To make people actually remember, here's it once for posterity: Minako is nonbinary and uses they/them. This message will be pinned so you people stop getting it wrong and pissing me off. If you get it wrong in the future I'm going to be much less nice, considering you have to scroll past it just to read the quest.
Someone tell the dice gods that we got the memo, they don't need to keep reassuring us they got the message so damned hard. That was literally a nat 1.

However, get this: First we rolled a (test) 1, then a 14, then a 1. It stands to reason that the next roll will be high! Fallacy Logic!

[x] Talk to her, you big disaster. (DIFFICULTY 3)

♪ I like high chances that I might lose. ♪
Last edited:
Well, given that I have better things to do with my time than comb through posts in that situation, could somebody please give me a quick summary of the events in the original SQ after... Sayaka's mom got a new job, I think? (Such as, for example, what happened to MadoHomu)

[X] Talk to her, you big disaster. (DIFFICULTY 3)

As she walks by, you watch her bounce to her seat. You can feel the palpable positive energy coming off of her as she sits in a chair and oh fuck she's sitting right next to you oh god oh god oh god.

Your breath hitches because you can almost feel the warmth to your left. Your face is turning a bright red, almost as red as a tomato. You turn to the left. You start to speak. Your moms didn't raise no coward. You're gonna flirt. It'll be great. YOU will be great. She's gonna think you're cute. It's gonnaoh fuck she's already staring at you with that broad smile and that took no time you didn't even come up with a game plan.

"Hey!" She grins as the teacher begins his lesson. You stare forwards as he brings up some algebra and honestly you could sleepwalk your way through this lesson that is NOT IMPORTANT. What's important is that you got a girl to flirt with.

Yes that's what you're doing. Just a flirt. It'll be great. Flirtflirtflirt you are stalliiiiiiiing what are you fucking doing just bring her up-

ClassChat31 - Private Channel said:

Your back goes ramrod straight and you whip your head to the side. You see Takane waving at you.

ClassChat31 - Private Channel said:
T. Hiruma: Hey.
M. Miki-Sakura: hey yourself, hot st

No, that is coming on way too strong. You delete that and quickly type something else.

ClassChat31 - Private Channel said said:
T. Hiruma: Hey.
M. Miki-Sakura: hey!

Much better.

ClassChat31 - Private Channel said said:
T. Hiruma: Hey.
M. Miki-Sakura: hey!
T. Hiruma: So like i kinda saw you staring at me earlier.
T. Hiruma: Okay not staring but like looking
M. Miki-Sakura: ohgodididn'tmean
M. Miki-Sakura: i mean you're hard to ignore
M. Miki-Sakura: i mean you're cute
M. Miki-Sakura: i mean i'm yes how are you today.

Holy shit you can hear air sirens mayday mayday you're on fucking fire and you're going down.

You turn to your left to see if she's just going to block you forever and to your utter shock, what you instead see is her just beaming.

ClassChat31 - Private Channel said said:
T. Hiruma: You're cute when you're flustered.

You have to resist the urge to keysmash.

ClassChat31 - Private Channel said said:
M. Miki-Sakura: u too
M. Miki-Sakura: i mean ur also cute
T. Hiruma: Glad you think so.
T. Hiruma: So what's your first name?

It's finally resembling a normal conversation and honestly you are so relieved.

ClassChat31 - Private Channel said said:
M. Miki-Sakura: Minako
T. Hiruma: That's a pretty name.

You frown a little, and Takane blinks as she notices your expression change.

ClassChat31 - Private Channel said said:
T. Hiruma: I didn't mean anything bad by that
M. Miki-Sakura: oh i mean I love my name
M. Miki-Sakura: its just that i dunno
M. Miki-Sakura: im not sure about the whole pretty thing iunno
T. Hiruma: NB?
M. Miki-Sakura: ye
M. Miki-Sakura: what gave it away

She looks at you. She reaaaaaaaaally looks at you.

ClassChat31 - Private Channel said said:
M. Miki-Sakura: point taken
T. Hiruma: If I do mess up let me know.
M. Miki-Sakura: kk

Another glance her way. She waves at you.

ClassChat31 - Private Channel said said:
T. Hiruma: I do mean it when I say you're cute.
T. Hiruma: Because you're adorable.
M. Miki-Sakura: hhhhhhhhhhhh
T. Hiruma: Oh if you wanna talk later, I'll be on the roof at lunch.

You turn towards her to see her winking and you swear that you can feel your meart helt into your chest. You wonder if this is how your moms felt when they met. Probably not, it was probably less embarrassing and dangerous.

When you find her on the roof, she has her bento box on her lap. She was waiting for you. "Figured I might as well get used to talking. And you seem to like me immediately."

Alright. First real contact. "Yeah..." you trail off. You didn't want to trail off. That's exactly the opposite of what you wanted to do. "I-I mean it's like..." You sigh. "I mean...right, yes."

She stares at you for a few seconds. Her smile sliiiiiiiiides into an almost cat-like appearance. "So, probably not the smartest thing to do with the first enby that flirts with me, but..." She smiles. "Wanna meet somewhere after sch-"

"YES." Your hands shoot up to cover your mouth.

She fucking guffaws as you fumble over yourself and just gives you smile. "Wow!" She leans onto her bento box. "You're really something."

"Hrgh." You sit down beside her. "I can't believe you just asked me out immediately."

She smiles. "That's how people actually figure themselves out, right? I mean, it's usually a leap of faith." She opens up her box and pulls out a little octopus-shaped sausage with a pair of chopsticks. "My dad met his husband through a dating site." She leans onto the railing. "And honestly, I appreciate the fact that you were clearly having a hard time flirting, but you still went out of your comfort zone to try and flirt with me."

You think you're about to burst with happiness. You give her a rapid nod.

"You might need to wind down a little." She puts a bit of rice in her mouth. "I'm not that scary."

You slump. "I," you look around, "well, I mean," you look to her, "Iunno I'm still new to flirting in general."

She smiles. "Well, we can learn after school, can't we? And if it doesn't work out then what's the harm?"

You kinda don't want to think about that right now; you're still on the "holy shit I managed to fumble my way into a date" stage of "holy shit she thinks I'm cute".

But you can think about where you might want to go.

[] Movies? It's an easy choice, not too much thought to it. It also means not really talking to her.

[] Dinner? You're not gonna go to anything fancy, because...well you can't really afford it for one.

[] A walk by the Mitakihara waterfront? It's a twenty-minute-train ride from the school but it's still pleasant, and you love that sea breeze.

[] The Park? There's a park just a kilometer away, really close to your parents' apartment.

[] Walk her home and figure it out later? You don't need to figure it out just yet.

[] Something Else? (Keep in mind that there are some places that Minako would absolutely not be willing to try. They're not, for example, going to go to a dump. Or a bar. Or their parents' house.)

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 8, 2019 at 8:36 AM, finished with 17 posts and 14 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 8, 2019 at 12:12 PM, finished with 25 posts and 20 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by TheOneMoiderah on May 8, 2019 at 3:08 PM, finished with 29 posts and 22 votes.
4 updates inside of a day. . . Crazy talk activated?
crazy talk is not my stando.

also it was supposed to be like a way to curtail expectations and just go "I have a whole bunch of other projects" but it's also like

Not gonna lie drawing art for SQ2 is way easier than my webcomic and it takes under an hour for me to finish the sketches for most of these.

That said there are gonna be big, big, big sizable updates every once in a while.

You'll know when they're coming.
[x] A walk by the Mitakihara waterfront? It's a twenty-minute-train ride from the school but it's still pleasant, and you love that sea breeze.
Well, this isn't suspect at all! I'm sure this will all go perfectly nicely, and no problems whatsoever will occur during the course of this!

[x] The Park? There's a park just a kilometer away, really close to your parents' apartment.

[x] A walk by the Mitakihara waterfront? It's a twenty-minute-train ride from the school but it's still pleasant, and you love that sea breeze.
[x] A walk by the Mitakihara waterfront? It's a twenty-minute-train ride from the school but it's still pleasant, and you love that sea breeze.

Because I can't think of anything better to do.
[x] A walk by the Mitakihara waterfront? It's a twenty-minute-train ride from the school but it's still pleasant, and you love that sea breeze.
[x] A walk by the Mitakihara waterfront? It's a twenty-minute-train ride from the school but it's still pleasant, and you love that sea breeze.
Above expected value dice roll. \o/ See, called it, it's bad roll, good roll, bad roll, good roll... :V

I'm not sure whether this counts as Minako flirting or Minako getting flirted at more. Call it a 30/70?

[x] A walk by the Mitakihara waterfront? It's a twenty-minute-train ride from the school but it's still pleasant, and you love that sea breeze.
Holy shit this disaster. Mama would be proud. :V

[x] A walk by the Mitakihara waterfront? It's a twenty-minute-train ride from the school but it's still pleasant, and you love that sea breeze.
ok time for me to make up completely arbitrary reasons on why to get rid of certain date choices

[] Movies? It's an easy choice, not too much thought to it. It also means not really talking to her.
cant embarrass yourself by talking if you cant talk but pretty lame for a first date

[] Dinner? You're not gonna go to anything fancy, because...well you can't really afford it for one.
lots of talking, so overall a good choice if not for the lack of money so shows yourself as lame

[] The Park? There's a park just a kilometer away, really close to your parents' apartment
walking in a park very nice lots of time to learn about each other however its super close to the parent's place aka very lame and good chance for parental embarrassment

[] Walk her home and figure it out later? You don't need to figure it out just yet.
going to someone's home on date #1 very fast and thus shows desperation and raises chances of her parents embarrassing her so super lame

thereford the right choice is
[x] A walk by the Mitakihara waterfront? It's a twenty-minute-train ride from the school but it's still pleasant, and you love that sea breeze.
[x] A walk by the Mitakihara waterfront? It's a twenty-minute-train ride from the school but it's still pleasant, and you love that sea breeze.
[x] The Park? There's a park just a kilometer away, really close to your parents' apartment.

spider senses tingling
[x] The Park? There's a park just a kilometer away, really close to your parents' apartment.

Maximize safety, the chance of embarrassment, and hasten the fecal matter on its way to the oscillation unit.
Absolutely adorable.

Which means it's right about now that I start wondering where the other shoe is, actually...

[x] The Park? There's a park just a kilometer away, really close to your parents' apartment.
Absolutely adorable.

Which means it's right about now that I start wondering where the other shoe is, actually...

Well, she's a Meguca, probably.

Means the other shoe is hanging above Minako's head, waiting to drop as soon as the karmic balance dictates it to.

What I'm getting here is
Sayamom and Kokomom didn't tell their child about the magical world of adventure and PTSD
[x] The Park? There's a park just a kilometer away, really close to your parents' apartment.

So much spaghetti!
Omg Mina, you're so adorable.

[X] A walk by the Mitakihara waterfront? It's a twenty-minute-train ride from the school but it's still pleasant, and you love that sea breeze.

It's better to start from somewhere you won't feel bad for having spent money on later, nor where there won't be much talking. We have an interest on her. She has an interest on us (?). Let's go for trying to know each other more.