Why Can't My Worshippers Understand What I'm Saying?: A Well Intentioned God Quest

-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Self defense only applies to the spirits themselves, not their elements.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
That was... Exceedingly punishing. Why did the Spur Clan go blatantly against what the spirits of the Plateau wanted? I thought they were explicitly listening to and respecting spirits. Was the bit about the prized colors in shells enough to override their religious respect?

The Spur Clan have a specific pantheon that they place the Earthsplitter at the top of and have populated the lower levels with various spirits of their native mountain and of those they have since made pacts with. They are Henotheistic. They don't apply this respect and reverence to all spirits, just like they don't apply their sense of empathy and communalism to all Lek-kego. Obviously they didn't know a Greater Spirit could form or they would have been more respectful in this case.

Wait, we can Intervene in former Ages? Like, if we wanted, we could now stage an Intervention back in the Age of Beasts?

I mean yes, technically, since Interventions can change time. But when I said that I meant more in the sense that an Intervention done right at the start of an Age will change events all the way along it. Just because you've seen the whole Age of Wrath doesn't mean you can't Intervene at specific time points (that is, right after or between any of the 10 Events).
But I don't want to re-write the Age of Beasts, the Age of Faith and the Age of Wrath all because of one Intervention thrown back to the beginning of History so for game mechanics purposes, you can Intervene at any point in the current Age but not before. I am not a masochist.
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All according to my game of 4d chess. :V
Can I ask people, is stopping the spirits from defending their elements or only their existence actually going to work?
If someone comes around and throws you out of your home for no reason, don't you have some right to self defense to prevent that?
@Dreaming what happens to a spirit if they don't have anywhere to live? They die I assume or they reclassify themselves?
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Self defense only applies to the spirits themselves, not their elements.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
[X]Intervene! Specify the form of the Intervention and the time where it takes place.

-[X] [Spirit] [Incorporate] Against the Spur Clan spiritualists, the spirits take the necessary steps and incorporate. The Plains Spirit, a great serpent with a head of chromium and a body studded with crystal, threatens the Spur Clan for their disrespect. They must be placated, or there will be consequences!
-[X] The Spur Clan survives the effects of the Pact unscathed thanks to their ability to speak with and bond with spirits. They entreat the earth spirits for their permission to continue to mine and the expeditions to the Plateau continue. Though they have to climb to its metallic top, they waste no time in carving tunnels through the solid gemstone and crystal mix that makes up its bottom layers. Some of the gems quarried are kept in their original shapes to serve as crude baubles and are later carved/melted into clumsy but beautiful statues and monuments, with a spire of solid ruby being erected in the edge of the marsh where the Founding Heirophant was said to have first spoke to the spirits. But most of the gemstones are melted down to their composite minerals such as aluminium, beryl, carbon and a lot of trace elements, some of which have magnetic traces that wind up in their shells and colour them various bright shades. To bear these wavy bands of colour quickly becomes a sought-after status symbol. The spirits of the Plateau object to this and refuse communication but against the Spur Clan spiritualists and their tame spirits, there is little they can do.
-[X] [Spirit][Incorporate] Have local spirits incorporate as the Beach Spirit and speak fairly and well to the Spear Clan of the land's fury. They have angered the Steel, but the spirits of sand and water have no great hatred for the Lek-Kego. Perhaps a deal can be struck.
-[X] The Steel War continues with the Spear Clan, having lasted now for several generations of off-again on-again sporadic conflicts. The Spear Clan has shrunk immensely but will continue to fight, devising means to slay steel spirits and continue mining where it can. It is discovered that steel spirits are less likely to harm Lek-kego with high percentages of steel in their shell and since this generally consists of the high-caste Lek-kego and nobody else, the Chieftain of the time controversially puts many of them to work. What are they going to do, deny military service? But as a result, several 'steelshells' start plotting to collude with the spirits outside, planning on using their connection with them to stage a coup. A new idealogy begins to flourish among resentful steelshells, one that stems from the caste system and the previous tradition of using steel for class-identification. It tells them that Lek-kego with steel in their shells are superior and that the others are just trying to drag them down and undo them.

I'm kinda hoping the Spear Clan figure out earthshells that can float, as an alternative to the steelshells. Who am I kidding, though, the Spear Clan will probably just kill the Beach Spirit and make a fort out of it's corpse... I left the serfs and Knights of the Lake alone, in the hopes that they are not doomed to die, and some lucky break may occur.
All according to my game of 4d chess. :V
Can I ask people, is stopping the spirits from defending their elements or only their existence actually going to work?
If someone comes around and throws you out of your home for no reason, don't you have some right to self defense to prevent that?
@Dreaming what happens to a spirit if they don't have anywhere to live? They die I assume or they reclassify themselves?

They vanish.
The Spur Clan have a specific pantheon that they place the Earthsplitter at the top of and have populated the lower levels with various spirits of their native mountain and of those they have since made pacts with. They are Henotheistic. They don't apply this respect and reverence to all spirits, just like they don't apply their sense of empathy and communalism to all Lek-kego. Obviously they didn't know a Greater Spirit could form or they would have been more respectful in this case.

Thank you for the elaboration!
Hmmm... this is quite interesting...

One possibility to "fix" this could be to create some kinda guardian spirits/angels for the populations? Something to at least stop any full destruction of the clans as a whole... like a great spirit of the Lek-Kego clan of X?

Perhaps make a rule that Spirits may only harm these who directly harmed them or their home. So a spirit cannot go kill the people back home, only the miners and soldiers?

I don't actually mind the spirits being more active and going violent down the line, but it seems a bit over the top...

That said.. @Dreaming, I am wondering... do spirits "die" if their material gets damaged/changed? If ore gets put into the forge and reworked into a weapon, does the metal/earth spirit die? Or do they just change form? With the former it makes a lot of sense for the spirits to go around murdering people, for the latter.. it still makes sense since they are living there, but it isn't quite as reasonable to go full genocide...
... the worst part is that, IIRC, we were warned about this possibility by an invocation of Murphy.

Right, damage control time.

-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Spirits may only harm individuals directly threatening their personal existence and only so long as the threat is contemporaneous and proximate.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.

I do like the idea of the very world itself attacking them, but the Lek-kego aren't ready for it yet. Either we'd need to think through and implement a scaling challenge kind of system where the spirits are, though still terrifyingly strong, not overwhelmingly so, or maybe we could try releasing the safeties again later on when they have the magic and/or tech to actually hold their own.
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-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spur Clan to guide and guard them.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spear Clan to guide and guard them.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Remnant Clans to guide and guard them.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.

I think trying to game the spirits is just gonna result in more shenanigans on their part. We can't control what they do, only what they can do.

The spirits don't know we exist, and don't know they are supposed to be following any rules. They're just doing what comes naturally. The fact that "what comes naturally" is orders we implanted directly in their collective subconscious just makes it really tricky to get a literallist interpretation on their part, since it's subconscious.

Under the currently winning action, it would be easy for the spirits to bait the Lek-kego into starting something. For example, I can easily see the Spirits making the Spear Clan's life harder through non-destructive obstruction of their mining operations, at which point the Spear response would be violence, and we're back where we began.
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That said.. @Dreaming, I am wondering... do spirits "die" if their material gets damaged/changed? If ore gets put into the forge and reworked into a weapon, does the metal/earth spirit die? Or do they just change form? With the former it makes a lot of sense for the spirits to go around murdering people, for the latter.. it still makes sense since they are living there, but it isn't quite as reasonable to go full genocide...

Changing the object changes the spirit within. This might not seem like a big deal but a 'change of form' also encapsulates the transition of a human to a corpse.


I think trying to game the spirits is just gonna result in more shenanigans on their part. We can't control what they do, only what they can do.

The spirits don't know we exist, and don't know they are supposed to be following any rules. They're just doing what comes naturally. The fact that "what comes naturally" is orders we implanted directly in their collective subconscious just makes it really tricky to get a literallist interpretation on their part, since it's subconscious.

Thank you for coming up with a way to say how spirits and Pacts work that says it better than all of my own attempts! I feel like I've had some communication issues in the ways I've tried to say how Pacts work and that I didn't do it very well. This sums it up better than my own words.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spur Clan to guide and guard them.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spear Clan to guide and guard them.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Remnant Clans to guide and guard them.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spur Clan to guide and guard them.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spear Clan to guide and guard them.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Remnant Clans to guide and guard them.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.

Ah man, that's some real chaos there, loving it.
Been holding off to give people time to vote as advised but any later and I'd be going to sleep. Vote called.
Adhoc vote count started by Dreaming on Apr 26, 2019 at 9:39 AM, finished with 35 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X]Intervene!
    -[X] [Spirit][Pact] Self defense only applies to the spirits themselves, not their elements.
    -[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
    -[X] [Spirit][Pact] Spirits may only harm individuals directly threatening their personal existence and only so long as the threat is contemporaneous and proximate.
    -[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
    -[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spur Clan to guide and guard them.
    -[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spear Clan to guide and guard them.
    -[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Remnant Clans to guide and guard them.
    -[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
    [X]Intervene further!
    -[X] [Spirit][Pact] Self defense only applies to the spirits themselves, not their elements.
    -[X] [Earth][CREATE] Create enough minerals for Knights and Free Clans to consume.
    -[X] [Spirit][Pact] Spirits cannot consider acts that could kill more than 10 lek kego self defence
    -[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
    [X]Intervene! Specify the form of the Intervention and the time where it takes place.
    -[X] [Spirit] [Incorporate] Against the Spur Clan spiritualists, the spirits take the necessary steps and incorporate. The Plains Spirit, a great serpent with a head of chromium and a body studded with crystal, threatens the Spur Clan for their disrespect. They must be placated, or there will be consequences!
    -[X] The Spur Clan survives the effects of the Pact unscathed thanks to their ability to speak with and bond with spirits. They entreat the earth spirits for their permission to continue to mine and the expeditions to the Plateau continue. Though they have to climb to its metallic top, they waste no time in carving tunnels through the solid gemstone and crystal mix that makes up its bottom layers. Some of the gems quarried are kept in their original shapes to serve as crude baubles and are later carved/melted into clumsy but beautiful statues and monuments, with a spire of solid ruby being erected in the edge of the marsh where the Founding Heirophant was said to have first spoke to the spirits. But most of the gemstones are melted down to their composite minerals such as aluminium, beryl, carbon and a lot of trace elements, some of which have magnetic traces that wind up in their shells and colour them various bright shades. To bear these wavy bands of colour quickly becomes a sought-after status symbol. The spirits of the Plateau object to this and refuse communication but against the Spur Clan spiritualists and their tame spirits, there is little they can do.
    -[X] [Spirit][Incorporate] Have local spirits incorporate as the Beach Spirit and speak fairly and well to the Spear Clan of the land's fury. They have angered the Steel, but the spirits of sand and water have no great hatred for the Lek-Kego. Perhaps a deal can be struck.
    -[X] The Steel War continues with the Spear Clan, having lasted now for several generations of off-again on-again sporadic conflicts. The Spear Clan has shrunk immensely but will continue to fight, devising means to slay steel spirits and continue mining where it can. It is discovered that steel spirits are less likely to harm Lek-kego with high percentages of steel in their shell and since this generally consists of the high-caste Lek-kego and nobody else, the Chieftain of the time controversially puts many of them to work. What are they going to do, deny military service? But as a result, several 'steelshells' start plotting to collude with the spirits outside, planning on using their connection with them to stage a coup. A new idealogy begins to flourish among resentful steelshells, one that stems from the caste system and the previous tradition of using steel for class-identification. It tells them that Lek-kego with steel in their shells are superior and that the others are just trying to drag them down and undo them.
Changing the object changes the spirit within. This might not seem like a big deal but a 'change of form' also encapsulates the transition of a human to a corpse.

Interesting... that does make me wonder, are there souls in this world? Or is our little guys dying just causing a permadeath since there is nothing like an after-death life going on? If so, could we create some kind of afterlife and imbue everything with souls?
However, the price of Pact Interventions letting you basically make any change you want is that they are up to the spirits to interpret. You can't precisely dictate what they'll do.
Except that wasn't interpretation. That was outright, flat out, ignoring the central key point of the change. "immediate self defense" became "at will". So this basically tells me that Pact Interventions are useless, because they can be "interpreted" to the exact opposite of what was stated.

And I'm not exaggerating here: if pacts are open to that much latitude of interpretation, there is no reason to ever use them except as a random event generator. Because it's not that they have unintended side effects. It's that their primary effects are completely unknowable and completely unpredictable until they've been done.

Hell, if the "can harm the Leks" part was put through the same amount of "interpretation" it could have resulted in "draw grafitti all over the shells of the Leks whenever they look at a spirit (which are everywhere) funny"
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And I'm not exaggerating here: if pacts are open to that much latitude of interpretation, there is no reason to ever use them.

I can think of one way. Create specific spirits - think basically demi gods or the type of near immortal spirits that will last for ages upon ages.

And basically treat them as characters - we give them directives - and by prior characterization we can guess how they interpret those pacts. But this is probably too labor intensive for this quest.
The Age Of Battle
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Self defense only applies to the spirits themselves, not their elements.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.

Alright, alright. Alright. That was a thing that happened. But it's okay, it's your first time, it was bound to go wrong at some point. What's important to remember is that it is never the end. There's no use crying over spilt milk or at least, not when you can unspill it. You can't undo your initial Pact, that thing is frozen in time along with every Intervention you make. The world and History itself is a malleable thing but you are not. But you can work with it and brace the world against it.
And you'll do it after the Spear Clan get a bit of a scare and lose a few thousand people. The universe exists to humble people, after all. But now the Steel War will end and this timeline will fall to the cutting room floor.

The Age of Battle

  • Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
  • INTERVENTION: You change the rules of the universe a little, vis a vis how spirits interact with your chosen people. You had been too hasty with that last one and even though you can't counteract it, you can refine it and make the spirits stop being such big babies about it. The previous self-defence clause now only applies to a spirit's corporate form, something that it has to voluntarily create in the first place. Threats to the things they embody no longer count, even when its destruction or transmutation alters the spirit itself. Sorry spirits, only threats of direct violence apply now, not threats of Ship-Of-Theseus-esque ego death! And if they don't like that they can go suck it. You're not happy with what they've done with your perfectly good Age.
  • As a result of this, the tungsten spirits never bother to warn the Remnant Clans and the Knights about the new self-defence Pact. And since they don't need to do that, they never bother to incorporate and they never get attacked by the Knights. Mining and smithing is no longer a violation of them or, at least, not a violation that they possess the will or capacity to do anything about. Instead the Knights continue to use the excuse of the 'Spirit Hunt' to solidify their power over the other families. But with the absence of spirits presenting themselves to make easy targets, this sense of unity and shared paranoia doesn't last long. The maltheism still continues strong in their shared cultural heritage but the common people start to see less and less reason why they need the Knights if the gods aren't coming to crush them right now. Especially since, absent a massive spirit incursion that drives them all up into the island and enforces a massive economic gap between the Knights and the rest while also giving near-total control of the latter to the former, the tungsten mining is still continuing and more and more of the other families are figuring out this whole 'platemail' thing. This rising social unrest continues until a small sect of Knights, a secret to the other Knights as much as they are to the other families, delves into the forbidden arts of god-talking. They speak to the spirits not as supplicants, spiritualists or priests but as equals or even superiors. This is a marriage of necessity, not of pleasure. With the deal struck by these secret masters, a few tungsten spirits begin to incorporate and harass the outlying families with raids that withdraw whenever the Knights arrive. And most conveniently, these raids and disasters often happen in a way to increase the standing of members of the sect specifically. With their 'protection' backed up by a lie that most Knights aren't even aware of, their rule of the Remnant Clans continues.
  • The Pact has no effect on the Spur Clan but they learn of it all the same through hazy dream-messages given by their patron earth spirits to their most sensitive spiritualists. They entreat the earth spirits for their permission to continue to mine and the expeditions to the Plateau continue. Though they have to climb to its metallic top, they waste no time in carving tunnels through the solid gemstone and crystal mix that makes up its bottom layers. Some of the gems quarried are kept in their original shapes to serve as crude baubles and are later carved/melted into clumsy but beautiful statues and monuments, with a spire of solid ruby being erected in the edge of the marsh where the Founding Heirophant was said to have first spoke to the spirits. But most of the gemstones are melted down to their composite minerals such as aluminium, beryl, carbon and a lot of trace elements, some of which have magnetic traces that wind up in their shells and colour them various bright shades. To bear these wavy bands of colour quickly becomes a sought-after status symbol. The spirits of the Plateau object to this and refuse communication but there is little they can do. Some of them take corporeal form an act threatening to bait an attack and this works in isolated incidents but to a Clan so learned in the ways of spirits, this approach has little effect. Indeed, this only leads to a few spirits of the Plateau being bonded into pacts and an increasing intermingling and relaxation of their sovereign territory.
  • As generations pass, the hidden sect within the Knights becomes publicly known as The Scrawler's Order but only as a popular group for young Lek-kego in Knightly families to be inducted into and learn much of the murkier knowledge of things and generally have a good time. It is said that they stray into dangerously...theistic territory but their true purpose, of controlling the actions of spirits to ensure the power of the Knights, remains mostly unknown. And with their recruitment strategy, much of the upper strata of Knights are now associates with the Order. And there are a lot more Knights, much more than before. There has been a small boom in reproduction following the discovery of another small iron vein and, considering that tungsten platemail is essentially now an open secret that anyone with the resources can make (and those resources are abundant), a whole lot more of the other families have been uplifted to Knightly status to better maintain rule and taxation over the rest. They now maintain their control over a monopoly of education, martial training and their curious ability to be the only ones who can reliably force tungsten elementals to back off. Both the Knights and the non-Knightly families have diversified from the two relatively simple economic layers they had once been, with distinct strata in both and some of the uppermost of the latter eclipsing the lowermost of the former. Calling them Remnant Clans no longer seems appropriate but unlike the now discarded timeline, referring to them all as Knights wouldn't be correct. A common term that they use for themselves is synonymous with what they call the Shard they are on which itself is synonymous with their term for tungsten-carbide so...you can call them for the Tungsten Clan for now.
  • The Steel War is still going somehow. Since the mining of the steel floor is so much more aggressive than the Remnant Clan's, the spirits are actually prompted to do something about it. And since the Spear Clan are not the Spur Clan and have suffered much in the beginning of the Steel War, steel-spirits incorporating themselves to bait an attack actually works. But since this means that the spirit's attacks must now be much more sporadic than in the previous timeline, the Spear Clan is much less effected and the attacks mostly claim the lives of the slave-folk that live outside of their perpetually expanding fortifications. The use of steel-shells against the steel spirits is still noted but without the need being anywhere near so pressing, the Chieftain doesn't force them into service but instead opts to reward those that do. The steel-shells become a martial subculture within an already martial culture, focused even more on winning glory and strength. Due to this, the steel-shells return to the old Spear Clan tradition of never taking a reproductive form and only use breeders from 'lesser' members of the high castes. The ideology that steel-shells are grander than those of more common iron still takes root as a result of this but it is much less based on being subversive towards the Spear Clan itself and as a result, quickly becomes common and accepted since it's easy to tie into the pre-existing Spear Clan concept of higher castes being 'forged better' than those of their enslaved underclass. Mining steel becomes even more important as a result.
  • Due to the Steel War being on a lower scale, scattered contact between the Spear Clan and their far-beach colony remains. But without the threat of extinction to keep them clinging to tradition and group identity, the colony uses the unprecedented (and to their eyes, infinite) amount of steel to be found within the filament itself and multiplies continually at a rate even greater of their originators. They can mine so much more in this timeline! With this and with the contact with the old motherland being somewhat intermittent, the colony quickly decides to stop transporting any of their mined ore back home. When a message from the Spear Clan Chieftain arrives and asks what the deal is, the colonists send their first ore back home for a while: the molten remains of the messenger's corpse. The Spear Clan mobilises extremely quickly, gathering and organising its armies and sending them out for punishing treks across the vast expanse of black sand that separates them from the colony. But this time the Spear Clan are fighting themselves, Lek-kego with the same martial tradition, weapons and sense of military structure. Not to mention the logistical issues with supplying the armies while they're so far away from bulk of the Clan. It's a long way to try and project force, a barrier that the Lek-kego had never encountered before now. After a few skirmishes the futility of this dawns on the current Chieftain and they call the armies back, eager to find another way to bring the traitors to heel. This goes over extremely poorly with much of the soldiers, eager to claim the martial honor that their culture had conditioned them to expect from an unprecedented war such as this. That and the Chieftain's refusal to increase their pay for all of the useless marching results in one steel-shelled general marching his army to war...against the Spear Clan's central fort. The other armies fail to stop them or actively join in, resulting in what is the first siege in the history of the world. It doesn't last long. The Lek-kego cannot be starved out of a siege but they can see which way the wind is blowing and in the end the steel-shells inside the fort open the gates and give the general the Chieftain's head as they march in through. The general installs themselves as the new Chieftain and institutes a ferrocracy. Only those with a high percentage of visible steel in their shells should be Chieftain or lead armies or make any proper decisions regarding the Clan's future. The rest of the upper castes are best served as being their breeders and their support structure. This doesn't go over well but considering that the new Chieftain is literally occupying the centre of government with their army, it is met with little resistance.
  • The Scrawler's Order has, at this point, wound up so woven into the fabric of the Knightly families in the Tungsten Clan that it is basically just another organ of governance. The nature of the spirit attacks has become common knowledge among the Knights and has filtered down into the populace even as they continue to expand. This leads to a string of revolts across the Clan's holdings but as long as the solitary island remains the only source of the Shard's water there is nowhere else to go. Even the fissures widening between the different Knight families can't get around this one basic fact. And forcing the current rulers of the Lake out will prove harder than it seems, with tungsten armour defeating tungsten weapons and making it so that entrenched defenders are very hard to move. This fractious state of efforts will continue for now but something's got to give.
  • The Steel War is technically still going but it's really just an occasional issue for both the Spear Clan and their colony, which still sees itself as Spear Clan but obviously a better more traditional Spear Clan than the literal Spear Clan, especially after the coup. Since then the two have been passively aggressively jousting with one another, both protected by distance and the Steel War making travel across the beach intermittent. What the distance doesn't stop however are the refugees, wealthy upper castes slowly drifting away from the Spear Clan's new focus on a new caste system that doesn't elevate them personally. The colony is eager to take most of them in and is becoming common to derogatorily refer to the original Spear Clan as the 'Steel Clan' due to their ferrocracy. Meanwhile back in said ferrocracy, the Chieftain's following the victorious general have found themselves facing an unpleasant truth: All the other generals now know that they can try and be Chieftain whenever they want. It is coup after coup after coup, pausing only to continue its military pissing match with the colony. Eventually what it settles into is the Lek-kego's first electoral system but with only steel-shells of distinguished military service being able to vote. This way, ideally, the new Chieftain rules with the majority support of the armies and cannot simply be couped repeatedly as they had been in the past.
  • The Spur Clan continues to expand into the Plateau and build further roads across the marsh. Gemstones and crystal are now a common building material, particular after expanding mining tunnels into the Spur itself discovered the mountain has a core of weird unshaped crystal of a kind never seen before. The chromium cap of the Plateau has caused some excitement for what it represents for steel-forging but due to not being magnetic, it cannot be added to their shells in the usual process. Some of the Lek-kego, generally the ones without the gaudy coloured shells, have taken to rolling around in it to come out looking shiny. The Spur Clan has increased in size dramatically and yet, it somehow keeps the communal Clan structure that only really suits a smaller Clan. The answer to this is spiritualism. The priesthood of the Spur, their holy mountain, has grown extremely adept at training spirits to proselytise to other spirits, sending them off in every direction to spread the word long before any explorers from the Spur Clan arrive. The spirits of the Plateau have been fully integrated. And most importantly, they have discovered that every Lek-kego bears a nascent spirit of their own. And so, using a sort of pseudo-bond with said spirits, they radiate artificial peace and bliss over most of the Clan.
  • The situation in the Tungsten Clan finally breaks down. It all comes about with a normal Lek-kego, un-Knighted, unknown and with a heart full of despair. They happen across a corporeal tungsten elemental and, knowing what they did of the Order's methods, started attacking it. Being all but impervious to a single Lek-kego, the elemental permitted it to do this and then walked over and murdered a different Lek-kego than the one attacking it. The only reason the spirits had been going along with the Order's plans is because, even if it was all just a ploy to further their status, it still let the spirits kill Lek-kego. The one attacking the spirit quickly figured this out and, sick of the awful way of things, decided to keep doing it and together the two of them formed a roaming murder-duo with a perpetual license to kill. This by itself was just a single occurrence and both were dealt with by the Knights in short order. But there is a no shortage of either murderous tungsten elementals or anarchistic common-folk and now they both knew that such deals were possible. And with the Knight families fighting themselves as much as each other, still jockeying for position, there is little they can do to effectively stop the land from falling into chaos as would-be warlocks and their spirit companions just do whatever the fuck they want. All sense of Clan unity finally collapses and it stops being the Tungsten Clan and starts being a whole lot of individual Lek-kego and families thereof.

Well! They're all in much better shape now, aren't they? They're still fighting but through that fighting they're learning and making so many things. Democracy, coups, nihilist murder sprees, some sort of racism you guess, mind control...
When you put it like that, it could be better. But on the other hand, you didn't make them so they'd be nice to each other.

You have 4 Miracle Points remaining.

[ ]No more interventions, this Age is good now.

[ ]Intervene! Specify the form of the Intervention and the time where it takes place.
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Except that wasn't interpretation. That was outright, flat out, ignoring the central key point of the change. "immediate self defense" became "at will".

With all due respect, no it didn't. You'll note that in the Age of Wrath, the spirit aggression only continued for as long as the mining did. It wasn't 'at will' it was in reaction to continued attempts to assault them.
It relies on a definition of assault that might seem a little nebulous at times to us or the Lek-kego (that damaging their physical vessel constitutes an attack on the spirit itself) but one that is very definite to any spirit who is fond of their identity. I don't consider it an unreasonable interpretation for a Pact with a world-wide area of effect.
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-[X]Dock the Shard with the Knights on it to a Shard with more water. DO NOT DOCK THEM TO SPUR CLAN'S SHARD!
-[X]The Scrawler's Order has, at this point, wound up so woven into the fabric of the Knightly families in the Tungsten Clan that it is basically just another organ of governance. The nature of the spirit attacks has become common knowledge among the Knights and has filtered down into the populace even as they continue to expand. This leads to a string of revolts across the Clan's holdings but as long as the solitary island remains the only source of the Shard's water there is nowhere else to go. Even the fissures widening between the different Knight families can't get around this one basic fact. And forcing the current rulers of the Lake out will prove harder than it seems, with tungsten armour defeating tungsten weapons and making it so that entrenched defenders are very hard to move. This fractious state of efforts will continue for now but something's got to give.

The Knights are only holding on as the ruling class due to a water monopoly. Let's do something about that.
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The situation in the Tungsten Clan finally breaks down. It all comes about with a normal Lek-kego, un-Knighted, unknown and with a heart full of despair. They happen across a corporate tungsten elemental and, knowing what they did of the Order's methods, started attacking it. Being all but impervious to a single Lek-kego, the elemental permitted it to do this and then walked over and murdered a different Lek-kego than the one attacking it. The reason the spirits had been going along with the Order's plans is because, even if it was all just a ploy to further their status, it still let the spirits kill Lek-kego. The one attacking the spirit quickly figured this out and, sick of the awful way of things, decided to keep doing it and together, the two of them formed a roaming murder-duo with a perpetual license to kill.
The absolute mad lads

What metal would beat tungsten armour? I feel like adding that into the mix might help the situation not become as it is. On the other hand, I'm sure someone will eventually win out down there and form a structure of some kind that'll be fun and entertaining.
  • The situation in the Tungsten Clan finally breaks down. It all comes about with a normal Lek-kego, un-Knighted, unknown and with a heart full of despair. They happen across a corporate tungsten elemental and, knowing what they did of the Order's methods, started attacking it. Being all but impervious to a single Lek-kego, the elemental permitted it to do this and then walked over and murdered a different Lek-kego than the one attacking it. The reason the spirits had been going along with the Order's plans is because, even if it was all just a ploy to further their status, it still let the spirits kill Lek-kego. The one attacking the spirit quickly figured this out and, sick of the awful way of things, decided to keep doing it and together, the two of them formed a roaming murder-duo with a perpetual license to kill. This by itself was just a single occurrence and both were dealt with by the Knights in short order. But there is a no shortage of either murderous tungsten elementals or anarchistic common-folk and now they both knew that such deals were possible. And with the Knight families fighting themselves as much as each other, still jockeying for position, there is little they can do to effectively stop the land from falling into chaos as would-be warlocks and their spirit companions just do whatever the fuck they want. All sense of Clan unity finally collapses and it stops being the Tungsten Clan and starts being a whole lot of individual Lek-kego and families thereof.

The possibility of Spirit Stands beckons. The temptation is real. Really, though, a new kind of spirit binding would throw some very interesting wrenches into the gears, and if it were a sort of pseudo-demonic possession or Jojo Stand pact it opens up some interesting leverage for the spirits against the Lek-kego and check their dominance a bit. The exact mechanics of a hypothetical new pact style would be finicky to make without some kind of backfire, but it would mean the spirits would be able to have more initiative in their actions, and open new types of relationships with the Lek-kego.
-[X]Dock the Shard with the Knights on it to a Shard with more water. DO NOT DOCK THEM TO SPUR CLAN'S SHARD!
-[X]Right at the end of the Age