Why Can't My Worshippers Understand What I'm Saying?: A Well Intentioned God Quest

Correct, though they, like all spirits of actions and ideas, are more intangible and won't really do anything if not compelled.
Cool. Revoting because I didn't put the time of intervention last time around. Not that it matters, since it's not gonna win, but correct voting is correct.

[X]Intervene further!
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spur Clan to guide and guard them.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spear Clan to guide and guard them.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Remnant Clans to guide and guard them.
-[X]The Spear Clan, somewhat winding down from their boom, receive reports from their scouts who have taken advantage of the now tame beach to travel to the furthest expanse of the sands and back. They bring wild tales of a place where the black sand ends and in its place is an endless plain of steel. They have found the filament itself. This inspires a few revelations in the Spear Clan. Firstly, it is now apparent to them that this world is a made thing. Something put this there. The steel is worked. Were there Lek-kego before them? Was it the Bird Gods, despite them having nothing to do with steel before? Secondly, news of this faraway bounty only increases its economic rise and large expeditions are sent forth as a form of immigration and as a societal pressure valve, the Clan eager to send as many members of its ever-swelling populace far away to this metal wonderland that is, for now, too distant for the main bulk of the Clan to mine regularly. They will not be Clan but they will be of the Clan and they will surely stay loyal. Another golden age is declared but someone in the Spear Clan does this every generation no matter what happens and so it is ignored.

Incidentally, do we know what happens if the Remnant kill their own Spirit, or is that one of those things we only find out by trying?

Am I doing this right?

[X]Intervene further! Specify the Intervention and the time period.
[X][Fire][Phenomenon] The endless plain of steel is ruptured in places, and fire bubbles up from faux-veins of it deep within the shell of the Shard. Where it butts against the black sand, crude glass is formed. In areas of weaker gravity, the fires become spherical - lacking convection - and tend to bluer hues. This strange phenomenon often burns out, only to be replaced by new orbs. Despite their fearsome appearance, the spirits of these will o' the wisps are no stronger than anywhere else (yet?)
-[X] The Spear Clan, somewhat winding down from their boom, receive reports from their scouts who have taken advantage of the now tame beach to travel to the furthest expanse of the sands and back. They bring wild tales of a place where the black sand ends and in its place is an endless plain of steel. They have found the filament itself. This inspires a few revelations in the Spear Clan. Firstly, it is now apparent to them that this world is a made thing. Something put this there. The steel is worked. Were there Lek-kego before them? Was it the Bird Gods, despite them having nothing to do with steel before? Secondly, news of this faraway bounty only increases its economic rise and large expeditions are sent forth as a form of immigration and as a societal pressure valve, the Clan eager to send as many members of its ever-swelling populace far away to this metal wonderland that is, for now, too distant for the main bulk of the Clan to mine regularly. They will not be Clan but they will be of the Clan and they will surely stay loyal. Another golden age is declared but someone in the Spear Clan does this every generation no matter what happens and so it is ignored.
You're golden, mate.
Calling the vote, even if the tallier is still being a bit silly about it.
Adhoc vote count started by Dreaming on Apr 25, 2019 at 6:21 PM, finished with 44 posts and 28 votes.

  • [X]No further Interventions are required.
    [X]Intervene further!
    -[X] [Fire] [Infusion] A great fire of freedom burns in the hearts and souls of the Spear Clan rebels
    -[X] [Earth] [Infusion] The will and the backbones of the Spear Clan rebels grow as hard as steel
    -[X] The Spear Clan, already unbalanced and poised to fall, causes the first real war between Lek-kego. A civil war. It's nothing special or unique really, just a rising force consisting of the outer fringes, the disenfranchised, the unsheltered and some of the slaves. The war is brief but bloody and the Spear Clan retains control, the rebels unable to contest their domes while having no safe ground of their own. The empty shells of rebel leaders joins the bird skull in the middle of the great fort. But even so, this prompts a reordering of the Spear Clan as they take massive amounts of slaves from the defeated splinters, propping up their failing slave economy with enough slaves from their own people that they now actually have a breeding population of slaves, slaves from birth. A proper underclass now forms and with the resulting stigma, some select members of the 'higher caste' Clanners start taking reproductive forms of their own will. Using only the slaves as breeders now feels distasteful now that they are dogmatically lesser. This dilutes the martial culture somewhat.
    [X]Intervene further! Specify the Intervention and the time period.
    [X]Intervene further!
    -[X] [Spirit][Pact] Instruct the spirit/s of the Central Face to protect and guard the relics of the (supposedly) bygone era from any that would try to take them.
    -[X] The Spear Clan, somewhat winding down from their boom, receive reports from their scouts who have taken advantage of the now tame beach to travel to the furthest expanse of the sands and back. They bring wild tales of a place where the black sand ends and in its place is an endless plain of steel. They have found the filament itself. This inspires a few revelations in the Spear Clan. Firstly, it is now apparent to them that this world is a made thing. Something put this there. The steel is worked. Were there Lek-kego before them? Was it the Bird Gods, despite them having nothing to do with steel before? Secondly, news of this faraway bounty only increases its economic rise and large expeditions are sent forth as a form of immigration and as a societal pressure valve, the Clan eager to send as many members of its ever-swelling populace far away to this metal wonderland that is, for now, too distant for the main bulk of the Clan to mine regularly. They will not be Clan but they will be of the Clan and they will surely stay loyal. Another golden age is declared but someone in the Spear Clan does this every generation no matter what happens and so it is ignored.
    [X][Spirit][CREATION][Precise]-Create mid sized spirits to have in reserve for the future.
    [X]-The Spear Clan, somewhat winding down from their boom, receive reports from their scouts who have taken advantage of the now tame beach to travel to the furthest expanse of the sands and back. They bring wild tales of a place where the black sand ends and in its place is an endless plain of steel. They have found the filament itself. This inspires a few revelations in the Spear Clan. Firstly, it is now apparent to them that this world is a made thing. Something put this there. The steel is worked. Were there Lek-kego before them? Was it the Bird Gods, despite them having nothing to do with steel before? Secondly, news of this faraway bounty only increases its economic rise and large expeditions are sent forth as a form of immigration and as a societal pressure valve, the Clan eager to send as many members of its ever-swelling populace far away to this metal wonderland that is, for now, too distant for the main bulk of the Clan to mine regularly. They will not be Clan but they will be of the Clan and they will surely stay loyal. Another golden age is declared but someone in the Spear Clan does this every generation no matter what happens and so it is ignored.
    [X]Intervene further!
    -[X] [Fire] [Infusion] A great fire of freedom burns in the hearts and souls of the Spear Clan rebels
    -[X] The Spear Clan, already unbalanced and poised to fall, causes the first real war between Lek-kego. A civil war. It's nothing special or unique really, just a rising force consisting of the outer fringes, the disenfranchised, the unsheltered and some of the slaves. The war is brief but bloody and the Spear Clan retains control, the rebels unable to contest their domes while having no safe ground of their own. The empty shells of rebel leaders joins the bird skull in the middle of the great fort. But even so, this prompts a reordering of the Spear Clan as they take massive amounts of slaves from the defeated splinters, propping up their failing slave economy with enough slaves from their own people that they now actually have a breeding population of slaves, slaves from birth. A proper underclass now forms and with the resulting stigma, some select members of the 'higher caste' Clanners start taking reproductive forms of their own will. Using only the slaves as breeders now feels distasteful now that they are dogmatically lesser. This dilutes the martial culture somewhat.
    [X][Fire][Phenomenon] The endless plain of steel is ruptured in places, and fire bubbles up from faux-veins of it deep within the shell of the Shard. Where it butts against the black sand, crude glass is formed. In areas of weaker gravity, the fires become spherical - lacking convection - and tend to bluer hues. This strange phenomenon often burns out, only to be replaced by new orbs. Despite their fearsome appearance, the spirits of these will o' the wisps are no stronger than anywhere else (yet?)
    -[X] The Spear Clan, somewhat winding down from their boom, receive reports from their scouts who have taken advantage of the now tame beach to travel to the furthest expanse of the sands and back. They bring wild tales of a place where the black sand ends and in its place is an endless plain of steel. They have found the filament itself. This inspires a few revelations in the Spear Clan. Firstly, it is now apparent to them that this world is a made thing. Something put this there. The steel is worked. Were there Lek-kego before them? Was it the Bird Gods, despite them having nothing to do with steel before? Secondly, news of this faraway bounty only increases its economic rise and large expeditions are sent forth as a form of immigration and as a societal pressure valve, the Clan eager to send as many members of its ever-swelling populace far away to this metal wonderland that is, for now, too distant for the main bulk of the Clan to mine regularly. They will not be Clan but they will be of the Clan and they will surely stay loyal. Another golden age is declared but someone in the Spear Clan does this every generation no matter what happens and so it is ignored.
    [X]Intervene further!
    -[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spur Clan to guide and guard them.
    -[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Spear Clan to guide and guard them.
    -[X] [Spirit][Pact] Task the Spirit of the Remnant Clans to guide and guard them.
    -[X] The Spear Clan, somewhat winding down from their boom, receive reports from their scouts who have taken advantage of the now tame beach to travel to the furthest expanse of the sands and back. They bring wild tales of a place where the black sand ends and in its place is an endless plain of steel. They have found the filament itself. This inspires a few revelations in the Spear Clan. Firstly, it is now apparent to them that this world is a made thing. Something put this there. The steel is worked. Were there Lek-kego before them? Was it the Bird Gods, despite them having nothing to do with steel before? Secondly, news of this faraway bounty only increases its economic rise and large expeditions are sent forth as a form of immigration and as a societal pressure valve, the Clan eager to send as many members of its ever-swelling populace far away to this metal wonderland that is, for now, too distant for the main bulk of the Clan to mine regularly. They will not be Clan but they will be of the Clan and they will surely stay loyal. Another golden age is declared but someone in the Spear Clan does this every generation no matter what happens and so it is ignored.
The Age Of Wrath
[X]No further Interventions are required.

You sit back in a vaguely metaphorical sense and wait for time to pass. You think you've done a pretty good job so far! Everything should more or less turn out fine for your cute little creatures. With all the prosperity and ore you've been providing them, you're expecting an Age of Craft or a Age of Wealth. Something like that, surely.

The Age of Wrath
  • Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
  • Though the spirits do not immediately attack the Remnant Clans, minor tungsten elementals do incorporate to warn them of the effects of the new Pact. They are attacked by the Knights but, due to their status as, well, tungsten, they aren't killed as much as they are warded off. A small time later, they and some of their friends strike back in a massive counter-attack! Seeing the futility of their fight, many of the Knights flee off the tungsten plains and take refuge in their ancestral holdings around the lake atop the solitary island. Many of the other families are permitted to join them as they use precious supplies of iron and a lot of the tungsten they have left to construct a fortress on the lake's edge. The lingerers, the slow and those who saw this as an opportunity to escape the Knight's rule are left behind to be mauled. And with that, the spirits are sated. The Remnant Clans cease to exist as a functional and diverse society and just become the Knights of the Lake and their collection of serfs, who know first-hand now what they need the Knights to protect them from.
  • The Spur Clan survives the effects of the Pact unscathed thanks to their ability to speak with and bond with spirits. They entreat the earth spirits for their permission to continue to mine and the expeditions to the Plateau continue. Though they have to climb to its metallic top, they waste no time in carving tunnels through the solid gemstone and crystal mix that makes up its bottom layers. Some of the gems quarried are kept in their original shapes to serve as crude baubles and are later carved/melted into clumsy but beautiful statues and monuments, with a spire of solid ruby being erected in the edge of the marsh where the Founding Heirophant was said to have first spoke to the spirits. But most of the gemstones are melted down to their composite minerals such as aluminium, beryl, carbon and a lot of trace elements, some of which have magnetic traces that wind up in their shells and colour them various bright shades. To bear these wavy bands of colour quickly becomes a sought-after status symbol. The spirits of the Plateau object to this and refuse communication but against the Spur Clan spiritualists and their tame spirits, there is little they can do.
  • The Knights continue to fortify their island keep, only sending out quick scouts to recover tungsten ore from the now forbidden plains below. But with the construction of the keep and with the lack of access to most of the Shard, they have run out of iron for breeding and shell-repair. Some of the serfs start stripping parts of the fort and are executed whenever they are found. This doesn't stop some of the Knights doing the same of course. Small amounts of iron will be taken from safe parts of the fort and rationed out from the Knights to the serfs, using a reverse form of the tithe-taking they had devised but only for the purpose of shell maintenance. Breeding is punishable by death.
  • The Steel War continues with the Spear Clan, having lasted now for several generations of off-again on-again sporadic conflicts. The Spear Clan has shrunk immensely but will continue to fight, devising means to slay steel spirits and continue mining where it can. It is discovered that steel spirits are less likely to harm Lek-kego with high percentages of steel in their shell and since this generally consists of the high-caste Lek-kego and nobody else, the Chieftain of the time controversially puts many of them to work. What are they going to do, deny military service? But as a result, several 'steelshells' start plotting to collude with the spirits outside, planning on using their connection with them to stage a coup. A new idealogy begins to flourish among resentful steelshells, one that stems from the caste system and the previous tradition of using steel for class-identification. It tells them that Lek-kego with steel in their shells are superior and that the others are just trying to drag them down and undo them.
  • The Spear Clan colony, incidentally, still lives though it has been generations since they were able to contact or get reports from the main body of the Spear Clan due to steel-spirits roaming the sands. They are under attack as well of course, being right by the edge of the beach and before the endless steel plains of the filament. But this has not stopped them from thriving, taking the attacks as a perverse pleasure that only increases their resolve and their sense of fervent identity as the Spear Clan. Even if they are the only 'Spear Clan' many of them have ever known. They have their own Chieftain now and have had them for some time.
  • A structural instability in the fort's outer wall due to iron-stripping causes a collapse that kills many. As a result, the Knights start 'watering' down the iron rations for the serfs while saying nothing and hoping they don't notice. They notice but with own shells in lesser and lesser conditons, it seems there is nothing that they can do. During this time, several Knight leaders discover the spirit war is long over and they can now return to the plains. They keep this knowledge a secret, not wanting to relinquish the personal power that ruling over the confined keep has given them.
  • The Spur Clan continues to grow, constructing a rudimentary road through the marsh and linking the Spur to the Plateau. Most of the Plateau spirits are still recalcitrant but can do nothing on their own, prompting them to link up and reclassify themselves, merging into the greater spirit of the Plateau itself. This massive spirit, great serpent with a head of chromium and a body studded with crystal, hurls the entire chromium cap at the Spur, crushing most of the mountain and destroying the vast bulk of the Spur Clan. With most of them dead or dying in collapsing underground tunnels, what little is left of the Spur Clan has to flee into the marsh and eke out rudimentary lives with what spirits they can. There may be survivors but the Spur Clan itself is gone.
  • The Spear Clan continues to shrink as their refusal to stop strip-mining and their refusal to stop attacking steel spirits leads to the Steel War continuing. And there is an endless amount of steel spirits and only so much Spear Clan. In the end the steel-shell nobility, having had a conspiracy to mutiny linger in their core for generations, flourishing and growing until most of them secretly applied to its ideology, choose to betray both the Chieftain and the underclasses by opening the doors to many domes and forts, allowing the steel-spirits in. The Spear Clan, or the main body of it, dies that day and the untouched steelshells pay homage to the murderous spirits, name them their new benefactors and declare that they are now in charge. This tiny sliver of Lek-kego ruling over the ruins of the dead Spear Clan call themselves the Steel Clan and institute new laws of metallurgical purity. Only Lek-kego with a significant percentage of steel in their shells are proper Lek-kego. Meanwhile the colony continues to exist on the other side of the beach. They are united against adversity and, since they still call themselves the Spear Clan and idolize its traditions, are the only Spear Clan left.
  • The Knights continue their rations, with many of the lesser Knights now receiving diluted iron as well. Much of the keep has been replaced by lesser materials. There have been no newborns in the keep for an exceedingly long time, for generations if that term applied any longer. What sets everything off are many Knights starting to kill and eat serfs for their iron content, sparking a revolt. The serfs are unable to slay all of the Knights but they are able to escape, the rebellion setting off out of the keep and into other parts of the island so that they can stay close to the Lake. They call themselves the Free Clan. Some of the Knights defect and join them but most of them remain in the Keep, to wait out the passage of time without iron. In the end both the Knights and the Free Clan are doomed to death now, the Knights rotting atop their tungsten treasures with no iron left save what is left in the cracking walls of their own keep. The knowledge of where the other few iron veins in the Shard are have long since been lost, swept away in the war and paranoia and the Free Clan is also doomed to die slowly of crumbling shells and moulting bodies. There seems to be only darkness ahead of them now.

...Oh. That wasn't what you wanted. Not entirely. But maybe things will turn out alright. They have to, right? Right?
You have 5 Miracle Points remaining.

[ ]There is no need to Intervene. You want to see where this goes.

[ ]Intervene! Specify the form of the Intervention and the time where it takes place.
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[X]Intervene further!
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Self defense only applies to the spirits themselves, not their elements.
-[X] [Earth][CREATE] Create enough minerals for Knights and Free Clans to consume.
  • The Knights continue their rations, with many of the lesser Knights now receiving diluted iron as well. Much of the keep has been replaced by lesser materials. There have been no newborns in the keep for an exceedingly long time, for generations if that term applied any longer. What sets everything off are many Knights starting to kill and eat serfs for their iron content, sparking a revolt. The serfs are unable to slay all of the Knights but they are able to escape, the rebellion setting off out of the keep and into other parts of the island so that they can stay close to the Lake. They call themselves the Free Clan. Some of the Knights defect and join them but most of them remain in the Keep, to wait out the passage of time without iron. In the end both the Knights and the Free Clan are doomed to death now, the Knights rotting atop their tungsten treasures with no iron left save what is left in the cracking walls of their own keep. The knowledge of where the other few iron veins in the Shard are have long since been lost, swept away in the war and paranoia and the Free Clan is also doomed to die slowly of crumbling shells and moulting bodies. There seems to be only darkness ahead of them now.
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So, perhaps a better set of orders for the Spirits should be that they are allowed to incapacitate or injure a Lek-Kego in self-defense, but can't kill? That way they can still defend themselves, but can't cause societal collapse.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Self defense only applies to the spirits themselves, not their elements.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Self defense only applies to the spirits themselves, not their elements.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Self defense only applies to the spirits themselves, not their elements.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
There is a reason I had the word "immediate" in the vote. Immediate self-defense should preclude attacking fortresses and the whole "throw a mountain at them" attack. Was the vote insufficiently clear or are conditions like that disallowed?

edit: Question based on incorrect premises removed.
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I...kind of like this.

The scale and method is wrong but it's an interesting age.

Thinking maybe we intervene to stop some of the collapses (and pacify the spirits) and maybe give the free clans iron to live off of.

Ooooh, also. We should give some guys an exploratory urge soonish. I want an age of discovery dang itz
I think that we should save Knight and Free clans and see where this goes .

I'm interested to see what happens with survivors of spur clan.
The steel spirits aren't stronger, it's just that the Spear Clan refused to stop fighting them and kept drawing in more and more as a chain reaction. And the actual collapse of the fortresses and whatnot was mostly instigated by the steelshells. Kind of like how after the initial spirit attacks stopped, the Knights more or less caused their own destruction.

There is a reason I had the word "immediate" in the vote. Immediate self-defense should preclude attacking fortresses and the whole "throw a mountain at them" attack. Was the vote insufficiently clear or are conditions like that disallowed?

edit: Question based on incorrect premises removed.

You are correct! Throwing a mountain is an incredibly unreasonable reaction on part of the Greater Spirit of the Plateau. However, the price of Pact Interventions letting you basically make any change you want is that they are up to the spirits to interpret. You can't precisely dictate what they'll do.

EDIT: I should note that you guys can undo pretty much all of this if you want. Interventions travel backwards in time, after all.
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This is fine.


EDIT: I'm inclined to empower a few spirits and have them parlay on behalf of the spirit population before the real grim stuff gets going. At least the lek-kego will have a chance for diplomacy before Suddenly Wave of Infinite Murder Spirits.

Not saying it would work, but if the Clans knew Plateau Spirit was possible maybe they'd step more lightly.
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-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Self defense only applies to the spirits themselves, not their elements.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.

Maybe have it so that spirits who's metals are consumed consider themselves shell spirits? Perhaps we could get some who think they are dead Lek-kego? Get some ancestor worship all up in here.
Yeahhhhhh, that went wrong pretty quickly. And... everywhere.

-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Self defense only applies to the spirits themselves, not their elements.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.

This might end up causing a total rewrite, but... yeah, probably for the best.
We need to fix that Plateau spirit from killing everyone.

The Spur Clan continues to grow, constructing a rudimentary road through the marsh and linking the Spur to the Plateau. Most of the Plateau spirits are still recalcitrant but can do nothing on their own, prompting them to link up and reclassify themselves, merging into the greater spirit of the Plateau itself. This massive spirit, great serpent with a head of chromium and a body studded with crystal, hurls the entire chromium cap at the Spur, crushing most of the mountain and destroying the vast bulk of the Spur Clan. With most of them dead or dying in collapsing underground tunnels, what little is left of the Spur Clan has to flee into the marsh and eke out rudimentary lives with what spirits they can. There may be survivors but the Spur Clan itself is gone.
Eep. Hindisght 20 20 and all that.

...are we absolutely sure that this new iteration of the self-defense order will not leave the Spirits with loopholes to potentially cause civilization collapse again? Because, ah, ouch, I was really rooting for the Spur Clan there.

Maybe we should, I don't know, grant the Spirits greater empathy, or something? Like... give (some of) them an innate respect for and desire to preserve fellow sentients. I want there to be some way for the Lek-Kego and the Spirits to open up some sort of rudimentary dialogue and establish mutual understanding *before* the metaphorical nukes come out. We could keep the self defense order - just make it, I don't know... so that the Spirits have a sense of restraint? Compassion?

Am I making any sense? :<
Well THAT happened!
I'm thinking we might want to consider just a plain old metal supplement for these guys, lest they eat their own homes before they can grow to appreciate the mystery buried within!
That was... Exceedingly punishing. Why did the Spur Clan go blatantly against what the spirits of the Plateau wanted? I thought they were explicitly listening to and respecting spirits. Was the bit about the prized colors in shells enough to override their religious respect?
Ha. Go for minor adversity to triumph over, end up with total societal collapse.

So if spirit pacts are up for the spirits themselves to interpret, we should definitely be more careful in how we word those interventions. I think the current leading vote still leaves enough room for the spirits to war against our chosen people or conduct reprisal attacks. Can we try to reword the pact in a way that doesn't leave that much room for interpretation?

-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Spirits may only harm individuals directly threatening their personal existence and only so long as the threat is contemporaneous and proximate.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Spirits may only harm individuals directly threatening their personal existence and only so long as the threat is contemporaneous and proximate.
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
-[X] [Spirit][Pact] Spirits cannot consider acts that could kill more than 10 lek kego self defence
-[X] Having made your Pact with the spirits of the world, you have instructed them all that they may inflict violence upon your chosen people in the name of self-defence. This command filters through the back-doors of the minds of every spirit in the world, passed along in a chain of communication that is only sometimes misinterpreted. And that is why when the Spear Clan continues their aggressive mining operations to strip the steel off the surface of the filament in the bare patches along the beach, the steel spirits rise up and start murdering them. Their homes are under attack after all. This is the cause of great upheaval and the start of a prolonged conflict known as the Steel War. Hundreds, thousands, of Lek-kego die in the early days of it as steel spirits stalk the sands and rip people limb from limb. They don't have it all their way of course, as the fabric of their own essence form the Spear Clan's own shells, weapons and fortifications. The Spear Clan retreats to its domes and its forts, with dead and dying steel-spirits spiked out in front to ward off others. The outlying lands are lost and all communication with their newly formed colony on the other side of the beach is severed. Many proclaim this the darkest days and the end of Lek-kego civilisation, having practically forgotten that other Lek-kego once existed at all.
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