To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
....okay yeah, I probably shouldn't try this one

My best line is "why did you think I don't age any more?"

I have nothing useful to add
[X] Try to explain that being a Magical Girl is an incredibly traumatic experience that left you and Kyouko with night terrors and several neuroses through the years.
-[X] In other words, you were scared shitless to talk about it with them. Are scared shitless.
-[X] You lied to them, and you hated it, but the idea of talking with them about it terrified you.
-[X] This is not an excuse or an explanation or an apology. Not yet. Ask them to walk with you home. Explain that it doesn't matter very much if you talk about it here or there, but when you're home, at least you three can shout and cry without any gawkers.

That's the best I can come up with atm.

fuck what do we do

Okay. First off, Sayaka and Kyoko are idiots for not telling their kid. I get why they did it- a desire to keep that shit as far away from Minako as possible- but they're still idiots. That bad decisions tag is well deserved.

On to vote crafting. Because the dice hate us, we should assume that no matter what we do, Sayaka will fuck up somewhere. Gotta keep that in mind.

I'm actually with my mom right now, and asked her for suggestions. She said "make a joke out of it" (HAHAHA NO) or "take the kid to Disney, then explain there" (not exactly feasible).

She also said "remain calm, no matter what", and "get to neutral environment". These are both very good suggestions, methinks. Something to keep in mind.
Clearly we need to just play it off

"What do you mean you didn't know? Pretty sure we told you. You must have not been paying attention"

I see 0 flaws in this plan /s
[] ?????????? (Write-in an explanation. Difficulty starts at 1 and can get worse for All Options. There Is No Good Way to explain any of this)
[Q] Uhhhhhhh.
-[Q] IIIIIII....
--[Q] I'M GAY!

This would be Difficulty 5, too. Minako's not dumb.
So you're saying... there's a chance.

"take the kid to Disney, then explain there" (not exactly feasible).
You know, it's Mitakihara, so it's probably not too unfeasible to accomplish something of the sort. :p
So, both hating on parents and doing acts of rebellion are part of teenagerhood. I think we need to manage and not directly tell nor heavily imply "DON'T CONTRACT", because that might create the perfect moment for KB to swoop in while Minako is brooding and angsting and feeling rebellious and offer a contract.

Minako needs to make their own choice if the time comes, so they're gonna need information.

Of course, before getting to this... Minako might take literally any excuse to break their childhood image of Sayaka and Kyouko as the perfect parents, so... better they have a reason than not. I'd say, just admit to being scared.

Most importantly on the non magical side of things, is for Sayaka and Kyouko to continue to being supportive (but not overbearing) of Minako even if Minako doesn't want them to. So, sucks for Sayaka and Kyouko. :V

For the time being, I'm thinking...

[X] Admit to being scared to the point you couldn't bear to think about this.
[X] Explain as far as Minako cares to listen.
-[X] Explain the dangers of Magical Girlhood. How lucky you were to made it past 14.
--[Q] And your overwhelming hate and fear of dice.
-[X] Use what Minako's seen: The girl just now, and the giant Grief Seed.

Now, even after everything, the Witchbomb is still a bitch. This would be a terrible moment to stop and tell Minako there's a further secret you can only reveal if they promis to not share it because of how dangerous it is blah blah blah... and omitting it also risks Minako not understanding everything well enough. So... sucks.
The way the words come out will not be 1:1, just so y'all know.

[X] ...I'm sorry. We're sorry. You deserved to know this a long time ago, but in the end... we were scared. Terrified, of what you even touching the world of magical girls might mean for you. And if you learned what lurks in it, and what it means for us... what it might make you think of us.

Difficulty 1. It's a good start.

-[X[ Being a magical girl... there's so much to it. It starts with a creature called an Incubator- a thing that looks like someone took a rabbit and a cat and threw them in a blender. He approaches young girls, and offers them a wish if they'll agree to fight monsters called Witches. And he leaves out everything else important about the deal.

Difficulty 1. Again it covers a lot about the deal and Minako was already told by Takane that Coobie is not to be trusted.

-[X] Witches are abominations straight out a horror manga. Even at their most basic, they're human-killing monsters that drive people to suicide, but magical girls have to fight them- and they're horrific beyond belief. A spider that sprays ink that dissolves bodies like they aren't even there, a fifty-foot yeti with a skeleton made of centipedes, a floating mass of bodyparts taken from the people the witch killed...Walpurgisnacht...

Difficulty 2. Again, covers the basics, but it's so utterly bizarre and Minako has no frame of reference.

-[X] They're nightmares. So much so that when I finally wised up enough to ask our Incubator how long magical girls usually live, he told me two years. That's all. Two. Years. Me and Kyouko, and the rest of our friends from those days... we beat the odds, in so many ways. And even for us... none of us have come out of the world of magical girls better than we went in, not even those of us who never contracted. It leaves its mark on everyone who steps into it, and it's never a good one.

Difficulty 2. They'll believe you. But the difficulty is still in the fact that you survived.

There is also the chance of overloading Minako with new information way too quickly. It's still not that bad a solution at all though.

-[X] And that? That's not even the worst of it. Not by a long shot. I can tell you more, but... I...
-[X[ *Sayaka trails off, tears running down her cheeks, and looks at Minako, waiting for a response*

This has no roll. That's probably going to be how the thing ends, whether you want it to or not.


[X] Try to explain that being a Magical Girl is an incredibly traumatic experience that left you and Kyouko with night terrors and several neuroses through the years.

Difficulty 1. You can definitely sell that angle really well.

-[X] In other words, you were scared shitless to talk about it with them. Are scared shitless.

Difficulty 1. Honestly really helps here.

-[X] You lied to them, and you hated it, but the idea of talking with them about it terrified you.

Difficulty 1, see above.

-[X] This is not an excuse or an explanation or an apology. Not yet. Ask them to walk with you home. Explain that it doesn't matter very much if you talk about it here or there, but when you're home, at least you three can shout and cry without any gawkers.

Difficulty 1. Again, the whole thing admits fault, admits that you're making a mistake, and that you're human. It's probably the best way to break the whole thing, while not diving into so many

[Q] Uhhhhhhh.
-[Q] IIIIIII....
--[Q] I'M GAY!
Accuracy 15, everyone knows you gay as fuck.
[X] Try to explain that being a Magical Girl is an incredibly traumatic experience that left you and Kyouko with night terrors and several neuroses through the years.
-[X] Also explain what Minako's seen: The girl just now, and the giant Grief Seed.
-[X] In other words, you were scared shitless to talk about it with them. Are scared shitless.
-[X] You lied to them, and you hated it, but the idea of talking with them about it terrified you.
-[X] This is not an excuse or an explanation or an apology. Not yet. Ask them to walk with you home. Explain that it doesn't matter very much if you talk about it here or there, but when you're home, at least you three can shout and cry without any gawkers.
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[X] I should have told you earlier, but I always justified it to myself by saying you were too young. I was too young. We all were.
[X] The world of magic is a world of death. Magical Girls die. They die early, they die often, and once you're in you can't ever back out.
-[X] The first magical girl I met died less than a week later. She was smart, and talented, and a great person. None of that mattered. I saw a Witch bite her head off.
-[X] I was fourteen when that happened. That's... way too young to see the things that I had to. I was determined to make sure you never would.
[X] I don't want you to make my mistakes. I don't want you to suffer the way I had to.
[X] Admit to being scared to the point you couldn't bear to think about this.

Difficulty 1

[X] Explain as far as Minako cares to listen.

Difficulty 1. The dice roll will determine how far you go before Minako checks out or gets overwhelmed.

-[X] Explain the dangers of Magical Girlhood. How lucky you were to made it past 14.

Difficulty 1. The dice roll will determine what gets explained here.

--[Q] And your overwhelming hate and fear of dice.

-[X] Use what Minako's seen: The girl just now, and the giant Grief Seed.

This actually bypasses the difficulty limit because it is using what Minako's already seen, and it explains kind of a massive mystery; namely the Giant Grief Seed.
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Okay, thinking things over, I see value in either spilling all the secrets, or none of them. I dont think Sayaka knows what the girlfriend has told Minako, so that's not a consideration, but even with that aside my first instinct is to lay out everything in as plain of terms as can be managed, bombs included. The issue there is how much Sayaka does not want to do that.

Pointing out the simple fact that she is terrified of what falling further into her world could do to Minako may have some value though, if only to give a view of the stakes

Bleh, this is why I don't votecraft
Accuracy 15, everyone knows you gay as fuck.
Yes, I'm great at making plans- oh wait, the plan to distract Minako by coming out of the closet won't work then!

Damn it, back to the drawing board...

-[X[ *Sayaka trails off, tears running down her cheeks, and looks at Minako
--[Q] I was such a fool.

This actually bypasses the difficulty limit because it is using what Minako's already seen, and it explains kind of a massive mystery; namely the Giant Grief Seed.
Imagine growing up in Mitakihara with the Giant Grief Seed is like growing up in the Dragon Ball universe without a moon.

So that's why there's that white circle in the sky in old movies.

So that's why that monument in particular looks weird as fuck.
[X] Try to explain that being a Magical Girl is an incredibly traumatic experience that left you and Kyouko with night terrors and several neuroses through the years.
-[X] In other words, you were scared shitless to talk about it with them. Are scared shitless.
-[X] You lied to them, and you hated it, but the idea of talking with them about it terrified you.
-[X] This is not an excuse or an explanation or an apology. Not yet. Ask them to walk with you home. Explain that it doesn't matter very much if you talk about it here or there, but when you're home, at least you three can shout and cry without any gawkers.
[X] Try to explain that being a Magical Girl is an incredibly traumatic experience that left you and Kyouko with night terrors and several neuroses through the years.
-[X] Also explain what Minako's seen: The girl just now, and the giant Grief Seed.
-[X] In other words, you were scared shitless to talk about it with them. Are scared shitless.
-[X] You lied to them, and you hated it, but the idea of talking with them about it terrified you.
-[X] This is not an excuse or an explanation or an apology. Not yet. Ask them to walk with you home. Explain that it doesn't matter very much if you talk about it here or there, but when you're home, at least you three can shout and cry without any gawkers.

Raiseth, plus Onmur's line on explaining what our daughter already knows.
[X] Try to explain that being a Magical Girl is an incredibly traumatic experience that left you and Kyouko with night terrors and several neuroses through the years.
-[X] Also explain what Minako's seen: The girl just now, and the giant Grief Seed.
-[X] In other words, you were scared shitless to talk about it with them. Are scared shitless.
-[X] You lied to them, and you hated it, but the idea of talking with them about it terrified you.
-[X] This is not an excuse or an explanation or an apology. Not yet. Ask them to walk with you home. Explain that it doesn't matter very much if you talk about it here or there, but when you're home, at least you three can shout and cry without any gawkers.

Raiseth, plus Onmur's line on explaining what our daughter kid already knows.

[X] Shadowwhisker
[X] Try to explain that being a Magical Girl is an incredibly traumatic experience that left you and Kyouko with night terrors and several neuroses through the years.
-[X] Also explain what Minako's seen: The girl just now, and the giant Grief Seed.
-[X] In other words, you were scared shitless to talk about it with them. Are scared shitless.
-[X] You lied to them, and you hated it, but the idea of talking with them about it terrified you.
-[X] This is not an excuse or an explanation or an apology. Not yet. Ask them to walk with you home. Explain that it doesn't matter very much if you talk about it here or there, but when you're home, at least you three can shout and cry without any gawkers.
[X] I should have told you earlier, but I always justified it to myself by saying you were too young. I was too young. We all were.

Difficulty 1 - it's not obvious yet, but Minako wants to be seen as more adult than they actually are. But it's still a deeply affective point.

[X] The world of magic is a world of death. Magical Girls die. They die early, they die often, and once you're in you can't ever back out.
-[X] The first magical girl I met died less than a week later. She was smart, and talented, and a great person. None of that mattered. I saw a Witch bite her head off.
-[X] I was fourteen when that happened. That's... way too young to see the things that I had to. I was determined to make sure you never would.

Difficulty 1 - The trouble is not breaking down.

Mami's death still haunts Sayaka.

She has never gotten over it.

[X] I don't want you to make my mistakes. I don't want you to suffer the way I had to.

Difficulty 2 - They might still think of themselves as an exception. Even though truthfully they...kind of aren't.