has been hired by Ma Teng and hasn't betrayed him, yet. Everything's just completely out of whack. To make matters worse, characters from other works have appeared and also plan to take control of China! Choose these scenarios if you want something interesting, a challenge, or are just straight insane. (Completely Crazy Scenarios, lots of characters both created, established, and from other fictional worlds, high chance of you ending up with a very crazy version of China).
-[X] OCP Invasion: What do you get when you Isekai a bunch of characters from other fictional worlds into a Romanticized version of the Warring States Era of China? You get this absolutely batshit insane Scenario. A random amount of random characters from other random works will appear in China, and all have mostly the same goal; End the Chaos. Whether that means with them on top or not depends on the person. Thankfully, they've all been nerfed from their canon versions so no one is "OP" or can just kill everyone without breaking a sweat.
[X] A Gathering of Souls
- [X] OCP Invasion

Why would you post any other option?
Isekai of the Three Kingdoms, go!
[X] Non-historical Scenarios: Bit of Alternate History type, eh? Alright then, let's try going to a China where things were...different (Alternate History Scenarios, historical events might not happen as they usually do, plenty of chances for you to change history)
- [X] Veni, Vidi, Vici: Hey, did you know that China had contact with the Roman Empire? Well, the thing is, Rome is known for conquering everything they set their eyes on. And China just so happens to be right in their sight lines. Just after Liu Bei establishes Shu with Zhuge Liang, he gets attacked from behind by an encroaching Roman Expedition. They have come to bring civilization to these "Eastern Barbarians", and aren't taking no for an answer. How will China deal with this sudden foreign invasion in the midst of the War of the Three Kingdoms?
[X] A Gathering of Souls
- [X] OCP Invasion

The chaos. The mayhem... I NEED IT!